Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development (ISSN: 2251-0036) Vol. 2(1) pp. 006-009 January 2012 Available online@ Copyright ©2012 International Research Journals Full Length Research Paper Development of Digester for Central Sewage System of Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria D.B. Yahaya* and B.M. Yahaya Department of Mechanical Engineering Bayero University, Kano Accepted 09 January, 2012 This paper looks at the possibility of producing biogas from sewage obtained from the sewage plant of Bayero University, Kano. A digester was designed and constructed using locally available materials to 3 a capacity of 4500 cm . The dimension of which was 15x15x20 cm. The material used was galvanized iron sheet metal, copper pipe and rubber hose. Four digesters were constructed of the same size. Two set of experiments were set up comprising of groups 1 and 2. Group 1 consists of digester A and B while group 2 consists of digester C and D. Sewage samples were processed by drying it for ten days, grounded, then weighed into a mass of 1400 g. The sample collected was divided into four, i.e. 350 g each. Digesters A, C, and D were fed with 350 g of sewage and 1400 cm3 of water making a concentration 0.25 g/cm3, While digester B contains 350 g of the sewage and 1750 cm3 of water making a concentration of 0.2 g/cm3. Readings were taken at 6.00 pm every day. Digesters A, B and C were stirred after taking readings and digester D was not stirred at all throughout the experiments. The research was conducted for over a period of 49 days this is because sewage collected has already started decomposing when it was collected. From the experiment conducted it was discovered that sewage from BUK produces biogas which can be use for cooking purposes. Digester C produces the highest biogas of 4390 cm3, followed by A with 4375cm3, digester B with 3135 cm3 and finally digester D with 3110 cm3. The PH of 7.1 was obtained for the samples which are almost neutral, there by giving excellent anaerobic condition for complete decomposition. Concentration and Stirring are other important factors in the production of biogas. In this experiment concentration of 0.25g/cm3 is found to be the best and also stirring once after taking readings is important. Digesters A, B, and C that were stirred have more biogas yield than digester D which is not stirred. Keywords: Digester, sewage, energy and biogas. INTRODUCTION The basis for life is energy. The most fascinating feature of any civilized society is the availability of energy for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. The available energy sources in Africa are wood, fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas), hydro etc (NAS 1977). A more serious problem is our increasing population culminating into high energy demand and limited and fast depleting energy resources, which can result in severe energy crisis. This call for serious measures and adequate policies to be taken in perfecting utilization, exploration and exploitation of our energy sources and pursuit of new *Corresponding Author E-mail: alternative energy sources and its conservation. This alternative energy should be adequate and within reach of the rural people because 70 % of the total population in the Africa depend almost 100 % on fuel wood for their energy need which could lead to crisis as cutting of trees is not balanced by proper afforestation (Eze et al., 1997). With the development of an efficient chemical fertilizer industry supplying plant nutrients from synthetic fertilizer industry, become economical than from animal wastes, because the cost of collecting, handling and spreading the wastes. With the rising demands for fossil fuels and reduced supplies due to a number of limiting factors coupled with the increase cost of fuel in manufacturing fertilizer in recent years, research shows the potential use of the wastes as substrate for microbial biogas concentrations (Zuru et al., 1998). Yahaya and Yahaya 007 Table 1. PH values Samples Digester A Digester B Digester C Digester D PH Before Digestion 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 Biogas is a flammable gas produced during anaerobic digestion of biologically degradable organic matters such as straws, weeds, human or animal excrements, garbage, sludge, domestic sewage, organic liquid wastes from factories, etc. Generally biogas is a flammable gas which contains 50 -70 % methane (CH4), 30 – 40 % carbon dioxide (CO2) with small quantity of other gases such as hydrogen (H2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), nitrogen (N2) and other hydrocarbons Design A simple box shape digester was designed and constructed with a capacity of 4500 cm3 called “micro digester”. Galvanised iron sheet metal was used for the construction of four digesters of the same size and capacity. The digester has an inlet/outlet and the gas outlet. It is arc welded and body filled to be airtight. The inlet and outlet are made of the same galvanized iron sheet metal while the gas outlet is made from copper pipe, conducting the gas from the digester into the collecting measuring cylinder through a rubber pipe. The measuring cylinder is placed upside down to collect the produced gas, thereby making readings easy as it is graduated. Processing of the slurry Partially dried slurry was collected from the sewage plant in BUK. The slurry was then dried and grounded to a powder form. Mass of 1.40 kg was used in this research. It was divided into four equal parts i.e. 350 g each and was fed into the four digesters. Experimental Setup Four digesters are grouped into two groups, group 1 consist of digesters A and B while group 2 consist of digesters C and D. Digester A contain 350 g of the dried sewage and 1400 cm3 of water. Digester B contain same amount of slurry but 1750 cm3 of water, thereby having different production. Digester C contains 350 g of slurry with 1400 cm3 of water. Digester D also contains the same 350 g of slurry and 1400 cm3 of water. PH After Digestion 7.78 7.67 7.78 7.78 In group 2, however digester C contains same amount of sewage and water with digester D but the stirring H conditions varies. The P and temperature are same for all the digesters and no additional chemicals or inhibitors are added. Therefore group 1 will have different concentrations but same temperature, stirring rate and PH and no chemical inhibitors added. Group 2 will have same concentration, temperature, PH and no chemical inhibitors added but will have different rate of stirring. It is important to note why variations on concentrations and stirring were considered this is because they are the most common factors that will affect the gas production, should BUK decide to produce this gas from its sewage plant. Temperature and PH will certainly be the same, as it will be in an open environment RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The PH of the samples are presented in table 1 above, 2, 3 and 4 below DISCUSSIONS The PH obtained before the digestion is lower than after digestion in all the digesters this may be due to presence of large amount of organic acid in the slurry produced by the acid forming bacteria and accumulation of carbon H dioxide. The P of 7.1 was obtained from the sewage of the four digesters tested. This is more or less a neutral, thereby giving an excellent anaerobic condition for complete decomposition. Digesters:- The gas production in all the digesters started after 3 days and continued through out the retention period. The highest peaks in digesters A and C 3 are obtained on the 5th day with gas yield of 265 cm and 3 270 cm respectively. For digester B the highest peak is th th th on the 6 , 10 , and 20 days with the gas yield of 160 3 th cm . In digester D the highest peak is obtained on the 6 3 st nd th th day with gas yield of 185 cm . On 21 , 22 , 38 and 40 the gas production were 0 because it was rainy days the temperature falls below 30oC these affects all the digesters (A,B,C, and D). Virtually production of biogas in all the digesters ceases by the 46th day, three days were given to confirm there is no more gas production in the 008 J. Res. Peace Gend. Dev. Table 2. Readings obtained from Digesters during the Experiments 3 S/No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Date Days Approx. o Temp ( C) 14/5/03 15/5/03 16/5/03 17/5/03 18/5/03 19/5/03 20/5/03 21/5/03 22/5/03 23/5/03 24/5/03 25/5/03 26/5/03 27/5/03 28/5/03 29/5/03 30/5/03 31/5/03 1/6/03 2/6/03 3/6/03 4/6/03 5/6/03 6/6/03 7/6/03 8/6/03 9/6/03 10/6/03 11/6.03 12/6/03 13/6/03 14/6/03 15/6/03 16/6/03 17/6/3 18/6/03 19/6/03 20/6/03 21/6/02 22/6/03 23/6/03 24/6/03 25/6/03 26/6/03 27/6/03 28/6/03 29/6/03 30/6/03 1/7/03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 40.5 40.3 40.5 40.0 39.3 40.0 41.5 41.0 41.5 41.5 41.0 36.0 37.0 38.5 31.5 33.3 39.8 39.5 38.8 40.3 26.5 31.5 36.5 37.0 39.5 40.3 39.5 34.5 31.5 33.5 38.8 34.0 39.0 40.3 40.5 41.3 25.0 24.0 29.0 27.0 40.0 38.5 38.0 40.5 41.0 38.0 39.5 38.5 39.0 Volume of Biogas Produced (cm ) Digester Digester Digester A B C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 135 85 265 115 270 170 160 180 210 120 210 205 100 210 210 140 205 180 160 180 150 100 150 90 7 85 80 110 85 110 100 110 60 30 60 90 50 90 110 80 110 140 110 140 130 120 135 190 160 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 70 115 110 100 110 150 105 150 165 120 160 145 110 150 100 50 100 50 10 40 90 60 100 100 80 95 90 70 90 150 110 145 160 115 160 140 100 145 150 70 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 10 15 0 0 0 40.0 25 45 40.0 30 40 30.0 20 30 30.0 15 35 20.0 0 10 15.0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Digester D 0 0 0 60 110 185 105 110 120 120 110 100 105 60 40 50 70 100 100 130 0 0 70 80 80 140 140 70 30 80 60 80 130 145 130 100 0 0 10 0 30 25 15 10 0 10 0 0 0 Yahaya and Yahaya 009 Table 3. Biogas Yield data for Analysis of variance Tests Digesters A B C D Grand Total 3 Total Biogas Yield (cm ) 4375 3135 4390 3110 15,010 Mean Biogas Produced 89.29 63.98 89.59 63.47 306.33 Table 4. Result of Analysis of Variance Test Source of Variance Sewage Experimental Error Total Degree of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Squares Computed F Tabular F 3 192 32,408.67 404,076.02 10,802.89 2,104.69 5.13 1% 4.238 195 436,484.69 Tabular F 5% 2.088 Coefficient of Variance (CV) = 14.98 % Note: 1 % Indicate highly Significant, 5 % Significant. Values of Tabular F were obtained by interpolation on 5 % and 1 % of F distribution table. This shows that the Hypothesis is acceptable. digesters. Digester C is rated 1st in terms of biogas production with a total biogas production of 4390 cm3, followed by digester A with a total biogas production of 4375 cm3, then followed by digester B with total production of 3135 cm3 and lastly digester D with total biogas production of 3110 cm3 Concentration is another important factor affecting the production of biogas. In varying the concentration of the samples in digesters A and B it was observed that a difference of 1240 cm3 of the total biogas was obtained between the two digesters. From this result we confirm that concentration is an important factor in producing biogas. CONCLUSIONS It can be seen from the research conducted that biogas are produced in commercial quantities which can be harnessed for utilization for cooking, heating, electricity generation, etc,. With these findings Bayero University can use the results of these findings in deciding to build a large biogas plant for the production of biogas. 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