Loving God, Inside this issue:

Volume 4, Issue 9
May 2015
Inside this issue:
Loving God,
EcoSchools / Catholic Education Week
Summer Programs / Exciting News!
we thank you for the love of the mothers you have given
whose love is so precious that it can never be measured,
Welcome to Kindergarten / New Registrations
Kiss & Ride / Ice Dawgs / Reporting Head Injuries
Valuables / EQAO Reminder
whose patience seems to have no end.
Criminal Reference Checks / Dress Code
May we see your loving hand behind them and guiding
Virtue for May—Acceptance
Six Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Children
We pray for those mothers who fear they will run out of
St. Valentine Catholic School
5610 Heatherleigh Avenue
Mississauga, Ontario
L5V 2V7
or time, or patience.
We ask you to bless them with your own special love.
Brenda LeClair,
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother.
Tom Prugo,
Principal’s Message
Franca Dodgson,
David Amaral,
Superintendent of Schools
905 890 0708
Congratulations to our Grade 2 students will receive the Sacrament of First Communion on May 2nd and to our
Grade 8 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on April 23rd. Thank you to the teachers who
have worked with the children throughout the school year to prepare them for these very important milestones in
their faith development and to you their parents for your modeling and support of our faith. Thank you to Msg.
Pan and his parish team for their ongoing support and guidance.
Thank you as well to our staff who have worked with your children to prepare for Catholic Education Week which
will be celebrated from May 4– May 8. This year’s theme, Catholic Education: Exploring Paths of Joy, is Jesus’
words in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 24:32 ) “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on
the road?” Throughout Catholic Education Week, we ask you to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our Church, and in our society.
Luz del Rosario,
Trustee - Ward 6
416 528 6447
Karen Canlas,
School Council Chair
Msgr. Edgardo Pan
St. Francis Xavier Church
905 890 5290
Volume 4, Issue 9
Page 2
EcoSchools Update
As you are aware, St. Valentine has been working hard this year to be “Green”. We have successfully continued several “Green” initiatives including
“Lights Out Lunch Hour”, “Litterless Lunch Mondays” and “Water Bottle Free Wednesdays”. The students’ participation in these events is incredible!
We are extremely proud of our students and their commitment to creating a better world through improving the community of St. Valentine School.
Our most recent environmental initiative is Boomerang Lunches. This initiative has many goals:
A Boomerang Lunch helps to reduce the amount of waste that is thrown away. it allows for lunch waste to be
properly recycled/composted at home.
A Boomerang lunch also provides parents with first hand knowledge of the eating habits and preferences of
their children. All leftovers are carried home at the end of the day so that parents can see what their child has
actually ate.
Your continued support with our school’s environmental initiatives is greatly appreciated. Our submission has been
sent for evaluation this year as we “Go for Gold”! Thank you for continuing to support our goal of being an Ontario
Catholic Education Week May 3-9, 2015
Catholic schools are Catholic
2015 in ways that are appropriate to our students’ age. We invite
communities. Catholic schools
you to participate in one or other of these activities as your person-
are faith communities. We – par-
al time and work schedule may permit.
ents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff – walk
There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education
and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism.
And it is the ‘together’ that we grow. Our growth is primarily a rela-
tionship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the
response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic
school community.
Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week
Monday – Walking Together and Sharing Our Stories
Tuesday – Opening the Scriptures
Wednesday – Welcoming Others to the Table
Thursday – Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread
Friday – Proclaiming the Good News
We hope to see you during our school celebrations!
Summer Programs
Summer Literacy Camp—Grades SK to 6
Elementary Summer School—Grades 7 & 8
Monday July 6—Friday July 24, 2015 (must
Tuesday June 29 to Friday July 17, 2015
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
attend all three weeks)
Students recommended by the Principal
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily
Fee for Service Program—$300 for 3 weeks
No transportation provided
Bussing provided at home school pick up points
Deadline for applications: May 29, 2015
May 29, 2015
Location closest to St. Valentine School:
Location for St. Valentine students:
Deadline for applications:
Students recommended by the Principal
St. Gertrude School
St. Gregory School
Volume 4, Issue 9
Page 3
Exciting News!
St. Valentine School has been a hub of excitement over the last few weeks! We have seen the completion of some
exciting projects and the progression of others!
You may have noticed or heard about a change in our school yard… phase 1 of our outdoor learning environment has been completed in
the north east corner of the school yard. We added some trees, a naturalized seating area and a garden! Also, two “portable” vegetable
gardens have been planted and are being lovingly cared for in our kindergarten yard. This summer, phase 2 will begin with the naturalization of the enclosed kindergarten area!
On Monday April 20, our students took a giant step into next generation learning and are now able to bring their PEDs to
school for educational purposes. So far, we have seen their use in research, “exit tickets”, blogging and making the homeschool connection for work completion much simpler.
We have also continued work on two projects aimed at developing stronger peer relationships… our buddy
benches and Lion’s Den materials are on their way. These projects will provided our students with space
outside and inside the school to talk about conflicts, make new friends or find a quiet place to recharge.
More information to come as these spaces are developed!
We are on the web: http://www.dpcdsb.org/VALEN
Welcome to Kindergarten for New JK Parents
On Thursday May
packages and practical tips will be shared with
pm, we will be host-
7th from 7:00—8:30
ing a session for
parents with children registering for
junior kindergarten.
This evening will
provide important
information to prepare your child for
you to help get your child ready in these three
are critical in preparing young children to
enter the classroom. These include literacy,
numeracy and readiness skills. Information
If you have a child who is
eligible to start Junior
Kindergarten this Sep-
Some of the information provided will be
tember and have not yet
classroom work, allergies in the classroom and
registered for school,
transportation infor-
please call the school’s
main office and let us know.
This meeting is inter-
Also, if you have new neighbours who have eligible
active and we ask that
children and are unsure of the procedures, please have
you bring your child to
them call the school’s main office.
this meeting as they
There are three areas of development that
Registrations for 2015—2016
Our school staff is beginning to plan and prepare for
will receive a special
the next school year and it is important that we have the
package to help them
get ready for Kinder-
most accurate projected pupil enrolment for Septem-
ber 2015 at this time.
Safety First When Dropping Students Off at School
The safety of all children and staff must be considered as paramount
at all times when dropping students off at school.
The number of serious incidents related to traffic circulation at the
front of the school and in the Kiss and Ride area during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal has risen. These incidents include vehicles
entering the site in the wrong direction, parking and pulling out of no
parking zones, parking in bus lanes, to name a few.
It is imperative that all parents and guardians who drive their children
to school adhere to the traffic circulation
plan and comply with the traffic and parking
signage on the site. It is equally imperative
that all drivers follow the direction of staff
managing the traffic circulation on the
school site.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation with this important matter.
May 2015
10”00 am—First
Student Led
Student Led
Learning Walk
Learning Walk
7:00 pm—School
Council meeting
Sax Festival
Student Led
Learning Walk
7:00 pm—Welcome to
Student Led
Learning Walk
7:00 pm—Movie
7:00 pm—Spring
Mother’s Day
PA DAY Intermediate Quebec
Rosary Aposto-
Intermediate Quebec
9:00 & 10:30—
Crowning of Mary
Intermediate Quebec
Intermediate Que-
bec Trip
Spring Photos
7:00 pm—Family Math
“This is important: to get to know people, listen, expand the circle of ideas. The world is
crisscrossed by roads that come closer together and move apart, but the important thing is
that they lead towards the Good..”
Pope Francis
Page 5
St. Valentine School Council thanks you for
your support of our Lamontagne Chocolate
fundraiser. With the funds raised this year, we
plan to continue supporting various school
initiatives, including faith development and
sacramental support, the Arts and academic
programs. In past years we have purchased
School Id: 3738960
sports, gym, and playground equipment, computers, and subsidized various excursions.
Top selling families will be announced soon!
Thank you to all the families who sold chocolates to support our school!
Lunch Lady
“HOT” Home style lunches
prepared fresh daily
Visit their website at www.lunchlady.ca
Our Lunch Ladies are Merri and Iis and can be
emailed at Merri@thelunchlady.ca or by phone
905 828 9919 or faxed at 905 828 6972
Volume 4, Issue 9
Page 6
Reporting Head Injuries
Marvelous Mondays
& Fantastic Fridays
Even when it may appear to be
insignificant, we inform parents
of all reported head injuries at
school. As part of the revised
concussion protocol, we also will
be sending home a pamphlet with
information about concussions
each time a head injury is reported. We do this in recognition of the potential danger of
any injury involving the head area. Our intent is not to
alarm you, but to keep you informed.
Beginning on Monday May 25th, we will continue a service begun last
spring for families interested in purchasing a “cool” treat for their child prior
to afternoon recess.
We will be offering Ice Dawgs (ice cream sandwiches) for a Toonie. These
ice cream sandwiches are peanut free, high in fibre and low in fat.
We will not be taking pre-orders for the Ice Dawgs—we will call down students interested in purchasing an Ice Dawg and they will pay their Toonie
the day of sale. There is no obligation to participate nor any minimum weekly
Please remind your child to let a staff member know if
they bump their head or if they get hurt at school.
orders. Students, however, will be limited to ONE Ice Dawg per purchase.
Proceeds for the sale of the Ice Dawgs will support various charities on behalf of the school.
September 2015
Students are reminded that electronic games, iPods, MP3
players and other valuables are to be left at home. In this
way, we can be sure that these items are not lost or broken
by other students at school.
To help with our planning for next September, would you kindly advise the
school office if you are moving out of the St. Valentine area over the summer.
Just a reminder that school for students will begin on Tuesday September
If you would like to share information regarding your child’s placement for
2015—2016, please send a letter to Mrs. LeClair as soon as possible as
teachers will soon begin the process of allocating students to new classes.
EQAO Reminder
ensure that they have the following tools for the test:
A reminder to all of our parents for Grade 3 and
calculator, pencils, erasers, protractors and coloured
6 that EQAO testing will take place from May
pencil crayons.
25 to June 5 2015.
The following link will enable you to access a variety of
Please continue to assist your child to prepare
resources to assist your child in writing the test:
for the test by reinforcing their literacy and numeracy skills and by ensuring that any medical appointments are
not made during these particular weeks as the students prepare
for the Ministry tests.
Depending on his/her grade, your child should start to
Of particular interest are the sections on “Key Words” and samples
of assessments from previous years.
Page 7
Volume 4, Issue 9
Criminal Reference Checks
Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board has imple-
will assure the safety of all students at St. Valentine. If you already
mented changes to their Criminal Reference Check/
have a Criminal Reference Check on file at the school, please com-
Declaration Form procedures. In keeping with the Safe
plete the Annual Offence Declaration form. Please have your check
Schools Act, all volunteers including those going on one
or declaration completed so you can continue to be an important and
day school trips must have a Criminal Reference Check. If
valued member at our school. To complete your criminal reference
you have the time or inclination to be a volunteer, assist with
check you will need to have a school form completed by the principal
school trips, drive for sports events, assist with our fundrais-
and then you will need to deliver these forms to Peel Regional Police. It
er(s), be an active member of school council-dealing with
is our hope that you can complete these forms and return them to the
children in any capacity, please contact the office for a crimi-
police prior to the end of August so that you can participate in school
nal reference check form, for the 2015-2016 school year.
activities beginning in September 2015. Thank you in advance for
The Criminal Reference check is free for volunteers, and it
your cooperation in this matter.
Virtue for May — Acceptance
This month we will celebrate the virtue of Acceptance. One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that no two
people are exactly alike. We may share biological families or national identity or cultural and ethnic identity but we are all
very unique and distinct creations. God breaks the mold every time! And that is a fantastic fact of life! It can also be a
challenging fact of life if it makes us afraid. Sometimes differences are scary – especially if we haven’t learned about or
don’t understand how people are different. The virtue of acceptance describes our ability to look at the attitudes and
actions of those around us and then just stop and consider without judging them. The virtue of acceptance means that we
look beyond what we see- a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and see a
person created and loved by God. It’s especially important for us to stop and think if what we are made uncomfortable by
seeing or hearing others act differently then we might choose to act.
Why do I like to have people do things my way?
OUR DAILY PRAYER FOR MAY Let us now pray… for the virtue of Acceptance- the strength to trust that
God is at work in everyone’s life despite what we think.
Dress Code
As we prepare for the warmer weather, we
joyed after school and on weekends.
would like to remind our students of the ex-
In keeping with the Board’s Mission Statement and Catholic
pectations that are in place, especially our
teachings, each school is committed to standards of neatness,
older students, regarding appropriate dress. Sleeveless tops are
cleanliness, modesty and good taste as specified in the appropri-
permitted but not halter, tank or short tops. Short shorts and skirts
ate Dress Code Policy of the Board— “Students are required to
and clothing of a suggestive nature or displaying offensive wording/
dress in a manner and attire suitable for the occasion and appropri-
images are not allowed. Also, headbands, sweatbands or bandanas
ate to the school environment. Failure to comply with this expecta-
worn across the forehead are not permitted. Administration has the
tion shall result in disciplinary action…” (Catholic Code of Con-
final decision regarding school attire. Special outfits can be en-
Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth, OSFS, is posted on the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board’s main webpage at www.dpcdsb.org. Additional information, including where to report abuse or suspected
abuse, is also posted on the website of Father Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, at www.tdprovince.org and the Archdiocese of Toronto at www.archtoronto.org . Please consult these sources as appropriate.
Page 8
Volume 4, Issue 9
The Last Word
Six Ways To Teach Mindfulness To Children
Whether you’re an educator, a parent or a caregiver, you can teach mindfulness to the children in your
life. Here are six simple ways to do just that. Oh, and before you begin your mindfulness exercise,
make sure to turn off any distractions, such as television or video games, and be sure cell phones are
1. Mindful Breathing
Ask children to sit comfortably and then close their eyes. Draw their attention to their breathing,
telling them to feel the sensation of breath coming into and out of the body. You can have them put their hands on their stomach to feel the gentle rise and
fall with each breath, as this will help them keep focused. Alternatively, you may ask them to repeat the word “in” and “out” as they inhale and exhale, or you
may say it for them. Do this for about five breath cycles (five inhales and exhales). At the end of the five breaths, guide their attention to any thoughts and
feelings that may be present (and any possible differences in how they feel now compared with how they felt before the practice). Ask them to then let
those thoughts and feelings go as they return their focus to their breath, then repeat the breathing cycle (as many times as feels appropriate).
2. Mindfulness Sound Game
Have the child or children begin by focusing on their breathing (as above) . After about five breath cycles, tell the children they’re going to hear a sound,
and that they should focus on this sound as it gets softer and softer. Instruct them to raise their hand when they no longer hear the sound. Play a sound for
the children. This sound can be a bell, Tingsha (Tibetan meditation chimes), a “singing” bowl, a rain stick, or you can strike a note on a piano… any sound
that will resonate and gradually evanesce will do. Return to five breathing cycles. You can repeat this exercise a couple of times if you like, if the children are
receptive to continue.
3. Mindful Eating Game
If you’re sharing a meal or a snack with children, tell them you’re going to make it an exercise in mindfulness. Start with the breathing exercises. Invite children to be mindful of their food— of the aroma, of the feel of the food (or the feel of the spoon in their hand). Tell them to take a bite of food and chew
slowly. If they’re holding a utensil, ask them to put it down until they finish chewing and swallowing. Have them chew slowly for 20 or 30 seconds, asking them
to notice the taste and the texture. Repeat five cycles of breathing, then repeat with another bite if desired.
4. Walking Mindfully
Eventually you’ll want to show the kiddies that mindfulness is not just for sitting still. Go for a short walk with them and teach them to be mindful while in
motion. Have them start with focusing on the breath, then as you begin walking invite them to notice how the ground feels under their feet as they walk, what
the movement of the body feels like when in motion. You could draw their attention to feeling other associated sensations of walking like the clothing moving
against their skin or the breeze moving through their hair. Aim to guide them to feel these sensations and not to get into labeling them or thinking about
them. Every now and then you can suggest they return their attention to their breathing to help keep them in focus.
5. Mindful Play
Put out some finger paints, a water or sand table or any kind of fun activity into which kids can really get their hands into. You can have them begin the exercise with their breathing cycles. As they play, guide them to be fully present in the moment whenever they get distracted. You can focus on their senses—
what they see, hear, feel and smell. Invite them to notice how the water slips through their fingers or runs down their arm, how sand shifts and pours out of the
hand or how the colours of finger paints swirl together to blend into new colours. Allow them to go for as long as they’re engaged in the activity and see how
long they focus on it. You can end the play session with five breathing cycles.
6. The Hunting Game
When I was little I would often go out into the back yard and pretend that I was hunting. I wasn’t really after a particular ‘target’ but rather, I just loved the
feeling of ‘hunting’. I would walk between the trees slowly and deliberately with zen-like focus listening out for every sound and watching for the slightest
movements in my environment. In this way I was totally immersed in my senses and fully engrossed in the present moment. Not thinking at all – just sensing.
Every now and then I would see a small animal and maybe stop to study it closely in silence. I didn’t realize it at the time but it was a practice of mindfulness.
What is the state of a hunter? Highly alert, but not thinking. That’s mindfulness! So you could play the hunting game with your child to get them into a state
of mindfulness. Perhaps go out into the garden or yard together (or play inside) and tell them they have to be very quiet and slow as you go on your hunt.
Guide them to be highly alert and use their senses fully. You can tell them to be very ‘quiet inside’ so that they can ‘listen’ to the world around them so they
can discover a creature or what ever you go on a hunt for. You could deepen this practice by getting your child to practice the mindful breathing exercise
first. This activity may be a particularly good one for boys and for children who are highly active.
We are on the web: http://www.dpcdsb.org/VALEN