JULY 23, 2012
Present: Interim Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Timothy
Mullin, Haiwang Yuan, Amy Hardin, Kristie Lowry, Jennifer Wilson, Eric
Fisher, Bryan Carson and Jan Renusch
Minutes: The July 23, 2012, minutes were approved as submitted on a motion by
Deana Groves and second by Haiwang Yuan.
Dean’s Report: Connie welcomed Eric Fisher to the LLC. He is representing the
Library Systems Office.
-Connie thanked Brian Coutts and Daniel Peach for alerting her to the results
of the storms on Thursday night of the flooding on the 9th, 8th and second
floors. Mold is a concern for the carpeting. Roof repairs to Cravens may now
be necessary.
-Measurements for a lift for wheel chair access from the ground floor
(Student Activities offices) to the first floor of Cravens Library are being
taken as we are meeting.
-The plan document for the Info Commons has been approved and will go out for
bid in August.
-The Kentucky Museum policy manual will be presented at the BOR meeting on
-The Dean of Libraries position has been posted on the HR web site.
-Connie reminded everyone to update their Vita information on Digital
Measures for SACS review.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang asked for ideas with regard to the Web
location for Amy Hardin and Jennifer Wilson who work for the Libraries and
the Kentucky Museum for now. It was suggested that they have their separate
pages, one for the Libraries and the other for the Kentucky Museum. Haiwang
will make the change accordingly.
-Haiwang was pleased to see the e-newsletter so well received. He has
forwarded the contact information about the creator to people who have
expressed interest.
-Haiwang reported that John Gottfried has been reviewing software for instant
messaging library reference service including LibChat and Library H3lp. Per
Interim Dean Connie Foster’s request, Eric will be kept in the loop for
discussions pertaining to software selection and installation.
-Per Eric’s request, Haiwang has asked the university Webmaster to give the
Library System Office staff access to related sites in the OUCampus Libraries
Website account.
-Haiwang reported that he had raised the question of having the Library part
of the iWKU smartphone app on its first page by turning the vertical WKU logo
into a horizontal one to make room for it. He will follow up to make sure the
change is done.
Library Systems Office: Eric reported on the following:
Dean’s suite: Worked w/IT TSS to replace power supply in Kristie Lowry’s pc
(pc’s warranty had expired so Library will purchase a power supply to
replenish parts inventory of IT TSS)
DLPS: Daniel Pawley finished project for John Gottfried using a IMAP settings
in Microsoft Outlook for the web.reference email account for use on the
Reference desk computers; 6 staff computers and 1 faculty computer were
migrated to Windows 7, all software reinstalled; peripherals reinstalled and
configured and data copied; corrected settings in Voyager Cataloging client
and OCLC client for Ellen, Debby, and Dewayne; corrected Voyager Tag tables
for Robbie; Brian Coutts received new Faculty Pool computer replacement and
all necessary software was reinstalled; moved Mike Binder’s computer to new
office location; worked w/Academic Technology to have Operating System and
software updated on two iMacs in VPAL Listening Rooms; replacement keyboard
was ordered/received and installed on one iMac in VPAL listening Room;
resolved OCLC ILLIad email problem on computers in ILL Office
DLSC: Assisted in relocating equipment and w/providing network connection to
relocated computers in Special Collections as they relocated various offices
and equipment – Network Services will be providing cost estimates on
installing additional network ports where needed. Working w/Sue Lynn to make
sure one-time monetary award from the President’s Office for a microfilm
reader/printer and computer is maximized in all aspects. The coin-box for the
copier will be installed this week. Future service requests and toner orders
will need to be done via the site. (Current account will be
DLTS: Updated and completed migration of bindery to Susan Todd’s computer;
2 faculty computers were migrated to Windows 7, all software reinstalled,
peripherals reinstalled and configured, and data copied; reformatted hard
drive on Shiu Mak’s old computer, installed all necessary software and put in
service for additional Bib Access student assistant; formatter unit for
networked printer in Serials Unit ordered/received/installed then relocated
printer to a more centralized location for the unit; resolved Voyager
Reporter/MS Access problems for Linda; scanned for and removed multiple
viruses, Trojans, malware and adware infections from one staff computer;
resolved printing issues w/form used by Acquisitions Unit.
Library Systems Office: prepared temporary computer for Eric to use; began
planning office space for consultants.
Systems: Daniel worked with Jack Montgomery on formulating the draft of the
iPad Checkout Policy, completed compression of the College Heights Reunion CD
for upload to TopSCHOLAR; worked w/Josh for transfer of job duties in
generating various reports for next month and the coming year; David
downloaded and updated the Firmware on 5 HP network laser printers in DLTS
and DLPS; worked w/Serials and Nelda to resolve problems with the proxy
server and access to several ejournals; installed database update on the
server for S&P’s Research insight; ordered barcode scanners and mag stripe
readers as replacements and new equipment for various staff in DLTS, DLPS and
Service Desk locations in the Libraries. Eric is working with David to bring
him up to speed on various procedures, program installations and support
procedures he will be exposed to in his new position.
Development: Amy reported that Jim Johnson has signed on as a sponsor for
SOKY Reads! this fall.
-Book Fest letters have been sent to previous sponsors with information
regarding headliners.
-Amy is meeting July 24 with a potential sponsor to bring J.R. Martinez to
the Book Fest as an additional headlining author.
-Amy said she had a great meeting with the Library Advisory Council on July
9. The group seems to be quite involved and vested in the success of WKU
-JP Blair and Amy have been granted permission to meet with all of the
candidates for the Dean of Libraries position to discuss development
-Amy presented highlights from the ALADN Conference presentation by Rush
Miller. She will email link to LLC members so they may study presentation in
full if they so choose.
Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that the SOKY Reads! program will be
starting in just a few weeks. She distributed copies of In the Sanctuary of
Outcasts to the council members including some of the program details.
Kristie stated that there will not be a book giveaway on campus since classes
start so late in August; however, there will be a book discussion on campus
on Wednesday, September 12 at 3 pm in Helm’s Java City. Books are being
distributed to targeted groups on campus including Tammera Race’s student
book club and some to the English Department. Funding for this year’s SOKY
Reads! will come from a previously reported South Arts grant, a donation from
Jim Johnson, and a grant from the ALIVE Center.
-The SOKY Book Fest website is being updated to include information about
February’s Used Book Sale as well as the SOKY Reads! program information.
There will also be “save the date” information for Book Fest and Children’s
-Book Fest now has 25 confirmed authors, although invitations have slowed as
Kristie tries to finalize additional headliners.
Marketing: Jennifer passed around the SOKY Reads! program guide that will be
in the community this week. It describes all the upcoming events including
free book giveaways, discussions and special programs regarding this fall’s
“One Book” read.
-Jennifer mentioned that a student assistant has been hired to fill the
position of graphic design/Book Fest/student office assistant. She has
graphic design experience and loves to read—-a great combination for this
-WKU Libraries promotional materials have arrived including pens, the tshirts and red towels.
-Jennifer and Brian Coutts met to discuss materials for the new faculty
-Membership cards will be ordered now that the paper stock has been approved.
-Jennifer is currently working with University Publications on membership
-She encouraged the LLC to let faculty and staff know that assisting with
programs such as MASTER Plan will give WKU Libraries some exposure as well as
offer a helping hand to new students.
-A final note that the libraries will continue to have $6 per column inch
rate for advertising our outreach programs.
Grants & Projects: Bryan reminded everyone that he is collecting statistics
for the annual report.
-The QEP proposal was discussed at the Dean’s retreat. It was expanded to six
pages and will need to expand to 10 pages for faculty in the fall.
-Bryan is working on the Library Survey summary and results will be sent out
later in the summer.
-The NEH music grant proposal acceptance will be announced next month.
-Work on the New Faculty Orientation is proceeding.
Department Reports:
DLSC: Timothy reported that Kathy Garrett is back from maternity leave.
-The library has been redesigned to provide some level of office space for
faculty and better more secure access for catering services. Network ports
will need to be relocated.
-Some of the cases will be changing in the Confucius Learning Center.
-The Archives Assistant position is in the process of being filled.
DLPS: Brian reported on the violent storm that passed through Bowling Green
around 8:00 pm Thursday night and damaged the Cravens Library roof leading to
major flooding on the ninth floor. Rainwater soaked through the roof, leaked
through the penthouse and from there onto the stacks on the ninth floor.
Quick action on the part of Daniel Peach, Eric Fisher, Doug Wiles, Amanda
Hardin, student assistants and the BSAs prevented more substantial damage to
library collections.
-Plant Operations Manager Dale Dyer advised us that he had to move two large
dehumidifiers onto the ninth floor. Library Security staff and students spent
the weekend emptying the “Movincool” and other receptacles. A patch was
installed on the roof to limit further leaking. Water damaged also impacted
ceiling tiles on the fifth floor causeway and even damaged carpet in the VPAL
on the second floor when water flooded under the doors. One of the oldest
trees near the back of the Helm building was badly damaged.
-Work continues on schedule for the redesigned parking lot behind the Helm
Library. The three levels have been merged to create additional parking
places. Construction should be completed by the beginning of the fall term.
-Eric Fisher resigned his position as Library Facilities Coordinator to
accept a new position in Information Technology as Senior Library Technology
Consultant. Daniel Peach, DLPS Library Assistant, has assumed some of his
responsibilities until the position is filled permanently.
-Lisa Miller has been hired as a Social Sciences/Humanities Librarian for FY
2012-13. She will replace Amy Slowik who leaves August 1 for Pennsylvania.
Lisa will be serving on the reference desk, doing collection development in
selected areas of the social sciences and humanities, and teaching research
instruction classes.
-John Gottfried will be assuming additional responsibilities for management
of electronic resources effective August 1.
-Laura DeLancey will be assuming additional responsibilities for Saturday
reference in the Helm-Cravens Library.
Andrea Skaggs has resigned her position as an Evening/Weekend Library
Assistant in the VPAL. The position was advertised in the Daily News this
past Sunday.
-DLPS Retreat is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm at
the Knicely Center.
DLTS: Deana reported that the Senior Acquisitions Assistant position is
posted with August 1 set to begin review of applications.
-The Database Project Specialist position form 1 was sent to Dr. Miller’s
office last week and plan to begin the review process on August 6th.
-2011-12 Bib Access cataloged 14,500 items and withdrew 19,096 items.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch