AUDIT KECELAKAAN MATERI PENDUKUNG – PERTEMUAN 13 - B OSHA Incidental Rate The OSHA incidence rate (IR) is a measure of recordable occupational injuries. It is expressed as the ratio of the number of recordable injuries to the total man-hours worked, multiplied by 200,000 man-hours (100 employees, 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year). This relationship can be expressed as follow: IR I (200,000) H where: IR = OSHA incidence rate I = Number of injuries H = Man-hours worked for the number of injuries, I For example, if an organization experiences 10 recordable occupational injuries in a 100,000 man-hours period, its OSHA incidence rate is: IR (10)( 200,000) = 20 lost time injuries per 100 employees annually 100,000 Accident Severity Rate The accident severity rate is defined as the number of lost days due to occupational injuries per specific number of annual worker-hours. The standard for accident severity rate is also 200,000 man-hours worked. The accident severity rate can be calculated from the following expression: S ( LD)( 200,000) H where: S = Acident severity rate LD = Number of lost days due to injuries H = Total man-hours worked For example, the accident severity rate for an organization that employs 50 workers with 100 days of lost time in one year can be calculated as follows: S (100)( 200,000) = 200 lost days per OSHA standard for 100 (50)( 40)(50) employees