Innovators of Technologies to Harness the Potential Of Water for the Advancement of Human Welfare 1 Salinity Power Generation Texas-Mexico Border Energy Forum By Maher Kelada MIK Technology- Houston, Texas 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 2 Life Supporting Phenomena Photosynthesis: It is the foremost important Chemical Phenomenon in biology. Plants and some microorganisms use water, carbon dioxide and the energy from sunlight to produce food and livable atmosphere. Water + Carbon Dioxide 6H2O + 6CO2 Sugar + Oxygen C6H12O6 + 6O2 Osmosis: It is the foremost important Physical Phenomenon in biology. Without it no living cell can exist. 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 3 Renewable Energy v Energy produced from virtually inexhaustible resources. v Energy that can be replenished at the same rate as it is used Natural surface renewable energy includes: Wind Hydropower Organic carbon Photovoltaic Waves Ocean thermal gradient Solar evaporation Salinity Osmotic Power All surface renewable energy are derivatives of the solar energy 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 4 Process Characteristics Spontaneity: Ø A spontaneous process is the time-evolution of a system in which it releases free energy and moves to a lower, more thermodynamically stable, energy state. Ø The process that can proceed without any outside intervention. Thermodynamic Reversibility: Ø The process can be "reversed" by means of infinitesimal changes in some property of the system without loss or dissipation of energy (Sears & Salinger 1986). All the processes occurring in nature are irreversible processes. Ø The process that can be reversed and causes no change in either the system or its surroundings. 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 5 Osmosis Phenomenon 1 1 2 2 2 1 Δ π = ΔP Δ π > ΔP Water Brine Water Brine Water Brine W W+S W W+S W W+S P1 P 2 = P1 P2 >P1 P1 P2 >P1 Jw P1 M Initial Fluids Status @ time = 0 FIG 1A 2/16/11 M Osmosis in Progress @ time > 0 FIG 1B (281-­‐731-­‐8355) M Final Fluids Status @ Equilibrium FIG 1C 6 Internal energy dU = TdS - pdV + µ dN + ϕ dQ Heat Work Chemical + v dp + ψ dm + l dA +… Electrical Momentum Gravitational Surface Tension [temperature T, entropy S] , [pressure p, volume V] , [chemical potential µ, amount of substance N] , [electrical potential ϕ, electric power Q] , [mass m, momentum p], [gravitational potential ψ, mass m] , [surface tension l, area A], etc. Gibbs free energy Osmotic Pressure dG = Vdp – SdT + Σi µi dNi π = ΦicRT π = Osmotic pressure, bars Φ = Reflection Coefficient i = Ions concentration (Na+ and Cl- ions = 2), c = Molar concentration of the salt ions, R = Gas constant (0.08314472 liter· bar / (k·mol)), T = Ambient temperature in absolute Kelvin degree 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 7 4% Brine t = 0 & P > π t=∞ 307 m (1007 ft) 2% Brine t = 0 & P > π 2% Brine 156 m (512 ft) t = ∞ Water Δ π > ΔP π = P π = P t = 0 t = ∞ M FIG 2A 2/16/11 M M FIG 2B -­‐ 281-­‐731-­‐8355 FIG 2C 8 Drain ~0.01% SW: 1m3/s @ 3.5% Drain ~0.01% RO Brine: 1m3/s @ 7% Drain ~0.01% salt P P P - 1.84 MJ - 3.812 MJ Seawater/Freshwater M 4.61 MJ - 0.6 MJ T 2 m3/s @ 1.75% Gunnison Bay/ Freshwater M 2.34 MJ FW: 1m3/s - 7.344 MJ Brine/Freshwater M - 0.6 MJ 1 m3/s @ 24% Salt 15.8 MJ - 1.8 MJ T T FW: 1m3/s 2 m3/s @ 3.5% FW: 3 m3/s FIG 3B FIG 3A 4 m3/s @ 6% FIG 3C Energy Estimation FIG 3A FIG 3B FIG 3C PATENT Potential energy generation (E) @85% Total pumping energy (PE) @75% Membrane LMCD Net energy generation (NE) System Efficiency NE/E NE/m3 of brine feed 2.34 MJ -2.44 MJ 2.53 -0.1 MJ 0 0 MJ 4.61 MJ -4.41 MJ 5.1 0.2 MJ 4.3% 0.2 MJ 15.81 MJ -9.144 MJ 12.98 6.66 MJ 42.1% 6.66 MJ 32.73 MJ -15.97 MJ 4.32 16.77 MJ 51% 16.77 MJ 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 9 FIG 4: The Great Salt lake, USA 4,400 Square kilometer, 400 MW Osmotic Power 2/16/11 ( 281-­‐731-­‐8355) 10 FIG 5: Laguna Salada, Mexico 1,000 Square kilometer, 500 MW Osmotic Power 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 11 Precipitation, mm/year FIG 6: Southwest USA & Northwest Mexico Precipitation 2/16/11 ( 281-­‐731-­‐8355) 12 FIG 7: Closed Osmotic Power Generation Unit 2/16/11 ( 281-­‐731-­‐8355) 13 80o –100o C Solar Panel To Next Train (s) HX T Atmospheric Desalination Plant > 10% Salinity Brine C Salt Pond or Drain Desalinated Water Brackish or sea Water FIG 8: Atmospheric Saline water Desalination 2/16/11 (281-­‐731-­‐8355) 14 § MIK technology has developed a new concept for using osmosis to generate clean power from natural and manmade high salinity water domains. § Global osmotic power potential exceeds 50 Gigawatts, the equivalent of 25 Hoover dams. The Great Salt Lake can generate 400 MW enough to power 350,000 homes. Laguna Salada, Mexico can generate 500 MW. § Our patent pending concept functions like a reversible process, resulting in power generation efficiency higher than 50%. § The technology can provide electricity to 120 million people, recover seawater minerals in billions of tons, and generate jobs for hundreds of thousands of people. All without emission or radiation. § Project development requires a salinity lab and a 10KW osmotic power station for water salinity research, process optimization and training personnel. § We are seeking funds for $10 million to construct this facility and initiate commercial development. 2/16/11 ( 281-­‐731-­‐8355) 15 World-Class Development in Osmotic Power, Desalination and Ion Exchange for Commercial and Industrial Applications 16