St. Sofia Byzantine Catholic School

St. Sofia
Byzantine Catholic School
Sharing, Caring and Preparing
A Prayer for a New School Year
St. Sofia School
c/o St. Kateri Tekakwitha
3566 South Common Court
Mississauga, ON L5L 2B1
Good and gracious God,
As our new school year begins,
fill the hearts of our students with
an eagerness to learn about the world,
themselves and You.
Tel: 905-625-0823
Fax: 905-412-3073
P. Kasij
I. Sauvé
Bless our teachers with gifts of
wisdom and patience that they may help
students find the truth.
C. Blanchard
Give our parents generous hearts
to encourage their children.
Help all of us to work together
to form a community of learning that
teaches not only the skills for success,
but all that we need to
live our faith fully in the world. AMEN.
St. Elias Church
Mitred Archpriest
Roman Galadza, Pastor
F. Di Cosola
 know that we are all
part of God’s family
 want to be good like
 pray regularly and
School Blessing and Curriculum Evening
7:00—8:30 p.m.
September 30, 2014
St. Sofia Feast Day—Opening School Moleben
10:30 a.m.—11:15 a.m.
Both events to be held in the school Cafetorium
Dates to Know:
September 2014
 see good in the world
 use and respect other
people’s right names
loves us all
 believe that God loves
us no matter what
 learn from the family
of the Catholic Church
September 24, 2014
M. Pascucci
S. Hobin
A. Abbruscato
T. Thomas
P. Ferreira
B. Iannicca
E. O’Toole
 know there is good in
 learn from bible sto-
Rt. Rev. Dr. Roman Pankiw
Pastor Dean
Rev. Roman Trynoga, Assistant
People of Faith . . .
 are confident that God
St. Mary’s Church
Parish Priests
A. da Silva
L. Zannella
S. McLauchlan
from the heart
N. Vereshchak
M. van Putten
Virtue of the Month
September 15 - 17 - Gr. 6 at Camp Muskoka
September 26 - Terry Fox Walk
September 26 - Civvies Day
In this issue:
 Principal’s Message
 School Staff
 School Routines, Policies
& Procedures
 Student Insurance
 Emergency Evacuation
 Busing Information
 Student Health & Safety
 Volunteering
 Catholic School Council
 September Calendar
On behalf of the St. Sofia staff, Pani Sauvé and
myself, it is a pleasure to welcome back everyone to
another exciting school year at St. Sofia at our new, temporary St. Kateri Tekakwitha location. We hope that you
had a relaxing and happy summer vacation. I wish to
extend a special welcome to all of our new families and
trust that you will soon feel at home here. We are very
excited to have a brand new group of kindergarten
children who will be starting school for the first time.
The staff have been working very hard and preparing for
what promises to be a truly rewarding and memorable
year for all. We are very pleased to provide many
programs that promote cooperation and team work. We
will continue to strive towards providing an educational
environment that is safe, caring and inclusive for all.
We look forward to working cooperatively and
collaboratively with clergy, students, staff and parents in
nurturing each child’s Byzantine Catholic Faith and
traditions and in supporting our common goal of
academic excellence. We continue to invite your
participation in creating a partnership that helps to
foster and promote a positive Catholic learning
Environment. Please get involved in your child’s
education by participating in our volunteer program. We
would also like to strongly encourage you to join our
School Council. In pursuit of excellence, the partnership
of home, school and parish is essential for the success of
our children.
I encourage all of our parents to read through the very
important information contained in our monthly
newsletters and to feel free to contact the school for
further clarification. I look forward to seeing you all on
September 24th for Curriculum Night.
P. Kasij
Welcome to the St. Sofia School Community!
Pahn Chwartacky, Gr. 3/4
Panna Maxymiw, Gr. 5
Pani Tetrault, Gr. 6/7
Panna Czoli, DECE for FDK
Ms. Papadogianis, Social Worker
Welcome back!
Pani Tolomiczenko, FDK
Pani Washchuk, Gr. 2
St. Sofia School Staff
Gr. 1
Gr. 1
Gr. 1
Gr. 1/2
Gr. 2
Gr. 2
Gr. 3
Gr. 3
Gr. 3/4
Gr. 4
Gr. 4
Gr. 5
Gr. 5
Gr. 6
Gr. 7
Gr. 7/8
Gr. 8
Planning Time
Teacher Librarian /
Planning Time
Ukrainian Dept.
T. Stech
S. Ladna & I. Semczuk
K. Tolomiczenko & M. Czoli
L. Snihura & O. Konopada
C. Solowy
O. Holyk
K. Horbaczuk
T. Kraw
H. Chaplia
C. Waschuk
L. Mazur
M. Moskalyk
S. Chwartacky
G. Melech
L. Ljahovic
M. Maxymiw
H. Palaszczuk
N. Babicky
D. Kopach
D. Desimone
M. Baran
D. Twerdochlib
M. Czurylowicz
T. Dowhal
H. Ostapiuk
H. Polsinelli, O. Solovka
E.R.W. Support
Head Secretary
Assistant Secretary
D. Neave
S. Constantino-Dinis
M. Rivera
O. Iakovleva, O. Petryn
D. Bilyj, B. Roszczenko
J. Hongens
A. Mekhail
N. Vereshchak
M. van Putten
I. Sauvé
P. Kasij
Special Services
Child & Youth Worker
Social Worker
Speech Pathologist
Settlement Worker
H. Mesaric
M. Papdogianis
V. Shaughnessy
L. Buckle
S. Abdelmessih
Buses drop students off at the St. Sofia Main entrance
doors (west side) and students enter the building
directly where they are met and supervised by staff.
There is no outside area for students to congregate
prior to the 9:20 bell. If parents are driving students
to school, they must arrive after all buses have left and
park in the west side staff parking lot, in the southwest
corner spots or at the neigbouring mall and walk their
child into the school.
Parents MUST NOT DRIVE with buses onto the school
driveway during bus arrivals.
The safety of our students and staff is of paramount
importance. It is imperative that ALL parents/
guardians driving their children to school adhere to the
these guidelines and comply with the traffic and
parking signage at school. We appreciate your
cooperation in helping keep your children safe.
Attendance Line: 905-625-0823 PRESS #1
As in the past, we ask that you call the school on the
days your child will be absent. This is a safety
precaution that can save precious moments should
there ever be an emergency situation. We thank you
for your continued support in following this
Please continue to call on each day that your child
is absent. When your child returns to school, please
provide the teacher with a note regarding the
specific reason for the absence.
As part of an effort to promote and maintain a
positive climate , the Board has policy regarding
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDS) on school
property. All PEDs (this includes cell phones) must be
kept out of sight, turned off and not used within
school premises or during school-sanctioned
activities. To prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, we
encourage students to leave their PEDs at home as
the school cannot be responsible for their safe
Parents are reminded that dismissal time is 4:05 p.m.
In order to ensure that your child is safely dismissed
we request that dismissal routines remain consistent
and don’t change on a daily basis. Please do not come
into the office to sign your children out early unless it
is an emergency. This is disruptive to the students in
the class and the learning that is taking place. Please
also be reminded that if you are signing out your child
early, there is NO PARKING IN THE BUS LANES in front
of the St. Sofia main entrance. Parents must park in
the designated spots only. If buses arrive at this time,
you will have to wait until all buses have been boarded
and left the school property. Cars are prohibited from
passing buses or interfering with the loading of
students onto buses — this compromises student
safety. Thank you for your cooperation.
Students in Grades 1-8 will be using school agendas
to help develop their organizational skills. Please
take some time to look over your child’s agenda.
School policy and the Catholic Code of Conduct are
outlined in the front section of the agenda. The
agenda is used daily to help assist your child with
organization and time management skills. It is also
an effective tool used to keep parents/guardians
informed on what is happening in class and in the
school. Agendas are to be signed daily by
The Dufferin-Peel homework policy (Kindergarten to
Grade 12) was adopted to foster consistency across
the Board in this area. Please refer to your child’s
school agenda for information about the homework
The homework policy may also
be viewed at:
September’s Virtue—FAITH
To begin the new school year, we’ll focus our attention on the first of our virtues—FAITH.
Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting that God is with us.
A FAITHFUL person…
- Prays regularly and reverently
- Learns from Scripture stories
- Honours people’s God-given names
- Assumes that there is good in everyone
- Accepts the God-given worth of themselves and others
Prayer for FAITH
Gracious and merciful God of all creation,
You have loved us since before we were born.
From our mothers’ wombs to our eternal place in heaven you have given us
the gifts to live and grow in safety.
We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to follow your plan
and form a safe, caring, inclusive community here at St. Sofia.
May our faith in you and your plan lead us to know and feel your presence among us.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, your Son, who lived to show us your way. AMEN.
On REFLECTION…What can I do today that would please God?
Books about FAITH
Parents are encouraged to read with their children and to their children
about this month’s virtue.
Good Morning, God by Davis Carman
Let the Whole Earth Sing Praise by Tomie dePaola
Sammy Experiences God by Tom Blackaby & Rick Osborne
Thank You God, for Blessing Me by Max Lucado
Student insurance — very important action required
As required by the EDUCATION ACT and the Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information about costeffective student accident insurance coverage via student carrier “Insuremykids Protection Plan.” Forms were distributed to students the first week of school.
It is imperative that parents/guardians return the completed “Student Accident Insurance
Acknowledgement 2014/2015 School Year” form to the respective classroom teacher.
Effective September 2012, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board requires parents/guardians
written acknowledgement that they have received information regarding Student Insurance, especially for
those students participating in out-of-school excursions and/or extra-curricular sports activities. Although
enrolment is voluntary, the board encourages parents to take advantage of the excursions/field trips, or,
if parents do not have dental insurance coverage.
Two options are offered for enrolment:
1) Complete the traditional form and mail it in
2) Photocopy the form and fax it to Reliable Life at 1-905-522-7211 or 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). Parents
alone have the right to insure their children.
Please note that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board DOES NOT provide insurance for students
against any accidental death, disability, dismemberment, or medical expenses that might occur as a result of accident during school activities, including sports events and field trips.
If an emergency required the total evacuation of the school, students and teachers would walk to:
St. Ignatius Loyola Church
2300 Burnhamthorpe Road West
Mississauga, ON L5L 3T6
An emergency may affect more than one neighbourhood. Parents will be informed as soon as possible as to the
safety and whereabouts of their children.
We have fire safety, hold and secure, and lockdown procedures.
We will be practicing several times over the course of
the year. A reminder: Students must wear shoes in the school
building at all times. If the alarm goes off, students will not be
permitted to stop to put on shoes, coats, hats, etc. Their safety
is our first priority. Please ensure that your child has an indoor
pair of shoes at school.
It is expected that all students will come to
school each day in full uniform. Please note
that McCarthy’s is the official supplier of
uniforms for St. Sofia School.
Civvies Day will be held once per month on the
last Friday of each month. .
Please refer to the Student Agenda for
guidelines about uniforms.
Please be aware that t-shirts, cargo pants,
sweat pants, leggings, corduroy pants or jeans
are not part of the school uniform.
It is expected that all students will dress in clean,
neat and practical clothing. Students who wear
t-shirts with slogans and symbols are asked to
be mindful of what is written on them and to
ensure they are appropriate for a Catholic school
Dry footwear must be worn at all times in the
Please ensure your child has both indoor and
outdoor footwear.
There are some instances where students may
need a change of clothing. Please consider having
your child leave an extra set of clothing in his/her
locker should the need arise. It will also save
parents the trouble of bringing clothes to school.
Please consider becoming more involved at St. Sofia by joining
our Catholic School Council. All parents are welcome to attend
meetings scheduled throughout the year.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our 2013-2014
School Council, you are encouraged to complete a nomination
form. Forms must be submitted to the office by Friday,
September 19th, 2014. If an election is necessary, it will take
place at the first scheduled meeting. Eligible voters must vote in
person. Proxy voting is not permitted. Results will be published
in our October newsletter.
Please note that if you are interested in being a member of the
Catholic School Council, recent legislation makes it mandatory
that everyone submit a Criminal Reference Check. Criminal Reference Check Application forms can be
picked up at the school but must be dropped off at Peel Police Headquarters at 7750 Hurontario Street,
Brampton. However, if you have a Criminal Reference Check on file at the school, then you do not need
a new one but will need to sign an Annual Criminal Offence Declaration.
Students who travel to school by bus must adhere to the rules for their own safety.
Students shall:
Remain seated at all times when the bus is in motion.
Keep all parts of their body inside the bus.
Obey the instructions of the bus driver.
Avoid excess noise and rowdiness, which may distract the driver and thus endanger all students on the bus.
Refrain from throwing objects out the bus window.
Be prepared to pay for any deliberate damage to the bus and/or its equipment and furnishings.
All students who receive a Bus Discipline Form (pink slip) from the school bus driver will
have a meeting with the Pani Sauvé.
Second “Bus Discipline Form” results in a phone call home to parents.
A third “Bus Discipline Form” may result in a suspension of bus privileges.
Students may be suspended from the bus immediately for serious offences
This website provides up-to-date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions.
This website allows parents to access specific information such as whether their child is eligible
for transportation. This site also provides parents information about pick-up and drop-off times
for specific bus stop locations.
Contact STOPR
Transportation EAST 905-890-6000
Please have your child’s OEN (Ontario
Education Number) ready when calling.
STOPR will not be able to give out student information without it. You can
find the OEN number on the report
card or by contacting the school.
Special Education Transportation:
—> 905-890-6362
As we begin a new school year, we would like to inform you that St. Sofia School is an ‘allergen aware school.’
There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life-threatening allergies to certain foods, such as
peanut and nut products and/or milk products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe lifethreatening reactions.
In order to respect the caution required for bringing food into the school, parents are
asked to use alternate methods to recognize your child’s birthday. This could be in the
form of a book donated to the class in your child’s name or a non-edible treat
(e.g., pencil, stickers etc. ).
Donuts from Tim Horton’s, or any other products that are NOT Nut Free, will no
longer be permitted as a treat in class. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated
annually for any student who requires medication to be administered at school. If your
child requires medication please have the necessary forms completed and return
them, along with any medication, to the office as soon as possible.
The “No Child Without Program” offers a free Medic Alert membership to students who attend
our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th birthday. If your child has a medical
condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis then you should consider a
Medic Alert membership. Your child’s voice in an emergency, Medic Alert membership:
 Gives emergency first responders immediate access to your child’s medical information
on their Medic Alert bracelet or necklet.
 Enables first responders to quickly obtain up-to-date medical information by means of
the child’s Electronic Health Record through the 24 Hour Emergency Hotline.
 Communicates with the parent or emergency contact upon activation of the hotline.
 Allows free updates of the child’s medical record as needed.
For further information, visit If your child is already part of the No Child
Without program and there have been changes to their medical condition, medications,
emergency contact information call Medic Alert at 1-866-679-3220 ext #1 to update your child’s
On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations in which non-custodial parents arrive at school asking to
visit their child or to take their child home after school. We are best able to serve and protect students when we
are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights and other special instructions. If legal custody
matters affect your family, please ensure that our office staff and classroom teachers are aware of any custodial
arrangements that may affect your child during school hours.
The Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District
School Board is now
For the latest Board news and information
Parents are welcomed to the school throughout
the year, however, for the safety of children, ALL
parents and visitors must ring the entry bell
ONCE and WAIT. After being granted entry,
parents must sign in at the office and receive a
visitor’s sticker each and every time you visit
the building.
Parents and visitors are
not entitled to go to the
classrooms as this is a
disruption to student
Since the hallways are
busy during pickup times, siblings and parents
are asked to arrange with your child, a meeting
spot OUTSIDE of the school. Messages and
deliveries (keys, lunches, etc) are handled
through the office. Please remember that to
most students in the school, you are a stranger.
Thank you for keeping our students safe at
Peel Health will continue to offer
free immunization against
Hepatitis B for students in Grade 7,
and the HPV vaccination for Grade
8 girls. It is given as a series of two
injections over a period of six months. If you
have any questions please call the Peel
Health Department at (905)799-7700. The
first inoculation date is November 21st.
Parent volunteers are always welcomed at St. Sofia
School. If you are interested in volunteering at the
school, please contact the office at (905) 625-0823.
Any school volunteers who will come into regular
contact with students will be required to
produce a Criminal Reference Check and Annual
Criminal Offence Declaration.
A Criminal Reference Check is to be submitted to
the Principal prior to being accepted as a volunteer
in the school. Volunteers who have previously
submitted CRC’s will be required to submit an
annual Criminal Offence Declaration. Forms should
be submitted to the Principal who will house them
in a secure location, with the utmost respect to the
confidential nature of the material.
Copies of these forms are available in the office.