OCTOBER 17, 2011
Present: Interim Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Timothy
Mullin, Haiwang Yuan, Amy Hardin, Kristie Lowry, Bryan Carson, Jennifer
Wilson and Jan Renusch
Minutes: On a motion by Deana Groves and a second by Bryan Carson, the
October 3, 2011, minutes were approved as submitted and passed unanimously.
Dean’s Report: Connie announced that the Web of Science Database contract was
signed on Friday. Through a collaborative venture, WKU Libraries now has
available the following major electronic resource with current and archival
files: Web of Science: Science Citation Index Expanded 1981 – present Social Sciences Citation Index® - 1981 – present - Arts & Humanities Citation
Index® 1981 – present. Soon we will offer on-site training, as well as
computer-based tutorials, to improve the user experience as Thomson Reuters
has enhanced the functionality and features of this significant resource.
Connie attended the Council of Academic Deans on Wednesday which was for the
Staffing Plan Phase II. The Provost will cover the Interim Dean, New Dean and
former Dean’s salary differences. Connie and the TopSCHOLAR committee met on
Friday to review the TopSCHOLAR site and customization options for the
bepress redesign. Connie gave an update on Carry Forward and DELO funds and
asked the Department Heads to submit department needs. Some of the needs such
as eBooks start up fees, barcode scanners, printers, and carpeting were
suggested. Connie reported a change in policy regarding Interlibrary Loan
access for undergraduate students. Connie will be making an announcement
regarding Primo and ILL access in early November.
Java City Recommendation: The Council recommended approval of the Java City
proposal. Connie will send a copy of the approved recommendation to Jack
Montgomery to pursue with his current committee.
Web Development Policy: Haiwang reviewed the draft copy of the Web
Development Policy at WKU Libraries. The document was amended to add the
Special Assistant to the Dean for Web and Emerging Technologies as the Site
Manager. On a motion by Bryan Carson and second by Deana Groves, the document
was approved.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that he had given three
training sessions to the WKU Libraries’ faculty and staff. He will offer more
training-working sessions, where those who already have access to the
Libraries’ account on OUCampus can work on their separate pages together in
an environment where they can easily get help.
-The new home page design will be launched upon Primo’s completion of the
EBSCOhost database API.
-Haiwang has been going through all the web pages to identify and fix broken
links—links that connect to other pages on the WKU Libraries’ web site. As
for broken links to non-WKU Libraries’ web sites, he will have them corrected
by WKU employees during their training.
Development: Connie gave the Development Director’s report in Amy’s absence.
The Summit awards will be held Thursday, October 20 at the Knicely Center.
Pat Porter Miller and Ekaterina Myakshina will be honored. HODA is Friday,
October 21 at the Sloan Convention Center. A great group of volunteers and
donors will be at the library table. Amy followed up with Smucker’s regarding
the Christmas in Kentucky sponsorship. The Book Fest letter with response
device will be mailed next week.
Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that she has been reading many of the
books written by Book Fest authors and is happy with the quality of the
books. Close to 100 authors have been confirmed for April, and their
information will be added to the Book Fest website beginning this week.
Planning has begun for the Evelyn Thurman Award winner’s visit on November 17
and 18. This year a new event will be added, thanks to funding from the
Dean’s Office. There will be a reception for the author on the Thursday
afternoon to which area school librarians will be invited, as well as Library
Advisory Council members and WKU Library employees. Kristie is going to
investigate the possibility of cooperating with WKU’s Gifted Studies office
in establishing a Writers Conference for junior high/high school students to
be held during the summer and possibly be a residence camp. She is going to
meet with Tracy Harkins this week to discuss the idea and the potential for
collaboration. There was some discussion about the Evelyn Thurman reception,
including the necessity of RSVPs, whether door prizes should be given away,
and the possibility of having someone review the winning book for the Daily
Marketing: The Summit Awards and those attending Thursday night’s event were
discussed. Jennifer attended the quarterly Marketing Council meeting and
talked about a new virtual map of WKU that will be coming out in November.
When viewers click on a building on the map, it goes to a brief informative
video about that particular building. She will be following up with Public
Affairs to make sure Libraries is involved. Depending on the video, it might
be something we could cross market on our own web site. Promotional projects
being worked on include the upcoming Lincoln exhibit, Open Access panel
discussion, Christmas in Kentucky event and the Evelyn Thurman programs.
Jennifer recommended using NPR and newspaper for paid marketing outlets. She
will see if she can use free psa’s on television but it will depend on
whether NPR will put together an ad space for the exhibit for free. The video
committee is drilling down on each section of the Big Red Search and Jennifer
is encouraging the committee to promote the Library’s internal One-Box Search
on the search segment rather than Google. She attended a conference recently
in Philadelphia specifically for marketing professionals promoting academic
and public libraries. The lingering message with every workshop she attended
was “listen to your consumers.” She elaborated on one workshop with a
librarian who promotes himself and his academic library by visiting each
assigned faculty member and selling what he and the library can offer him
(her) and his (her) students.
Student Assistant Online Application: Brian distributed copies of the updated
application for review and input from the council.
Library Survey: At the suggestion of the consultants, Brian is proposing to
have a committee/taskforce be appointed to work on an online library survey.
It was suggested that a representative from each department and the Dean’s
office be appointed to the committee. Connie will make the official
appointments and send an email to that effect.
Faculty/Staff Training: Bryan Carson brought to the Department Heads an idea
of specific training for faculty and those who teach classes to upgrade their
skills and methods of teaching. Connie asked that he send a proposal to her
and the department heads for their review and she will put it on the November
14th LLC Agenda.
Department Reports:
DLSC: Timothy said that the HVAC construction has two weeks left. He has not
heard anything to indicate that it could run over schedule. The Kentucky Room
is getting put back together. The art is back on the walls, the carpet is
back down on the floor, plus the redesigned catering space now provides users
of the Kentucky Room access to restrooms next door. Donna Parker has an
article on historic clothing in Mid West Open Air Museums. Next week Timothy
and staff will be working on installing the Lincoln exhibit and the opening.
The Family and Consumer Sciences exhibit opens on Friday. They are planning
events/workshops for every weekend through the run of the show.
DLPS: E-Town Library - E-Town Campus Director Ron Stephens has advised us
that funding has been secured for the renovation of the proposed library. A
meeting to discuss the renovation has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 18.
Eric Fisher and Laura DeLancey will represent UL at the meeting.
-Far Away Places Series - This month’s speakers are Jack and Angene Wilson,
authors of The Peace Corps: A Historical & Kentucky Perspective. They
interviewed more than 100 former volunteers with Kentucky connections. The
talk is scheduled for Thursday, October 20 at 7:00 p.m. Barnes & Noble
-Kentucky Live Series - Former Bowling Green lawyer Robert Dickey entertained
a large crowd with his discussions of the life and times of Hilda Reynolds
Krause. Hilda, who once operated a grill at the Bowling Green Greyhound Bus
depot, rose to become part owner of Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.
Her brutal murder shocked the country. Dickey spoke on Thursday, October 13
at 7:00 p.m. at Barnes & Noble. A book signing followed.
-We’ve Been Everywhere - The first speakers in a new in-house international
series featured impressions from Lynne Ferguson, Eric Fisher and Haiwang Yuan
about their three-week trip to Beijing sponsored by the Confucius Institute.
The program was held on Wednesday, October 12 at 10:00 a.m.
-KLA Academic Section - Sean Kinder was recently elected chair-elect for the
forthcoming year.
DLTS: Deana reminded everyone to please not remove library items from
Technical Services that have not been cataloged. Priority cataloging is
always an option for materials received but not yet ready to circulate.
After consulting with Doug, it was decided that the corrections to incorrect
barcodes will be handled at the circulation desk as the books are checked
out. The Chinese Learning Center materials were changed from non-circulating
to circulating. Deana Groves was appointed to serve as a jury member on the
ALA Information Today Libraries of the Future Award, an award for training
programs teaching patrons about information technology in a library setting.
Nelda Sims turned on the recall and holds functions in voyager. Shiu-Yue Mak
entered the first KNV originally cataloged Chinese record in OCLC: Xue Han yu
= Learning Chinese. Deana distributed copies of the recent TDNet statistics.
(see attached)
-Technology Highlights: Provided Tech support for KY Live! lecture series at
Barnes & Noble; provided Tech support for Impressions from Beijing part of
the ‘We’ve Been Everywhere’ in-house lecture series in Helm 100.
DLTS: 6 hours were spent on configuration of barcode printer, problems still
unresolved; resolved problem w/Bib Access laser printer; resolved browser
problems for faculty member; ran updates for Flash on 3 computers; resolved
problems w/2 spine label printers; working through details for replacing
older barcode scanners and printers
DLPS: resolved Outlook email problem for staff member; replaced 3 staff
computers w/Windows 7 computers in VPAL – reinstalled all software and
reconfigured Reserve flatbed scanner for Windows 7; spent several hours
reconfiguring VPAL barcode printer for use in Windows 7 environment;
beginning to work through the details of the decision from the LLC to open up
the 6 public access computers on Cravens 4th floor to full web access and will
be working w/Student Technology to work out a new image for these computers
to accommodate the decision; replaced Reference Assistant staff computer and
Gov Docs Service desk w/Windows 7 computer-re-installed all software;
resolved printing issue on faculty computer in Extended Campus office
DLSC: received estimate of $ 777.70 from Network Services to relocate 2
network ports in KB lobby from what has become an unusable corner location to
the Information Desk for use there; continuing to work on replacing staff
Systems: Josh worked on DLTS stats for departmental units; TopSCHOLAR reports
using Google Analytics, AD update lists; along with Systems Coordinator,
David, participated in 3-hour webinar on Symphony ILS product from
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch
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