Regular Meeting of the Board of Education January 24, 2013, 7:00 pm Lake Zurich High School - Library 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, IL 7:00 pm Regular Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order & Roll Call II. **Public Comments – Please sign in by 7:00 p.m. III. President’s Comments & Recognitions a. Students of the Month b. Parent Volunteer of the Month c. Staff Member of the Month IV. *Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes b. Treasurer’s Report V. Human Resources – Ms. Becich a. *Personnel Report i. Employment of Certified Staff, Retirement of Certified Staff, Employment of Non-Certified Staff, Resignation of Non-Certified Staff and Retirement of Non-Certified Staff VI. Business and Operations – Ms. Cullinan a. *Check Register b. *Non-Resident Tuition Rate c. *Registration Fees d. *Bus Bid e. *Fund Transfer VII. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Egan a. 2013-2014 Tentative District Calendar b. SEL Survey Update c. Additional Information VIII. Business of the Board a. *Policy – Second Read IX. *Closed Session – to discuss personnel and pending litigation matters. *Action Items – It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these items, **Public Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual, 30 minutes total time for any one topic** In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting or any other activity or program and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting room or the District’s facilities, should contact the Superintendent’s office (847-540-4963) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Board of Education Special Recognitions – January 2013 Students of the Month School Grade Student Lake Zurich High School 12 Desirae Rowan LZ Middle School South 8 Alysia Gritsonis LZ Middle School North 7 Elijah Ogletree Isaac Fox Elementary 3 Sofia Menyalkin Sarah Adams Elementary 2 Alexandra DiCanio Spencer Loomis Elementary 2 Josh Jaffe May Whitney Elementary 1 Michael Milowski Seth Paine Elementary 1 Anna Gilbertson Parent Volunteer of the Month LZ Middle School North Lorraine Kirkpatrick Staff Members of the Month LZ Middle School South Jacqueline Heinemann, Drama Teacher Reinvite from December Middle School South, Matthew Mauleon Student of the Month Seth Paine Elementary, Sammie Kopp Student of the Month May Whitney Elementary, Liz Atkinson, Speech Pathologist Staff Member of the Month v TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: Consent Agenda DATE: January 24, 2013 Background Information: The items included for consideration on the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of Minutes Board of Education, Open Session Board of Education, Closed Session, Part I Board of Education, Closed Session, Part II Board of Education, Closed Session, Part III Committee of the Whole, Open Session Committee of the Whole, Closed Session B. December 20, 2012 December 20, 2012 December 20, 2012 December 20, 2012 January 10, 2013 January 10, 2013 Treasurer’s Report Suggested Motion: Move to approve the consent agenda as prepared and presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 12/2012) 3:44 PM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION December 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 25,793,309.00 25,793,309.00 0.00 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 445,624.47 25,636,405.99 25,270,311.00 -366,094.99 101.45 10 1230 CPPRT 12,566.01 60,938.79 91,000.00 30,061.21 66.97 10 1311 DAY TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 5,021.32 10,000.00 4,978.68 50.21 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 10,445.00 155,000.00 144,555.00 6.74 10 1323 SUMMER ACADEMY/CAMPS/TOURN 0.00 10,159.00 130,000.00 119,841.00 7.81 10 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 5,221.62 31,091.10 52,000.00 20,908.90 59.79 10 1611 PUPIL LUNCH SALES 143,033.82 680,681.19 1,228,000.00 547,318.81 55.43 10 1620 ADULT LUNCH SALES 3,595.40 10,653.80 32,000.00 21,346.20 33.29 10 1690 OTHER FOOD SERVICE REVENUE 0.00 2,750.06 0.00 -2,750.06 0.00 10 1711 ATHLETIC EVENTS 1,019.00 22,760.41 33,000.00 10,239.59 68.97 10 1712 SCH SPON TOURNAMENTS 10 1719 STUDENT REPLACEMENTS IDS 10 1720 10 0.00 7,253.34 4,500.00 -2,753.34 161.19 245.00 1,727.00 1,500.00 -227.00 115.13 FEES 2,634.13 106,401.28 835,000.00 728,598.72 12.74 1721 INTERSCHOLASTIC 4,393.75 175,752.50 315,000.00 139,247.50 55.79 10 1722 INTRAMURAL FEES 0.00 4,971.25 14,000.00 9,028.75 35.51 10 1724 BAND/ORCHESTRA/CHORAL FEES 1,120.00 30,309.25 84,000.00 53,690.75 36.08 10 1725 PE UNIFORMS 135.00 20,538.50 25,000.00 4,461.50 82.15 10 1726 PE LOCKS 21.00 190.00 1,000.00 810.00 19.00 10 1727 HIGH 0.00 72,700.00 135,000.00 62,300.00 53.85 10 1728 CHILD DEVELOPMENT TUITION 0.00 2,200.00 16,000.00 13,800.00 13.75 10 1729 TRANSCRIPTS 882.00 5,052.00 10,000.00 4,948.00 50.52 10 1730 YEARBOOK SALES 134.00 15,960.00 128,000.00 112,040.00 12.47 10 1750 STUDENT TESTING FEES 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 10 1751 A/P TESTING FEE 0.00 0.00 59,000.00 59,000.00 0.00 10 1790 OTHER PUPIL ACTIVITIES 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 0.00 10 1791 HS 80.00 680.00 1,900.00 1,220.00 35.79 10 1829 OTHER-PLANNER 0.00 20.00 400.00 380.00 5.00 10 1890 OTHER TECHNOLOGY 0.00 24.05 0.00 -24.05 0.00 10 1920 PRIVATE 0.00 1,267.72 0.00 -1,267.72 0.00 10 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 0.00 205.38 20,000.00 19,794.62 1.03 10 1970 DRIVERS ED REGIST. 24,680.00 27,047.00 61,000.00 33,953.00 44.34 10 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 10 1--- * SCHOOL PARKING FEE WEIGHT ROOM FEE CONTRIBUTIONS FEES 57.16 26,245.34 10,000.00 -16,245.34 262.45 645,442.36 26,969,451.27 54,606,920.00 27,637,468.73 49.39 01/04/13 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 12/2012) 3:44 PM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION December 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 EDUCATION FUND 3000 STATE REVENUE 10 3001 GENERAL STATE AID 193,577.64 968,426.41 2,129,051.00 1,160,624.59 45.49 10 3100 SPECIAL ED PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 489,388.31 1,199,527.00 710,138.69 40.80 10 3105 SPECIAL ED EXTRAORDINARY 0.00 411,859.12 773,871.00 362,011.88 53.22 10 3110 SPECIAL ED PERSONNEL 0.00 244,762.50 971,000.00 726,237.50 25.21 10 3145 SUMMER SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 10 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 10,498.01 16,000.00 5,501.99 65.61 10 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 33,644.00 62,958.00 29,314.00 53.44 10 3360 STATE FREE LUNCH 0.00 2,291.16 3,100.00 808.84 73.91 10 3370 DRIVER EDUCATION 0.00 12,732.86 38,000.00 25,267.14 33.51 10 3800 State Library Grant 0.00 4,698.05 0.00 -4,698.05 0.00 10 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 193,577.64 2,178,300.42 5,200,507.00 3,022,206.58 41.89 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 10 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 146,669.00 176,763.00 30,094.00 82.97 10 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 49,965.00 14,517.00 -35,448.00 344.18 10 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 452,224.00 988,000.00 535,776.00 45.77 10 4625 Fed SpEd-Room/Board 0.00 20,045.60 11,835.72 -8,209.88 169.37 10 4770 PERKINS TECH PREP 0.00 615.00 16,352.00 15,737.00 3.76 10 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 25,768.00 24,300.00 -1,468.00 106.04 10 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 45,053.00 81,754.00 36,701.00 55.11 10 4991 MEDICAID ADMIN OUTREACH 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 10 4992 MEDICAID FEE FOR SERVICE PROG. 0.00 80,440.44 79,767.00 -673.44 100.84 10 4--- * 1- ---- *EDUCATION FUND 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 0.00 820,780.04 1,407,288.72 586,508.68 58.32 839,020.00 29,968,531.73 61,214,715.72 31,246,183.99 48.96 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 0.00 0.00 4,474,505.00 4,474,505.00 0.00 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 76,749.91 4,415,358.56 4,352,300.00 -63,058.56 101.45 20 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1,299.21 7,193.57 8,500.00 1,306.43 84.63 20 1910 RENTALS 3,046.00 104,506.89 211,000.00 106,493.11 49.53 20 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 0.00 1,530.00 0.00 -1,530.00 0.00 20 1981 ENERGY REBATES 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 20 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 448.86 67,163.70 65,000.00 -2,163.70 103.33 01/04/13 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 12/2012) 3:44 PM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION December 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 20 1--- 3000 * 81,543.98 4,595,752.72 9,119,305.00 4,523,552.28 50.40 STATE REVENUE 20 3999 OTHER REVENUE-STATE GRANTS 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.00 20 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 100.00 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 20 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 0.00 77,615.00 77,615.00 0.00 20 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 20 4--- * 0.00 0.00 127,615.00 127,615.00 0.00 0.00 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 20 7140 Perm Transfer of Interest 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 20 7--- * 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 2- ---- *OPER & MAINT 81,543.98 4,645,752.72 9,311,920.00 4,666,167.28 49.89 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 0.00 0.00 3,798,748.00 3,798,748.00 0.00 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 68,187.42 3,922,765.64 3,866,747.00 -56,018.64 101.45 30 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 30 1--- * 7000 538.67 6,853.17 12,000.00 5,146.83 57.11 68,726.09 3,929,618.81 7,677,495.00 3,747,876.19 51.18 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 30 7600 TRANS TO DEBT SERV PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 201,075.40 201,075.40 0.00 30 7700 TRANSFER DEBT SERV 0.00 0.00 64,945.39 64,945.39 0.00 30 7--- * 0.00 0.00 266,020.79 266,020.79 0.00 3- ---- *DEBT SERVICE FUND 68,726.09 3,929,618.81 7,943,515.79 4,013,896.98 49.47 INTEREST 01/04/13 3 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 12/2012) 3:44 PM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION December 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 40 TRANSPORTATION 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 1,374,421.00 1,374,421.00 0.00 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 22,062.47 1,269,235.80 1,251,110.00 -18,125.80 101.45 40 1411 FEES FROM PUPILS AND PARENTS 100.00 21,333.33 21,000.00 -333.33 101.59 40 1415 FEES FROM CO-CURRICULAR 4,753.10 23,219.11 73,000.00 49,780.89 31.81 40 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1,187.86 6,914.19 13,000.00 6,085.81 53.19 40 1--- * 28,103.43 1,320,702.43 2,732,531.00 1,411,828.57 48.33 3000 STATE REVENUE 40 3500 TRANSPORTATION REGULAR 0.00 220,913.46 325,000.00 104,086.54 67.97 40 3510 TRANSPORTATION SPL EDUCATION 0.00 675,499.40 1,410,000.00 734,500.60 47.91 40 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 896,412.86 1,735,000.00 838,587.14 51.67 4- ---- *TRANSPORTATION 28,103.43 2,217,115.29 4,467,531.00 2,250,415.71 49.63 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 0.00 0.00 320,698.34 320,698.34 0.00 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 4,374.99 251,689.81 248,095.00 -3,594.81 101.45 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 0.00 0.00 450,504.81 450,504.81 0.00 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 7,749.99 445,850.54 439,483.00 -6,367.54 101.45 50 1230 CPPRT 50 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 50 1--- * 3000 0.00 32,843.40 100,000.00 67,156.60 32.84 110.28 692.85 1,000.00 307.15 69.29 12,235.26 731,076.60 1,559,781.15 828,704.55 46.87 STATE REVENUE 50 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 0.00 781.00 781.00 0.00 50 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 0.00 58.00 58.00 0.00 50 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 0.00 839.00 839.00 0.00 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 0.00 8,886.00 8,886.00 0.00 50 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 0.00 110,101.53 110,101.53 0.00 50 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 0.00 237.00 237.00 0.00 01/04/13 4 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 12/2012) 3:44 PM PAGE: ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION December 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 UNREALIZED 2012-13 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 0.00 87.00 87.00 50 4--- * 0.00 0.00 119,311.53 119,311.53 0.00 5- ---- *IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 12,235.26 731,076.60 1,679,931.68 948,855.08 43.52 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 0.00 60 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4.71 175.42 500.00 324.58 35.08 60 1930 IMPACT FEES 0.00 4,620.00 10,000.00 5,380.00 46.20 60 1--- * 4.71 4,795.42 10,500.00 5,704.58 45.67 6- ---- *CAPITAL PROJECTS 4.71 4,795.42 10,500.00 5,704.58 45.67 70 WORKING CASH 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 0.00 0.00 38,178.37 38,178.37 0.00 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 250.00 14,382.28 14,176.00 -206.28 101.46 70 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 335.63 1,915.91 2,500.00 584.09 76.64 70 1--- * 585.63 16,298.19 54,854.37 38,556.18 29.71 7- ---- *WORKING CASH 585.63 16,298.19 54,854.37 38,556.18 29.71 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Revenue Totals Number of Accounts: 1,030,219.10 41,513,188.76 92 ************************ End of report ************************ 84,682,968.56 43,169,779.80 49.02 01/04/13 5 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 10 FUNC Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 12/2012) December 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 3:47 PM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 1100 10 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 4,771.46 47,628.76 149,000.00 101,371.24 0.00 101,371.24 31.97 1,022,411.69 5,642,822.34 12,386,204.14 6,743,381.80 36,366.19 6,707,015.61 10 1120 45.85 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 635,920.55 3,637,673.58 8,453,154.12 4,815,480.54 22,679.71 4,792,800.83 10 43.30 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 630,595.50 3,479,097.66 7,727,418.00 4,248,320.34 14,634.41 4,233,685.93 45.21 10 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 12,285.71 83,907.42 235,825.00 151,917.58 7,770.67 144,146.91 38.88 10 1205 LEARNING DISABLED 383,443.66 2,018,271.66 4,529,139.21 2,510,867.55 0.00 2,510,867.55 44.56 10 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 34,876.97 208,867.20 419,810.28 210,943.08 0.00 210,943.08 49.75 10 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 7,871.54 46,852.21 94,691.00 47,838.79 0.00 47,838.79 49.48 10 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 37,263.03 201,981.51 484,201.57 282,220.06 0.00 282,220.06 41.71 10 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 98,835.33 530,526.33 1,218,727.00 688,200.67 15,014.69 673,185.98 44.76 10 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 92,901.88 736,275.89 1,640,366.00 904,090.11 5,309.69 898,780.42 45.21 10 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 500.00 59,894.66 228,270.00 168,375.34 0.00 168,375.34 26.24 10 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 0.00 70,882.50 127,450.00 56,567.50 0.00 56,567.50 55.62 10 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 45,517.41 73,850.00 28,332.59 0.00 28,332.59 61.63 10 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 28,193.64 167,051.82 346,650.00 179,598.18 0.00 179,598.18 48.19 10 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 28,189.69 164,456.73 349,528.00 185,071.27 423.19 184,648.08 47.17 10 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 65,572.72 357,797.54 763,790.00 405,992.46 0.00 405,992.46 46.85 10 1911 REG ED K-12 PRIVATE TUITION 4,716.37 6,536.37 0.00 -6,536.37 3,723.45 -10,259.82 0.00 10 1912 SPED TUITION K-12 PRIV 188,766.98 925,165.86 2,400,000.00 1,474,834.14 19,038.87 1,455,795.27 39.34 10 1913 PRE-K SPECIAL ED TUITION 10 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 10 2115 DEAN'S OFFICE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 10 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 62,171.70 309,673.16 777,764.00 468,090.84 118.10 467,972.74 39.83 10 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 38,706.83 221,512.17 502,943.63 281,431.46 99.00 281,332.46 44.06 10 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 43,299.22 269,665.73 566,385.00 296,719.27 0.00 296,719.27 47.61 10 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 74,746.28 312,108.80 779,025.00 466,916.20 4,038.60 462,877.60 40.58 10 2190 STUDENT SERVICES 0.00 434.49 3,000.00 2,565.51 122.33 2,443.18 18.56 10 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 43,096.18 131,614.94 410,410.04 278,795.10 18,887.89 259,907.21 36.67 10 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 76,608.99 411,046.41 909,301.00 498,254.59 17,597.79 480,656.80 47.14 10 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 286.76 24,695.26 182,150.00 157,454.74 3,783.12 153,671.62 15.63 10 2310 BOARD OF EDUCATION 57,173.57 259,262.12 459,000.00 199,737.88 8,763.51 190,974.37 58.39 10 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 24,481.32 147,824.16 328,737.00 180,912.84 0.00 180,912.84 44.97 10 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 47,842.83 275,295.28 555,179.00 279,883.72 539.80 279,343.92 49.68 10 2362 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSRNCE 0.00 303,498.00 303,500.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 100.00 10 2364 INSURANCE PAYMENTS GENERAL 10 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 10 2510 10 2520 305.00 915.00 0.00 -915.00 0.00 -915.00 0.00 93,503.98 529,458.13 1,133,148.00 603,689.87 0.00 603,689.87 46.72 0.00 346,086.00 347,000.00 914.00 0.00 914.00 99.74 295,773.32 1,775,354.79 3,608,963.72 1,833,608.93 0.00 1,833,608.93 49.19 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 16,939.18 101,979.67 225,050.00 123,070.33 0.00 123,070.33 45.31 FISCAL SERVICES 39,386.34 170,638.67 734,350.00 563,711.33 11,028.85 552,682.48 24.74 01/04/13 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 12/2012) FUNC December 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 3:47 PM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 10 2560 FOOD SERVICES 0.00 633.00 3,560.00 2,927.00 0.00 2,927.00 17.78 205,911.86 542,464.70 1,632,500.00 1,090,035.30 0.00 1,090,035.30 10 2570 INTERNAL SERVICES 33.23 150.00 720.00 10,000.00 9,280.00 0.00 9,280.00 10 2620 7.20 CURRICULUM 49,233.52 284,169.39 668,210.00 384,040.61 0.00 384,040.61 42.53 10 10 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 13,850.04 100,831.82 231,880.00 131,048.18 52.05 130,996.13 43.51 2640 STAFF SERVICES 45,460.18 365,779.73 705,380.00 339,600.27 882.50 338,717.77 51.98 10 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 90,081.40 1,189,934.92 2,070,502.00 880,567.08 126,601.31 753,965.77 63.59 10 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 6,896.64 19,039.07 70,686.50 51,647.43 2,974.37 48,673.06 31.14 10 4190 PMTS TO OTHER GOVT UNITS 0.00 5,313.00 5,300.00 -13.00 0.00 -13.00 100.25 10 4210 REG ED TUITION PAID TO LEA'S 46,301.23 154,564.37 290,000.00 135,435.63 0.00 135,435.63 53.30 10 4220 SPED PAID TO OTHER LEA 5,223.32 514,638.42 1,127,000.00 612,361.58 0.00 612,361.58 45.66 10 8610 TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS 0.00 0.00 201,075.40 201,075.40 0.00 201,075.40 0.00 10 8710 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 64,945.39 64,945.39 0.00 64,945.39 0.00 1- ---- EDUCATION FUND 4,654,546.41 27,200,358.65 60,537,020.00 33,336,661.35 320,450.09 33,016,211.26 45.46 20 OPER & MAINT 20 2530 FAC ACQUISIT/CONSTRUCTION 31,949.07 281,851.56 282,000.00 148.44 0.00 148.44 99.95 20 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 599,210.77 3,290,535.22 7,835,050.00 4,544,514.78 183,655.58 4,360,859.20 44.34 2- ---- OPER & MAINT 631,159.84 3,572,386.78 8,117,050.00 4,544,663.22 183,655.58 4,361,007.64 46.27 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5220 BOND INTEREST 508,466.00 4,502,105.00 4,787,905.00 285,800.00 0.00 285,800.00 94.03 30 5250 REVENUE BONDS OTH AGENCIES 0.00 1,874.56 3,749.12 1,874.56 0.00 1,874.56 50.00 30 5290 OTHER INT ON LT DEBT 0.00 54,885.91 61,196.27 6,310.36 0.00 6,310.36 89.69 30 5320 PRINCIPAL 480,938.00 2,963,974.00 2,963,974.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 30 5350 PRINCIPAL 30 5390 OTHER PRINC 30 5400 OTHER DEBT SVCE EXP 30 8140 INTEREST 3- ---- DEBT SERVICE FUND LT DEBT 0.00 0.00 15,315.00 15,315.00 0.00 15,315.00 0.00 0.00 142,771.05 185,760.40 42,989.35 0.00 42,989.35 76.86 425.00 425.00 4,800.00 4,375.00 0.00 4,375.00 8.85 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 989,829.00 7,666,035.52 8,037,699.79 371,664.27 0.00 371,664.27 95.38 01/04/13 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 40 FUNC Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 12/2012) 3:47 PM PAGE: December 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 % USED TRANSPORTATION 40 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 420,907.10 1,415,290.56 3,611,320.00 2,196,029.44 31,533.06 2,164,496.38 40.06 4- ---- TRANSPORTATION 420,907.10 1,415,290.56 3,611,320.00 2,196,029.44 31,533.06 2,164,496.38 40.06 15,039.69 76,797.84 168,673.00 91,875.16 0.00 91,875.16 45.53 8,083.42 45,749.31 98,875.00 53,125.69 0.00 53,125.69 46.27 10,912.67 58,334.29 129,000.00 70,665.71 0.00 70,665.71 45.22 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 50 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 50 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 50 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 329.60 1,144.97 4,850.00 3,705.03 0.00 3,705.03 23.61 50 1205 LEARNING DISABLED 14,576.08 68,506.55 153,024.52 84,517.97 0.00 84,517.97 44.77 50 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 5,412.54 32,505.08 73,354.88 40,849.80 0.00 40,849.80 44.31 50 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 102.16 608.96 1,250.00 641.04 0.00 641.04 48.72 50 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 2,798.96 12,833.86 31,421.72 18,587.86 0.00 18,587.86 40.84 50 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 1,051.12 5,609.45 13,100.00 7,490.55 0.00 7,490.55 42.82 50 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 1,782.53 11,754.37 31,130.00 19,375.63 0.00 19,375.63 37.76 50 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 1,423.34 3,115.00 1,691.66 0.00 1,691.66 45.69 50 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 0.00 2,903.46 4,400.00 1,496.54 0.00 1,496.54 65.99 50 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 3,624.50 5,700.00 2,075.50 0.00 2,075.50 63.59 50 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 361.11 2,148.19 4,400.00 2,251.81 0.00 2,251.81 48.82 50 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 337.49 1,973.24 3,900.00 1,926.76 0.00 1,926.76 50.60 50 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 780.62 4,285.07 8,800.00 4,514.93 0.00 4,514.93 48.69 50 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 1,177.96 6,637.47 14,000.00 7,362.53 0.00 7,362.53 47.41 50 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 1,638.06 7,845.77 18,357.40 10,511.63 0.00 10,511.63 42.74 50 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 3,997.80 19,469.11 47,894.25 28,425.14 0.00 28,425.14 40.65 50 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 534.02 3,217.45 6,250.00 3,032.55 0.00 3,032.55 51.48 50 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 575.99 3,080.32 6,000.00 2,919.68 0.00 2,919.68 51.34 50 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 0.00 136.48 1,572.00 1,435.52 0.00 1,435.52 8.68 50 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 2,817.77 13,400.60 33,850.00 20,449.40 0.00 20,449.40 39.59 50 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 50 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 50 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 50 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 50 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 50 2520 50 0.00 135.48 315.00 179.52 0.00 179.52 43.01 841.04 5,018.05 10,600.00 5,581.95 0.00 5,581.95 47.34 1,447.72 9,275.55 20,360.00 11,084.45 0.00 11,084.45 45.56 10,282.89 62,916.90 129,250.00 66,333.10 0.00 66,333.10 48.68 186.40 1,121.24 2,268.00 1,146.76 0.00 1,146.76 49.44 FISCAL SERVICES 2,329.54 13,851.50 26,455.00 12,603.50 0.00 12,603.50 52.36 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 2,157.91 15,414.47 33,500.00 18,085.53 0.00 18,085.53 46.01 50 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 20,911.20 102,464.51 242,900.00 140,435.49 0.00 140,435.49 42.18 50 2620 CURRICULUM 1,092.92 6,737.72 13,800.00 7,062.28 0.00 7,062.28 48.82 01/04/13 3 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 FD FUNC 50 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 12/2012) FUNC 3:47 PM PAGE: December 2012-1 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 % USED IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 1,933.32 11,553.79 21,800.00 10,246.21 0.00 10,246.21 53.00 50 2640 STAFF SERVICES 3,724.82 27,279.51 55,775.00 28,495.49 0.00 28,495.49 48.91 50 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 10,926.37 66,843.31 130,200.00 63,356.69 0.00 63,356.69 51.34 50 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 230.81 1,367.69 4,415.50 3,047.81 0.00 3,047.81 30.97 50 4120 FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0.00 10,312.00 10,312.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5- ---- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 128,374.53 718,281.40 1,564,868.27 846,586.87 0.00 846,586.87 45.90 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 60 2530 FAC ACQUISIT/CONSTRUCTION 0.00 402,489.17 448,000.00 45,510.83 0.00 45,510.83 89.84 60 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 0.00 41,612.50 10,000.00 -31,612.50 0.00 -31,612.50 416.13 6- ---- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals Number of Accounts: 6,824,816.88 41,016,454.58 1806 ************************ End of report ************************ 82,325,958.06 41,309,503.48 535,638.73 40,773,864.75 50.47 01/04/13 4 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 LOC LOCATION NAME 10 Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 12/2012) 3:49 PM PAGE: 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2012-13 FYTD % 227,157.46 1,201,055.22 2,626,159.80 1,425,104.58 3,900.25 1,421,204.33 45.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EDUCATION FUND 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 204,998.23 1,096,424.24 2,444,149.72 1,347,725.48 4,022.05 1,343,703.43 44.86 004 SETH PAINE 210,160.51 1,098,804.70 2,531,032.00 1,432,227.30 1,796.08 1,430,431.22 43.41 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 400,707.16 2,303,222.48 5,019,635.12 2,716,412.64 7,493.85 2,708,918.79 45.88 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 1,019,099.62 5,820,994.38 12,809,814.00 6,988,819.62 37,971.75 6,950,847.87 45.44 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1,775,235.29 11,073,255.60 25,048,225.98 13,974,970.38 248,562.75 13,726,407.63 44.21 009 ISAAC FOX 216,637.41 1,221,115.87 2,645,503.04 1,424,387.17 858.45 1,423,528.72 46.16 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 393,180.19 2,226,437.73 4,877,626.72 2,651,188.99 10,334.95 2,640,854.04 45.65 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 207,370.54 1,159,048.43 2,534,873.62 1,375,825.19 5,509.96 1,370,315.23 45.72 --- EDUCATION FUND 4,654,546.41 27,200,358.65 60,537,020.00 33,336,661.35 320,450.09 33,016,211.26 44.93 53,019.54 383,202.84 593,000.00 209,797.16 17,543.90 192,253.26 64.62 3,745.64 16,674.93 34,500.00 17,825.07 292.50 17,532.57 48.33 20 OPER & MAINT 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 27,142.27 175,758.76 363,000.00 187,241.24 1,077.51 186,163.73 48.42 004 SETH PAINE 10,428.56 55,419.61 206,400.00 150,980.39 2,747.00 148,233.39 26.85 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 31,560.08 183,364.31 349,500.00 166,135.69 9,984.25 156,151.44 52.46 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 163,509.54 570,845.94 1,360,000.00 789,154.06 90,066.44 699,087.62 41.97 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 4,985.61 84,785.10 143,000.00 58,214.90 3,517.00 54,697.90 59.29 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 285,646.58 1,763,143.56 4,191,050.00 2,427,906.44 37,844.32 2,390,062.12 42.07 009 ISAAC FOX 11,710.32 79,095.36 265,100.00 186,004.64 3,872.49 182,132.15 29.84 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 27,717.59 175,099.06 403,000.00 227,900.94 8,521.10 219,379.84 43.45 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 11,694.11 84,997.31 208,500.00 123,502.69 8,189.07 115,313.62 40.77 --- OPER & MAINT 631,159.84 3,572,386.78 8,117,050.00 4,544,663.22 183,655.58 4,361,007.64 44.01 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 989,829.00 7,666,035.52 8,037,699.79 371,664.27 0.00 371,664.27 95.38 --- DEBT SERVICE FUND 989,829.00 7,666,035.52 8,037,699.79 371,664.27 0.00 371,664.27 95.38 01/04/13 1 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 LOC LOCATION NAME 40 Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 12/2012) 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3:49 PM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % TRANSPORTATION 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 420,907.10 1,415,290.56 3,611,320.00 2,196,029.44 31,533.06 2,164,496.38 39.19 --- TRANSPORTATION 420,907.10 1,415,290.56 3,611,320.00 2,196,029.44 31,533.06 2,164,496.38 39.19 3,890.87 20,824.13 45,445.00 24,620.87 0.00 24,620.87 45.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 3,644.52 20,014.32 46,770.00 26,755.68 0.00 26,755.68 42.79 004 SETH PAINE 3,952.45 19,836.47 45,375.00 25,538.53 0.00 25,538.53 43.72 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 5,935.23 34,083.15 77,375.00 43,291.85 0.00 43,291.85 44.05 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 19,415.05 108,665.21 239,887.40 131,222.19 0.00 131,222.19 45.30 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 78,285.17 441,113.08 946,740.87 505,627.79 0.00 505,627.79 46.59 009 ISAAC FOX 3,878.43 21,300.06 50,140.00 28,839.94 0.00 28,839.94 42.48 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 5,723.05 32,074.72 72,725.00 40,650.28 0.00 40,650.28 44.10 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 3,649.76 20,370.26 40,410.00 20,039.74 0.00 20,039.74 50.41 --- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 128,374.53 718,281.40 1,564,868.27 846,586.87 0.00 846,586.87 45.90 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 003 SARAH ADAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 004 SETH PAINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 009 ISAAC FOX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 444,101.67 458,000.00 13,898.33 0.00 13,898.33 96.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals 6,824,816.88 41,016,454.58 82,325,958.06 41,309,503.48 535,638.73 40,773,864.75 49.82 01/04/13 2 3frbud12.p-2 10.2010134 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 12/2012) LOCATION NAME Number of Accounts: 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3522 ************************ End of report ************************ 3:49 PM PAGE: 2012-13 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % 01/04/13 3 TO: Board of Education FROM: Ms. Julia Becich AGENDA ITEM: Personnel Report DATE: January 24, 2013 Background Information: Mrs. Becich will present the personnel report dated January 24, 2013. Suggested Motion: Move to approve the personnel report as presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Check Register Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached is the check register for the January 24, 2013 Board of Education Meeting, for Board approval. Also included for approval are payments from the imprest fund and student activity monthly reports. Motion: To approve the check register, payments from the imprest fund and student activity monthly reports as presented by the administration. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: January 2013 Check Register Highlights Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached are the highlights of the January 2013 check register: • • • • • • • • United Dispatch Champion Energy Services Connections Day School So GCA Services Lakeside Transportation Northern Suburban Spec. Ed Petroleum Traders Corp. Sodexo, Inc. Taxi Cabs Electricity Tuition Custodial/Maintenance Bus Transportation Tuition Fuel Food Service $ 36,421.50 $ 60,844.18 $ 28,875.33 $199,176.89 $ 64,462.01 $ 34,167.56 $ 22,620.47 $170,841.87 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168470 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 7,520.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168471 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 6,518.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168472 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 7,455.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168473 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 5,206.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168474 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 3,101.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168475 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 948.50 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 220807 UNITED DISPATCH AGENT FOR 303 01/24/2013 2000168476 NOV BILLING - SPEC ED 5,673.00 40E008 2550 3310 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220808 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 01/24/2013 18706 Repaired / Inspected heating issues in various classrooms. 720.00 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 220808 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 01/24/2013 18739 Repairs / Maintenance Services 180.00 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220808 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 01/24/2013 18739 Repairs / Maintenance Services 180.00 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 220809 ADVOCATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 01/24/2013 466893 ANNUAL DRUG TESTING FEE 250.00 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 220810 AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL 01/24/2013 9905719460 Equipment Rental 20.90 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 220812 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 01/24/2013 H080021750 Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220812 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 01/24/2013 H080021677 Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 209.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220812 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 01/24/2013 H080021557 Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 247.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220812 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 01/24/2013 H080021515 Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 247.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 220812 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 01/24/2013 H080021794 Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 220813 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 01/24/2013 19671 Locate and repair roof leak at HS 424.60 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220814 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 01/24/2013 1929 Kitchen Equipment Supplies / Repairs 128.72 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 220814 ALL POINTS REPAIR AND MAINTENA 01/24/2013 1932 Kitchen Equipment Supplies / Repairs 342.35 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 220815 ALLMAN, FRED 01/24/2013 120812 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 0103873220 microfiber cleaning cloths for ipads 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 1442825646 Misc. Amazon Books 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 2642446780 Student-Centered Coaching by Diane Sweeney, Title II 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 2936657372 Sandusky FW4824 Heavy Duty Steel 4 Wheel Flat Wagon with 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 79.90 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 58.43 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 202.56 10E008 2210 4100 81 493200 Professional Development 145.53 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 Pull Handle. 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 2547194207 Copies of They Say/I Say 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 2240007165 Books for School Improvement Plan 24.80 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 21.99 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 2658676300 Books for School Improvement Plan 15.99 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220817 AMAZON 01/24/2013 0834497344 Books for School Improvement Plan 830.73 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220818 ANDROUS, PETER 01/24/2013 121712 SO SMSC BB TOURNAMENT 12/17/12 220819 ANDRYSIAK, BRADLEY 01/24/2013 112412 NSC BOYS TOURNAMENT 11/24/12 & 12/15/12 220819 ANDRYSIAK, BRADLEY 01/24/2013 121512 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/15/12 220820 ANDY FRAIN SERVICES 01/24/2013 167407 HS Campus Security - Dec 2012 220821 ANGELAKOS, ANGELO 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4205763023 VGA ADAPTERS FOR IPADS - SP 220823 APPLE INC. 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4215131570 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 01/24/2013 4215131570 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 172.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 7,312.94 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 145.00 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 6.62 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 21.99 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4215131570 APPLE MINI IPADS VGA ADAPTER FOR SL 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4221194785 VOLUME VOUCHER CARD FOR SL APPS 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4223988075 IPADS FOR HS FINE ARTS - GRANT PURCHASE 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4223988075 IPADS FOR HS FINE ARTS - GRANT PURCHASE 4,000.00 10E006 1400 4100 86 474500 220823 APPLE INC. 01/24/2013 4225571704 IPAD 4 - FOR TECHNOLOY TESTING 5,580.00 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 220824 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 01/24/2013 122612 138 Water 11/20/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #001550634 1091384 1,028.82 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 220824 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 01/24/2013 122612 138 Water 11/20/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #001550634 1091384 342.94 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 220825 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 01/24/2013 319032 COFFEE & SUPPLIES 211.96 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 220825 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 01/24/2013 322786 COFFEE & SUPPLIES 102.36 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 220826 ARAUJO, EDWIN 01/24/2013 111312 SO NSC GIRLS JV 11/13/12 220827 ASCD 01/24/2013 MEMBERSHIP ASCD membership. Member #1688249 220828 ASBESTOS INSPECTION & MANAGEME 01/24/2013 12-12767 IAQ Management Plans 220829 AT&T 01/24/2013 6730269106 Service 12/16/12 - 1/15/13. Sub acct's 831-000-3612 220830 ATHLETICA INC. 01/24/2013 INV65000 0.39 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 200.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 9,769.00 10E006 1400 4100 11 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E004 2410 6400 01 000000 2,660.00 20E008 2540 3112 01 000000 20,186.10 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 783,792,798,806,812,819,834,775. Acct #831-000-3612 648 Bows for Cheer Competition squad. This will be covered by 209.82 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 the students. A check will follow this PO. 220830 ATHLETICA INC. 01/24/2013 INV66302 Bows for Cheer Competition squad. This will be covered by 399.80 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 the students. A check will follow this PO. 220831 BAKER, MARIE 01/24/2013 121912 Reimbursement for FACS supplies from Walmart. 220832 BAKER, ROBERT 01/24/2013 111912 SO NSC GIRLS 11/19/12 210.32 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220833 BAKOTA, DAN 01/24/2013 121912 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/19/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220834 BALDONIERI, COLLIN 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14,11/17,11/20 & 11/21/12 220835 BALE, MICHAEL 01/24/2013 120612 Art (reimburse)Bale 220836 BARR MECHANICAL SALES, INC 01/24/2013 12-1260 Boiler Repair at MSN/SL 220836 BARR MECHANICAL SALES, INC 01/24/2013 12-1260 Boiler Repair at MSN/SL 361.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220836 BARR MECHANICAL SALES, INC 01/24/2013 12-1291 Air filter for SP Boilers 473.42 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 188.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 84.08 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 361.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1765963 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 126.31 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1765963 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 272.99 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766406 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 63.15 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766406 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 136.50 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766602 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 46.56 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766602 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 100.64 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766553 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 278.79 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766553 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 602.55 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766643 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 9.61 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1766643 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 20.76 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1767599 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 33.59 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1767599 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1768383 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 72.61 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 44.13 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1768383 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 95.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1769182 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 50.57 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1769182 Plumbing Supplies for Repairs in District 109.29 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1767602 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 3.02 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1767602 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 231.75 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1767602 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 29.12 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1768384 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 7.84 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1768384 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 602.27 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1768384 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 75.67 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1770125 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 0.25 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1770125 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 19.01 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1770125 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 2.39 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1771100 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 8.45 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1771100 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 648.95 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1771100 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 81.54 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1771130 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 2.09 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1771130 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs 160.41 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220840 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 01/24/2013 1771130 Misc. Supplies for heating and plumbing repairs Fostering Literacy Independence, 20.15 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220841 BARNES & NOBLE 01/24/2013 IN 2469993 The Daily Five: 34.60 10E008 2210 4100 81 493200 220842 BELLMORE, STEVE 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220843 BIEDKE, ROBERT 01/24/2013 120712 NSC GIRLS 12/7/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220844 BILLER PRESS & MFG. INC. 01/24/2013 13-11985 Kindy Registration Post Cards 407.00 10E008 2310 4100 01 000000 220845 BLUM, GERARD 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/20/12 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220846 BLAINE WINDOW HARDWARE, INC 01/24/2013 1234121301 Window lock parts for MSS/IF 35.81 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220846 BLAINE WINDOW HARDWARE, INC 01/24/2013 1234121301 Window lock parts for MSS/IF 43.23 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220846 BLAINE WINDOW HARDWARE, INC 01/24/2013 1233924401 Window lock parts for MSS/IF 29.67 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220846 BLAINE WINDOW HARDWARE, INC 01/24/2013 1233924401 Window lock parts for MSS/IF 35.81 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220847 BOECKELMAN, WAYNE 01/24/2013 111712 NSC GIRLS 11/1712 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220848 BOES, NANCY 01/24/2013 11513 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 1/15/13 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 220849 BOSTON, JASON 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 220850 BOX CARS AND ONE-EYED JACKS 01/24/2013 14175 Consultant fee, travel expenses and materials for Box Cars 220850 BOX CARS AND ONE-EYED JACKS 01/24/2013 14175 Consultant fee, travel expenses and materials for Box Cars Professional Development materials, 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 5,304.92 10E008 2210 4100 90 430000 and One-Eyed Jacks, 11/27/2012, Title I 620.21 10E008 3000 3104 90 430000 and One-Eyed Jacks, 11/27/2012, Title I 220850 BOX CARS AND ONE-EYED JACKS 01/24/2013 14175 Consultant fee, travel expenses and materials for Box Cars 340.55 10E008 3000 4120 90 430000 and One-Eyed Jacks, 11/27/2012, Title I 220850 BOX CARS AND ONE-EYED JACKS 01/24/2013 14175/1 Consultant fee and travels fees for Professional Development workshop, Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks, November 1,800.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220851 BOYKE, JOHN 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 220852 BOYLE, JESSICA 01/24/2013 121812 Gifted Science Supplies 220853 BRAGG, ROBERT 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 27, 2012 220854 BREW, JAMES 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 220855 BROWN, MARK 01/24/2013 291454 Piano Tuning 220855 BROWN, MARK 01/24/2013 291457 Choir/Juknelis 220856 BROWN, PAUL 01/24/2013 101112 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 10/11/12 220856 BROWN, PAUL 01/24/2013 121012 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/10/12 220856 BROWN, PAUL 01/24/2013 122012 SO BB SMSC TOURNAMENT 12/20/12 220857 BRUCKMAN, PHIL 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17 & 11/21/12 220858 BRUNO, ALLAN 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 220859 BRYNICZKA, JULIE 01/24/2013 010913 Reimbursement for gas purchased for van during girls tennis 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 6.98 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,155.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 95.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 120.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 4.80 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 season 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 4363275 Registration fee for Midwest Conference for 1st and 2nd 229.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 grade teachers on November 14th, Alina Dickens, St. Francis de Sales, 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 4363256 Registration fee for BER Boost all Students' Reading and 225.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 Writing Skills on 10/24/2012, E Parkinson, St. Francis de Sales, Title II 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 4367212 Practical Strategies for Meeting the Rigorous Common Core 215.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 Standards for Writing, December 7, 2012, G Kvist, St. Francis de Sales, Title II 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 4367186 Keeping Students Actively Engaged in Reading Activities 215.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 While you Teach Small Groups, November 19, 2012, N Loud, St. Francis de Sales, Title II 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 4393588 Conf. Reg. for "Writing: Helping Students to Produce 450.00 10E005 1120 6400 10 000000 Well-Written Arguments". 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (F.Emmons-SL) 225.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 220862 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (L.Atkinson-MW) 225.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 220863 BURCHILL, KIMBERLY 272.69 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 01/24/2013 121212 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased at Costco, Target, Walmart, ALDI, and Jewel. 220864 BURKE SOUND & SECURITY CORP 01/24/2013 27946 PA and Intercom repairs at MSN and SP 901.58 20E004 2540 3230 01 000000 220864 BURKE SOUND & SECURITY CORP 01/24/2013 27946 PA and Intercom repairs at MSN and SP 1,567.92 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220864 BURKE SOUND & SECURITY CORP 01/24/2013 27948 PA and Intercom repairs at MSN and SP 518.42 20E004 2540 3230 01 000000 220864 BURKE SOUND & SECURITY CORP 01/24/2013 27948 PA and Intercom repairs at MSN and SP 901.58 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220865 BURRIS EQUIPMENT CO 01/24/2013 RL39844 Maintenance Supplies 23.00 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220866 CAHILL, THOMAS 220867 CAMELOT SCHOOLS, LLC 01/24/2013 120712 SO NSC GIRLS 12/7/12 01/24/2013 TUITION DE Tuition Dec 2012 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 13,109.46 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 4 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220868 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 01/24/2013 4008360441 Copier Maintenance from 1/31/13 - 2/27/13 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 5,120.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 220869 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 01/24/2013 12422614 Lease - Copiers 220870 CARAVELLO, NANCY 01/24/2013 121812 Refund wrestling fees 4,771.46 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044733 Maintenance Supplies 3.60 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044879 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 2.95 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044879 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 0.99 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044879 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 0.66 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044989 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 4.43 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044989 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 1.49 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044989 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 1.00 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044940 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 6.90 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044940 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 2.33 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 044940 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 1.55 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 045037 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 6.24 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 045037 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 2.10 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220872 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 01/24/2013 045037 Misc. Hardware for Door Repairs 1.40 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220873 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 01/24/2013 044790 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 5.58 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220873 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 01/24/2013 044810 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 10.66 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 220874 CAVE, MARJORIE 01/24/2013 SERVICES S Coaching services: 95.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 Support implementing Social Emotional Learning, Marjorie Cave. 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 September - November 30, 2012 220875 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 01/24/2013 V356237 LABEL PRINTERS FOR SPEC ED OFFICE COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 7 220875 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 01/24/2013 V485520 VGA MONITOR CABLES FOR HS SECURITY DESK 162.23 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220875 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 01/24/2013 V655945 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS 1=ADMIN 1=PDC 1=SPARE -215.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220875 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 01/24/2013 V632319 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS 1=ADMIN 1=PDC 1=SPARE 215.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 97971531 National Geographic science materials for grades K-2, 550.06 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 74.99 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 Spanish editions, Sarah Adams 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 98049779 Reading Expeditions LLV: U.S. History and Life Classroom 1,712.04 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 U.S. History and Life Classroom 1,712.04 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 Set 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 98049780 Reading Expeditions LLV: Set 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 98075938 Additional science textbooks for Isaac Fox 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 97971743 National Geographic science materials for grades K-2, 1,326.11 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 550.06 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 Spanish editions, May Whitney 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 98049776 Reading Expeditions LLV: U.S. History and Life Classroom 1,712.04 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 Set 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 98058233 Rocks and Soil Classroom Set 723.47 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 220878 CENGAGE LEARNING 01/24/2013 98215216 Additional science textbooks for Seth Paine 406.49 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 220879 CHALEKIAN, JOHN 220879 CHALEKIAN, JOHN 01/24/2013 010513 01/24/2013 010813 SO WRESTLING 1/5/13 SO WRESTLING 1/8/13 120.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 5 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220880 CHALLENGER DAY SCHOOL 01/24/2013 6160 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 65.24 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 13.90 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 41.76 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 50.56 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 156.72 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 417.41 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 17.15 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 17.84 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 46.64 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 162.46 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 thru 12/10/12. Acct #9101100394 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 152.70 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 32.54 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 97.73 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 118.33 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 366.78 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 976.93 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 40.14 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 41.76 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 109.16 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 380.23 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct #9110500130 122.26 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 594.06 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 126.59 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 380.23 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 460.37 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 1,426.96 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 3,800.69 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 156.16 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 162.46 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 424.67 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 1,479.28 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12.Acct # 9101100391 475.65 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 50.88 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 10.81 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 32.53 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 39.37 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 122.09 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 Tuition Dec 2012 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 2,955.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 52.25 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 6 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 13.39 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 13.88 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 325.20 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 36.30 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 126.55 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228000 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101100392 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 39.40 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 118.33 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 143.27 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 444.09 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 1,182.82 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 48.60 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 50.56 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 132.16 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 460.37 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/12/12 - 12/13/12. Acct # 9101100608 148.02 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 764.07 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 162.82 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 489.05 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 592.11 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 1,835.32 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 4,888.35 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 200.85 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 208.96 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 546.20 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 1,902.61 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228002 Electricty. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #9101100990 611.76 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 170.54 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 36.34 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 109.16 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 132.16 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 409.65 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 1,091.10 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 44.83 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 46.64 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 121.91 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. 11/07/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #9101200532 424.67 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 136.56 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 40.86 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 184.88 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 7 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 389.44 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 1,169.76 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 1,416.29 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 4,389.95 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 11,692.59 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 480.41 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 499.81 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 1,306.47 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 4,550.91 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220885 CHAMPION ENERGY, LLC 01/24/2013 B121228001 Electricty. Service 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #9110300085 1,463.32 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220886 CHICAGO EDUCATION PROJECT 01/24/2013 3465 220887 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT 01/24/2013 DD25173945 PDC - PAPER SHREDDING SERVICE *** MASTER PO *** Tuition Jan 2013 220888 CLARE WOODS ACADEMY 01/24/2013 TUITION JA Tuition Jan 2013 220889 CLASSROOM PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE 01/24/2013 60060593 Math manipulative's, first grade at Spencer Loomis, M ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 1,827.60 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 15,538.17 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 60.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 22,698.36 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 50.47 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 Russis 220890 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 01/24/2013 546 Tuition Feb 2013 220890 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 01/24/2013 547 Tuition Feb 2013 7,107.33 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220890 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 01/24/2013 542 Tuition Feb 2013 7,107.33 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220891 COATY, MATTHEW Misc. supplies for Matt Coaty's classroom 01/24/2013 11113 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17152 Tuition Dec 2012 7,107.33 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 67.36 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 3,526.93 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17152 Tuition Dec 2012 454.40 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17144 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17144 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17145 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17145 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17146 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17146 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17147 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17147 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17148 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17148 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17149 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17149 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17150 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17150 Tuition Dec 2012 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17151 Tuition Dec 2012 2,756.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 220893 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 01/24/2013 17151 Tuition Dec 2012 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2223757008 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2223757008 355.15 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 41.06 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 8 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2223757008 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2223757008 106.79 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2223757008 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2223757008 128.68 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2223757008 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2223757008 50.11 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2223757008 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2223757008 115.85 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2223757008 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2223757008 406.92 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122537009 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122537009 129.84 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122537009 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122537009 337.72 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122537009 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122537009 406.92 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122537009 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122537009 158.48 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122537009 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122537009 366.34 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122537009 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122537009 1,286.79 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122536002 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122536002 36.97 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122536002 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122536002 96.15 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122536002 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122536002 115.85 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122536002 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122536002 45.12 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122536002 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122536002 104.30 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1122536002 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1122536002 366.33 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2211101005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2211101005 15.99 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2211101005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2211101005 41.59 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2211101005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2211101005 50.11 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2211101005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2211101005 19.52 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2211101005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2211101005 45.12 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2211101005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2211101005 158.48 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1791483005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1791483005 13.10 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1791483005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1791483005 34.08 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1791483005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1791483005 41.06 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1791483005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1791483005 15.99 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1791483005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1791483005 36.97 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 1791483005 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #1791483005 129.84 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2127315004 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2127315004 34.08 20E002 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2127315004 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2127315004 88.63 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2127315004 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2127315004 106.79 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2127315004 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2127315004 41.59 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2127315004 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2127315004 96.15 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 2127315004 Electricity 11/7/12 - 12/10/12. Acct #2127315004 337.72 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0051089046 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0051089046 13.94 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0051089046 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0051089046 22.42 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0051089046 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0051089046 01/24/2013 0051089046 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0051089046 89.20 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 3.66 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 9 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0051089046 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0051089046 64.25 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0899157030 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0899157030 484.90 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0899157030 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0899157030 779.71 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0899157030 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0899157030 3,102.30 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0899157030 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0899157030 127.46 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0899157030 Electricity. 11/19/12 - 12/20/12. Acct #0899157030 2,234.25 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0294728000 Electricity. 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #0294728000 627.83 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0294728000 Electricity. 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #0294728000 1,009.53 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0294728000 Electricity. 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #0294728000 4,016.71 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0294728000 Electricity. 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #0294728000 165.03 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 220897 COMED 01/24/2013 0294728000 Electricity. 11/13/12 - 12/14/12. Acct #0294728000 2,892.80 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 220898 CONNECTION'S DAY SCHOOL 01/24/2013 18528 Tuition Dec 2012 3,723.45 10E008 1911 6700 01 000000 220899 CONRAD, TOM 01/24/2013 121112 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/11/12 220900 CONSERV FS, INC 01/24/2013 1660324-IN Fencing Repair Supplies for MSN Athletic Fields 220901 COOK, GREGORY 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 220902 CRICK SOFTWARE 01/24/2013 22088 SOFTWARE FOR SPEC ED 220903 CRISS, DAVID 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 220904 CULLEN, TIM 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220905 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 01/24/2013 091712 Reimburse Ipad wall mount for PAC 98.95 10E006 1130 4100 67 000000 220905 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 01/24/2013 092112 Reimburse for surface wipes for SA & SP 220905 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 01/24/2013 101012 Reimburse hand wipes for SP 220905 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 01/24/2013 111612 Reimburse hotel from Triple 1 Conf 396.88 10E008 2310 6400 01 000000 220905 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 01/24/2013 111612 Reimburse hotel from Triple 1 Conf 173.44 10E008 2510 6400 01 000000 220905 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 01/24/2013 121712 Reimburse for wipes for SA 559.30 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 220906 CURTIN, JEFF 01/24/2013 111312 SO NSC GIRLS 11/13/12 220907 DANCE PARTY DJS INC. 01/24/2013 DJ SERVICE DJ Service for MSN Activity Night on Dec. 14th. 220908 DEERE & COMPANY 01/24/2013 112491959 John Deere Select Series X748 Full time 4wd Tractor 220909 DEMATTEO, ADRIANO 01/24/2013 010813 CDL REIMBURSEMENT - ADRIANO DEMATTEO 220910 DEMEAS, KATHRYN 01/24/2013 010213 Caddies & Posters-Really Good Stuff 220911 DIGI-BLOCK, INC. 01/24/2013 8595 Math manipulatives for 3rd Grade, C Chacon at Isaac Fox 220912 DISNEY EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS 01/24/2013 13811 Health DVD's for elementary schools 220913 DORCHIES, ANGELIQUE 01/24/2013 112312 Classroom supplies 220914 DRAKE, ROMELL 01/24/2013 111312 SO NSC GIRLS 11/13 & 11/20/12 220915 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES, LP 01/24/2013 8067184 12/19/12 - LZHS FIELD TRIP 220916 EAST, ELAINE 01/24/2013 SERVICE 12 Professional Services of Elaine East - Literacy Coach 220916 EAST, ELAINE 01/24/2013 SERVICE 1/ Professional Services of Elaine East - Literacy Coach 200.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227286 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 326.40 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227286 01/24/2013 227267 Contractual Speech Therapy Services Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,142.40 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 435.20 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 AMOUNT NUMBER 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 154.85 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 625.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 781.33 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 47.94 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 300.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 16,450.84 20E008 2540 5401 01 000000 30.00 40E008 2550 6410 01 000000 53.97 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 1,067.00 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 252.42 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 24.88 10E010 1120 4100 15 000000 104.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,098.30 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 200.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 10 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227267 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,523.20 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227201 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 217.60 10E008 3000 3104 01 462000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227201 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 761.60 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227888 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,936.64 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 227868 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 2,937.60 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220918 EBS HEALTHCARE 01/24/2013 228131 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 1,950.24 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 220919 ED HOY'S INTERNATIONAL 01/24/2013 1165461 art supplies 128.44 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 220919 ED HOY'S INTERNATIONAL 01/24/2013 1165557 art supplies 43.92 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 220919 ED HOY'S INTERNATIONAL 01/24/2013 1165558 art supplies 220920 EDUCATION WEEK 01/24/2013 0000398958 Subscription Renewal 2012-13 AMOUNT NUMBER 60.22 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 89.94 10E008 2330 6400 01 000000 220921 EDWARD STAUBER WHOLESALE HARDW 01/24/2013 033839 Door Hardware for MSN door repairs 292.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220921 EDWARD STAUBER WHOLESALE HARDW 01/24/2013 033908 Door Hardware for MSN door repairs 112.00 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220922 EHLERT, JON 01/24/2013 111312 SO NSC GIRLS 11/13 & 11/17/12 133.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220923 ELLINGSON, STEVE 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/17/12 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220924 ENERGY PURCHASING SERVICES, IN 01/24/2013 11098 Monthly Gas Analysis 450.00 20E008 2540 3190 01 000000 220925 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 01/24/2013 D182157 GIRLS GOLF 8/21/12 220925 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 01/24/2013 D182262-15 BOYS GOLF 8/24/12 162.20 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 220925 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 01/24/2013 D182263-15 GIRLS TENNIS 8/24/12 162.20 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 220925 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 01/24/2013 D182680-15 GIRLS TENNIS 9/14/12 162.20 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 220926 ERICKSON, LARRY 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC BOYS 11/16 & 11/30/12 220927 ERNIE PETERSON PLUMBING, INC 01/24/2013 37608 Replacement of 2" ejector pump in lift station at MW 220928 ETC PRESCHOOL 01/24/2013 120112 Preschool Tuition Dec 2012 305.00 10E008 1913 6701 01 000000 220929 EUGENE GORDON WOODWINDS 01/24/2013 1572 Band/Thompson 345.26 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 220930 FAJARDO, PATRICK 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16, 11/20 & 11/21/12 220931 FARONICS TECHNOLOGIES INC 01/24/2013 INUS012124 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE RENEWAL 220932 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 01/24/2013 124432 Walk-in Freezer Temperature Guage at MSS 220933 FENTON HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 ENTRY FEE Scholastic Bowl Tournament 50.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 220934 FERLITO, JOHN 01/24/2013 112012 SO NSC GIRLS 11/20/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 7.57 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 11.13 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 95.80 40E008 2550 3252 01 000000 104.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 15,296.00 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 141.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 2,871.60 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 53.72 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 5.26 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 10.85 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 37.06 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 3.36 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 11.43 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 32.53 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68142 Air Filters 10.86 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters Air Filters 109.49 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 160.99 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 11 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 76.05 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 156.95 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 535.83 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 48.54 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 165.31 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 470.44 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68143 Air Filters 156.94 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 77.93 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 114.60 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 54.13 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 111.72 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 381.41 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 34.55 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 117.67 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 334.86 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68144 Air Filters 111.71 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 18.49 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 27.19 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 12.84 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 26.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 90.49 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 8.20 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 27.92 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 79.44 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68145 Air Filters 26.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 5.20 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 7.64 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 3.61 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 7.45 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 25.44 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 2.31 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 7.85 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 22.34 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68146 Air Filters 7.46 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 129.84 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 190.92 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 90.18 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters Air Filters 186.12 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 635.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 12 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 57.56 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 196.03 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 557.88 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68147 Air Filters 186.11 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 26.22 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 38.56 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 18.21 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 37.59 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 128.33 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 11.63 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 39.59 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 112.67 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68148 Air Filters 37.60 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 38.89 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 57.19 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 27.01 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 55.75 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 190.35 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 17.24 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 58.72 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 167.12 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68149 Air Filters 55.76 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 39.35 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 57.86 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 27.33 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 56.41 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 192.58 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 17.45 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 59.41 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 169.08 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220939 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 01/24/2013 INV68164 Air Filters 56.39 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 220940 FINK, MARTIN 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/21/12 220941 FISHELLA, KAREN 01/24/2013 211 COURT REPORTING SERVICES 220942 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY 01/24/2013 4146331 Purchase of Science materals for 12_13 school year 220943 FLEET REPAIR, INC 01/24/2013 010513 MISC BUS REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 220944 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC 01/24/2013 1611707 6th grade lab supplies 220945 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 01/24/2013 1388700A 3rd Grade Write Souce student textbooks for Sarah Adams due 94.20 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 01/24/2013 1388700B to enrollment increase. 3rd Grade Write Souce student textbooks for Sarah Adams due 316.00 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 220945 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,513.00 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 44.60 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 4,218.03 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 126.66 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 13 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220945 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 01/24/2013 1390450A The Cay - books for Gr. 5 220945 FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 01/24/2013 1345047D Leveled readers for Isaac Fox. 220946 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 01/24/2013 691998-1 Books for LMC 220946 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 01/24/2013 700238-1 Books for Library 683.60 10E012 2220 4300 01 000000 220946 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 01/24/2013 703474F-1 Seth Paine Library Grant Funds. 327.86 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 220946 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 01/24/2013 700448-4 Middle School South Library Grant Funds 516.04 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 220946 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 01/24/2013 700448F-3 Middle School South Library Grant Funds 21.98 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 220947 FOREMAN, MICHELLE & JOHN 01/24/2013 121112 Registration fee refund AMOUNT NUMBER to enrollment increase. 220948 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY COMPA 01/24/2013 732141 127.40 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 See attached detail. Testing and moving of 2 smoke detectors at Admin 220948 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY COMPA 01/24/2013 735922 Fire Alarm Inspection 220949 FRANKENBERGER, WILLIAM CHOREOGRAPHY OF WINTER GUARD ROUTINE FOR HS. 2ND OF 3 01/24/2013 121712 9.05 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 1,114.22 10E012 2220 4300 01 000000 57.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 196.00 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 1,065.00 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 500.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 PAYMENTS 220950 FREMD HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 ENTRY FEE- Fremd High School Scholastic Bowl Tournament 220951 FULFORD, DOUGLAS 01/24/2013 112012 SO NSC GIRLS 11/20/12 140.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220952 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 01/24/2013 30800 Repair 2 broken windows in MW Upper Gym 939.00 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 220952 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 01/24/2013 30780 Replace broken solar reflective window at MSS 840.00 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 220952 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 01/24/2013 30862 Repair of Glass Sidelite at HS Main Gym 350.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 872008 MSN IDF Room HVAC Repairs 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 873393 HVAC Supplies for Repairs at MSS and HS 85.11 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 873393 HVAC Supplies for Repairs at MSS and HS 70.83 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 873263 HVAC Supplies for Repairs at MSS and HS 51.59 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 873263 HVAC Supplies for Repairs at MSS and HS 42.94 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 873503 HVAC Supplies for Repairs at MSS and HS 164.25 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220953 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 01/24/2013 873503 HVAC Supplies for Repairs at MSS and HS 136.70 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220954 GAJEWSKI, JOE JR. 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14, 11/16 & 11/21/12 151.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220955 GAVRILA, NICK 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14 & 11/20/12 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220955 GAVRILA, NICK 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220956 GCA SERVICES GROUP 01/24/2013 474600 Contract Services 7,038.29 20E008 2540 3250 25 000000 220956 GCA SERVICES GROUP 01/24/2013 474600 Contract Services 184,331.13 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 72.51 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220956 GCA SERVICES GROUP 01/24/2013 479190 Contract Cleaning / Maintenance / Custodial Overtime 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 414959 Toner collection bins and ink cart. 7,807.47 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 415165 Cyan toner for printer 176.29 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 415320 TONER FOR TECH SUPPORT OFFICE PRINTERS 589.12 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 415571 Printer Toner Cartridge (Special Ed. Dept.) 193.75 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 414423 Color toner 271.72 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 416278 Laserjet cartridge 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 416279 01/24/2013 415026 Black and color toner for library Toner for printers 361.02 10E005 1400 4100 11 000000 83.35 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 445.10 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 153.70 10E004 1110 4100 11 000000 14 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 417040 TONER 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 417319 TONER CARTRIDGE ORDER 220959 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 417583 Toner Cartridge GT303 - Black - for HP Laser Jet 1300 - for PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 290.20 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 1,049.77 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 100.15 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 Jane Bolger 220960 GESKE, SCOTT 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 220961 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 01/24/2013 4264.499-1 MW Demo SWPPP Inspections Project # 4264.499 11/26/12 - 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,250.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 12/23/12 220962 GIBBLE, STEVEN 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 12/5/12 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220963 GIGIANO, MICHAEL 01/24/2013 010513 SO WRESTLING 1/5/13 150.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 220964 GIGLIA, RICHARD 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 129.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220965 GLAY, KAREN 01/24/2013 1544 Audiology Services 12/11/12 335.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220965 GLAY, KAREN 01/24/2013 1610 Audiology Services 255.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 220966 GOODEN, JEFF 01/24/2013 121812 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/18/12 220966 GOODEN, JEFF 01/24/2013 121112 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/11/12 220967 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 01/24/2013 964019609 CABLES FOR PROJECTOR PATCHING INTO NETWORK CLOSETS 220968 GRAINGER 01/24/2013 9034453564 HVAC Supplies for repairs at SA and MW 220968 GRAINGER 01/24/2013 9034453564 HVAC Supplies for repairs at SA and MW 0.00 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220968 GRAINGER 01/24/2013 9029591048 HVAC Supplies for repairs at SA and MW 42.48 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220968 GRAINGER 01/24/2013 9029591048 HVAC Supplies for repairs at SA and MW 0.00 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220968 GRAINGER 01/24/2013 9029192433 HVAC Supplies for repairs at SA and MW 48.52 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220968 GRAINGER 01/24/2013 9029192433 HVAC Supplies for repairs at SA and MW 220969 GRASCH, GARY 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 220970 GREGORY, TODD 01/24/2013 121112 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased at ALDI on 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 377.50 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 -42.48 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 0.00 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 121.76 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 12/11/12. 220970 GREGORY, TODD 01/24/2013 121712 Reimbursement for FACS supplies 220970 GREGORY, TODD 01/24/2013 010713 Reimbursement for FACS supplies purchased at ALDI on 183.62 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 69.49 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 1/7/13. 220971 GROOT, DOUG 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14,11/19,11/21 & 12/5/12 220972 GUNHUS, GREGORY 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 227.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220973 HALBERG, STEVEN 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220974 HALLETT, JAMES 01/24/2013 1904 December Board Award Plaque - Liz Atkinson (MW) 14.29 10E008 2630 3108 01 000000 220975 HALLETT, MARK 01/24/2013 111712 NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220976 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 01/24/2013 726366-1 Additional handwriting materials for May Whitney 87.18 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 220977 HANSON, J 01/24/2013 010913 Reimbursement for gas purchased for van during boys xc 13.93 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 season 220978 HARMON, DAVID 01/24/2013 120612 Drama/Harmon 220979 HAVENGA, MIKE 01/24/2013 111912 SO NSC GIRLS 11/19/12 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 HBS0007784 BARRACUDA MESSAGE ARCHIVER 650 AND UPDATES 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 HBS0007784 BARRACUDA MESSAGE ARCHIVER 650 AND UPDATES 28.99 10E006 1130 4100 77 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 3,845.80 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 10,533.20 10E008 2660 5500 11 000000 15 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 HBS0007818 PRINTER FOR IF LAPTOP CART 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 RTNHBS0001 BARRACUDA MESSAGE ARCHIVER 650 AND UPDATES 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 RTNHBS0001 BARRACUDA MESSAGE ARCHIVER 650 AND UPDATES 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 HBS0007921 PRINTERS FOR Flipped Classrooms at MSN and MSS, extra PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 374.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 -0.80 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 -2.20 10E008 2660 5500 11 000000 374.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 replacement to be held at PDC 220981 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 01/24/2013 RTNHBS0001 PRINTERS FOR Flipped Classrooms at MSN and MSS, extra -374.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 replacement to be held at PDC 220982 HEARTLAND HEALTH OUTREACH 01/24/2013 5733 Interpreting services by C Faflik and T Dehring on 45.50 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 11./19/2012 220983 HEINEMANN 01/24/2013 6150253 Instructional materials and supplies for Sarah Adams 2,886.84 10E008 2210 4100 90 430000 Elementary School after school reading program, Title I 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383837 Keys for SA 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383329 Rekeying of various doors in the District 170.69 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 38.15 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383329 Rekeying of various doors in the District 141.10 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383329 Rekeying of various doors in the District 105.61 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383329 Rekeying of various doors in the District 141.10 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383708 Rekeying of various doors in the District 63.87 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383708 Rekeying of various doors in the District 52.80 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383708 Rekeying of various doors in the District 39.52 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383708 Rekeying of various doors in the District 52.81 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383811 Rekeying of various doors in the District 103.24 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383811 Rekeying of various doors in the District 85.34 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383811 Rekeying of various doors in the District 63.87 20E009 2540 3230 01 000000 220985 HENNING BROS 01/24/2013 0000383811 Rekeying of various doors in the District 85.35 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 220986 HERLIHY, TERRENCE 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220987 HILLEBRAND, TIMOTHTY 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1127857 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.63 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1127857 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.14 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1127857 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.85 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1127857 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.89 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1127857 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.23 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1127857 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.23 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3042074 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 2.31 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3042074 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.20 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3042074 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 2.63 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3042074 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.26 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3042074 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.75 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3042074 01/24/2013 4039793 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.33 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 1.90 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 16 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039793 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.16 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039793 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 2.16 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039793 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.04 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039793 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.44 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039793 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.27 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039879 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 13.46 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039879 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.16 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039879 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 15.33 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039879 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 7.35 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039879 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 10.21 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4039879 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.84 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 6110470 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 3.03 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 6110470 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.26 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 6110470 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 3.45 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 6110470 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.65 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 6110470 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 2.30 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 6110470 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.41 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8031229 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 6.90 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8031229 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.59 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8031229 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 7.86 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8031229 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 3.77 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8031229 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 5.23 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8031229 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.96 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8038999 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 6.33 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8038999 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.55 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8038999 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 7.21 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8038999 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 3.46 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8038999 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 4.80 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8038999 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.87 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126722 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 20.45 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126722 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.76 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126722 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 23.28 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126722 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 11.16 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126722 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 15.50 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126722 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 2.82 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126773 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 3.40 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126773 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.29 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126773 01/24/2013 8126773 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 3.88 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 1.86 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 17 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126773 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 2.58 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8126773 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.47 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9030187 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 9.83 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9030187 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 0.85 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9030187 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 11.20 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9030187 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 5.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9030187 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 7.46 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9030187 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.34 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9126521 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 11.68 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9126521 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 1.01 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9126521 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 13.29 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9126521 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 6.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9126521 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 8.85 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 9126521 Misc. Maintenance Supplies for District Repairs 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034390 Maintenance Supplies -0.29 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034390 Maintenance Supplies 2.74 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034390 Maintenance Supplies 1.17 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034390 Maintenance Supplies 1.22 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034505 Maintenance Supplies -0.33 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034505 Maintenance Supplies 3.06 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034505 Maintenance Supplies 1.31 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 0034505 Maintenance Supplies 1.36 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1591164 Maintenance Supplies -1.42 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1591164 Maintenance Supplies 13.27 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1591164 Maintenance Supplies 5.67 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1591164 Maintenance Supplies 5.90 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4033686 Maintenance Supplies -0.64 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4033686 Maintenance Supplies 5.94 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4033686 Maintenance Supplies 2.54 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4033686 Maintenance Supplies 2.64 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4206274 Maintenance Supplies 1.33 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4206274 Maintenance Supplies -12.44 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4206274 Maintenance Supplies -5.31 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4206274 Maintenance Supplies -5.54 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033188 Maintenance Supplies -1.54 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033188 Maintenance Supplies 14.35 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033188 Maintenance Supplies 6.13 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033188 01/24/2013 7035043 Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Supplies 6.40 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 -6.00 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 1.60 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 18 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7035043 Maintenance Supplies 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7035043 Maintenance Supplies 23.95 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7035043 Maintenance Supplies 24.97 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8033039 Maintenance Supplies -2.96 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8033039 Maintenance Supplies 27.62 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8033039 Maintenance Supplies 11.80 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8033039 Maintenance Supplies 12.30 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1042803 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 4.83 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1042803 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.08 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1042803 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.54 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1042803 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 4.08 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 1042803 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.45 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034125 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.29 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034125 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.42 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034125 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.73 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034125 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034125 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 0.98 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3036116 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 7.35 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3036116 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.17 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3036116 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.87 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3036116 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 6.21 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 3036116 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.21 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4035943 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 5.98 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4035943 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.58 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4035943 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.15 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4035943 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 5.06 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 4035943 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.80 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5035727 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 6.94 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5035727 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.00 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5035727 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.65 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5035727 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 5.87 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5035727 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.10 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033354 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.73 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033354 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.61 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033354 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.96 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033354 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.16 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 7033354 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.13 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034792 01/24/2013 2034792 Misc. Maintenance Supplies Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.80 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 1.21 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 56.08 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 19 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034792 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.47 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034792 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 2034792 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 0.85 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5042449 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.93 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5042449 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 0.83 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5042449 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.02 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5042449 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.63 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 5042449 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 0.58 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091662 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 10.25 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091662 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 4.42 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091662 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 5.39 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091662 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 8.67 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091662 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.10 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091664 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 5.77 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091664 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2.49 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091664 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 3.04 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091664 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 4.88 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 220997 HOME DEPOT COMMERICAL CREDIT 01/24/2013 8091664 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1.73 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 220998 HODGES, LOIZZI, EISENHAMMER, R 01/24/2013 24228 Legal Fees - November 2012 8,002.51 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 220999 HOEHNE, LARRY 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23 & 12/8/12 133.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221000 HOFFMAN III, CHARLES 01/24/2013 121512 SO NSC BOYS 11/23 & 12/15/12 172.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221001 HONONEGAH HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 COMPETITIO Color Guard Competition 221002 HORIZON FINANCIAL PARTNER, INC 01/24/2013 0004701 December Major Medical consulting, servicing and marketing ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 70.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 2,900.00 10E008 2640 3110 01 000000 221003 IAASE 01/24/2013 WORKSHOP 2 Conference (E.Pittman) 125.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221003 IAASE 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (E.Pittman) 175.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221004 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 013266 Light Ballasts for HS and MW 519.82 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221004 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 013266 Light Ballasts for HS and MW 195.11 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 221004 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 014797 Light Ballasts for HS and MW 195.11 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221004 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 014797 Light Ballasts for HS and MW 73.23 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 221004 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 016704 Circuit breaker for MW lift station 71.71 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221005 IDRIZOVIC, EDDIE 01/24/2013 121212 SO WRESTLING 12/12/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 221006 IGSMA DISTRICT 8 01/24/2013 CONTEST FE IGSMA Solo & Ensemble Fees 221007 ILLCO, INC 01/24/2013 1236510 HVAC Supplies for Univent Repair at MSS 44.57 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 221007 ILLCO, INC 01/24/2013 4148685 Timer for MSS freezer 23.89 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 221008 ILLINOIS ASSOC. OF PUPIL TRANS 01/24/2013 MEM201213 ANNUAL RENEWAL - KAREN MLYNEK-JANSCHUTZ 65.00 40E008 2550 6400 01 000000 221009 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 01/24/2013 9487792 Inspections of Boilers by State Fire Marshall 52.50 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221009 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 01/24/2013 9487792 Inspections of Boilers by State Fire Marshall 35.00 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221009 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 01/24/2013 9487792 221009 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 01/24/2013 9488231 Inspections of Boilers by State Fire Marshall Inspections of Boilers by State Fire Marshall 52.50 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 157.50 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 720.00 10E005 1500 6400 01 000000 20 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 221009 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 01/24/2013 9488231 Inspections of Boilers by State Fire Marshall 105.00 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221009 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 01/24/2013 9488231 Inspections of Boilers by State Fire Marshall 157.50 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221010 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 01/24/2013 WORKSHOP 2 Workshop registration 175.00 10E006 2410 6400 01 000000 221011 INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVE 01/24/2013 SEMINAR 2/ Registration fees for Science Seminar 438.00 10E010 2210 3100 01 000000 221011 INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVE 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (S.Mosoff-MSS) 219.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221011 INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVE 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (C.Meyers-MSS) 219.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221012 INGOLD, EDWARD 01/24/2013 2610 Recording of 12/14/12 choir concert 221013 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 01/24/2013 1903901002 REPLACEMENT BATTERIES - BUSES 3 & 14 225.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 221014 JABLONSKI, BRIAN 01/24/2013 120812 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 221015 JAMES, PAUL 01/24/2013 101 Square Dance Now Vol 1 221016 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 01/24/2013 1-62062392 Replace vav controller and stat at MSN/SL 744.06 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 221016 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 01/24/2013 1-62062392 Replace vav controller and stat at MSN/SL 744.07 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 221017 JOHLIE, THERESA 01/24/2013 1313 poms equip inv# 13004 1/3/2013 377.00 10E006 1500 4100 71 000000 221018 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY #175 01/24/2013 088364GU Acetelyn for HVAC Repairs at MSS 66.63 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 221019 JONES, DARNELL 01/24/2013 113012 SO NSC BOYS 11/30/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221020 JONES, STEPHEN 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221021 KASPROWICZ, PATRICK 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221022 KATZ, MICHAEL 01/24/2013 121112 SO BASKETBALL 12/11/12 221023 KC PRINTING 01/24/2013 P2560 Extra-curricular payroll forms - 2000 221023 KC PRINTING 01/24/2013 P2587 LZEA Rep form 221024 KEHR, DEAN 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 221031 KESHET 01/24/2013 9247 Tuition Dec 2012 707.70 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 26.95 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 292.00 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 63.00 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 7,376.25 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 21 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 221032 KESSELER, KEN 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14 & 11/20/12 221033 KETTERING, JENNIFER 01/24/2013 111812 Stickers, Snowflakes, Ornaments, Toys, Cut-outs & PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Tuition Dec 2012 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 97.08 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 Paper-Lakeshore Learning 221034 KILMER, JARED 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/21/12 221035 KLEINE, KURTIS 01/24/2013 120712 NSC GIRLS 12/7/12 221036 KNUTSON, BRIAN 01/24/2013 010313 Dental and Vision - Sept - Oct - Nov 2012 221037 KOCI, ROBERT JR. 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14 & 11/20/12 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221038 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 01/24/2013 117 Dec 2013 Tuition/Room & Board 2,833.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 221038 LA EUROPA ACADEMY 01/24/2013 117 Dec 2013 Tuition/Room & Board 6,794.58 10E008 1912 6703 01 000000 221039 LAJEWSKI, NORM 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 221040 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 01/24/2013 20123503 Copies of Our America for English I 221041 LAKE COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVIC 01/24/2013 W0032379 ROE Winter Math Workshop, 7th Grade Teachers, January 8, 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 179.58 10E008 2320 2310 01 000000 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 280.00 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 50.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 2013 221041 LAKE COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVIC 01/24/2013 W0032441 ROE Winter Math Workshop, 7th Grade Teachers, January 8, 50.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 2013 221042 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 01/24/2013 154 221043 LAKE COUNTY DOOR CO. 01/24/2013 79604 Fingerprinting for Substitutes Repairs / Maintenance Services 10.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 540.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 22 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION Flat tire repair of MSS tractor PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 221044 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 01/24/2013 126967 221045 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 01/24/2013 L037-RTINV DEC BILLING - SPEC ED 60,343.31 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 65.49 20E007 2540 3230 01 000000 221045 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 01/24/2013 L037-RTINV DEC BILLING - SPEC ED 4,118.70 40E008 2550 3311 01 000000 221046 LAKE ZURICH AREA CHAMBER OF CO 01/24/2013 21923 2013 Chamber of Commerce - Evening of Excellence Dinner 221047 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 01/24/2013 1313 Replenish December Imprest 6,374.32 10A000 1050 0000 00 000000 221047 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 01/24/2013 1313 Replenish December Imprest 3,534.10 20A000 1050 0000 00 000000 221048 LINARES, PATRICIA 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 221048 LINARES, PATRICIA 01/24/2013 SVCS 12/1& Interpreting Services 57.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 221048 LINARES, PATRICIA 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 221048 LINARES, PATRICIA 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 221049 LOPSHIRE, DAVID 01/24/2013 111612 221050 LUTHERN GENERAL HOSPITAL 01/24/2013 DEC SERVIC Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 76.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 221051 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS 01/24/2013 776022 71.90 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/19/12 Water Filtration System for the Spencer Loomis Lounge - 270.00 10E008 2320 6400 01 000000 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Recurring charge - Billed $71.80 every 2 months- Open PO. - Bills will be -10/1/12-11/30/12, 12/1/12-1/31/13, 2/1/13-3/31/13, 4/1/13-5/30/13, 6/1/13-7/31/13 221051 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS 01/24/2013 779756 Equipment Rental 221052 MAINE EAST HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 COMPETITIO Color Guard Competition 70.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 55.90 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 221053 MAGDALENO, JULIAN 01/24/2013 120812 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221054 MAGEE, DAVID 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 221055 MARACH, DENNIS 01/24/2013 111412 NSC GIRLS 11/14 & 11/17/12 221056 MARSHALL, PETER 01/24/2013 111912 SO NSC GIRLS 11/19/12 221057 MARTIN, MATTHEW 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14,20 & 21,2012 221058 MATHER, JAMES 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14, 11/20 & 11/21/12 180.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221059 MATHER HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 ENTRY FEE bowling entry fee Mather HS 12/27/2012 165.00 10E006 1500 3100 42 000000 221060 MAY, ROBERT 01/24/2013 REISSUE 51 THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CHECK #217436 DATED 5/24/12 221061 MCCABE, DAVID 01/24/2013 111612 221062 MCELROY, TIMOTHY 221063 MCEVILLY, MICHAEL 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 143.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 180.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 6.48 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 01/24/2013 11513 SO WRESTLING 1/15/13 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 221064 MCGOWAN, THOMAS 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221065 MCKINNEY, JASON 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221066 MENARDS 01/24/2013 08972 Maintenance Supplies 45.79 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 221066 MENARDS 01/24/2013 08972 Maintenance Supplies 11.94 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 221066 MENARDS 01/24/2013 08897 Maintenance Supplies 11.94 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 221066 MENARDS 01/24/2013 08897 Maintenance Supplies 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267541 Repair/replacement of domestic water circulating pumps at 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267541 Repair/replacement of domestic water circulating pumps at MSS/MSN 3.12 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 598.75 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 MSS/MSN 1,097.25 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 23 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267542 Repair/replacement of domestic water circulating pumps at PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 1,097.25 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 MSS/MSN 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267542 Repair/replacement of domestic water circulating pumps at 2,010.75 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 MSS/MSN 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267043 Repair to circulating booster pumps at MSS and MSN 461.33 20E005 2540 3230 01 000000 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267043 Repair to circulating booster pumps at MSS and MSN 461.33 20E010 2540 3230 01 000000 221067 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES, INC 01/24/2013 0000267043 Repair to circulating booster pumps at MSS and MSN 461.34 20E012 2540 3230 01 000000 221068 MEYER, MARC 01/24/2013 112312 129.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 436792 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 88.90 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 436831 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 454.13 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437168 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 22.68 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437170 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437392 Student Supply (Transportation) 11.34 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 186.83 10E008 1200 4100 01 000000 Special Ed. Student Supplies 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437484 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437485 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 88.68 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437569 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 738.67 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 221072 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 01/24/2013 437676 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 506.25 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 221073 MILLMARK EDUCATION 01/24/2013 111002 Instructional materials TBE/TPI for elementary buildings 160.60 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 221073 MILLMARK EDUCATION 01/24/2013 111001 Instructional materials TBE/TPI for elementary buildings 160.60 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 221074 MLYNEK-JANSCHUTZ, KAREN 01/24/2013 92612 PETTY CASH - 2013 YEAR-END CLOSEOUT 221074 MLYNEK-JANSCHUTZ, KAREN 01/24/2013 92612 PETTY CASH - 2013 YEAR-END CLOSEOUT 14.39 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 221074 MLYNEK-JANSCHUTZ, KAREN 01/24/2013 92612 PETTY CASH - 2013 YEAR-END CLOSEOUT 56.38 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221075 MOBLEY, DONNA 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 221076 MORESCO, CELESTE 01/24/2013 1041 Interpreting Services (Hearing Impaired) 221077 MORSE, CRAIG 221078 MORTON SALT 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 01/24/2013 5400055189 Salt 440.85 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 25.00 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 70.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 2,586.45 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 24 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221079 MOSS, ALICE 01/24/2013 92812 Reimbursement -Fees for Trainee Certificates of Completion 221080 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 01/24/2013 180397 Paper for copies 221080 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 01/24/2013 180437 30 boxes of copy paper. 846.00 10E005 1120 4108 01 000000 221080 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 01/24/2013 180586 paper 819.06 10E004 1110 4108 01 000000 221080 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 01/24/2013 180596 20 cases of white copy paper 564.00 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 221081 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 01/24/2013 1710814 Band/Orchestra Repair 19.98 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 221081 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER, INC 01/24/2013 3440682 Band/Orchestra Repair 145.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 40.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 846.00 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015363 Waste Removal. Acct #T8393684 280.00 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -42.77 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -36.66 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -36.66 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -274.99 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -6.11 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -12.22 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -42.77 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -67.22 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 CR T800015 Credit taken of $611.06 for over charges -91.66 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 301.05 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 284.81 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 284.81 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 1,274.57 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 634.80 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 59.71 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 293.72 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 451.55 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 221083 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 01/24/2013 T800015402 Waste Removal 630.94 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 954638 MISC BUS SUPPLIES & REPAIR PARTS -6.92 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 954681 MISC BUS SUPPLIES & REPAIR PARTS 102.96 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 954355 Maintenance Supplies 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 956006 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 955970 Maintenance Supplies 0.17 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 955970 Maintenance Supplies 2.68 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 954762 Maintenance Supplies 2.68 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221085 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 01/24/2013 954762 Maintenance Supplies 42.31 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 221086 NATHAN, FRANK 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221087 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS 01/24/2013 4026498032 Magazine - National Geographic kids. 221088 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SCHOOL PUB 01/24/2013 0105612013 Order for 4th Grade Classroom publications. Pioneer Edition 221089 NCS PEARSON, INC. 01/24/2013 3863832 2-3; Pathfinder Edition - 4-6; Extreme Explorer - 6-12 Professional development fee for Institute Days 9/28/2012 6.29 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 69.90 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 19.95 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 410.85 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 8,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 25 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER and 11/2/2012 for Cassandra Erkens, Assessment for Learning, Pearson. 221089 NCS PEARSON, INC. 01/24/2013 7021654172 Refund of invoice 7021654172 dated 8/27/12 221090 NEFF COMPANY 01/24/2013 002075150 athletic sports awards: inv#002075150 221090 NEFF COMPANY 01/24/2013 002075150 athletic sports awards: inv#002075150 221091 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 01/24/2013 4883 Tuition Dec 2012 4,257.75 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 221091 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 01/24/2013 4884 Tuition Dec 2012 4,257.75 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 221091 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 01/24/2013 4885 Tuition Dec 2012 4,257.75 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 221091 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 01/24/2013 4886 Tuition Dec 2012 4,257.75 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 221092 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 01/24/2013 01201329 Tuition Jan 2013 221093 NEXTEL (REMITTANCE) 01/24/2013 900810122- Service 11/22/12 - 12/21/12. Acct #900810122 221094 NEXUS OFFICE SYSTEMS 01/24/2013 151116 1 Quarterly Maintenance & Supply Charge from 12/22/12 to -1,204.55 10E006 1130 4200 15 000000 101.59 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 0.00 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 3,527.92 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 1,294.06 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 667.47 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 3/22/13 221094 NEXUS OFFICE SYSTEMS 01/24/2013 151139 1 Monthly Maintenance & Supply Charge from 12/24/12 to 380.53 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 1/24/13 221094 NEXUS OFFICE SYSTEMS 01/24/2013 151140 1 Quarterly usage from 9/22/12 to 12/22/12 6,856.61 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 221095 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 01/24/2013 7198 Assist. Tech. Services Nov 2012 2,409.93 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 221095 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 01/24/2013 7199 Assist. Tech. Services Nov 2012 2,925.74 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 221095 NICHOLSON, BRIDGETTE 01/24/2013 7204 Assist. Tech. Services Nov 2012 1,500.00 10E008 1200 3100 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 31.14 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 13.79 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 20.63 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 25.25 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 36.64 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 107.37 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 3.46 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 5.49 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 18.98 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 52.31 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 6882971000 0 12.23 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 12.39 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 5.49 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 8.21 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 10.05 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 14.58 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 42.72 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 1.38 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 2.18 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 7.55 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 26 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0001 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #3023081000 1 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 118.11 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 52.31 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 78.24 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 95.78 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 138.98 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 407.24 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 13.12 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 20.81 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 72.00 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 198.40 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0002 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 2961041000 2 46.33 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 57.02 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 25.25 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 37.77 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 46.24 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 67.09 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 196.59 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 6.34 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 10.05 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 34.76 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 95.78 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0003 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #42282810000 3 22.36 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 42.86 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 18.98 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 28.39 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 34.76 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 50.44 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 147.78 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 4.76 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 7.55 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 26.13 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 72.00 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0004 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 5831041000 4 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 242.44 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 107.37 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 160.59 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 196.59 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 20.81 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 4.86 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 16.82 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 27 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 285.27 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 835.89 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 26.94 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 42.72 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 147.78 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 407.24 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0006 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #9193081000 6 95.09 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 78.13 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 34.60 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 51.75 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 63.35 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 91.93 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 269.38 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 8.68 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 13.77 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 47.63 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 131.24 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 0008 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct # 8913081000 8 30.64 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 46.58 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 20.63 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 30.85 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 37.77 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 54.80 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 160.59 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 5.18 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 8.21 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 28.39 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 78.24 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 1000 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #0903381000 4 18.25 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 110.32 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 48.86 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 73.07 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 89.46 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 129.81 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 380.36 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 12.26 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 19.44 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221101 NICOR GAS 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 67.25 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 185.31 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 28 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 221101 NICOR GAS 01/24/2013 10413 3271 Natural Gas 12/1/12 - 1/1/13. Acct #8854529327 1 221102 NILES NORTH HS 01/24/2013 REGISTRATI Niles North Invitational (Color Guard) PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 43.27 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 100.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 221103 NORTHERN SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDUC 01/24/2013 13243 Tuition 2012-13 Second Billing 32,607.56 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 221103 NORTHERN SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDUC 01/24/2013 13289 Tuition 2012-13 Second Billing 1,560.00 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 221104 O'CONNOR, KELLY 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14 & 11/16/12 221105 O'DONNELL, CAROL 01/24/2013 SERVICES N New teacher mentoring December 2012 466.62 10E008 2640 3100 99 000000 221106 O'NEILL, JAMES 01/24/2013 010713 220.00 10R000 1721 0000 00 000000 221108 OFFICE DEPOT 01/24/2013 6356158100 Wireless Presenters with Laser Pointers 221108 OFFICE DEPOT 01/24/2013 6364266180 office supplies 221108 OFFICE DEPOT 01/24/2013 6364265910 Supplies curriculum office & folders for Kinder Reg. 221108 OFFICE DEPOT 01/24/2013 6368897020 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 120.60 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 221108 OFFICE DEPOT 01/24/2013 6364266040 SUPPLIES FOR TECH SUPPORT SER 220.41 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 221108 OFFICE DEPOT 01/24/2013 6364266050 SUPPLIES FOR TECH SUPPORT SER 221109 OLESIAK, FORREST 01/24/2013 113012 221110 OLSEN'S DISTRIBUTING CO. 01/24/2013 1028985 Salt 622.60 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 221110 OLSEN'S DISTRIBUTING CO. 01/24/2013 1028986 Salt 622.60 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 221110 OLSEN'S DISTRIBUTING CO. 01/24/2013 1028987 Salt 622.60 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 221111 OLSON TRANSPORTATION INC 01/24/2013 10440 12/ 7/12 - LZHS FIELD TRIP 964.76 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 11.64 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 12.08 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 12.51 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 23.73 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 15.75 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 10.35 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 12.51 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927937 Pest Control 10.35 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 5.93 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 5.71 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 5.93 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 6.14 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 11.64 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 7.72 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 5.08 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 6.14 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927938 Pest Control 5.07 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 6.37 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control Pest Control 6.14 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 6.37 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 Boy's basketball registration refund. SO NSC BOYS 11/30/12 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 76.48 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 19.72 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 136.91 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 9.74 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 12.08 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 29 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 6.60 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 12.51 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 8.30 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 5.46 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 6.60 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927939 Pest Control 5.45 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 6.15 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 5.93 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 6.15 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 6.37 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 12.08 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 8.02 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 5.27 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 6.37 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927940 Pest Control 5.26 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 6.15 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 5.93 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 6.15 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 6.37 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 12.08 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 8.02 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 5.27 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 6.37 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927941 Pest Control 5.26 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 6.37 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 6.14 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 6.37 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 6.60 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 12.51 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 8.30 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 5.46 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 6.60 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927942 Pest Control 5.45 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 6.87 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 30 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927943 Pest Control 4.52 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 6.87 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927944 Pest Control 4.52 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 5.27 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 5.08 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 5.27 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 5.46 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 10.35 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 6.87 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 4.52 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 5.46 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927945 Pest Control 4.52 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 2.75 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 2.65 20E003 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 2.75 20E004 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 2.84 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 5.39 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 3.58 20E008 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 2.35 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 2.84 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 221116 ORKIN 01/24/2013 80927946 Pest Control 221117 ORLOWSKI, VERNON 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16, 11/17 & 12/7/12 221118 PALASH, CARL 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 221119 PALOS SPORTS,INC 01/24/2013 131149-02 PE equipment 221120 PARKLAND PREPARATORY ACADEMY, 01/24/2013 427 Tuition Dec 2012 221121 PAVLINA, DAVID 01/24/2013 010913 Reimbursement for gas purchased for van during girls tennis AMOUNT NUMBER 2.35 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 188.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 289.99 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 3,500.70 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 20.00 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 season 221122 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 01/24/2013 a40227717 Peapod payment for order #a40227717. 99.19 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 221122 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 221122 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 01/24/2013 a40407091 01/24/2013 a40434406 for order #a40407091 on 12/10/12. Peapod payment for order #a40434406. 151.31 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 154.60 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 31 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 221123 PERKINS, DAVID 01/24/2013 120812 221124 PESI 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (E.Pittman) 189.99 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221124 PESI 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Conference (M.VanArsdale-SL) 189.99 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221125 PETERSEN, RICHARD 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 221126 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 01/24/2013 622290 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 12/18/12 DELIVERY 1,760.02 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 221126 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 01/24/2013 622290 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 12/18/12 DELIVERY 20,437.26 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 221126 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 01/24/2013 622290 DIESEL & UNLEADED FUEL - 12/18/12 DELIVERY 423.19 10E006 1700 4640 22 337000 221127 PINK, KEN 01/24/2013 120512 SO NSC GIRLS 12/5/12 221128 PMA FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. 01/24/2013 P5012458 CONSULTING SERVICES - FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAM 2012-13. 221129 POEHLMANN, JOHN 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221130 POWELL, MICHAEL 01/24/2013 120512 SO NSC GIRLS 12/5/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221131 PRESLEY, DARRYL 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/17/12 221131 PRESLEY, DARRYL 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 221132 PRODROMOS, JOHN 01/24/2013 112012 SO NSC GIRLS 11/20/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221133 PYLE ENTERPRISES, INC 01/24/2013 3712 ADA Door Repair at MW 703.25 20E001 2540 3230 01 000000 221134 QUILTY, EMMETT 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 11/17/12 221135 R.H. SANDERS & ASSOCIATES 01/24/2013 1086 CPR Training 9/28/12 & 11/2/12 280.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221135 R.H. SANDERS & ASSOCIATES 01/24/2013 1148 CPR Training 9/28/12 & 11/2/12 1,300.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 221136 RADAY, JANE 01/24/2013 010813 Misc. items for for Jane Raday's classroom - $130.00 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 4,250.00 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 INITIAL INSTALLMENT 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 129.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 130.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 MAximum 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734642 Custodial Supplies 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734642 Custodial Supplies 103.34 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 62.67 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734642 Custodial Supplies 33.22 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734642 Custodial Supplies 32.00 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734676 Custodial Supplies 333.70 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734676 Custodial Supplies 202.38 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734676 Custodial Supplies 107.29 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734676 Custodial Supplies 103.33 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734697 Custodial Supplies 107.29 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734697 Custodial Supplies 65.07 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734697 Custodial Supplies 34.50 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734697 Custodial Supplies 33.22 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734699 Custodial Supplies 202.38 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734699 Custodial Supplies 122.74 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734699 Custodial Supplies 65.07 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734699 Custodial Supplies 62.66 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 221138 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 01/24/2013 734806 01/24/2013 734806-1 Custodial Supplies Custodial Supplies 1,088.75 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 184.50 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 32 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221139 RAMEL, STEVEN 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221140 RAMSEYER, STEPHEN 01/24/2013 120512 SO NSC GIRLS 12/5/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221141 RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 01/24/2013 34700 Initial Set-Up Alert Monitoring Ser. 221142 RATAY, MARILYN 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 221143 REALLY GOOD STUFF 01/24/2013 4148383 K-2 Bilingual instructional materials for Sarah Adams, 221144 RENTAL MAX 01/24/2013 11-074550- Equipment Rental 221145 REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION 01/24/2013 OCT-DEC TU October - December 2012 Tuition 2,184.00 10E008 4210 6705 01 000000 221146 RHINE, SAM 01/24/2013 CONFERENCE Field Trip 2/19/13 2,655.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 10,512.25 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 823.89 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 TBE-TPI 37.50 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 221147 RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING /HOUGHTON 01/24/2013 948997391 Assessment materials for 5th Grade CoGat testing 594.98 10E008 2230 3100 01 000000 221148 RITTER, RONALD 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14 & 11/21/12 114.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221149 ROGERS, AARON 01/24/2013 010913 Reimbursement for gas purchased for van during girls tennis 75.91 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 season 221150 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 ENTRY FEE girls varsity tennis RMHSinvite entry fee $74 9/29/12. 74.00 10E006 1500 4100 55 000000 221151 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 01/24/2013 529788-0 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 10.49 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 221151 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 01/24/2013 529009-1 MAIN OFFICE SUPPLIES 289.80 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 221151 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 01/24/2013 530089-0 TONER CARTRIDGE ORDER FOR THE DEAN'S OFFICE 218.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 221151 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 01/24/2013 531412-0 Office and Career Day supplies. 221151 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 01/24/2013 531898-0 Value Mate Desk Riser, Black, 42 x 12 x 8 221152 RYAN, MICHAEL 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 221153 RZYSKI, SHARON 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Bilingual Speech Eval. 221154 S.K. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY IN 01/24/2013 101 Homeless Trans 221155 SAFE HAVEN SCHOOL 01/24/2013 1204 Tuition Dec 2012 221156 SAUNDERS, MARK 01/24/2013 121812 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/18/12 88.97 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 141.32 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 400.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 946.00 40E008 2550 3310 01 000000 3,570.75 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 221157 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES 01/24/2013 M5050282 2 Weekly Reader for Kids-Kindergarten 411.68 10E001 1110 4100 05 000000 221157 SCHOLASTIC CLASSROOM MAGAZINES 01/24/2013 M5053451 0 Scope Magazine (6 mth) - Scholastic - Common Core, and SIP 430.65 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 Goal 221158 SCHELL, JEFFREY 01/24/2013 112312 SO NSC BOYS 11/23/12 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221159 SCHIMBKE, PAUL 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221160 SCHMERER, JACK 01/24/2013 112012 SO NSC GIRLS 11/20/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221161 SCHOESSLING, PAUL 01/24/2013 120812 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 221162 SCHOLASTIC INC. 01/24/2013 M5003776 1 Speech Supplies (K.Kaprak-HS) 221163 SCHOOL HEALTH ALERT 01/24/2013 X34206 Nursing Subscription (J.Wilson-IF) 221164 SCHOOL PERCEPTIONS LLC 01/24/2013 1624 School Climate Survey - phase 3 221165 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 01/24/2013 2081095612 Journal paper for 1st grade 221165 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 01/24/2013 3081014901 Art Supplies 221166 SCHUFREIDER, WILLIAM 01/24/2013 120712 221167 VWR FUNDING, INC. 221167 VWR FUNDING, INC. 01/24/2013 3990-517-0 science supplies 01/24/2013 3990-517-0 science supplies SO NSC GIRLS 11/21 & 12/7/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 105.00 10E008 2150 4100 01 000000 99.00 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 1,200.00 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 47.60 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 4,955.45 10E010 1120 4100 12 000000 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 60.50 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 62.45 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 33 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221168 SELIG, DAVID 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 6,730.01 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 551.64 20E002 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 827.46 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 827.46 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 1,654.92 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 164.49 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 137.91 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 551.64 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 1,792.83 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 221169 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 01/24/2013 48672ES Natural Gas 551.64 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 221170 SHAPIRO, CAMERON 01/24/2013 121212 reimbursements for "Thoughtfull Classroom Store " itmes - AMOUNT NUMBER 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 35.85 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 C. Shapiro 221171 SHEINSON, JAN 01/24/2013 120512 221172 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC 01/24/2013 1233410200 TP dispensers for PDC and Admin SO NSC GIRLS 12/5/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 84.31 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 221172 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC 01/24/2013 1233410200 TP dispensers for PDC and Admin 84.31 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 221173 SIEGEL, BRUCE 01/24/2013 121712 SO SMSC TOUR 12/17/12 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 221174 SIEKIERSKI, MARK 01/24/2013 120812 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221175 SITZ, RICK 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221176 SLOAN, MATTHEW & LORI 01/24/2013 121112 Registration fee refund 57.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 221177 SMIGIEL, ALLAN 01/24/2013 111912 SO NSC GIRLS 11/19/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221178 SMITH, CHRIS 01/24/2013 120712 SO NSC GIRLS 12/7/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221179 SMITH, FREDERICK 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221180 SMOK, PETER 01/24/2013 112112 SO NSC GIRLS 11/21/12 221181 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 01/24/2013 1000637324 Cost of operation for period 3 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 168,611.64 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 221181 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 01/24/2013 271033 Smallwares/Equipment 2,031.94 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 221181 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 01/24/2013 271036 Smallwares/Equipment 198.29 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 221182 SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MAN 01/24/2013 9005114910 Membership Dues - Julia Becich 04/01/2013 - 03/31/2014. 180.00 10E008 2640 6400 01 000000 ID#00795996 221183 SOS, INC. 01/24/2013 25814 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district Contractual Speech Therapy Services 5,700.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 128.36 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.36 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.36 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.37 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.36 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.36 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.36 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 01/24/2013 S100018456 Refrigerant used in AC repairs in district 128.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 128.36 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 34 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 221184 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 01/24/2013 S100021488 HVAC Supplies for misc. repairs 221185 SOUND INCORPORATED 01/24/2013 R118271 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 58.63 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY PHONE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 3,688.00 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 3,688.00 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 221185 SOUND INCORPORATED 01/24/2013 R118809 MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY PHONE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 221186 SPITZ, KEVIN 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 221186 SPITZ, KEVIN 01/24/2013 120812 SO NSC BOYS 12/8/12 221187 SPYCHALA, MARY 01/24/2013 120512 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16 & 12/5/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 133.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221188 STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS CORP 01/24/2013 96018855 Treatment for MW lift station 219.12 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221188 STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS CORP 01/24/2013 96049689 Lift station treatment at MW 225.40 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221189 SBHC STREAMWOOD HOSPITAL INC. 01/24/2013 ipschool-1 Home/Hospital Tutoring Services 221190 STEEN, RANDY 01/24/2013 111412 SO NSC GIRLS 11/14/12 133.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 221191 STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 121512 boys lake county swimming meet at Stevenson HS $157.00. 221192 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 01/24/2013 S004167853 Floor plates for Electrical Repairs in HS 221192 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 01/24/2013 S004167853 Floor plates for Electrical Repairs in HS 221192 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 01/24/2013 S004191714 Misc. Electrical Supplies 216.10 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221192 STEINER ELECTRIC COMPANY 01/24/2013 S004198962 Misc. Electrical Supplies 65.63 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 221193 STEINER, SIMON 01/24/2013 121512 SO NSC BOYS 12/15/12 221194 STEKER, CRYSTAL 01/24/2013 121812 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR CABLES FOR HS SECURITY 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 157.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 12/15/12 267.79 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 53.68 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 185.94 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 221195 SUMMIT SCHOOL 01/24/2013 20121231-8 Tuition Dec 2012 221196 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 01/24/2013 AD#459439 BUS BID PUBLIC NOTICE 15,358.50 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 221196 SUN-TIMES MEDIA 01/24/2013 AD#461240 PUBLIC NOTICE- LEVY 221197 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 01/24/2013 165144 MASTER PO FOR MONTHLY BILLING - WEB HOSTING 221198 TANKING, AIMEE 01/24/2013 102312 Reimbursement for Departmental Supplies 221199 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS 01/24/2013 TUITION JA Tuition for Jan 2013 221200 TENGLER, STEVE 01/24/2013 121812 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 12/18/12 221200 TENGLER, STEVE 01/24/2013 121012 SO BASKETBALL 12/10/12 120.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 221201 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 0594498-01 Electrical and Lighting Supplies for MSS/IF 180.80 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 221201 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 0594498-01 Electrical and Lighting Supplies for MSS/IF 180.80 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 221201 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 0595444-00 Lighting Repair Supplies for MW 221201 GOODMAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY 01/24/2013 0594948-00 Power Surge Protector for IF PA System 604.39 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 221202 THE EDGE SPORTS APPAREL 01/24/2013 264 MSN Faculty spirit wear. 680.00 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 221203 THE FLOLO CORPORATION 01/24/2013 395347 Wall Heater Motor for MW 221203 THE FLOLO CORPORATION 01/24/2013 395736 Circulating Pump Motor for MSS 20.80 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 165.60 10E008 2520 3100 01 000000 1,395.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 388.82 10E006 1130 4100 15 000000 17,253.64 10E008 4210 6700 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 94.44 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 76.20 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 1,113.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 221204 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION S 01/24/2013 12-3988 Semi Annual Elevator Inspections 100.00 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 221204 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION S 01/24/2013 12-3988 Semi Annual Elevator Inspections 100.00 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 221205 TORVAC INC, DIV OF DARLING RES 01/24/2013 090:227642 Cleaning of grease trap at MSS 221206 TOMAN, TOM 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/16/12 221207 TOTTEN, ROBERT 221208 TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DIST 211 01/24/2013 121112 SO BASKETBALL 12/11/12 01/24/2013 121212-SD9 Homeless Transp 176.00 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 216.00 40E008 2550 3310 01 000000 35 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 703358 PROJECTOR AND SMARTBOARD FOR SA ROOM 19 125.00 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 704014 PROJECTOR AND SMARTBOARD FOR SA ROOM 19 39.00 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 705204 PROJECTOR AND SMARTBOARD FOR SA ROOM 19 1,689.00 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 704864 PROJECTOR AND SMARTBOARD FOR SA ROOM 19 45.00 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 704293 PROJECTOR AND SMARTBOARD FOR SA ROOM 19 1,079.00 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 707962 PROJECTOR AND SMARTBOARD FOR SA ROOM 19 79.00 10E003 1110 7001 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 704015 MSN STAGE PROJECTOR CABLE REPAIR 65.00 10E005 1120 3200 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 704018 MSN STAGE PROJECTOR CABLE REPAIR 79.00 10E005 1120 3200 01 000000 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 704863 MSN STAGE PROJECTOR CABLE REPAIR 221211 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/24/2013 709947 REPLACEMENT VGA CABLES FOR MSN/SL MPR 221212 TROYER, ALICE 01/24/2013 110812 reimbursements for books and book tape 221212 TROYER, ALICE 01/24/2013 110812 reimbursements for books and book tape 84.32 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 221212 TROYER, ALICE 01/24/2013 010713 Library books 69.21 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 221213 TURNBULL, LEONARD 01/24/2013 111312 SO NSC GIRLS 11/13/12 221214 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 01/24/2013 045-80221 VERSATRANS - ANNUAL SUPPORT FEES 221215 ULINE INC 01/24/2013 47934883 bins for towels in athletic locker rooms. #47934883 60.00 10E005 1120 3200 01 000000 157.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 40.60 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 7,938.49 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 273.00 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 12/12/2012 $273 221216 ULLMAN, BRADLEY 01/24/2013 121212 SO WRESTLING 12/12/12 221216 ULLMAN, BRADLEY 01/24/2013 010513 SO WRESTLING 1/5/13 120.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 221217 UNITED RADIO COMM, INC. 01/24/2013 23532900 2-WAY BUS RADIO REPAIR 288.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 221217 UNITED RADIO COMM, INC. 01/24/2013 23533100 2-WAY BUS RADIO REPAIR 221218 USBANK -OFFICE EQUIPMENT FINAN 01/24/2013 217355395 60.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 288.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 Lease - copiers from 12/1/12 to 1/1/13 3,800.00 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 221218 USBANK -OFFICE EQUIPMENT FINAN 01/24/2013 219482312 Lease - copiers from 1/1/13 to 2/1/13 3,800.00 10E008 1100 3253 25 000000 221219 VALCOM MONITORING SERVICES RENEWAL MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR 01/24/2013 835305 885.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 2012-13 221220 VENDEGNA, RANDALL 01/24/2013 010813 SO BOYS WRESTLING 1/8/13 221220 VENDEGNA, RANDALL 01/24/2013 11513 SO WRESTLING 1/15/13 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 221221 VENDEGNA, RYAN 01/24/2013 010513 SO WRESTLING 1/5/13 221222 VERITEXT CHICAGO REPORTING CO 01/24/2013 CHI1614724 COURT REPORTING SERVICES 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 93.39 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 205.33 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 450.86 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 49.92 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 101.44 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 152.97 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006040-00 44.29 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 58.98 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 129.68 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 284.75 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 60.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 120.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 1,092.05 10E008 2310 3190 01 000000 36 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 31.53 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 64.07 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 96.61 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 604 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006041-00 27.98 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 2.95 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 6.48 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 14.24 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 1.58 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 3.20 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 4.83 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 610 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006106-00 1.40 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 26.54 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 58.36 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 128.14 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 14.19 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 28.83 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 43.48 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006124-00 12.58 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 3.93 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 8.65 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 18.98 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 2.10 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 4.27 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 6.44 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 612 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006125-00 1.87 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 248.72 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 546.83 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 1,200.70 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 132.93 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 270.16 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 407.38 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006177-00 117.96 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 108.16 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 237.81 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 522.17 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 57.81 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 117.49 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 01/24/2013 010213 617 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006179-00 177.16 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 51.30 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 37 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 58.36 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 128.14 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 14.19 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 28.83 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 43.48 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006180-00 12.58 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 57.02 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 125.36 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 275.26 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 30.48 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 61.93 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 93.39 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 618 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct #006185-00 27.04 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 44.24 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 97.26 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 213.56 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 23.64 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 48.05 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 72.46 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 010213 61 Water / Sewer 11/19/12 - 12/17/12. Acct # 006186-00 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 4000002578 athletic event police 2hrsX$58 = $116. 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 4000002578 HS Traffic control 464.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 221228 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 01/24/2013 4000002613 Traffic control 174.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 221229 WADDELOW, DOUG 01/24/2013 111312 SO NSC GIRLS 11/13 & 11/16/12 133.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221230 WAKEFIELD, PAUL 01/24/2013 121712 REIMBURSEMENT FOR HS SECURITY TABLE EQUIPMENT - CABLES, balance paid by HS 26.54 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 20.99 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 116.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 Inv# 4000002578 12/19/2012 56.66 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 CORDS, CRIMPER 221231 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 01/24/2013 1782747-0 Copy Paper 855.00 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 221231 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 01/24/2013 1812278-0 white copy paper 883.50 10E009 1110 4108 01 000000 442.50 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 221232 WASHBURN MACHINERY, INC 01/24/2013 94104 Repairs to HS washing machine 221233 WESS, WILLIAM 01/24/2013 113012 SO NSC BOYS 11/30/12 221234 WESTERN TRANSPORATION LLC 01/24/2013 L1512-5492 12/15/12 BILLING - SPEC ED 221235 WHALEN, TROY 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17/12 221236 WHITE WAY SIGN & MAINTENANCE C 01/24/2013 CD20080784 HS Sign Maintenance 221237 WHEATON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 01/24/2013 TOURNAMENT Frosh-Soph Scholastic Bowl Tournament 221238 WILES, DAVID 01/24/2013 010413 FIRST OF 3 PAYMENTS FOR CHOREOGRAPHY SERVICES 221239 WILLIAMS-LENEAU, CABRINA 221240 WILLIAMS, DAVID 01/24/2013 111312 01/24/2013 111612 SO NSC GIRLS 11/13/12 SO NSC BOYS 11/16/12 47.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 9,155.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 363.00 20E006 2540 3230 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 500.00 10E008 2520 3160 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 38 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 11:35 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 221241 WILSON CONSULTING 01/24/2013 13564 ATT AUDIT FOR SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 240.00 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 221242 WILSON, JUDITH 01/24/2013 010813 CPR Training to train the trainer 500.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 221243 WINCRAFT, INCORPORATED 01/24/2013 795942 towels for athletics inv# 795942 845.35 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 221244 WISCOMB, EMILY 01/24/2013 121012 Reimbursemet of teacher for supplies bought for classroom. AMOUNT NUMBER 58.48 10E006 1130 4100 15 000000 Pencil Sharpener and Mounting Tape to hang items in classroom. 221245 WITT, JENNIFER 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 14.25 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 221245 WITT, JENNIFER 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 221245 WITT, JENNIFER 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Interpreting Services 221246 WOOD, CHARLES 01/24/2013 112412 SO NSC BOYS 11/24/12 221247 G-SPORTS WRESTLING 01/24/2013 48437 Wrestling Supplies 221248 WRIGHT, SANDRA 01/24/2013 SERVICES 1 Mentoring Aimee Tanking 12/12/2012 221249 YONAN, GREGORY 01/24/2013 111712 SO NSC GIRLS 11/17 & 11/19/12 221250 ZALDIVAR, RAUL 01/24/2013 120712 SO NSC GIRLS 12/7/12 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 221251 ZALEWSKI, JODI & ANDY 01/24/2013 121112 Reistration fee refund 57.50 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 221252 ZARR, JOHN 01/24/2013 REISSUE EV THIS IS A REISSUE FOR LOST CK #27905 DATED 2/10/12 10.00 10E008 2320 3100 01 000000 221253 ZIMNY, ANDREW 01/24/2013 121512 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 9.50 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 86.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 58.80 10E010 1500 4100 35 000000 335.52 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 94.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 SO NSC BOYS 12/15/12 Totals for checks 1,209,772.44 39 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 40 TRANSPORTATION 11:35 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/21/12 - 01/24/13) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 6,374.32 487.50 615,871.63 622,733.45 OPER & MAINT 3,534.10 0.00 432,318.03 435,852.13 0.00 0.00 151,186.86 151,186.86 9,908.42 487.50 1,199,376.52 1,209,772.44 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 01/17/13 PAGE: 40 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 8:28 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/01/12 - 12/31/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT Imprest AMOUNT NUMBER 28151 EASTER SEALS DUPAGE & FOX VALL 12/11/2012 VOID CHECK CONFERENCE CANCELLED -185.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 28155 CHANNAHON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 12/06/2012 ENTRY FEE 28156 CHICAGO EDUCATION PROJECT 12/06/2012 WORKSHOP D Workshop (J.Garrow-MW) Channahon Jr. HS Wrestling Tournament. 200.00 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 85.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 28157 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/06/2012 037388 Supplies for Superintendent's Coffee 50.02 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 28157 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/06/2012 018442 Costco payment for purchase on 11/19/12. 27.56 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 28157 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/06/2012 052820 Costco payment for purchase on 11/26/12. 28158 LUCERO, JORGE 12/06/2012 SERVICES 1 Professional development consultant fee for Jorge Lucero, 28159 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 12/06/2012 111912 106 Groceries for Home Economics. Acct ending in 1067 28160 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 12/06/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 28161 SECRETARY OF STATE 12/10/2012 TITLE/PLAT Title and Municipal Plate for 2009 Silverado Truck 105.00 20E008 2540 6400 01 000000 28162 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/14/2012 037116 180.54 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 28163 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 12/14/2012 111912 105 Lab materials for Science. Acct ending in 1059 58.27 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 15.24 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 138.52 10E005 1120 4100 12 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 81.32 10E005 1120 4100 13 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 54.33 10E005 1120 4100 16 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 263.09 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 272.72 10E005 1500 4100 77 000000 28164 WALMART COMMUNITY 12/14/2012 112212 922 Walmart Charges. Acct ending in 9221 28165 AT&T 12/20/2012 6908539109 Service from Nov 5,2012 thru Dec 4,2012. Acct # 28166 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 064653 Costco payment for FACS supplies purchased on 12/11/12. 28166 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 071531 External Computer Hard Drive 28166 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 078658 Supplies for BPAC meeting and Curriculum meetings. 69.16 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 Institute Day November 2nd, 2012, Contemporary Art 415.09 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 68.87 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 Costco payment for FACS purchase on 12/3/12. 76.79 10E005 2410 4100 01 000000 3,429.10 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 831-000-3525 131 143.36 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 96.74 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 See 55.26 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 See 76.82 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 950.00 10E008 2210 3100 90 430000 attached receipt. 28166 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 078658 Supplies for BPAC meeting and Curriculum meetings. attached receipt. 28166 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12/20/2012 078698 Supplies for Upcoming Superintendent's Coffees 28168 NATIONAL LOUIS UNIVERSITY 12/20/2012 RR2013004 Twenty Second Annual Comprehensive Literacy and Reading 30.95 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 Recovery Conference January 23-25, 2013, G Hogan, M Miller, K Peterson, L Easton, D Anaclerio, J Boden, E Metaxas, S Noisey - Title I 28168 NATIONAL LOUIS UNIVERSITY 12/20/2012 RR2013004/ Twenty Second Annual Comprehensive Literacy and Reading 950.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 Recovery Conference January 23-25, 2013, L Hopman, F Noble, K Knowles, S Merow 28169 TEAMDANCE ILLINOIS 12/20/2012 REF T9B8Z4 Team Dance Illinois Championship Event 28170 THE CENTER/ILLINOIS RESOURCE C 12/20/2012 135553016 Professional development, S Anton at MSS, IRC Sheltered Instruction: Teaching Academic Content, 1/29/2013 and 225.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 180.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 330500 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 8:28 AM 01/17/13 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/01/12 - 12/31/12) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 3/5/2013 28171 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 12/20/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 28171 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 12/20/2012 00008R8F26 FRT 37.30 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 28172 CHARNOTA, MICHAEL 12/21/2012 122112 Reimbursement of December COBRA payment 689.00 10L000 4560 0000 00 000000 28172 CHARNOTA, MICHAEL 12/21/2012 122112 Reimbursement of December COBRA payment 13.78 10E008 2640 3111 01 000000 54.59 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 Totals for checks 9,908.42 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 EDUCATION FUND 20 OPER & MAINT *** Fund Summary Totals *** 8:28 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 12/01/12 - 12/31/12) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 689.00 0.00 5,685.32 6,374.32 0.00 0.00 3,534.10 3,534.10 689.00 0.00 9,219.42 9,908.42 ************************ End of report ************************ 01/17/13 PAGE: 3 Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: 2013-2014 Tuition Rate Policy Reference: Policy 7:60 - Residence Background: Illinois School Code states that only those students who are residents of the District may attend a district’s schools tuition free. In some approved cases students are accepted for enrollment on a tuition paying basis, and the School Code allows for collection of those payments calculated as follows: “tuition in an amount exceeding 110% of the per capita cost of maintaining the schools of the district for the preceding year.” The Annual Financial Report shows that 110% of the per capita tuition cost is $12,396.79. Analysis: N/A Recommendation: The administration recommends the adoption of the out of district tuition rate of $12,396.79 for the 2013-2014 school year. Motion: To set the District’s out-of-district tuition rate at $12,396.79 for the 2013-2014 school year. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Registration and Participation Fees Policy Reference: 4:140 – Student Fees Background: Board policy states that “the Superintendent will recommend to the Board for adoption a schedule of fees, if any, to be charged students for the use of textbooks, consumable materials, extracurricular activities, and other school student fees. All fees are due in full by the time school begins.” “For this purpose, “fees” means any monetary charge collected by a public school or district from a student or the parents or guardian of a student as a prerequisite for the student’s participation in any curricular or extracurricular program of the school or school district. In addition to the fee structure, there are additional items that may be required to participate in activities/extracurricular activities by the classroom teacher that are outside the existing fee schedule. Students with outstanding fee balances will be excluded from participating in fee based activities.” The determination of fees for the 2013-2014 school year were discussed at the December and January Committee of the Whole Meetings. Recommendation: The administration is recommending no increase in fees for the 2013-2014 school year. The administration is also recommending the elimination of the elementary club/intramural fee. Lake Zurich CUSD 95 Fees Fees 2012-2013 2013-2014 Elementary School Early Childhood Registration- Half Day* Early Childhood Registration - Full Day* Kindergarten Registration* Grades 1-5 Registration* Pre-school Speech Services Band/Orchestra/Choral (per activity) Club or Intramural Participation (per activity) $90.00 $120.00 $90.00 $120.00 $115.00 $25.00 $25.00 $90.00 $120.00 $90.00 $120.00 $115.00 $25.00 $0.00 Middle Schools Grades 6-8 Registration* Physical Education Uniform Intramural Scholastic Bowl Science Olympiad Speech Team Athletic Fee (per sport) Band/Orchestra/Choral Drama Fee (per production) Non-Service Club Fee Optional Fees Yearbook Replacement Planner Replacement ID $150.00 $20.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $95.00 $40.00 $50.00 $25.00 $150.00 $20.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $95.00 $40.00 $50.00 $25.00 $26.00 $10.00 $5.00 TBD $10.00 $5.00 $190.00 $20.00 $220.00 $250.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $20.00 $300.00 $190.00 $20.00 $220.00 $250.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $20.00 $300.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $54.00 $165.00 $3.00 $10.00 $10.00 $7.00 TBD $165.00 $3.00 $10.00 $10.00 $7.00 High School Grades 9-12 Registration* Physical Education Uniform Athletic Fee (family cap of $1,000) Athletic Fee Football Band/Orchestra/Choral/Color Guard (per activity) Drama Fee (per production) Orchesis Fee Weight Room Driver's Education (Behind the Wheel) Interscholastics (Competitive Clubs) Debate Team Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Math Team Robotics Team Scholastic Bowl Science Team Speech Team Optional Fees Yearbook Parking (per semester) Transcripts Replacement ID Replacement Planner Replacement PE Lock Motion: To keep the fees at the same rate for the 2013-2014 school year and eliminate the elementary club/intramural fee. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: School Bus Purchase Policy Reference: Policy 4:60 – Contracts and Purchases Background: The district issued bid specifications for the replacement of the school bus fleet. The district bid 47 – 77 passenger school buses, 2 – wheel chair buses and 11 – 34 passenger buses for special education purposes and video recording devices. This is the same number of buses that were bid and purchased in 2011. The bid document was sent to the three bus suppliers in Illinois. The bid opening was held on December 20, 2012. All three bidders attended the bid opening but the only bid was received from Midwest Transit of Kankakee, IL. The results were shared at the Committee of the Whole meeting earlier this month. Analysis: The district has had a favorable and lengthy history with Midwest Transit particularly in their ability to provide support for our school district since we do not have a maintenance facility or full-time mechanic. The ability of the vendor to provide maintenance support is very important to make the buyback program as cost effective as it is for the district. We bid both a one-year and two-year buyback program. The two-year buyback has worked out for the district and results in an overall lower cost. Included in the two-year bid is an extended warranty and the appropriate inspections that will be performed after the first year at no additional cost to the district. While some of the vehicle prices are higher than two years ago the district will see a savings of $103,394.69 over the previous two-year buyback pricing. This is due to a higher buy-back percentage and specifying a lower cost small bus. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the administration to award the school bus purchase bid to Midwest Transit Equipment for a two-year term at a total purchase price of $4,732,822. Motion: To award the school bus purchase bid to Midwest Transit Equipment of Kankakee, IL in the amount of $4,732,822. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: January 24, 2013 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Transfer of Funds Policy Reference: Policy 4:20 – Transfer of Funds Strategic Plan Reference: Background: Accounting rules necessitate the board authorizing the transfer of funds to pay items out of debt service. Previous to the new accounting rules the items were paid directly out of the Education Fund or O & M Fund. Analysis: N/A Recommendation: The administration is asking for authorization to transfer $197,656.96.00 from the Education Fund to the Debt Service. The purpose of the transfer is to reimburse the Debt Service Fund for the outstanding bonded debt for SEDOL. The administration is asking for authorization to transfer $1,874.56 from the Education Fund to the Debt Service Fund. The purpose of the transfer is to reimburse the Debt Service Fund for the outstanding bonded debt for the Lake County Technology Campus. Motion: To authorize the administration to transfer $199,531.52 from the Education Fund to the Debt Service Fund. TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: 2013-2014 School Calendar DATE: January 24, 2013 Background Information: In February, the administration will ask the board to adopt the following school calendar for 2013-2014. Highlights include: • • • • • • Institute Days = August 23, September 27, November 8, January 24, May 16 First Day of School = August 26, 2013 Winter Break = December 23, 2013 through January 3, 2014 (resume January 6) Spring Break = March 24, 2014 through March 28, 2014 (resume March 31) Last Day of School = June 6, 2014 (emergency days June 9 through June 13) Conferences = o High School – November 7, 2013 and November 13, 2013 o Middle School – November 7, 2013 and November 14, 2013 o Elementary School – November 21, 2013 and November 26, 2013 The tentative calendar is posted on the District’s website. Once approved, it will also appear in principal newsletters, in student and parent handbooks and in the electronic newsletter that is distributed to community members. In addition, all licensed day care centers, parochial and private schools will be informed of the 2013-2014 calendar. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 2013-14 District Calendar - Tentative Event Date Meet Principal Day Institute Day 1st Day of School TBA Friday, August 23, 2013 Monday, August 26, 2013 Labor Day Early Release (K-8) Institute Day Homecoming Early Release (K-8) Columbus Day First Quarter Ends First Marking Period Ends Parent/Teacher Conferences (High School) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Middle School) Early Release (Middle and High Schools) Institute Day Parent/Teacher Conferences (High School) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Middle School) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Elementary) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Elementary) Early Release (Elementary) Non Student Attendance Thanksgiving Non Student Attendance Winter Break Classes Resume MLK Jr. Day Second Quarter Ends Institute Day Early Release (K-8) President’s Day Second Marking Period Ends Spring Break Monday, September 2, 2013 Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Friday, September 27, 2013 Saturday, October 5, 2013 Thursday, October 10, 2013 Monday, October 14, 2013 Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Thursday, November 7, 2013 Thursday, November 7, 2013 Thursday, November 7, 2013 Thursday, November 7, 2013 Friday, November 8, 2013 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Thursday, November 14, 2013 Thursday, November 21, 2013 Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Thursday, November 28, 2013 Friday, November 29, 2013 December 23, 2013 - January 3, 2014 Monday, January 6, 2014 Monday, January 20, 2014 Thursday, January 23, 2014 Friday, January 24, 2014 Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Monday, February 17, 2014 Friday, February 28, 2014 March 24, 2014 - March 28, 2014 Third Quarter Ends Early Release (K-8) Non Student Attendance Institute Day Thursday, April 3, 2014 Thursday, April 17, 2014 Friday, April 18, 2014 Friday, May 16, 2014 Early Release (K-8) Memorial Day HS Graduation Last Day of School Emergency Days Summer School Starts Friday, May 23, 2014 Monday, May 26, 2014 Sunday, June 1, 2014 Friday, June 6, 2014 June 9 – June 13, 2014 Monday, June 16, 2014 District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 FAX: (847) 438-6702 TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: SEL Survey Update DATE: January 24, 2013 Dr. Egan will provide an update on the data from the SEL Survey administered to students, parents and staff last November. For information only. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: Additional Information DATE: January 24, 2013 Awards • Regina Hope, Social Worker at Isaac Fox Elementary School was named 2013 Educator of the • Year at the Evening of Excellence Awards Banquet sponsored by the Lake Zurich Area Chamber of Commerce on January 19, 2013. On behalf of the Lake County Regional Office of Education, the following schools achieved a winning score in the October 2012 Attendance Week Competition: Lake Zurich High School, Lake Zurich Middle School North and Seth Paine Elementary School. Donations • Father David Ryan and the St. Francis De Sales Parishioners The Lake Zurich High School choir participated in a worship service during the Advent season at St. Francis De Sales Catholic Church in Lake Zurich. Through CD sales and a special collection, the St. Francis community donated $23,480.25 toward the choir’s spring break trip to Italy. • Mr. Richard Hass, Lake Zurich Mr. Hass donated $500 to the Lake Zurich High School Athletic Program through his participation in the Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign. Recent Freedom of Information Act Requests • From: Katy Smyser, Producer, NBC Universal “Information on any cab companies used to transport district students including: 1) a list of name(s) of the cab or taxi companies; 2) how much the district has paid each such company since January of 2011; and 3) a list of the names of all cab drivers who have transported district students since January of 2011.” • From: Jake Griffin, Senior Writer, Daily Herald “The names of all school board members or school district employees who attended the Illinois Association of School Boards conference Nov. 16-18, 2012 in Chicago; and copies of all invoices, receipts and expenses reimbursed to any of the school board members and/or school district employees who attended the Illinois Association of School Board conference Nov. 16-18, 2012 in Chicago.” • From: Carolyn Fitzgerald, Hawthorn Woods “All records/reports/communication including electronic communications and hand written notes whether received directly, by cc or bcc pertaining to May Whitney asbestos inspections between Debbie Ewanio, AIM Asbestos Inspection & Management, Inc., the Lake Zurich School District 95 Administration, District 95 Board of Education and all contractors and/or consulting firms associated with said school district and Illinois Department of Public Health for the period of 1/1/2011 to present.” District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 TO: Board of Education FROM: Kathy Brown, President Board of Education AGENDA ITEM: Policy – Second Reading DATE: January 24, 2013 Background Information: Policy Review Committee sessions and the IASB have proposed the following revisions and additions to current policies: Policies for consideration by the Board at first reading 6:110 Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program. Policy and Legal References updated to delete a program. Kim Kolze reviewed and made appropriate modifications to reflect our district’s offerings. (Final copies and markups are found on the following pages) Suggested Motion: Move to adopt the revisions and additions to the Board of Education Policy Manual as read. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Community Unit School District 95 6:110 Page 1 of 2 Instruction Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program The Superintendent or designee shall develop, maintain, and supervise a program for students at risk of academic failure or dropping out of school. The program shall include education and support services addressing individual learning styles, career development, and social needs, and may include: • Parent-teacher conferences • Counseling services by social workers and/or guidance counselor • Counseling services by psychologists • Psychological testing • Truants’ alternative and optional education program • Alternative school placement • Community agency services • Alternative learning opportunities program, in conformity with the Alternative Learning Opportunities Law, as it may be amended from time- to- time. • Graduation incentives program • Illinois Hope and Opportunities Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program Any student who is below the age of 20 years is eligible to enroll in a graduation incentives program if he or she: 1. Is considered a dropout according to State law; 2. Has been suspended or expelled’ 3. Is pregnant or is a parent; 4. Has been assessed as chemically dependent; or 5. Is enrolled in a bilingual education or LEP program Illinois Hope and Opportunities Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program. The Superintendent or designee shall develop the required partnerships necessary to build a comprehensive plan to re-enroll high school dropouts in the District through the IHOPE Program. The IHOPE Program shall include all components required by State law and regulations. Any student who wishes to earn a high school diploma must meet the prerequisites to receiving a high school diploma in policy 6:300, Graduation Requirements. ADOPTED: January 24,2013 Community Unit School District 95 LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.66, 5/13B-1, et seq., 5/26-2a, and 5/26-14, and 5/26-16. 23 ILL.Admin.Code Part 210. CROSS REF.: 6:110 Page 2 of 2 6:300 (Graduation Requirements), 7:70 (Attendance and Truancy) ADOPTED: January 24,2013 Community Unit School District 95 Kim's Update of current policy 6:110 Page 1 of 2 Instruction Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program The Superintendent or designee shall develop, maintain, and supervise a program for students at risk of academic failure or dropping out of school. The program shall include education and support services addressing individual learning styles, career development, and social needs, and may include: • Parent-teacher conferences • Counseling services by social workers and/or guidance counselor • Counseling services by psychologists • Psychological testing • Truants’ alternative and optional education program • Alternative school placement • Community agency services • Alternative learning opportunities program, in conformity with the Alternative Learning Opportunities Law, as it may be amended from time- to- time. • Graduation incentives program • Illinois Hope and Opportunities Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program Any student who is below the age of 20 years is eligible to enroll in a graduation incentives program if he or she: 1. Is considered a dropout according to State law; 2. Has been suspended or expelled’ 3. Is pregnant or is a parent; 4. Has been assessed as chemically dependent; or 5. Is enrolled in a bilingual education or LEP program Illinois Hope and Opportunities Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program. The Superintendent or designee shall develop the required partnerships necessary to build a comprehensive plan to re-enroll high school dropouts in the District through the IHOPE Program. The IHOPE Program shall include all components required by State law and regulations. Any student who wishes to earn a high school diploma must meet the prerequisites to receiving a high school diploma in policy 6:300, Graduation Requirements. ADOPTED: December 17, 2009 Community Unit School District 95 LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.66, 5/13B-1, et seq., 5/26-2a, and 5/26-14, and 5/26-16. 23 ILL.Admin.Code Part 210. CROSS REF.: 6:110 Page 2 of 2 6:300 (Graduation Requirements), 7:70 (Attendance and Truancy) ADOPTED: December 17, 2009 January October 2012 6:110 Instruction Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program 1 The Superintendent or designee shall develop, maintain, and supervise a program for students at risk of academic failure or dropping out of school. The program shall include education and support services addressing individual learning styles, career development, and social needs, and may include without limitation one or more of the following: • Parent-teacher conferences • Counseling services by social workers and/or guidance counselors • Counseling services by psychologists • Psychological testing • Truants’ alternative and optional education program 2 • Alternative school placement • Community agency services • Alternative learning opportunities program, in conformity with the Alternative Learning Opportunities Law, as it may be amended from time to time 3 • Graduation incentives program 4 • Illinois Hope and Opportunity Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program • Remediation program 5 Any student who is below the age of 20 years is eligible to enroll in a graduation incentives program if he or she: 6 The footnotes are not intended to be part of the adopted policy; they should be removed before the policy is adopted. 1 State or federal law controls this policy’s content. 2 105 ILCS 5/2-3.66 authorizes the ISBE to award grants to school districts, ROEs, and community college districts. 3 105 ILCS 5/13B-1 et seq. Districts are not required to establish an alternative learning opportunities program. However, if they do, State law requires that the program “provide a flexible standards-based learning environment, innovative and varied instructional strategies, a student-centered curriculum, social programs, and supplemental social, health, and support services to improve the educational achievement of students at risk of academic failure” (105 ILCS 5/13B-20). The program must also meet the requirements in 105 ILCS 5/13B-45. Alternative learning opportunities programs “may include without limitation evening high school, in-school tutoring and mentoring programs, in-school suspension programs, high school completion programs to assist high school dropouts in completing their education, support services, parental involvement programs, and programs to develop, enhance, or extend the transition for students transferring back into the regular school program, an adult education program, or a post-secondary education program” (105 ILCS 5/13B-20.5). See 105 ILCS 5/13B-25.10, as well as other requirements for general State aid, for additional requirements to receive State funds for creating this program. 4 Required by 105 ILCS 5/26-16. 5 105 ILCS 5/2-3.64, amended by P.A. 97-86, provides that “[i]f, by performance on the State tests or local assessments or by teacher judgment, a student’s performance is determined to be 2 or more grades below current placement, the student shall be provided a remediation program developed by the district in consultation with a parent or guardian. Such remediation programs may include, but shall not be limited to, increased or concentrated instructional time, a remedial summer school program of not less than 90 hours (with an emphasis on reading and mathematics if the student has performed below grade level for 2 consecutive school years), improved instructional approaches, tutorial sessions, retention in grade, and modifications to instructional materials.” 105 ILCS 5/10-20.9a requires remedial assistance for students who are not promoted to the next higher grade. 6:110 Page 1 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is considered a dropout according to State law; Has been suspended or expelled; Is pregnant or is a parent; Has been assessed as chemically dependent; or Is enrolled in a bilingual education or LEP program. Illinois Hope and Opportunity Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program 7 The Superintendent or designee shall develop the required partnerships necessary to build a comprehensive plan to re-enroll high school dropouts in the District through the IHOPE Program. The IHOPE Program shall include all components required by State law and regulations. Any student who wishes to earn a high school diploma must meet the prerequisites to receiving a high school diploma in policy 6:300, Graduation Requirements. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.41, 5/2-3.64, 5/2-3.66, 5/2-3.66b, 5/13B-1 et seq., 5/26-2a, 5/2613, 5/26-14, and 5/26-16. 23 Ill.Admin.Code Part 210. CROSS REF.: 6:280 (Grading and Promotion), 6:300 (Graduation Requirements), 7:70 (Attendance and Truancy) 6 Required by 105 ILCS 5/26-16. Graduation incentives programs are entitled to claim general State aid. A district must ensure that its graduation incentives program receives supplemental general State aid, transportation reimbursements, and special education resources, if appropriate, for students enrolled in the program. 105 ILCS 5/26-2a defines dropout as “any child enrolled in grades 9 through 12 whose name has been removed from the district enrollment roster for any reason other than the student’s death, extended illness, removal for medical non-compliance, expulsion, aging out, graduation, or completion of a program of studies and who has not transferred to another public or private school and is not known to be home-schooled by his or her parents or guardians or continuing school in another country.” 7Optional. 105 ILCS 5/2-3.66b and its implementing rules, 23 Ill.Admin.Code Part 210, authorize ISBE to award Illinois Hope and Opportunity Pathways through Education (IHOPE) Program grants to ROEs that partner with school districts, community colleges and other community programs that work with dropouts to re-enroll high school dropouts in programs that will enable them to earn their high school diploma. Alternatively, an ROE can contract with a school district (and create a sub-grant) to operate the IHOPE Program. An ROE or school district that enrolls students who receive qualifying services in a program funded by the IHOPE Program may claim general State aid. Delete 23 Ill.Admin.Code Part 210 from the policy’s legal references if the board does not include this subhead. 6:110 Page 2 of 2 ©2012 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards Please review this material with your school board attorney before use.