Making Nutrient Solution Date _____ Name __________________

Date _____
Making Nutrient Solution
Name __________________
Each answer below corresponds to a mass of a particular salt necessary for healthy plant growth, however only the
correct answer has the correct mass of that particular salt. Answering every question correct will allow you to make
the proper mixture of salt, however the more questions you answer wrong the more incorrect your final mixture of
salt will be. Your job is to obtain the correct weight and types of ions in nutrient solution. This mixture of salts will
make a gallon of nutrient solution that you will use later in the semester.
1. Why is humus an important component of soil?
0.50 g Calcium Nitrate
1.50 g Calcium Nitrate
3.40 g Calcium Nitrate
4.5 g Calcium Nitrate
a. It holds water in the soil.
b. It adds important nutrients to the soil.
c. It is a food source for earthworms and other soil
d. All of the above
2. Why is leaching harmful to the overall health of the plant?
0.80 g Potassium Nitrate
2.10 g Potassium Nitrate
4.80 g Potassium Nitrate
6.80 g Potassium Nitrate
a. There is not enough air in the soil for the roots to
undergo respiration.
b. The nutrients in the soil move downwards where they
cannot be absorbed by the roots.
c. The water in the soil move downward where they
cannot be absorbed by the roots
d. The inorganic components of the soil get washed away
so they cannot properly anchor the plant
3. How do the inorganic components get into the soil?
2.10 g Potassium Sulfate
4.80 g Potassium Sulfate
6.80 g Potassium Sulfate
8.80 g Potassium Sulfate
a. CO2 from animal respiration combines with water to
form carbonic acid which breaks down the parent
b. Animal waste and dead organisms are broken down by
fungi and bacteria.
c. Fertilizer is applied to the soil by farmers.
d. All of the above
4. Which component of soil is most important for anchoring the plant in the ground?
0.39 g Potassium Phosphate
1.00 g Potassium Phosphate
2.39 g Potassium Phosphate
3.39 g Potassium Phosphate
The organic component of soil
The inorganic component of soil
The soil component of soil
The water component of soil
5. Which of the following soil particles would provide the most amount of surface area (smallest
particle) to hold nutrients?
0.40 g Magnesium Sulfate a. Gravel
1.40 g Magnesium Sulfate b. Sand
1.80 g Magnesium Sulfate c. Clay
3.40 g Magnesium Sulfate d. Silt
Date _____
Making Nutrient Solution
Name __________________
 Using a permanent marker, write your names on a gallon jug..
 Each station in the room has a different salt.
 Use a balance to weigh out the appropriate amount of each salt as indicated the each question.
 Move to the next station until you have added all salts.
 Then fill your gallon jug with water and shake until all of the salts have been dissolved.
6. What layer of soil would fall leaves be classified as?
7. When you buy a bag of “top soil” in the store, what did you buy?
8. What are the problems with Acidic soil?
9. What are the problems with Basic soil?
10. What is the ideal pH range for soil? Is this
Acidic or Basic (CIRCLE ONE)?