Models and Mechanisms Connecting Physics and d Bi Biology l att Multiple M lti l Scales S l in i the th Biological Bi l i l Hierarchy Help Me! Robert D. Stewart, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology University of Washington School of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology 1959 NE Pacific Street Seattle, WA 98195-6043 206-598-7951 office 206-598-6218 fax Presented at 2014 AAPM Meeting, Austin, TX Session: TU-A-BRE-3 (last number indicates order within session) Date and Time: Tuesday July 22, 2014 from 7:30 to 9:30 am Location: Ballroom E Abstract #23482 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Learning Objectives Review models and mechanisms connecting radiation biology at the molecular and cellular levels to radiation biology at the tumor and tissue level • Focus on effects of particle linear energy transfer (LET) Is I the h RBE for f DNA d damage useful f l ffor predicting di i cell ll survival? Is the RBE for cell survival useful for predicting the RBE for clinical endpoints? endpoints? Slide 2 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Slide 3 Spatial Pattern of Energy Deposits on the Molecular and Cellular Levels (“Track Structure”) 10--15 μm 10 Image adapted from Muroya Y, Plante I, Azzam EI, Meesungnoen J, Katsumura Y, Jay-Gerin JP. High-LET ion radiolysis of water: visualization of the formation and evolution of ion tracks and relevance to the radiation-induced bystander effect. Radiat Res. 165(4), 485-491 (2006). Slide 4 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Tracks formed by ions in water (70 keV/μm) S Structure off the tracks produced by particles with the same LET are not q quite the same and can produce different biological effects However if we “zoom out” to the macroscale (> 0.1 to 1 mm), mm), the tracks of even very high LET particles look quite similar RBE effects must arise from the cellular and subcellular features of tracks – even for clinical endpoints! Image adapted from Muroya Y, Plante I, Azzam EI, Meesungnoen J, Katsumura Y, Jay-Gerin JP. High-LET ion radiolysis of water: visualization of the formation and evolution of ion tracks and relevance to the radiation-induced bystander effect. Radiat Res. 165(4), 485-491 (2006). Slide 5 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Initial Damage to a Critical Molecule Absorbed Dose Chemical s Repair O2 fixation Acute Ionization Excitation Radiation 10-18 to 10-10 s Cluster of damaged nucleotides (“lesions (“ lesions”) ”) formed by passage of charge particle by DNA 10-3 hypoxia 10-6 s ~ 2 nm Spatial pattern energy deposits determines local complexity l i off the h cluster l Overall, a 1 Gy dose damages about 1 in 106 nucleotides. Slide 6 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology A Paradigm to Connect DNA Damage to Local Tumor Control U Unrepairable i bl Damage DNA Damage Lethal after biological processing No Damage Tumor Cell Survival > 1 survive Failure Incorrectly repaired Damage Black Lines: potential molecular and cellular pathways (mechanisms) ( ) Control Reproductive Death None survive Black Dashed Lines: transition from cell to tissuetissue-level biology Slide 7 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Reproductive Death? Reproductive death is a general term that encompasses all modes of cell death, including cells that remain metabolically active and intact but unable to divide… apoptosis cell necrosis mitotic catastrophe Reproductive Death Delayed y cell death (days or weeks later) later) Permanent or qquasiquasi-ppermanent ((> 1010-14 days) y) loss of reproductive potential Slide 8 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Clusters of DNA lesions Groups p of several DNA lesions within one or two turns of the DNA are termed a cluster or multiply damaged site (MDS) (MDS)** Organic base Sugar-phosphate backbone Undamaged DNA segment (20 bp) (a) Base damage in opposed strands (c) complex SSB with adjacent base damage (b) complex SSB with opposed base damage (d) Complex DSB Most critical category of DNA Damage * Clustered lesions are also referred to as locally multiply damaged sites (LMDS) Slide 9 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Are all DSB Lethal? What about SSB? After 1 Gy dose of low LET radiation, a typical human cell sustains 45 + 10 DSB Gy-1 cell-1 and 1000 + 200 SSB Gy-1 cell-1. If all DSB are lethal, the fraction of cells that will survive a 2 Gy dose is S = exp( −45 DSB Gy −1 ⋅ 2 Gy) 10 −40 (10-31 ,10-48 ) Onlyy those cells that do not sustain a radiation radiation--induced DSB survive (Poisson distribution of DSB among irradiated cells)) For comparisons, many published studies indicate a surviving fraction of 0.1 (repair ( compromised)) to 0.9 (repair ( proficient)) cells after a 2 Gy dose of radiation. Only way to reconcile observations is < 2% of initial DSB formed in a cell are lethal and/or < 0.1% of initial SSB formed in a cell are lethal Cells are really good at repairing DNA damage, even DSB! See also the classic review: DT Goodhead. Initial events in the cellular effects of ionizing radiations: clustered damage in DNA. IJRB 65(1): 7-17 (1994). Slide 10 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology RBE for DSB induction Σ = number b off DSB G Gy-1 cell ll-1 = slope of line Dp = dose of proton DSB B Gbp-1 Dγ = dose d off reference f radiation di ti human skin fibroblasts 23 keV keV//μm 0.2 keV keV//μm Want: Number DSB = ΣγDγ = ΣpDp RBE DSB ≡ Dγ Dp = Σp Σγ ≅ 1.5 Dose (Gy) RBE is an example of an “isoeffect calculation” Measured data from Frankenberg D, Brede HJ, Schrewe UJ, Steinmetz C, Frankenberg-Schwager M, Kasten G, Pralle E. Induction of DNA double-strand breaks by 1H and 4He ions in primary human skin fibroblasts in the LET range of 8 to 124 keV/microm. Radiat Res. 151 151(5), 540-549 (1999). Slide 11 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Trends in RBEDSB with proton LET 2.8 Filled Yellow Symbols: Track T k Structure St t Simulation (Nikjoo et al. 1997, 2001, 2002)) 2.4 2.2 Simulation (Friedland et al. 2003)) 2.0 Lines: Monte Carlo Damage Simulation* Simulation* 1.8 RB BE Filled Red Symbols: y Track Structure (MCDS) DSB 2.6 1.7 + 0.1 (5.9%) 1.6 1.4 1.2 DSB are only category of DNA damage that increases with increasing particle LET (additional evidence SSB less critical form of DNA damage than DSB) 1.1 + 0.04 (3.6%) 1.0 SSB 0.8 0.6 Base Damage 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 LET (keV/μm) * Semenenko and Stewart 2004, 2006, Stewart et al. 2011 45 50 55 60 65 Slide 12 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Why are DSB so effective at killing cells? (Breakage and Rejoining Theory) Break-ends DSB DSB DSB Break-ends associated with one DSB incorrectly Breakrejoined to breakbreak-end associated with a different DSB Proximity Effects: pairs of DSB formed in close spatial and temporal proximity are more likely to rejoin incorrectly than pairs of DSB separated in time and\ and\or space (dose rate and LET effects) effects) R.K. Sachs and D.J. Brenner, Chromosome Aberrations Produced by Ionizing Radiation: Quantitative Studies Slide 13 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Lethal and NonNon-Lethal Aberrations Correct rejoining Symmetric (reciprocal (reciprocal)) translocation Dicentric Centromere Acentric fragment Dicentrics and acentric fragments are usually lethal in the reproductive sense because segregation of chromosomes at mitosis is disturbed. In contrast, correct DSB j g and symmetric y ( (reciprocal) p ) translocations are consistent with continued cell rejoining division R.K. Sachs and D.J. Brenner, Chromosome Aberrations Produced by Ionizing Radiation: Quantitative Studies Slide 14 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Is there a 1:1 relationship? AC 1522 normal human fibroblasts irradiated by x-rays S = e-Y S = fraction that survive Y = avg number of lethal aberrations per cell Source: Cornforth and Bedford, Rad. Res., 111, p 385-405 (1987). See also Figure 3.4 in Hall (p. 37) Slide 15 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Linear-Quadratic (LQ) Model for Cell Survival Pairs of DSB formed by same track interact (intra-track interactions)) D Y ( D) = α D + β D = α D 1 + α /β 2 P i off DSB fformed Pairs db by different tracks interact (inter-track effect)) Cell survival after dose D S ( D) = e −Y ( D ) =e −α D − β D 2 Only those cells without a lethal aberration in their DNA retain the ability to divide and produce viable progeny (“reproductive (“ survival”). ”). Figure 3.5 in EJ Hall and AJGiaccia, Radiobiology for the Radiologist, 6th Ed, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2006) Slide 16 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Connecting DSB to Local Tumor Control Grey Dashed Lines: low probability molecular and cellular pathways (mechanisms) ( ) Double Strand Break (DSB) No DSB “sub--lethal damage” “sub Tumor Cell Survival > 1 survive No lethal aberrations All or most DSB lethal Lethal after biological processing Chromosome Aberrations Black Lines: high probability molecular and cellular pathways (mechanisms)) Reproductive Death None Are trends in the RBE for DSB induction qualitatively and Failure Control survive quantitatively tit ti l similar i il to t the th RBE for f cell ll survival? i l? Black Dashed Lines: transition from cell to tissuetissue-level biology Slide 17 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Low and High Dose RBE (cell ( survival)) Surviving Fraction 100 200/250 kVp x-rays (1.3-1.5 keV/μm) 28.6 MeV 4He2+ (24.9 keV/μm) 25 MeV 4He2+ (26.3 keV/μm) 5.2 MeV 4He2+ (89 keV/μm) RBE for f a specific ifi dose d ((cell ll survival i l level)) RBE = 10-1 ≅ 10-2 Dγ Dp 9.2 Gy = 3.3 (1% survival) 28G 2.8 Gy Low Dose RBE: -lnS lnS ≅ (αD)γ = (αD)p αp low dose RBESF = = Dp αγ Dγ 10-3 Dp “RBEmax” Dγ 10-4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Absorbed Dose (Gy) αD dominates (D << α/β)) High Dose RBE: -lnS lnS ≅ (βD2)γ = (βD2)p βp high dose RBESF = = Dp βγ Dγ βD2 dominates (D >> α/β)) “RBEmin” Slide 18 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Is RBEDSB predictive of RBESF? 14 1 10 1 + 1.9 MeV H 1 + 1.15 MeV H 0.76 MeV 1H+ 4 2+ 3.8 MeV He + DSB 4 2+ DSB SF SF -1 9 βp high dose RBESF = βγ dose 3X jump in low 8 250 kVp x-ray (1.46 mm Cu)) RBE Surviving g Fraction 100 Fit13LQ survival i (lHmodel t measured d data d t RBE ) d l to RBE low ( He and ) and high dose RBE. 12 compute Low Dose RBE 11 αp High Dose RBE low dose RBE = SF 10 αγ 10-2 7 6 RBE (24 (24→ →32 keV keV//μm)? 5 Compare to MCDS* MCDS* estimate of RBEDSB 4 as function of LET. 10-3 3 2 1 RBE relative to 250 kVp x-rays 0 10-44 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Absorbed Dose (Gy) 10 11 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LET (keV/μm) Little if any evidence RBESF (1H+ and 4He2+) is related to RBEDSB, or so it seems… Measured data from Prise et al. IJRB, 58, p 261-277 (1990) * Semenenko and Stewart 2004, 2006, Stewart et al. 2011 Slide 19 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology A Mechanistic Model for α and α/β The Repair Repair--Misrepair Misrepair--Rixation (RMF) model (Carlson ( et al. 2008)) predicts, in the limit when the D is small compared to α/β α/β,, that Intra-track chromsomal Intraaberrations i α = θΣ + κ zFΣ 2 Unrepairable and misrepaired β= κ 2 Σ 2 IInter-track Interk aberrations α 2 = (θ / κ ) + 2zF β Σ θ, κ are adjustable cell- or tissue-specific parameters related to biological processing i off DNA d damage (i (independent d d off LET andd O2 concentration) i ) Σ is the number of DSB Gy-1 Gbp-1 (or per cell); estimate using the MCDS (strong function of LET and O2 concentration) zF is the frequency-mean specific energy (in Gy) delivered to the cell nucleus (strong function of LET but independent of O2 concentration) – estimate with the MCDS or other Monte Carlo code(s) D.J. Carlson, R.D. Stewart, V.A. Semenenko and G.A. Sandison, Combined use of Monte Carlo DNA damage simulations and deterministic repair models to examine putative mechanisms of cell killing. Rad. Res. 169, 447-459 (2008) Slide 20 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology How is RBEDSB related to RBESF? With the RMFRMF-motivated formulas for α and β, the low and high dose RBESF is DSB Gy-1 Gbp-1 β= α = θΣ + κ zF Σ 2 “RBEmin” “RBEmax” κ 2 βp high dose RBESF = = RBEDSB βγ low dose RBESF Σ 2 DSB Gy-1 Gbp-1 reference radiation αp z F Σγ = ≅ RBEdsb 1 + RBEdsb αγ θ /κ D is “small “small” ” compared to α/β Intra-track DSB interactions increase with Intraincreasing LET because of proximity effects z F Σγ θ /κ ∝ Σγ θ /κ ⋅ LET ≥ RBEdsb Slide 21 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Is RBEDSB predictive of RBESF? Version 2.0 3.5 Si lt Simultaneous fit to t data d t ffor all ll particles ti l and3.0energies using RMFRMF-motivated 1H+ -2 formulas (θ ( = 3.7×10 θ/κ = 142.3)) 1.9 MeV 1H+ 1.15 MeV 1H+ 1 + 0.76 MeV H 3.8 MeV 4He2+ 25 2.5 10-11 60Co α = θΣ + κ zFΣ γ-ray β= 2 2.0 10-22 Σ2 2 low dose RBESF RBEDSB 1.5 250 kVp x-ray (1.46 mm Cu)) κ 4He2+ RBE R Survivin ng Fraction 100 Low Dose RBESF Used MCDS* MCDS* to estimate ΣHigh , mean Dose RBE 1.0 specific p energy, gy, and RBEDSB as function Dotted vs aolid lines differ because of of0.5LET. SF 10-3 intra--track DSB interactions intra RBE relative to 60Co γ-rays 10-4 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Absorbed Dose (Gy) 10 11 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LET (keV/μm) Reasonable fit to cell survival data for all energies. Low dose RBESF > RBEDSB Measured data from Prise et al. IJRB, 58, p 261-277 (1990) * Semenenko and Stewart 2004, 2006, Stewart et al. 2011 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Slide 22 Dosimetry of Short Short--Range Particles is Tricky… When the CSDA range of a charge particle is of the same order of magnitude as the dimensions of the biological target, dosimetry needs to be corrected for Change in stopping power within target Energy and path length straggling Fi it particle Finite ti l range (“stoppers”), (“ t ”) energy and d angular l distribution of particles incident on target For a monoenergetic particle incident on a 5 μm target Slide 23 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Fit with “Corrected” Dosimetry 1 1 0 1.9 MeV H 1.15 MeV 1H+ 0.76 MeV 1H+ 3.8 MeV 4He2+ 10-2 γ-ray 250 kVp x-ray (1.46 mm Cu)) 4.7% 10.7% 10-3 10 1 + 2+ -1 10-22 31.4% normoxic + 10-3 7.4% -4 1 4 10-1 60Co + 1 9 MeV H Non10-linear N Nonli regression i analysis l i off1.9 survival i l 1.15 MeV H data with an adjustable DSF for0.76 each MeV H MeV He -2 and particle type and energy (θ ( =3.623.810 θ/κ 10= 151 151.2) 2)) + Survivin ng Fraction Survivin ng Fraction 100 Same DSF and θ, θ/κ θ/κ)) Used MCDS to estimate RBEDSB hypoxic -4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Absorbed Dose (Gy) 10 11 12 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Absorbed Dose (Gy) Improved fit to measured data with small (quite ( plausible)) changes in the mean particle energy (< (< 10 μm shift) shift) Measured data from Prise et al. IJRB, 58, p 261-277 (1990) 24 Slide 24 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Is RBEDSB predictive of RBESF? Version 2.1 3.5 9.5 H Hypoxic i proton 90 9.0 8.5 3.0 8.0 7.5 7.0 25 2.5 6.5 6.0 RBE R Yes, seems so for V79 cells 1.5 5.5 RBE R 2.0 5.0 45 4.5 4.0 Normoxic proton 3.5 1 + RBEDSB( H ) 1.0 2.5 RBEDSB( He ) low dose RBESF 2.0 Low Dose RBESF 1.5 RBEDSB High Dose RBESF 1.0 4 0.5 normoxic 3.0 2+ Low Dose RBESF 0.0 High Dose RBESF hypoxic 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 LET (keV/μm) 90 100 110 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LET (keV/μm) For p protons with an LET < 20 keV keV//μm ((> > 2 MeV), MeV), RBE is about the same in cells irradiated under normoxic and anoxic conditions (no ( change in OER from 60Co γ-rays). ). Slide 25 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Impact of Uncertainties on “observed” RBE 1.7 RBE iis ratio ti off d doses th thatt produce same biological effect 1.6 Obse erved RBE E Range 1.5 1.4 RBE = 1.3 1.2 Dγ ± σ γ Dp ± σ p 1.1 RBE 1.1 + 0.1 (blue ( shaded region)) 1.0 1.8% uncertainty in equivalent physical dose: RBE = 1.1 + 0.05 0.9 0.8 3.8% uncertainty in equivalent physical dose: RBE = 1.1 + 0.1 0.7 0.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1-σ uncertainty (%) in biologically equivalent photon and proton absorbed dose 10% uncertainty in equivalent physical h i l dose: d RBE = 1.1 1 1 + 0.3 03 Slide 26 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Do we just need more accurate dosimetry and better dosedose-response models (e.g., RMF model)? )? N d + 3.8% Need 3 8% accuracy iin equivalent i l t doses d for f RBE = 1.1 1 1 + 0.1 01 Adapted from Figure 2 in Paganetti, Niemierko, Ancukiewicz Ancukiewicz,, Gerweck, Gerweck, Goitein, Goitein, Loeffler, Loeffler, and Suit, Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) Values for Proton Beam Therapy, IJROBP 53(2) 407407-421 (2002). Slide 27 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Strong evidence for spatial (and ( LET)) variations in proton RBE despite uncertainties … Open circles (dose < 4 Gy) Filled circles (dose > 4 Gy) Low energy proton “sting “sting”” on distal edge of a pristine Bragg peak 26.9 keV keV//μm 0.02 mm 7.9 keV keV//μm 0.4 mm 4.5 keV keV//μm 1.2 mm RBE 1.1 + 0.1 in vitro cell survival Adapted from Figure 3 in Paganetti, Niemierko, Ancukiewicz Ancukiewicz,, Gerweck, Gerweck, Goitein, Goitein, Loeffler, Loeffler, and Suit, Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) Values for Proton Beam Therapy, IJROBP 53(2) 407407-421 (2002). Slide 28 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology RBE effects in a 163 MeV pencil beam Tuned MCNP 6.1 model of 163.25 MeV pencil beam to match measured depth depth--dose profile (SCCA ( proton facility, Seattle, WA). ). 2.4 110 100 2.2 measured MCNP 90 2.0 80 18 1.8 70 1.6 60 RBE Relattive Dose Low Dose RBESF (α/β = 1 Gy) Gy) 50 1.4 40 1.2 30 1.0 20 RBE e to protons R ddue ReRe -ran MCNP with i h RBE slowing down below weighted dose tally* tally * RBEDSB ~ 13 MeV (> 3.5(F6) keV/μm) RBE > 1.1 2 mm 0.8 10 0.6 0 0 5 10 15 Depth in Water (cm) 20 25 15 0 15.0 15 5 15.5 16 0 16.0 16 5 16.5 17 0 17.0 17 5 17.5 18 0 18.0 18 5 18.5 19 0 19.0 19 5 19.5 Depth in Water (cm) * Really easy way to generate dose-averaged RBE in MCNP. See supplemental slides. 20 0 20.0 Slide 29 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Proton RBE for Healthy Organs and Tissues? Chemical 10-3 s Repair Absorbed Dose O2 fixation Ionization Excitation Radiation Correct Repair 1 Gy ~ 1 in 106 102 s Acute hypoxia Enzymatic Repair (BER, NER, NHEJ, …)) 10-6 s 10-18 to 10-10 s Chronic hypoxia (> 11--2 h) DNA d damage Local Control Early Effects (erythema, …) Late Effects fibrosis …) (fibrosis, 106 s Loss of Function and Remodeling 108 s 108 s s Heritable Effects Chronic hypoxia (> 44-10 h?) Incorrect or Incomplete Repair 104 s 105 s 105 s Germline 107 s Viable Neoplastic Transformation 105 s Non--Viable Non Inflamatory Responses Self renewal and Differentiation 2nd Cancer Clonal Expansion 103 Angiogenesis and Vasculogenesis 104 s Somatic cells Small-- and largeSmall large-scale mutations (point mutations and chromosomal aberrations)) Slide 30 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology UW Experience with Fast Neutrons 80-90% of absorbed dose to 80patient is from lower energy protons (E ( avg ≅ 16 MeV)) Tolerance doses derived from over 25+ 25 years off clinical li i l experience Used as a guide for tolerance doses in carbon ion therapy What can fast neutron therapy tell us about RBE effects in a proton Bragg peak? Slide 31 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Neutron TD5/5 Dose (Brainstem ( and Lung)) 20 55 (α/β α/β))γ ≅ 1.6 Gy 18 50 TD D for Lung (p pneumonitis s) TD for Brrainstem (ne ecrosis infarction) 60 45 40 35 Neutron RBE (clinical endpoint) 30 25 20 15 10 Neutron (Laramore 2007) UW SBRT program (2013) Emami et al. 1991 5 (α/β α/β))γ ≅ 10 Gy 16 14 12 10 8 Blue dotted lines RMF predicted neutron TD with RBEDSB = 2 6 4 Neutron (Laramore 2007) UW SBRT program (2013) Emami et al. 1991 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Fractions 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Number of Fractions U l caveats Usual t apply l about b t accuracy off ttolerance l dose d estimates ti t 50 Slide 32 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Neutron TD5/5 Dose (Cauda ( Equina and Cord)) 65 60 55 (α/β α/β))γ ≅ 3.0 Gy TD for Spina T al Cord (my yelitis necro osis) TD for Caud T da Equina (nerve dama age) 70 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Neutron (Laramore 2007) UW SBRT program (2013) Emami et al. 1991 10 5 0 50 (α/β α/β))γ ≅ 2.2 Gy 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Neutron (Laramore 2007) UW SBRT program (2013) Emami et al. 1991 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Fractions 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Fractions 40 45 50 Slide 33 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Neutron TD5/5 Dose (Skin ( and Ribs)) 60 (α/β α/β))γ ≅ 9.0 Gy 55 TD for R Ribs (patho ological frac cture) TD for Skin (ulcerration/necro osis) 55 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Neutron (Laramore 2007) UW SBRT program (2013) Emami et al. 1991 5 (α/β α/β))γ ≅ 3.0 Gy 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Neutron (Laramore 2007) UW SBRT program (2013) Emami et al. 1991 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Fractions 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Fractions 40 45 50 Slide 34 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Fast Neutron RBE for Selected Tissue 3.50 Filled Fill d circles: i l RBE(n RBE(n = 16) 16) = TDγ /TDn Avg RBE = 2.6 + 0.3 3.25 27 7 tissues/endpoints ssues/e dpo s Red Dashed line: Monte Carlo (“first (“ principles”) ”) simulation of neutron RBE for DSB induction. 2.75 2.50 2.25 2 00 2.00 RBEDSB (MCNP+MCDS simulation)) 1.75 1 50 1.50 Bladder Femoral Head Skin (te elangiesctasia) Skin (necrosis) S Brain Brainstem Spinal cord Cauda equina Brachial plexus B Eye lens I & II (cataract) Eye retina I & II (blindness) Ea ar mid/external Parotid I & II Esophagus Rectum Liver T-M joint Mandible Rib Cage Colon Heart Larrynx (necrosis) La arynx (edema) Lung Optic Nerve I & II Chiasma Stomach Small intestine S Fast Neu utron RBE 3.00 Blue Shaded Region: Estimate of RBE for DSB induction derived from analysis of in vitro cell survival data for 30 human tumor cell lines (Warenius ( et al. IJROBP 1994). 1994)). ) Clinical RBE > RBEDSB, as predicted by the RMF model © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Summary and Conclusions Much of the uncertainty in proton RBE due to • Uncertainty in dosimetry of the reference radiation and proton beam • Need for mechanistic dose-response models to guide the interpretation and analysis of measured data RBEDSB (RBEmin) and low dose RBESF (RBEmax) are relevant biological endpoints for (1 (1) local tumor control and (2) tolerance doses for healthy organs and tissues Ample (very ( strong)) evidence that spatial\ spatial\LET variations in proton RBE are real and clinically relevant (exploitable)) • Sticking with a constant RBE = 1.1 is a missed opportunity to enhance the therapeutic ratio! Slide 35 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Thank You! S Supplemental l t l Slides… Slid Acknowledgements Example of an easy way to setup dosedose-weighted RBE calculations in MCNP and MCNPX (DE ( DF modified F6 tally)) Is dose dose--averaged LET a could surrogate for RBEDSB and and\\or the RBESF? Approximate pp formula linear and linear linear--q quadratic formulas to estimate RBEDSB as a function of proton LET Why does RBEDSB increase with increasing LET and the RBE for SSB and d base b damage d decrease d with i h increasing i i LET? Why are some DSB more lethal than others? Email: NOTE: ““trawets trawets”” = ““stewart stewart”” spelled backwards. Slide 36 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Acknowledgements E i UW physics Entire h i group but b t especially i ll D. D Argento, A t G. Sandison, C. Bloch, E. Ford, F. Yang; other UW f faculty: J. S Schwartz, G G. Laramore, U. Parvathenii Many Other (non-UW) ( ) Collaborators, especially V. Semenenko D. Semenenko, D Carlson, Carlson C C. Kirkby Kirkby, N N. Cao Cao, G G. Moffitt, S. Streitmatter, T. Jevremovic, Y. Hsaio, Hsaio, VK Y V.K. Yu, JJ.H. H P Park, k M M. Frese, F R. R Rockne, R k K K. Swanson Slide 37 Slide 38 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Example of D × RBE tally in MCNP FC1026 RBE-weighted proton (1H+) dose; DSB induction (aerobic) F1026:H 3 FM1026 0.1602 DE1026 1.000E-03 2.000E-03 3.000E-03 4.000E-03 5.000E-03 6.470E-03 7.500E-03 1.000E-02 2.000E-02 3.000E-02 4.000E-02 5.000E-02 6 000E-02 7 6.000E-02 7.000E-02 000E-02 8 8.000E-02 000E-02 9 9.000E-02 000E-02 1 1.000E-01 000E-01 2 2.000E-01 000E-01 3.000E-01 5.000E-01 9.000E-01 1.000E+00 1.100E+00 1.300E+00 1.500E+00 2.000E+00 2.500E+00 3.000E+00 3.500E+00 4.000E+00 5.000E+00 6.000E+00 7.500E+00 1.000E+01 1.500E+01 2.500E+01 5.000E+01 7.500E+01 1.000E+02 1.500E+02 2.000E+02 2.500E+02 5.000E+02 1.000E+03 DF1026 3.375E+00 3.367E+00 3.368E+00 3.363E+00 3.359E+00 3.352E+00 3.348E+00 3.340E+00 3.317E+00 3.290E+00 3.264E+00 3.242E+00 3.216E+00 3.193E+00 3.168E+00 3.143E+00 3.122E+00 2.889E+00 2 687E+00 2 2.687E+00 2.370E+00 370E+00 1 1.986E+00 986E+00 1 1.916E+00 916E+00 1 1.860E+00 860E+00 1 1.760E+00 760E+00 1.685E+00 1.542E+00 1.451E+00 1.386E+00 1.336E+00 1.297E+00 1.244E+00 1.204E+00 1.164E+00 1.123E+00 1.083E+00 1.051E+00 1.026E+00 1.016E+00 1.012E+00 1.004E+00 1.004E+00 1.003E+00 1.001E+00 1.001E 00 9.995E-01 9.995E 01 KE of proton RBEDSB from MCDS 3.10A Above tally will record D × RBEDSB. Divide by dose (separate tally) to get dose-averaged RBE. See http://faculty washington edu/trawets/ for additional (downloadable) examples for protons and other particles Slide 39 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Analytic way to estimate an approximate RBEDSB×Dose for proton beams? Recall D ( x ) S ( x ) LET∞ ( x ) = = Φ( x) ρ ρ D ( x ) / Φ( x) LET∞ ( x ) / ρ ∴ = D ( xr ) / Φ ( xr ) LET∞ ( xr ) / ρ If we know the LET and dose p per unit fluence at a reference location xr, LET at other locations along depth-dose curve computed from D ( x ) / Φ( x) LET∞ ( x ) = LET∞ ( xr ) D ( xr ) / Φ ( xr ) RBEDSB ( x ) D ( x ) = ( mLET∞ ( x ) + b ) D ( x ) m = 0.03193 μm/keV and b = 0.98274 Simple formulism to connect patient-specific QA measurements of doseaverage LET to RBEDSB and (hence) the RBESF (via RMF model)? Slide 40 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology LETD instead of RBEDSB or RBESF? 6.0 MCDS estimate of RBEDSB 5.5 RBEDSB(LET) = m x LET + b 5.0 RBESF(α/β = 3 Gy) RBESF(α/β = 10 Gy) 4.5 R RBE 4.0 3.5 3.0 For a clinically F li i ll relevant* relevant l t*range off t* proton energies (LET ( < 25 keV/μm), μ ), dosedose-averaged g LET is a good surrogate for RBEDSB and the low dose RBESF. m = 0.03193 RBE RBE/( /(keV keV//μm) b = 0.98274 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 For tumors and\ and\or tissues with a low α\β, RBESF may be larger than RBEDSB by 2525-30% larger at 25 keV k V/ keV/ V/μm. LET (keV/μm) * Caveat: + 2 mm of the Bragg peak really low energy protons (< 1-5 MeV)) contribute in a substantial way to dose and RBE. Slide 41 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology LQ fit to proton RBEDSB as function of LET To better capture trends in the RBE for DSB induction as a function of LET, a linearlinear-quadratic (LQ) fit is highly recommended. 3.0 RBEDSB = a ⋅ LET + b ⋅ LET + c 2 2.6 RBE for DS SB Induction a = 6.771 × 10-3 b = 2.553 2 553 × 10-22 c = 9.969 × 10-1 2.8 2.4 2.2 20 2.0 1.8 1.6 MCDS Linear fit to data < 10 keV/mm LQ fit to data < 75 keV/μm 14 1.4 * Coefficients for fit may need to be adjusted slightly to correct for uncertainties in proton LET. 1.2 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 LET (keV/μm) Slide 42 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Ionization Density and Cluster Complexity + = 1.8 to 2.3 nm Number of DNA lesions per cluster tends to increase with increasing particle LET. Slide 43 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Why does RBEDSB ↑ and RBESSB and RBEBd ↓ A cluster categorized as a DSB cannot also be categorized as a (simple ( or complex)) SSB or as a (simple ( or complex)) cluster of nucleotides with base damage – mutually exclusive l i categories t i off DNA damage d Cluster = 2 nucleotides with base damage Cluster = complex SSB Cluster = complex DSB Chance a cluster will contain a pair of opposed strand breaks within about 10 bp increases ((i.e., be a simple or complex DSB)) as LET and the number of DNA lesions per cluster increases. Slide 44 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Why are some DSB (more) lethal and others not? Answer: we don don’tt know for sure… sure Hypotheses: (1) Some DSB are unrepairable nrepairable (unrejoinable) ( j i bl ) or more slowly slo l rejoined than others because of the local (spatial) ( ) complexity of DNA lesions Simple DSB Complex DSB (2) DSB formed in close spatial and temporal proximity to other DSB are more often mis mis--rejoined to form chromosome aberrations than DSB separated in time and/or space (breakage ( and reunion theory)) (3) Combination of mechanisms (1 (1) and (2 (2 ) RMF model (Carlson ( et al. 2008)) tends to emphasize mechanism 2 © University of Washington Department of Radiation Oncology Critical MCDS and RMF Literature Citations V.A. Semenenko and R.D. Stewart. A fast Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate the spectrum of DNA damages formed by ionizing radiation. Radiat Res. 161(4), 451-457 (2004) V.A. Semenenko and R.D. Stewart. Fast Monte Carlo simulation of DNA damage formed by electrons and light ions. Phys. Med. Biol. 51(7), 1693-1706 (2006) D.J. 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