We are grateful for your service to the LGBTRC and...

LGBT Resource Center Advisory Board
UH Pride Partners
We are grateful for your service to the LGBTRC and our UH community of students and staff
Department:____________________________________________________ Date:_________________
Contact Person: __________________________________ Email: _______________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
Benefits to your Department
Link to your department’s website on LGBT Resource Center’s website
UH Pride Partner placard for your department’s office
Letter to university leadership naming supporters
Department names published in Daily Cougar advertisement
Official support/involvement with LGBT community-at-large (individual or group acting as an official
representative of UH)
Financial or in-kind support of LGBT RC
Written accolades to your department from LGBT students, staff, faculty, or alumni
Other (write-in)
Explain each item checked ____________________________________________________________________
Staff involved with LGBT Programs/workshops/presentations
Offers programming or outreach that addresses the needs of the LGBT community
Offers programming for or outreach to researchers studying LGBT community
Academic department offers a course in the GLBT minor
Co-sponsor LGBT RC events
Department sponsors or co-sponsors an LGBT student group/organization
Department sponsors/co-sponsors/supports a group for LGBT employees
Faculty member(s) conducts research related to LGBT studies
Other (write-in)
Explain each item checked ____________________________________________________________________
Policies are determined to be inclusive by the Research and Policies, and Education and Communications
Department establishes a designated liaison for the LGBT RC or LGBT students
Other (write-in)
Explain each item checked ____________________________________________________________________
_____ of _____ employees in the department have attended the Cougar Ally Training.
_____ of _____ faculty have attended Heteronormativity: Representing LGBT Diversity in the Classroom
with Lorraine Schroeder from the LGBT Resource Center (this may have been combine with departmental
Cougar Ally Training.
Other (write-in)
Explain each item checked ____________________________________________________________________
Links to LGBT RC on your departments website
Statement of support for LGBT Resource Center/community or other inclusive message on your
department website or in physical facility
Staff/Faculty member(s) have participate in the LGBT Resource Center’s Visibility Project
Staff/Faculty member(s) have participate in the LGBT Resource Center’s Speaker’s Bureau
Other (write-in)
Explain each item checked ____________________________________________________________________
Thanks you so much for your interest in becoming a UH Pride Partner. The LGBT Resource Center Advisory Board will review
your application and either grant you UH Pride Partner status, or provide you with feedback regarding further steps needed to
achieve UH Pride Partner status.