9 E V A W H E AT H T R A E T E N A L ON P ural t a n e n o g r e d n u s y a lw a s a h e t a m t n e m p lo e v e The Earth’s cli d f o te a r d n a t n e t x e e h t , r s e d o is p e h c variations. Howeve u s ll a eed c x e g in m r a w l a b an e c o e h T . of the current glo s r a e y 0 0 ,0 0 0 4 t s a p e h t in d e is h t f o h t g n that have occurr e r t s the g in r e p m e t in le o r . le c y c plays an essential n o b r a c e h t ting la u g e r y ll ia t r a p d warming an 1. The essential greenhouse effect The Earth receives all its energy from the Sun. This energy is partly confined within the atmosphere by certain gases, which prevent it from escaping and dissipating in space. Thanks to these gases and their greenhouse effect, the lower layers of the atmosphere warm up and reach temperatures suitable for life. Without them, the heat would leave the atmosphere and return to space and the average temperature on earth would be – 18°C instead of 15°C. 2. Human activity heats the planet Since the beginnings of industrialization, man has used great quantities of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) for transport, agriculture, industry, heating or electricity. Burning of these energy sources, resulting in the emission of great quantities of carbon dioxide, CO2, has modified the atmosphere’s chemical composition and caused an additional greenhouse effect which has led to further warming of the whole planet. The concentration of CO2, one of the main greenhouse gases, has risen by about 30% in a century, causing a rise of our planet’s average temperature of about 0.85°C on land and 0.06°C in the oceans, which is extremely rapid compared with rates attained during the climate’s history. This is why we speak of climate change. 3. Is the ocean beneficial? The oceanic carbon cycle The ocean is earth’s principal carbon sink. Two main mechanisms allow this reservoir to extract carbon from the atmosphere: the Atmospheric CO2 Atmospheric CO2 through the oceanic circulation system, dragging surface waters laden in dissolved CO2 down towards the deeper layers. Phy CO2 top lan kto The biological pump fixes carbon either in the tissues of organisms via photosynthesis, or in the calcareous shells of certain n Zoo pla Falling organic debris micro-organisms. A proportion of the carbon so fixed is then pulled Carbon dissolved at surface nkt on Eup h otic Dissolved carbon down to the ocean floor and stored in marine sediments. Remineralization of organic debris At present, the ocean reabsorbs 90% of the calories produced by the additional zon e 100 Upwelling DR m 00 0 4 Without the ocean, the temperature on earth would be 8°C higher! However, the experts consider that the natural carbon sinks (oceans, biosphere) are tending to diminish overall with global warming. In this way the efficiency of the southern ocean, the planet’s principal carbon “sponge” 260 ° has been declining noticeably for nearly 30 years. 250 ° m Carbon dissolved at depth greenhouse effect and one third of anthropogenic CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. 240 ° Deep convection DR physical pump and the biological pump. The physical pump works