Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School February 2016

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School
Hands to Serve , Hearts to Love, Growing in the Image of Christ
February 2016
1120 Runningbrook Dr.
Mississauga Ontario
Phone: (905) 273-937
Fax: (905) 273-9223
M. Strudwick
L. Gordon
T. Lariviere
M. Pascucci
School Council Chair
M. McGee
St. Patrick
Father Facey
Dates to Remember:
Monday Feb. 15- Family Day Holiday no school
Tuesday Feb. 23 - School Council
7:00pm in the library
Wednesday Feb. 24 - Lenten Mass
at the school beginning at 9:30 please join us
Friday March 4 - Virtue Assembly
11:15 in the gym - please join us
Principal’s Message:
The Gift
God sent a very special Gift that’s personally for you. An incomparable expression of His
love, and here is the clue… Its everything you wished for, even better than you thought,
and it won’t cost you a penny; in fact it can’t be bought. Designed to be a perfect fit for
hearts of every size, this Gift will change your life and it will open up your eyes. You won’t
find another like it any place upon this earth - Jesus is the ultimate Gift, one of a kind
right from His birth. (Lance Wubbles)
It is hard to believe that term two is upon us, thank you to both, staff and students for all
the collaborative teaching and learning that has taken place - a job well done by all.
Thank you, to all parents for your continued support as we work in partnership for the
good of all students here at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School .
M. Strudwick
St. Parick Parish
Rev. Fr. John Facey
Phone: (905) 270-2301
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 and 10:30
Children’s Liturgy
12 noon and 7:00pm
Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God - and so every person is our brother or
sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all
valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity, and
thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect. Respect should come first and
foremost from ourselves. We have to respect ourselves and then we will be able to respect
others. We should also be able to expect to be treated with respect by everyone we meet.
Through prayer and asking God for his guidance we can get better at respecting ourselves,
as well as those around us.
A respectful person….
- treats herself/himself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy
- uses a positive tone of voice and body language
- avoids swearing, name-calling, put downs, and inappropriate gestures
- says “Excuse me', 'Please’, ‘Pardon me’, ‘Thank you’
- avoids gossip
- looks for ways to encourage and praise others
Morning Mass 8:15 am
Monday to Saturday
Please visit our website often for all
the latest updates and past newsletters at:
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
7:00 pm (Library)
All meetings are open
to community members.
Please join us.
Newsletters will normally be sent
home once each month, either by
e-mail or by hard copy as per your
Additional Professional
Activity Day: Monday, April
11, 2016
Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations
and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 20152016 school year for both elementary
and secondary schools. Recently,
boards were directed to schedule this
additional Professional Development
Day on or before April 15, 2016.
In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated
additional Professional Activity
Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016.
Therefore, there will be no classes
for either elementary or secondary
students on Monday, April 11,
PLEASE call the office at (905) 273-3937
and leave a message explaining your child’s absence, THANK YOU!
Kiss and Ride Safety First
Dressing for Winter Weather
We would like to thank those parents who continue to
comply with our Kiss-n-Ride safety precautions, this is
very much appreciated by all. Please remember that
you must remain in your car if you are dropping your
son/daughter in the Kiss and Ride. If need to walk your
child to their line-up area then please park in a parking
spot, as this will keep the flow of traffic moving especially with bus drop off. Safety of all students comes
first. As a courtesy I am asking that you refrain from
parking in the handicap spots - I am aware that some of
you do have the proper permit sign to post in your
windshield when waiting for students, however we do
have a student in a wheelchair whose parent requires
the spot closest to the curb for pick up purposes at the
end of the day. Lets work together for the good of all
students. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Thank you for Arriving on Time!
A reminder that students do go outside on a daily basis
for much needed physical activity, fresh air, and time
spent with peers. Please make certain that your child
comes to school properly dressed for their time spent
outdoors; coats, hats, gloves, extra gloves, snow pants,
and neck warmers. For younger students a change of
clothes (especially socks and pants) kept at school
would help to alleviate calls home or to your work
Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time,
in order to begin their instructional day with their
peers. It is important that children be given the message
that arriving on time, is life skill that they will need.
We urge you to support our message that
all school time is valuable!
Art is Alive at BTOC
Thank you to Mrs. Puccini and the students that she
works with from grades 1 to 8 for all the totally awesome art work that is being created. Our hallways are
a colourful display of the imaginative work of our
Keep up the great work!
Winter Weather Reminder
During the winter months, inclement weather may cause disruption
of regular school operations. A decision to close schools or cancel
busses is usually made by 6:00 a.m. You can obtain information by
listening to the following radio stations:
102.1, CJCL AM 590, CHFI FM 98.1, CFRB AM 1010, EZ ROCK FM
97.3, CJBC (FR) AM 860, FM Z103.5, FM 93.1, AM 1540,
Family Day—Monday, February 15th
Family Day
March Break—March 14th February
to March15th
Good Friday—March 25th
Monday—March 28th
Monday, March 14th
Friday, March 18th
Victoria Day—Monday, May 23rd
Good Friday
March 25th
Junior Lego
Junior Lego club is under way for students in
grades 4 to 6. There are some very creative
structures being built. thank you to Mrs. Iassogna and Mrs. Pereira for organizing this
club and for giving up of their lunch times to
supervise the students. We are in need of Lego
base plates, if you have any of these base
plates that you are not using, we would gladly
accept them.
Celebrate Being Canadian—National Flag Day Feb. 15th
Primary Soccer
The students in grades 1, 2, and 3 are into their third week of indoor
soccer, that is being held during lunch time. They play with enthusiasm and determination, cheering one another on. A big thank you to
Mrs. Pereira for organizing this much loved event for our younger
students. Thank you as well to, Mrs. Iassogna Mrs. Scarpelli, Mrs.
Beach, Miss DiBernardo and Mr. Salinas for volunteering lunch times
to assist in supervising our budding athletes. Games will continue until
the end of March, where a winning team will emerge.
This is a reminder that
Monday, February 15, is
designated as Family
Day. There will be no
school for students on
that day.
Enjoy your children!
Enjoy your day!
Thank you to Mrs. DiPaul, Mrs. Knibbie, Miss
DiBernardo and members of our Youth Faith
Ambassadors for the most yummy pancakes that
were made and served to all students. The students
were also involved in necklace making, trivia questions about Shrove Tuesday and of course were led
and in prayer and thanks.
Thank you as well to BTOC School Council for
their support of this yearly event.
The Rockin’ Tale of Snow White
We have exciting news to share with our parent
community. The Rockin’ Tale of Snow White is
coming to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School. This
is going to be a school wide event, with the participation of all students form JK to grade 8. Students in
grades 6, 7 and 8 (who expressed an interest) auditioned for acting roles, and are now involved in rehearsals. The remainder of the students in all grades
will have an ensemble number that they will be
practicing and performing as a class at varying times
throughout the Musical.
There will be more info to follow with regards to
dates of performances in May and possible request
for support from community for (sets, costumes,
We look forward to entertaining you!