AUGUST 25, 2014
Present: Dean Connie Foster, Brian Coutts, Deana Groves, Jonathan Jeffrey,
Haiwang Yuan, Eric Fisher, Jennifer Wilson, Bryan Carson and Jan Renusch
Minutes: The July 7, 2014, minutes were approved as submitted on a motion by
Deana Groves and a second by Haiwang Yuan.
Dean’s Report/Announcements: Connie made several committee appointments:
-Banned Books Week – Jack Montgomery Chair, Paula Bowles, Allison Day, Amanda
Hardin, Katie King, Rosemary Meszaros
-Homecoming Reception – Connie will meet with Terrill Martin and Betty Yu
before appointing a committee.
-International Year of South Africa – Brian Coutts Chair, Nancy Baird, Paula
Bowles, Laura DeLancey, Amanda Hardin, Katie King, Nancy Richey, Sean Kinder
-International Open Access Week October 22-26 – Deana Groves Chair, Bryan
Carson, Laura DeLancey, Amanda Drost, Suellyn Lathrop, Rosemary Meszaros,
Terry Perkins
-Connie requested that everyone submit information to her to present at the
SAALCK “Round the Table” on each Monday of the week prior to the SAALCK
meeting on Friday. This month’s meeting is Friday, August 29th.
-ATP Team – Connie asked Bryan to pin point dates for ATP events for this
year and next. She would like to see a plan/calendar with faculty assigned,
where possible, and staff as needed rather than as events arise. Although we
don’t know all events ahead, many can be mapped out.
Instruction/Grants/Assessment: Bryan reviewed his report from the planning
retreat which included the Gordon Wilson Storage Withdrawal Project;
the 2015 Spring Survey – investigation of LibQual and other sources;
RCAP Awards for new faculty - spring availability, training sessions, cost
sharing; and that he is involved in the Supportive Environment segment of the
Library Systems Office: Eric gave highlights from the LSO:
-The 2 additional new PCs have been installed at the Reference Desk in the
Commons and consecutively the Commons PCs (Optiplex 780) have been installed
to replace the Optiplex 745s at the Periodicals and Government/Documents
service desks.
-All of the Voyager clients were successfully updated with few issues.
Glasgow and Owensboro were upgraded last week and installation in
Elizabethtown will be completed this week.
-The new Circulation Ricoh color copier arrived today and is set for
installation this week. Arrival of the other replacement for extended campus
office has not yet been set.
-The new KwikBoost sales representative has been contacted about the broken
adapter plugs and stated that replacements are on the way. These new
lightning bolt adapters should also correct the “not a genuine part” error
message on Apple devices.
-The Library hours on the website have been updated to reflect the fall
special hours. The links for Owensboro, Elizabethtown, Glasgow, ERC and
Special Collections will be changed to direct users to the hour’s locations
on their respective pages for future updates.
Marketing: Jennifer reported that there will be a welcome tent in front of
Helm 4th floor entrance Thursday, August 28 from 10 am – 2:00 pm.
-She is working on digital signage for upcoming library events, and ads for
the September Kentucky Live! and Far Away Places events.
-Jennifer mentioned the Regional Authors Showcase and Writers Workshop to
take place September 5-6 at the Warren County Public Library Bob Kirby Branch
and the International Reading Celebration at the ERC on September 8.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang brought requests for balancing library
hours and events to the LLC’s attention.
-He reported that he had been updating the organizational charts based on the
information Brian and Deana had provided him.
-He also reported that he had put the SOKY Reads! events on the calendar.
-Haiwang is working on creating separate pages for each department’s faculty
and staff. The separation is requested by the provost in line with other
colleges’ websites.
Department Reports:
Dean: Connie reviewed dates to remember for Continuance, Progress/Tenure,
Sabbatical, Evaluation and Post Tenure.
-Connie discussed Faculty/Staff travel funds and requests for extra funding.
-Staffing Plans I and II were reviewed and discussed.
DLSC: Jonathan reported that Maria Lewis completed WKU’s Staff Leadership
Institute and received her certificate on August 13th. Blogged on 8/19.
-Nancy Richey received a Collections Care Certificate from the Campbell
Center for Historic Preservation Studies after completing six
seminars/workshops at the Campbell facility in Mount Carroll, Illinois.
Blogged on 8/13.
-Nancy Richey was interviewed by Australian Broadcasting Company’s Radio
National on August 21 about country music pioneer and relative, Cousin Emmy,
a native of Monroe County. The interviewer and native Australian, Rachel
Hopkins, is a graduate of WKU’s Folk Studies program.
-Nancy Richey and Jonathan Jeffrey were speakers at the first “Finding Your
Family Story Genealogy Symposium” held at the Cave City Convention Center on
8/23. Jonathan was the luncheon speaker and shared a program about unusual
tombstones and epitaphs in Kentucky titled “If These Stones Could Talk.”
Nancy’s presentation was titled “Tell Me Who I Am: Photographic Clues to
Your Ancestry.”
-You may have noticed that Special Collections has been the Blog hog in
August. We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Panama
Canal by sharing information about items in our collection related to this
significant event. After the month is over, we’ll combine these into a single
document and post on TopSCHOLAR.
Jonathan has been in discussions with Rob Hale about role changes in the
Center for Robert Penn Warren Studies. The focus will shift slightly from
strictly examining Warren’s life and works to how to improve the teaching of
English in the curriculum. The new part-time administrator will also work on
public relations and strategic planning for the Center.
-Last week we received a significant collection of over 400 vintage
photographs documenting Lyon County, particularly Eddyville, Kutawa, and the
State Penitentiary at Eddyville. The donor was Tom Prince of Lyon County, and
he said he chose WKU over our closest competition, which he considered to be
the University of Kentucky’s Special Collections.
-Special Collections and the Friends of the WKU Libraries will sponsor a book
signing for the second installment of Josie Underwood’s Civil War diary which
has been edited by Nancy Baird and published by the Kentucky Historical
Society. The diary is from our collection and came to us in a very unusual
way. Nancy will address that in her remarks. The book signing will be on
Sunday, October 12th, from 2:30 – 4:00 pm at the Kentucky Building.
DLPS: Brian reported that the Department held its annual retreat on Tuesday,
August 19 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Knicely Conference Center.
Coordinators presented unit reports as did chairs of Standing Committees.
Faculty reviewed building improvements, the budget and discussed Action Plans
for 2014-15. Sara McCaslin updated us on the UE 175 classes and announced
that the course credit had been increased to 3 credits. She also talked about
Evidence & Argument which is the theme of the new QEP for SACS. Kristie Lowry
discussed SOKY Reads programs for the forthcoming year and the new Regional
Authors Showcase and Writing Workshop planned for Friday and Saturday,
September 5 & 6.
-Approximately 1,250 linear feet of shelving has been installed on Cravens
ground floor. This will be used to house lesser used reference materials
including selected print indexes.
-Phase 2 of the Cravens rehab project was completed over the summer. This
project involved repairing masonry, resealing the fourth floor bridge and
waterproofing porticos. The roof over the Cravens fourth and fifth floor
breezeways was also replaced.
-The Helm roof was replaced between May 19 and mid-August. The Helm service
elevator was retrofitted with new mechanics, flooring and panels and reopened
on August 5.
-Approximately ¾ of the materials stored in Gordon Wilson Hall were withdrawn
and recycled this spring. The library has transferred control of the bottom
three floors to the Theatre & Dance Department.
-Phase I of the Glasgow Library makeover was completed over the summer. It
included new full-glass doors, a new computer counter, 10 new large screen
all-in-one computers, and new soft furniture.
-Charles Smith is on sabbatical for the fall term, 2014. Lisa Miller will be
replacing him on the reference desk.
DLTS: Deana said that Uma Doraiswamy reports that withdrawals can resume at
this time and thanks everyone for their patience during the Gordon Wilson
Storage withdrawal project.
-New student assistants’ orientation is scheduled for September 9th at 2:00 pm
in Cravens 111. The PowerPoint is being updated and Crystal Bowling will be
working with Amanda Hardin to create a Libguide.
-Crystal Bowling will email the Dean and Department Heads library student
budget reports quarterly – March, June, September, and December.
-Nelda Sims completed the TOPCAT/Voyager Fiscal Period Close process with no
problems to report. Nelda also reports the Voyager upgrade is complete.
Highlights are attached.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch
Voyager 9.0 Upgrade Highlights
Select Standard Number on Purchase Order
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to display multiple standard numbers and
let the operator determine which one to display on a purchase order.
The standard number section of the purchase order line item window has been
enhanced to show all occurrences of various standard number types. When
multiple instances of a standard number exist, the user will see a drop-down
arrow and can select which instance of the standard number will be used on
the purchase order.
Set Duplicate Item Barcode Default to “No”
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to change the default setting when
checking for duplicate barcodes.
The Voyager Cataloging client can be set to check for duplicate item barcodes
when saving a record. When a duplicate item barcode is detected, the prompt
now defaults to ‚No‛ to prevent saving an item record with a duplicate
barcode. This will make it easier to assign a new barcode to an item without
creating duplicates.
Auto Update Item Location and Item Type when Updating Holdings
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to automatically update location and type
on the item record when updating a holding record.
Item records contain location and item type fields that can be updated
independently of the location on the MARC holdings record. This feature uses
preferences and default settings to automatically update the item permanent
location and item type when the location in the holdings record is saved.
Print from Cataloging Hierarchy
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to print the contents of the Cataloging
Hierarchy display.
It is now possible to print the contents of the Cataloging Hierarchy display.
Add Item Barcode to Cataloging Hierarchy
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is show the active item barcode in the
Cataloging Hierarchy display.
The active item barcode has been added to the item information displayed in
the Cataloging Hierarchy.
Link to RDA Toolkit from Cataloging
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to provide access to the RDA Toolkit from
the Cataloging client.
Show Patron Pop-up Notes Upon Discharge
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to provide an option to display a patron
pop-up note when an item is discharged.
A new session preference allows the user to view a patron pop-up note when an
item is discharged.
Option to Edit Fines/Fees
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to enable the editing of current fines and
Authorized Circulation staff may now edit current fines and fees charged to a
patron. A ‚Modify‛ button has been added to the Patron Fines/Fees window.
When clicked, the operator can update the fee type, original amount, item
barcode, and description of an outstanding amount. Historical fines and fees
cannot be edited.
Make Patron’s Last Name Obvious on Hold Slips
Purpose of the Enhancement
This enhancement makes it easy to identify a patron’s surname for a held
The patron’s name will now be displayed as last name, first name in the FYI
column of the discharge window and on a printed hold slip. This makes it
easier to identify a patron’s surname for ordering of items on the hold
Option to Limit Number of Holds Placed
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to limit the number of holds that can be
placed by a patron.
The library can define a limit on the number of holds a patron can place.
Once the patron has reached the limit, he will be blocked from placing more
holds until some are fulfilled or expire. Limits are set by patron groups,
and can be different from one patron group to another.
Automatically Remove Fines/Fees When Lost Item Is Discharged
Purpose of the Enhancement
This enhancement automatically adjusts a user’s fines and fees, lost item
counter, and updates the item’s status when a lost item is returned.
An authorized operator can automatically adjust a user’s fines and fees and
decrement the patron’s lost item counter when a lost item is returned.
Additionally, the item’s status may be automatically updated when the item is
checked in.
Cancel Requests on “Duplicate” Copies When Item Is Put In Transit
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to release ‚duplicate‛ copies of a title
when a copy is put in transit to fulfill a request.
Block Holds on Missing and Lost Items
Purpose of the Enhancement
The purpose of this enhancement is to block patrons from placing holds on
missing or lost items.
Provide A Block When An Item Has Pending Holds
Purpose of the Enhancement
This enhancement displays a block whenever a patron tries to charge out an
item that has a pending hold request.
Voyager now displays a block whenever a patron tries to charge out an item
that has a pending hold request. The block can be overridden by an authorized
operator to allow the charge transaction. This block will be displayed even
if the item has not yet been discharged to fulfill the request.
Primo Integration
Sort Locations in Primo Display
Purpose of the Enhancement
The Voyager extract for Primo has been modified so that customers can specify
the location sort order in the Locations tab in Primo. This enhancement makes
it possible to customize the order of holdings information displayed in
A new [LocationsSortOrder] section has been added to the PrimoExp ini files.
This optional stanza is used to provide a list of holding location codes with
priority numbers. This list of codes will be used to match locations in the
949 tag for Availability. Customers can list locations of interest here with
a number before the location, in the order they want them displayed in Primo.
Total Patrons by Entrance FY 2011/12 through FY
FY 2011/12-409421
FY 2013/14-437752