OCTOBER 31, 2011
Present: Interim Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Timothy
Mullin, Amy Hardin, Kristie Lowry, Bryan Carson, Jennifer Wilson, Haiwang
Yuan and Jan Renusch
Minutes: On a motion by Deana Groves and a second by Brian Coutts, the
October 24, 2011, minutes were approved as corrected.
Dean’s Report/Announcements: Connie announced that January 12, 2012, is the
tentative date for the half-day department heads and deans work day. Connie
passed around several bookmarks from EKU Libraries for some of their events
that were distributed at the SAALCK meeting she attended on Friday. She also
gave an update on items that were discussed at the meeting. Connie said that
she thinks we are missing opportunities for having special events such as the
National Friends of Libraries Week, to honor LAC and others. Bob Fox of the
University of Louisville said that the Libraries will have one long question
on the statewide student survey NSSE. Connie is concerned that we are not
getting a lot of bang for our buck from our Lyrasis membership and will study
this further. Signs for the public computers have been posted that they are
not connected to a printer.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that he had conducted two
OUCampus training sessions and one working session. A university IT Training
session has been scheduled for library faculty and staff. It will take place
in VPAL this coming Friday. Haiwang discovered several policies on the web
that need updating. He will compile a list of them to bring to the next LLC
meeting for review. Haiwang has redesigned the regional libraries websites.
Haiwang discussed Roxanne's request to create an ERC Facebook page. The LLC
recommended that the ERC use the current Libraries Facebook page for
publicity and that Roxanne be given its login information. Haiwang, Nelda
Sims, David Runner and two part-time tech assistants were invited to the
Academic IT's semester meeting last Friday. Haiwang has been appointed
Contributing Editor for the China Connect Education Database by Berkshire
Publishing Group.
Development: Amy reported that she is working on Book Fest Sponsorships; that
Smuckers is still considering sponsoring Christmas in Kentucky; working with
Timothy on the US Bank Show; and a potential donor in Lexington. Amy and
Jennifer will meet soon regarding US Bank Show award sponsorships.
Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that Daniel Peach has created a logo for
the Kentucky Literary Award, and information about the award has been placed
on the SOKY Book Fest website. In the past, the award’s webpage has included
a nomination form, but Kristie stated that there would no longer be open,
public nominations. Instead, the committee will select books that fit the
criteria to consider for the award and determine the finalists. Suggestions
will still be taken, but Kristie will be the sole contact. The Macy’s general
manager has been contacted and confirmed their involvement in the Used Book
Sale again. That page has been updated on the Book Fest website as well.
Marketing: Jennifer reported that Evelyn Thurman invitations for both the
luncheon and the afternoon reception that will include all library/staff
along with regional librarians will go out this week. The art show brochure
is in the proofing process. She discussed the Lincoln exhibit and explained
advertising was in Sunday’s paper and fliers/posters have been circulated all
over campus. She is also communicating with the History Department to send
more fliers digitally. Jennifer asked if potential council member names were
presented at the Museum Advisory Council meeting. She needs to give Amy a
list for approval. It was discussed and concluded that MAC doesn’t need to
submit more names as of now due to the transition. Jennifer also mentioned
that the Christmas in Kentucky promotion is out and will be in the paper. Amy
mentioned we may still have a sponsor and Jennifer said we can add any
sponsor to a promo that has not already been published.
Grants & Projects: Bryan said that Amanda Hardin has begun preliminary work
on a tutorial for the Web of Science. She will work with John Bowers in
Academic Technology and with the appropriate subject librarians on this
project. Bryan has called a meeting of the Ad Hoc Survey Committee for
tomorrow, Tuesday, November 1st. WKU subscribes to an online survey package
called Qualtrics. He anticipates administering a survey next spring.
Department Reports:
DLTS: DLTS received a 2010-11 Exemplary Achievement (EAA) Award of $1,500,
bringing the overall total awarded to $15,600. During the spring 2012
semester, Tammera Race will be teaching a seminar through the Institute for
Citizen and Social Responsibility (1 credit, 7 weeks, ICSR 301). The title
is “Citizen Facebook: Social Networking and Social Responsibility”. There
are three broad areas of discussion: social networking tools in relation to
personal responsibility, policy, and change.
Technology Highlights: Provided Tech support for Far Away Places speaker at
Barnes & Noble; provided tech setup for rep from Gale/Cengage, provided tech
setup for rep from Ingram/(Coutts) for demo of their e-book platform.
Gathering information for upcoming meeting w/IT TSS regarding Faculty Pool
replacement computers for Library faculty; provided Tech support for Forum on
the Future of the Library; provided Tech support for Open Access Week Forum
on TopSCHOLAR; along w/Haiwang and Nelda, attended two-hour Academic
Technology All Departments staff meeting.
DLPS: Resolved VPAL KIC scanner problems; resolved mouse problems on two
computers; still working w/Student Technology to work through some unresolved
issues for changes to the public computers on Cravens 4th floor. The 6
computers on Cravens 4th floor have undergone some updating and they all now
default to the Library homepage so patrons can utilize our Primo One-Search
Box – in order for that to work correctly the limitations were removed on the
Web browser so all Web URL’s are now reachable.
DLTS: updated IE 7 to IE8 for Systems Coordinator and acting DLTS Dept. Head
to resolve problems w/the online ExLibris support site and issues w/Primo;
helped troubleshoot off campus access problem to Web of Science. Diagnosing
problems w/Bindery programs-solution still pending; still working on problems
w/barcode printer; Josh updated departmental stats; still working out issues
Nelda is having w/Primo problem reporting forms; worked out problems w/
student assistant computer in Bib Access; prepped laptop for faculty member
to take to a conference.
DLSC: funds were approved to move two network ports in the lobby of the KB to
the Information desk in THE KB lobby – IT’s Network Services unit will be
scheduling the work.
Dean’s Suite: Resolved problem on Interim Dean’s laptop opening various file
attachments via Webmail
DLPS: E-Books Task Force - Jack Montgomery arranged for a demonstration of
Coutts-Ingram’s MyiLibrary for task force members on Thursday, October 20.
Account Manager Janet Walsh demonstrated how their platform works and talked
about their pricing models from patron driven selection to subject
collections. Data analysis includes a wealth of information about title-bytitle and subject use. Our next meeting will be a demonstration of YBP/EBL
book platform on Tuesday, November 8 at 1:00 p.m. in Helm 5. Jack Montgomery
is making the arrangements.
E-town Planning - Eric Fisher and Laura DeLancey met with the E-town planning
group in Elizabethtown on Tuesday, October 18. Renovation of a workroom and
its transformation into a new Resource Library is scheduled to begin soon.
Tentative plans call for completion in time for the spring semester.
Exemplary Achievement Award - DLPS received $1500 in recognition of its
“Planning the Move to the New ERC” proposal. The department has received an
award every year since the inception of the program, as has technical
Cengage-Gale Visit - Heidi Prior, Account Executive for Academic Library
Services, outlined several very attractive proposals to provide online access
to all of WKU’s major Gale literary reference sources located in Helm Library
and the ERC and a second proposal for the 123 volume International Company
Far Away Places Series — Voices from the Peace Corps - Angene and Jack
Wilson, former Peace Corps volunteers, gave an exciting presentation on the
history of the organization and the contributions made by Kentuckians over
the past 50 years on Thursday, October 20, at 7:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble. A
review of their book by Brian and Peggy Wright appeared in the Daily News on
Sunday, October 16.
Women and Social Movements in the United States - The library has purchased
this important documentary database from Alexander Street Press with funding
support from the Department of History. The database provides tens of
thousands of pages of full-text documents from more than 1,700 primary
authors along with film and web-site reviews, teaching tools, lesson plans, a
Dictionary of Social Movements, and a Chronology of US Women’s History. It
was a Library Journal 2003 “Best Reference Databases.”
Charles Smith’s article “Natural Selection: A Concept in Need of Some
Evolution” appears in the Essays and Commentaries section of the journal
Complexity published by Wiley.
Kentucky Live Series - This month’s speaker is Jerry Passon who’s on the
faculty of the Hopkinsville Community College where he teaches technical
writing. His topic will be “The Corvette in Literature and Culture” which is
the title of his new book published in 2011 by McFarland Press. Passon will
speak at Barnes & Noble on Thursday, November 10 at 7:00 p.m. A review of his
book by Kath Pennavaria will appear in this Sunday’s Bowling Green Daily
News. A display promoting his talk is located on Cravens fourth floor.
DLSC: Timothy said that the HVAC work has been extended through November. The
manuscripts area should be done this week, and the faculty and staff will be
moving back in early next week. Work on the Museum gift shop and education
area should be finished next and functioning for the upcoming holiday events.
The Lincoln exhibit goes up this week with the opening, a lecture and a
reception on Thursday, November 3.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch