Catholic Education Building a Caring Community PRINCIPAL: VICE PRINCIPAL: HEAD SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: November 2015 A. D’Agostino V. Viola M. Villella A. Burt A. Mijandrusic 120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario L7E 2W1 Phone: (905) 857-7582 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS: TRUSTEE: HOLY FAMILY CHURCH PASTOR: ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Fax: (905) 857-9353 L. Storey F. Di Cosola 1-800-387-9501 905-951-8898 ST. NICHOLAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Co-CHAIRS: K. Foschia and L D’ Orazio Fr. L. Leger Fr. D. Gikonyo 905 857-1938 SCECRETARY: M. Pacek Treasurer: L. Girimonte Community rep- N. D’Emilio Parish Rep: J. Christie SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: Please remember to phone in your child’s absence: 905 857-7582. The answering machine is available 24 hours - Messages are picked up regularly. For more information about school events, go to our school website: Follow us on Twitter @st_nicholas15 November Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me... As Catholics and Canadians, November is a special month of remembrance. All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance Day invite us to be mindful of all those who we know that have died and sacrificed their lives. May God forever give them rest and may we continue to live our lives through our good works and actions. As we continue to grow as a Faith community, let us pray for one another that God may give us strength to be Peace Keepers and role models for our children. AT ST. NICHOLAS SCHOOL – WE PAUSE TO REMEMBER On November 11th, Canadians all across the country, stop and honour those who have served, at home or overseas, in World War I, World War II, Korea and Afghanistan. We also recognize the incredible velour our modern day Peace keepers and armed forces display in missions around the world. St. Nicholas School extends an invitation to parents to join us in recognizing this special day. Our Remembrance Day Service will take place on Tuesday, November 11th, 2015. We will have 2 services, one at 9:30 am and the second at 11:20 am in the gymnasium. Parents are welcome to join us for this peaceful ceremony. Poppies will be available and the children are encouraged to make a small donation to the Royal Canadian Legion beginning the week of November 2, 2015. Students are invited to wear their uniforms of service (i.e. Air Cadets, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies, and Beavers etc.) or wear colours of red and white to show support on November 11, 2015. St. Nicholas November In Flanders Fields In Flanders Fields the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields. -John McCrae ALL SAINTS DAY All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1st, and reminds our community of those men and women (both known and unknown) who have lived faithful lives in the Church. On this day we remember our saints in our prayers and ask for their prayers and intercessions. ALL SOULS DAY IS ON NOVEMBER 2ND All Souls Day is a Roman Catholic day of remembrance for friends and loved ones who have passed away. Catholic Education Building a Caring Community Happy Thanksgiving! REPORTS AND STUDENT/PARENT /TEACHER CONFERENCING Progress Reports for grades 1-8 will go home on Tuesday November 17th, 2015. The progress report is designed to show student’s general development of learning skills and work habits as well as a student’s general progress in working towards the achievement of curriculum expectations in all subjects. A conference with parents is not mandatory during the Progress Report period. Conference request forms will be going home on November 10, 2015. If a conference has been requested, please call the school office from Mon. Nov.16th thru Wed. Nov 18th between the hours of 9:30am -11:30am, and at 1:30pm to 3:30pm to book your conference time. Conferences will take place on the evening of Thursday, November 19th, 2015. FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION MEETING Year 2 Kindergarten parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at: French Immersion Schools St. Gertrude St. Pio of Pietrelcina Our Lady of Providence St. Angela Merici St. Joachim Divine Mercy St. Elizabeth Seton St. Margaret of Scotland Information Session Location St. Pio of Pietrelcina 4765 Huron Heights Drive Mississauga St. Angela Merici 83 Edenbrook Hill Drive Brampton Date and Time St. Margaret of Scotland 2266 Council Ring Road Mississauga Thursday, November 12, 2015 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 10, 2015 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 11, 2015 7:00 p.m. 2016-17 Kindergarten Registration Registration for Kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year, will take place on: Monday, January 25, 2016 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.* Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Thursday, January 28, 2016 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Friday, January 29, 2016 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. * Snow Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. For more information about registration and the Kindergarten program, call [905 857-7582] or visit PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES PEDs: Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission. Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” (GF 337). Parents must complete the GF form before students will be allowed to register their PED. St. Nicholas November Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans. PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration. Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices. THINK PAPER / CONDUCT REPORTS At St. Nicholas School we use a variety of techniques to deal with misbehavior. One technique that we are using is a Think Paper. The think paper is a tool that requires your child(ren) to reflect on what they have done and what they should/would do the next time a similar situation were to occur. The think paper is then brought home to parents to share and be returned the next day signed. It is our hope that you would discuss the situation with your child. If a child receives three or more think papers Administration would then complete a Conduct Report. If your child receives a conduct report they have a conversation with the principal or vice principal of the school. They will then be given an appropriate consequence and you would be notified. A conduct report can also be completed if the behaviour is very serious and needs parental involvement and attention right away. SECURITY For the safety and security of your children, ONLY staff and assigned supervisors are allowed in the school yard during recesses. Parents, guardians and caregivers are kindly asked NOT go into The students’ play yard at the back and side of the school. If you need to speak to Catholic Education Building a Caring Community your child we require you to come to the office and we will locate your child and have them meet you in the office. We thank you for your co‐operation in supporting the safe environment of our school. LUNCH TABLE Many parents come to school to drop off their child’s lunch during school hours. We have a lunch table set up in our front foyer for parents to drop off their child’s lunch. Often, parents will hang around in the front foyer until their child comes down to pick up their lunch. This has created a lot of traffic in our front foyer during a busy transition time. Consequently, this makes it difficult to monitor and compromises safety in our school. Effective immediately, we are asking that when parents are dropping off their child’s lunch, they label it, place it on the lunch table and exit. Your child will come down when the lunch period begins. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. This will make for a much safer environment for all our students. PREVENT FLU AND COLDS BY EATING HEALTHY With the cold season upon us, why not strengthen your child’s immunity system with a healthy dose of these natural remedies: Fruit Bonanza Smoothie, made with raspberries, kiwi, pineapple, peppers, milk, and yogurt Super Food Trail mix, made with dried pumpkin seeds, shreddies, raisins and dried blueberries Stay Healthy Veggie & Dip made with hummus dip accompanied by sliced peppers, broccoli, snow peas and carrots DRESSING FOR WINTER Please assist us in encouraging your child to dress appropriately for the weather. Except when the weather is extremely cold or wet, the students will be going outside during the recess and lunch periods. The Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School policy states that consideration should be given for keeping students indoors during recesses when the wind chill reaches – 20C. At –25C students will be kept indoors. For the younger students, it would be helpful if parents were to label items of clothing with their child’s name. Each term, items make their way to the Lost and Found and are never claimed. Labeled items can be returned more easily and mixed up items sorted out more readily. If your child brings home an item by mistake, please return it to the school so that this mix up may be corrected the next day. INDOOR SHOES We have already begun to experience colder and wet weather. In order to avoid tracking mud, water and snow into the classroom, it will be necessary for each student to have a pair of indoor running shoes. Students will change into this additional pair of shoes as soon as they come to their class. We are also requesting that the shoes the students will wear indoors, have non marking soles so that there will be no black scuff marks on the floors. We appreciate your assistance in this endeavor. St. Nicholas November LOCKDOWN We have scheduled our Lock Down drill for the week of November 9-13, 2015. The drill will be conducted with as much sensitivity as possible in order not to cause undue concern with students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY A reminder to parents, guardians and students not to walk in between parked busses at the front of the school. This is a safety concern for us and for the bus drivers. We thank all students and parents for your co‐operation in this matter. LATE BUSES Due to circumstances over which we have no control at the school, buses are often irregular in schedules. We realize that this is an inconvenience for you when picking up your children at the bus stop. Fortunately, we now have a website where parents can check for bus delays and cancellations. The website is At the school when buses are late, students remain under the supervision of the teachers or administration. BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION CELEBRATION St. Nicholas celebrated Bus Driver Appreciation Day on October 16, 2015 with cards of appreciation for all that they do. We are grateful for the safety and care our bus drivers take each and every day with our students. Thank you Mrs. Blazys for coordinating! BUS PATROLLERS Congratulations to all the following students who were successful in completing the Bus Patrollers Training program at the Peel Children’s Safety Village. Thank you to Malina, Alessandro, Braden, Mitch, Adrianna, Mikayla, Cadence, Brooke, Zachary, Ashley, Brendon, Austin, Michael, Isabella, and Emma as well as Mrs. Blazys and Mrs. Morrone who supported this event. Catholic Education Building a Caring Community your own acts as right or wrong. What does conscience do…? Look Like? A person of conscience keeps his/her promises. YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS – COMMISSIONING CEREMONY Our Youth Faith Ambassadors participated in a BECDM Commissioning Ceremony on October 23, 2015 at Holy Family Parish. Congratulations to Emma, Jessica, Sofia, Kristina, Julia, Lara, Adelle, Alexia, Samantha, Julia R., Maria, Isabella, Ashley, Cadence, Keinnell, Nicole, Victoria V., Daniella, Malina, Victoria C., Carly, Victoria M., Victoria G., Elisa, Melanie, Daniela as well as our Teacher Advisors, Mrs. Morrone and Mrs. Rizarri for all their support. BULLYING PREVENTION CORNER– EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEARN TO LIVE IN PEACE A “Peace Place” is to be used as a place for reflection and conflict resolution. It is a place that encourages students to reflect on, discuss and try to solve difficulties they are experiencing. This idea of having a ‘calming’ space is used in schools, workplaces and family homes. HARVEST CAMPAIGN We extend a sincere thank you to the many families that very generously donated nonperishable food for our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. All proceeds went to Caledon Community Services located in Bolton. Thank you to Mrs. Marbella, Mrs. DeBartolo, Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Porco and grade 3 classes for organizing this event. St. Nicholas School came together to support families in need. VIRTUE AWARDS Congratulations to our October Virtue Catch the Spirit Award Recipients! Kindergarten – Christian M. Primary – Sofia D. Junior – Domenic D. Intermediate – Zack O. These students received a Virtue T - Shirt for demonstrating and living the virtues at St. Nicholas school. ST. NICHOLAS CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to all the St. Nicholas students who participated at the BECDM Cross Country Meet. Our students and coaches, Mrs. Blazys, Mrs. Fortini, and Mrs. Sirianni worked very hard and represented St. Nicholas with pride. Congratulations to Madelyne, Alenka, Adelle, Kate, Ethan, Franco, Sabrina, Kathryn, Megan, McKenzie and Ashley who went to the Board level Cross Country Meet! ST. NICHOLAS VOLLEYBALL Great sportsmanship and team building were evident at the Jr. Boys and Jr. Girls Volleyball Tournament. Both teams exhibited skill and sportsmanship, a job well done! Thank you to our coaches Mrs. Naccarato, Mrs. Grisolia and Mrs. Hegedusic and the St. Nicholas teams for all their effort! CANDY DRIVE FOR DR. SIMONE Our Youth Faith Ambassadors are organizing a collection of all candy for Dr. Simone. Boxes will be set up in the front foyer. Please be generous and donate your Halloween Candies. Our drive will take place from November 2 - 13, 2015. Thank you to our Youth Faith Ambassadors for their dedication to service in support of such a worthy cause and to Mrs. Rizarri, and Mrs. Morrone our YFA Advisors for organizing this event with our YFA’s! VIRTUE FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER November Virtue of the Month is Conscience Conscience is having the knowledge of St. Nicholas November DATES AHEAD NOVEMBER 2-11 YFA collecting donations for Royal Canadian Legion 1 All Saints Day 2 All Souls Day 3 Gr. 7 and 8 Immunization 4 Grade 8’s visit St. Michaels’ S.S. 5 Picture Retake Day 11 Remembrance Day Celebration 12 Catholic School Council Meeting 7pm 16-18 Conference calls in 17 Progress Reports go home 19 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences 16-20 Anti Bullying Week 17 Rosary Apostolate 20 FDK to Rose Theatre 23,24,27 Dairy Farmer Visit 27 Family Christmas Craft Night DECEMBER 6 8 15 Feast of St. Nicholas School Mass 9:30am and 11:00am Rosary Apostolate Catholic Education Building a Caring Community St. Nicholas November