Tools for IMRT QA N. Dogan, Ph.D Department of Radiation Oncology Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Virginia Hospitals Richmond, VA, USA Objectives • To identify the QA tasks involving IMRT • To describe the QA tools for all aspects of IMRT process • To explain the limitations of the current IMRT QA tools • To compare the IMRT QA tools and techniques N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan QA tasks for IMRT • Machine QA- Acceptance and routine QA of the MLC for IMRT delivery - dosimetric and geometric characteristics • Algorithm QA for IMRT - QA of planning system and data consistency with machine • Patient Specific QA – prove plan works 91D and 2D dosimetry of treatment components such IM beams and segments 93D dosimetry of entire treatment delivery • Post Treatment QA • Log-file analysis N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools • Detectors • Phantoms • Scanners • Dosimetric Analysis Tools N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Detector Requirements for IMRT QA • Geometric and dosimetric accuracy • Volumetric simultaneously integrating dosimeter • • • • • to faithfully quantify the dose delivered over the total time of treatment Good spatial resolution, tissue equivalent response Ability to provide 3-D information Portability to multiple phantoms Ease of use Sufficiently large dynamic range and be insensitive to photon energy spectrum and dose rate response which is independent of the energy spectrum N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Detectors • Many of them available for IMRT measurements • Necessary to characterize the detector response for both static and dynamic fields for linearity • Need to be calibrated for absolute measurements • Need to determine stem and cable effects N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Detectors • Need to determine energy dependence and angular response • Small field detectors required for small field characterization 9Sensitive to position 9Detector should be smaller than homogeneous region of dose to be measured • Assess electrometer response N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Detectors, cont. Dose (cGy) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 • Need to determine necessary resolution 9 depends on the resolution of the beamlet grid that is used for planning and sequencing fields for delivery 9 Chambers with the smaller volumes are more sensitive to position and will have a higher response when positioned at an opposing leaf pair junction and between adjacent leaves More stable measurement point Poor detector position Courtesy of Jean Moran, UofM N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools 1-D and 2-D Detectors • Ion chamber (1-D) • TLDs and MOSFETs (1-D) • Detector arrays (2-D) • Film (2-D) 9Radiographic 9Radiochromic • Gels (3-D) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Small 1-D Detectors Volume (cm3) Diameter (cm) Disadvantages Microchamber 0.009 0.6 Poorer resolution than diodes Pinpoint chamber 0.015 0.2 Detector Over-respond to low energy photons Martens et al. 2000 p-type Si diode 0.3 0.4 Stereotactic diode NA 0.45 MOSFET NA NA Non-linear dose response for <30 cGy Diamond 0.0019 0.73 < resolution than diodes, dose rate dependence, expensive N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Ion Chamber • Advantages 9Available in different shape and sizes 9Dosimetric response is well understood. 9Absolute dose measurements – theory is well establish, they can be used as a benchmark standard 9Easy to calibrate N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Ion Chamber, cont. • Disadvantages 9Only one measurement point for each irradiation – does not yield sufficient information to evaluate the dose throughout the target and/or critical structures 9Volume averaging – the measurements are to be considered as an average throughout the chamber’s active volume - does not yield significant errors if the ion chamber is placed in a low dose-gradient region even for relatively large chambers N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Ion Chamber volume averaging, cont. Micro cham: 0.009cc PTW: 0.125cc Farmer:0.65cc D.A. Low et al. “Ionization chamber volume averaging effects in dynamic intensity modulated radiation therapy beams, Med. Phys.30(7): 1706-1711 (2003 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools TLDs • Advantages 9Multiple measurement points in a single irradiation 9Reusable 9Easy to use in multiple phantoms 9Small size and versatility in placement 9Readily available readout equipment 9Achievable accuracy: 2-3% N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools TLDs • Disadvantages 9Requires calibration to determine calibration factor for each TLD chip 9Requires calibration of subset of TLD chips for each measurement 9TLD reader response and oven temperature should me routinely monitored to maintain consistent TLD response 9Automatic reader recommended for IMRT field verification due to large number of TLDs required for verification in a plane (60 or more) – inefficient for routine IMRT QA N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools TLDs, cont. D.A. Low et al. “Phantoms for IMRT Dose Distribution Measurement and Treatment Verification, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 40: 1231-1235 (1998). N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools MOSFET systems • Advantages 9Excellent spatial resolution – small size (~0.04mm2) 9Multiple detectors can be irradiated simultaneously 9Automatic and immediate readout 9Can be re-used immediately 9Linear dose response > 30 cGy 9Response independent of depth 9Commercially available phantoms to accommodate the small detectors N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools MOSFET systems • Disadvantages 9Decrease linearity for < 30 cGy – limited to high dose applications 9Over-response for the phantom scatter factor for small fields 9Specific application and measurement conditions should be carefully assessed and the detector should be used in the appropriate dose range N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools MOSFET systems Bias Box Reader MOSFET TNRD50 system Courtesy of Cynthia Chuang, UCSF An axial image of MOSFET N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan phantom IMRT QA Tools MOSFET systems MOSFET Linearity Mosfet Consistency 1400 4.0 MOSFET1 MOSFET2 MOSFET3 MOSFET4 1200 MOSFET1 MOSFET2 MOSFET3 3.0 2.0 1000 1.0 800 0.0 -1.0 600 -2.0 400 -3.0 -4.0 200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of Measurements 0 0 100 200 300 400 Radiation (cGy) Courtesy of Cynthia Chuang, UCSF N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools MOSFET systems Percent Depth Dose Comparison 1.2 Angular Dependence Ion Chamber MOSFET 1 2.0 1.5 Percentage (%) 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.0 -0.5 0.6 -1.0 -1.5 0.4 -2.0 -2.5 0.2 -3.0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Degrees 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Depth (cm) Courtesy of Cynthia Chuang, UCSF N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Cal. 1.64 Gy Meas. 1.72 Gy Diff 4.6 % Cal. 0.70 Gy Meas. 0.68 Gy Diff - 2.8 % Courtesy of Cynthia Chuang, UCSF Calc. 2.18 Gy Meas. 2.09 Gy Diff –4.35% Calc. 1.37 Gy Meas. 1.42 Gy Diff –3.52% N. Dogan /July 2005 Calc. 0.81 Gy Meas. 0.78 Gy Diff –3.45% N. Dogan Current IMRT QA Tools 2-D Detectors • Film 9 Radiographic 9 Radiochromic • Beam imaging system, CCD, SLIC, AMFPI • 2-D Detector arrays 9 Diode array (Mapcheck) 9 Ion chamber • Active matrix flat panel detector (AMFPD) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Radiographic Film • Advantages 9Readily available (XV, EDR2, …) 9Can be cut into any desired shape 9Excellent spatial resolution (<1mm) 9Less expensive than other 2-D systems N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Radiographic Film, cont. • Disadvantages 9Over-response to low energy x-rays – high atomic number of the active material – not good for absolute dosimetry 9Dependent on QA of film batch 9Dependent on processor and digitizer 9Sensitive to storage conditions 9Need to measure the response to dose for each experiment – H&D curve each time 9Proper normalization is critical N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Current IMRT QA Tools Radiographic Film, cont. • Other issues 9Store in a cool and dry place 9Make sure that the temperature for the film processor is stable 9Film digitizer pixel spacing, integrity of OD, beware of artifacts 9Verify spatial and optical density accuracy N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Rapid Film Calibration 120 MU 240 MU 90 MU 210 MU 60 MU 180 MU 30 MU 150 MU • Multiple dose levels per • • • film-3x3 cm2 fields of different dose levels Step-and-shoot or SMLC delivery Different dose values required for XV and EDR2 film (15 -120MU for XV and 30-240MU for EDR2) Saves both time and film Childress et al Med Phys 29(10), 2002. N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools XV vs. EDR Film XV 3.5 1.6 1.4 3.0 EDR 2.5 2.0 XV2, 6 MV 1.5 XV2, 15 MV 1.0 Co60-EDR2 6MV-EDR2 10MV-EDR2 18MV-EDR2 1.2 Optical Density Net Optical Density Depth-corrected H&D EDR2, 6 MV 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 EDR2, 15 MV 0.5 0.2 0 0.0 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 Dose (cGy) Chetty and Charland 2002 PMB 47: 3629-3641 N. Dogan /July 2005 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Dose (cGy) Dogan et al. 2002 PMB 47: 4121-4130 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Depth-corrected H&D curves XV 1.6 6MV-EDR2-Depth corrected 6MV-EDR2-Regular EDR 1.2 1.4 Optical Density Optical Density 1.4 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 18MV-EDR2-Depth corrected 18MV-EDR2-Regular 1.6 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Dose (cGy) 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Dose (cGy) Dogan et al. 2002 PMB 47: 4121-4130 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Ion Chamber Film- depth corrected H&D Film regular H&D Dogan et al. 2002 PMB 47: 4121-4130 (a) (b) Ion chamber and EDR2 film depth-dose curves for a) 6 x 6 cm2, b) 14 x 14 cm2 films for 10 MV beam. Films were positioned parallel to the beam and OD to dose conversion was done using regular and depth-corrected H&D curves. N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Childress et al. Med. Phys. 32(2) 2005 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools As compared to XV film, EDR2 film • has less dependence on the processor, field size • less response to low energy photons • have better reproducibility and agreement with ion chamber measurements • can be used to measure a complete fraction of an IMRT treatment N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Radiographic Film: 2-D Dosimetric Measurements Intensity map from Opt System Calculated Leaf Sequencer Calc-Meas Courtesy of Jean Moran, UM Measured N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Radiographic Film: Routine DMLC QA • Using radiographic films 9Intensity-modulated pattern field 9Check leaf position, acceleration, motion stability 9Check for hot and cold density 9Visual check DMLC field 14x14 cm2 at SSD =100 cm, 2 cm separated strips N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Film – Processor issues • Should do routine maintenance and quality • • • • assurance – verify spatial intensity, characteristic response, noise due to large changes in optical density ( Dempsey et al, Med Phys, 26; 1721-1731, 1999). Should be warmed up prior to use Should have appropriate amount of chemicals - Several films should be run in advance Should have stable temperature Should have a consistent rate of feeding into the processor N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Film – Other Issues • Accurate positioning of the film in the phantom – for the registration with treatment planning system • Minimized errors by using a solid-water slab designed for film • Have pins between slabs that puncture the film N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Radiochromic Film (RCF) • Advantages 9No significant energy dependence – decreased sensitivity to low-energy photons 9Insensitivity to visible light 9Very high spatial resolution - well-suited for measurements in high-dose gradient fields 9Self-developing – no developer or fixer is required 9Easy to handle 9Tissue equivalent N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Radiochromic Film, cont. • Disadvantages 9Takes a couple of hours for the color change to stabilize, and it may be necessary to wait up to two days before evaluating the film 9Sensitive to the air temperature and humidity 9Ultraviolet light may cause a color change without exposure to ionizing radiation 9Size, availability, and cost 9Non-uniform response to radiation – double exposure technique minimizes this effect 9Issues with thermal history, wavelength dependence, and local sensitivity of the film N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools RCF (Gafchromic HS and MD55-2) vs radiographic films (XV and EDR2) O. Zeidan et al., Med. Phys., 31 (10):2730-2737 (2004) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools RCF profiles vs. Ion chamber J. Dempsey et al., Med. Phys., 27 (10):2462-2475 (2000) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools RCF – digitizer issues • Response of the digitizer • Light source characteristics • Design Gluckman et al, Med Phys, 29(8); 1839-1846, 2002. N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Other 2-D systems • Beam imaging system, CCD, SLIC, Amorphous silicon flat panel detector (AMFPD) 9 EPID systems attached to gantry 9 Investigated more for pre-treatment QA currently • 2-D Detector arrays 9 Diode array (e.g; MapCheck) 9 Ion chamber (e.g; LA48 linear array) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools EPID Systems • • • • Charged coupled device (CCD) camera systems Scanning liquid ion chambers (SLICs) Amorphous silicon flat panel detector (AMFPD) Active matrix flat panel imagers (AMFPIs) Patient or Phantom Transit Dosimetry Pre-Tx 2-D Measurements N. Dogan /July 2005 Film Replacement N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools EPID Systems • aS500 EPID 9 1 mm copper plate 9 Phosphor scintillating layer (Kodak Lanex Fast B – Gd2O2S:Tb, 70 mg/cm3) 9 Array of photodiodes 9 Amorphous Silicon panel Æ each pixel consists of: ¾Light sensitive photodiode ¾Thin film transistor 9 16-bit ADC Munro et. al, Med. Phys. 25, 1998 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools EPIDs Advantages • Many centers have installed EPIDs and being primarily used for patient-specific pretreatment field verification and MLC QA 9 Logical extension to investigate dosimetric applications • Mounted to linear accelerator - known geometry with respect to the beam 9 Detector sag must be accounted for at different gantry angles 9 Positioning reproducibility important • Real time digital evaluation 9 No processor, data acquisition takes less time N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools EPIDs - Challenges • EPIDs were primarily designed for patient localization 9High resolution, good contrast images 9Additional dose to the patient should be minimized • The conversion of imager response to dose is complex 9Imaging system dependent • Other problems 9Ghosting 9Lag N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools EPIDs – Dose determination • Imager response must be calibrated to a standard • Absolute calibration to ion chamber at a point over a ROI 9E.g. ion chamber in a mini-phantom or slab at same SDD as EPID • 2-D calibration to actual beam distribution at the imager plane 9Can be measured with film or a diode array N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Factors for EPID Response • Water-equivalent depth of the detector • Field size dependence and scatter properties within the imager • Short- and long-term reproducibility • Dose rate • Energy dependence • Spatial integrity N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools EPID: DMLC measurements Overall: Good agreement 10 MV + Predicted EPID Ion Chamber 25 MV Discrepancies in the penumbra region (up to 10%) Pasma Med Phys 26: 2373-2378 (2376) 1999 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Linear Diode Array in water vs. CCD Without short range penumbra correction Courtesy of Jean Moran, UofM N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Dose Determination using EPID (SLIC) Chang et al., Int J Radiat Oncol Phys 47: 231-240 (p. 233) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Calculation vs. measured using AMFPD for DMLC Calculated (Calculated – Measured) Agreement : Within +/- 2 cGy Courtesy of Jean Moran, UofM N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools • EPIDs can provide a much-needed replacement for pre-tx QA film dosimetry 9Only if proper QA of the EPID is established 9Need better understanding of regions where EPIDs are inadequate for dosimetry 9Systems must be verified at more centers against accepted QA methods such as film and ion chamber 9Additional software is required before more facilities can do proper validation of the methods (Software must be commissioned) 9Can be part of a comprehensive QA program in conjunction with other methods such as computational checks (monitor programs, log file analysis, etc.) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gel Dosimeters • Advantages 93-D information in one irradiation 9Energy and dose-rate independent 9High sensitivity and linear response 9Cumulative 9Gel density can be changed - Ideal for anthropomorphic phantoms 9Near tissue equivalent 9Multiple readout techniques (MR, optical-CT) 9New gel formulations and readers commercially available N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gel Dosimeters • Disadvantages 9Sensitive to time, preparation, temperature 9Cylindrical container required for optical readers - less accurate readout at gel/container interface 9MR time is often limited and expensive - long scan times for accurate readout, e.g. 5% accuracy over 10 hr scan time (Gum et al. 2002) 9Relative dosimeter -require cross-calibration technique – batch to batch they are different 9Cost N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gel dosimetry 8cm • In-house optical CT scanner – cost is less • Oldham and Kim, Med. Phys. 31 (5), 1093-1104. • Upgraded motors, motion control, and user interface. (Pacific Scientific: step motors. National Instruments: motion control and Labview.) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gels: Optical Density to Dose Calibration • 6 Beam calibration irradiation • BANG gel phantom diameter 17.4cm Courtesy of Mark Oldham, Duke University N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gel Dosimeters • Five Field Prostate IMRT Courtesy of Mark Oldham, Duke University • Re-computed for a 3 L BANG gel dosimeter. •Dmax scaled to 1.8 Gy to fit dynamic range of optical scanner • BANGkitTM from MGS Research. Optical-CT @ 1x1x3mm, 5hours N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gel Dosimeters Isodose comparison: Pinnacle (red), Gel-dosimetry (black) Courtesy of Mark Oldham, Duke University N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gel Dosimeters Gum, et al. “Preliminary study on the use of an inhomogeneous anthropomorphic Fricke gel phantom and 3D magnetic resonance dosimetry for verification of IMRT plans ,” Phys Med Biol 47; N67-77 2002. N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Phantoms for IMRT Measurements • multiple phantoms for commissioning • Fiducials for reproducible setup of phantom and detectors • User-customized for different detectors – allow special holders • Simple vs. anthropomorphic • Homogeneous or heterogeneous N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Current IMRT QA Tools Simple Geometric Phantoms • Water tank 9 Accommodate different ion chambers 9 Use for measurements of depth dose and profiles 9 Output, flatness, symmetry, and linearity assessment • Cylindrical mini-phantom 9 Use with ion chamber to assess dependence of output on gantry angle • Water-equivalent plastics: slab w/ custom chamber inserts 9 1-D and 2-D measurements 9 Detector position can be varied with depth • Cylindrical phantoms (plastic or water filled) 9 Straightforward geometry 9 Ion chamber at single position 9 Plastic phantoms may hold films N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Water-equivalent square IMRT Verification Phantom D.A. Low et al. “Phantoms for IMRT Dose Distribution Measurement and Treatment Verification, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 40: 1231-1235 (1998). N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Current IMRT QA Tools A Cylindrical Phantom containing movable ion chamber L. Xing et al. “Dosimetric verification of a commercial inverse treatment planning system, Phys. Med. Biol. 44: 463-478 (1998). N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools A cylindrical Plastic Phantom Detector N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Plastic Cylindrical Phantom with MOSFETs Calc. 1.37 Gy Meas. 1.42 Gy Diff –3.52% Calc. 0.81 Gy Meas. 0.78 Gy Diff –3.45% Courtesy of Cynthia Chuang, UCSF N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Spiral Phantom Paliwal et al “A spiral phantom for IMRT and tomotherapy treatment delivery verification” Med Phys (2000). N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Anthropomorphic: RPC Head Phantom Target Volumes Removable Dry Insert Water Critical Structure Water Courtesy of Jean Moran, UofM TLDs in Target Volumes Radiochromic film through multiple plans Delivery is required by RTOG for participation in IMRT trials N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Dosimetric Analysis Tools • Provide a comprehensive and quantitative comparison between two dose distributions • Different ones available • Important to know the limitations N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Dosimetric Analysis Tools • Overlay of isodoses • 2-D dose difference displays with • • • • colorwash Dose difference histograms Distance-to-agreement (DTA) Gamma evaluation Normalized agreement test (NAT) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Isodose lines and Dose Difference Display 70 cGy 60 cGy 50 cGy 20 cGy 10 cGy Calcs Film +/- 10% Courtesy of Jean Moran, UofM N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Dose difference display • Useful in shallow dose gradients • Overly sensitive in steep dose gradients – e.g.; a small spatial shift (due to experimental measurement errors) between two dose distributions yield large dose differences N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Dose difference histogram and profiles N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Distance to Agreement (DTA) • Is the distance between a reference point • • • and the nearest point in the compared dose distribution that exhibits the same dose Is not overly sensitive in steep dose gradients In shallow dose gradients, a large DTA value may be computed even for relatively small dose differences May be hard to interpret N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Combination of dose difference and DTA • Identify regions where the dose difference • • and DTA are simultaneously by greater than a pre-selected criteria – points that fail both criteria are identified on a composite distribution The display of the dose difference may emphasize the impression of failure in high dose gradient region Provides no information on the magnitude of the failure N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gamma Analysis- Generalization of composite distribution • Measures the closest distance between each reference point and evaluated dose distribution after scaling by ∆D and ∆d G G Γ ( re , r r ) = G G G G r 2 ( r e , r r ) δ 2 ( re , r r ) + ∆d 2 ∆D 2 G G G γ ( r r ) = m i n {Γ ( re , rr ) } ∀ {re } G G r(re , rr ): spatial distance between evaluated and reference dose points ∆D : Dose difference criteria Low et al, Med Phys 30(9) 2455-64 (2003). ∆d : DTA • The point with the smallest deviation from reference point is a quantitative measure of the accuracy of the correspondence -> the quality index, γ (rr) of the reference point γ (rr) ≤ : 1 ->correspondence is within the specified acceptance criteria N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Dose Difference and DTA Dose Difference and DTA Analysis Summary Dose Diff and DTA criteria : 2% of Dmax and 2mm Points Checked = 5348 Points Passed DTA = 5312 Points Passed DD = 4363 Points Passed Either = 5343 Points Passed Both = 4332 99.3269 % of the points passed DTA 81.5819 % of the points passed DoseDiff 99.9065 % of the points passed either Either 81.0022 % of the points passed Both Dose Difference Statistics Summary Mean Dose Diff = 0.488805 0.877915 DTA Summary Mean DTA = 0.0477486 0.0747123 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Gamma Analysis Gamma Analysis Summary Dose Diff and DTA criteria : 2% of Dmax and 2mm Points Checked = 5348 Points Passed = 5348 100 % of the points passed Gamma Gamma Statistics Summary GammaBar = 0.0406743 0.0620086 Dose Diff and DTA criteria : 3% of Dmax and 3mm Points Checked = 5348 Points Passed = 5348 100 % of the points passed Gamma Gamma Statistics Summary GammaBar = 0.0271162 0.0413391 N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Normalized Agreement Test (NAT) • Is based on a 2D array of • calculated image of NAT values derived from comparisons of measured and computed doses. Assumes that two dose distribution images are registered each other and NAT is calculated using N A T = D sc a le × (δ − 1 ) N A T in d e x A ve( N A T ) = A v e ( D sc a le ) δ : lesser of Abs(∆D/ ∆Dm) or ∆d/ ∆dm Dscale: Di /Dmax • NATindex represents the average deviation from the ∆Dm and ∆dm criteria for every dose pixel, ignoring the ones less than the set criteria N. Childress et al, “The design and testing of noval clinical parameters for dose comparison,” Int J. rad. Oncol Biol Phys 56(5) 1464-1479 (2003). N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools NAT Index N. Childress et al, “The design and testing of noval clinical parameters for dose comparison,” Int J. rad. Oncol Biol Phys 56(5) 1464-1479 (2003). N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools Other Analysis Tools • MU check software 9In-house dose calc 9Commercial packages (e.g; Radcalc) 9Monte Carlo (e.g; Peregrine, EGS4, …) – Patient QA • Software for Post-treatment QA 9Analysis of IMRT delivery log files (e.g; inhouse analysis software, Argus IMRT QA package) N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan IMRT QA Tools MC verification Superposition Monte Carlo ∆=10% N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Summary • Multiple detectors and phantoms are typically required for IMRT QA • Quantitative dose analysis tools are necessary for proper evaluation of delivery - identify the cause of discrepancies between delivery and measurements • Treatment planning vendors are starting to provide dosimetric evaluation tools • Aware of the limitations of each tool N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Summary • Verify that all equipment is functioning properly 9Film processor, digitizer 9Detectors, cables, electrometers (automatic leakage correction) 9TLD reader, ovens • Input/output to treatment planning system • Standardize measurement setup when possible • Monitor software and hardware changes and QA N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Summary • Measurements may show dosimetric differences that planning systems may not model at this time – curved leaf ends • Need to know the limits of the mechanical systems and interactions with controller and accelerator software for delivery • Continued need for improvements to software for delivery system, measurement devices, phantoms, and dose analysis tools N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan Acknowledgements Jean Moran – U of Michigan Cynthia Chuang – UCSF Mark Oldham – Duke University N. Dogan /July 2005 N. Dogan