Pauline Vanier Catholic School Let us give thanks to the Lord

October 2015 Newsletter
Pauline Vanier
Catholic School
56 Oaklea Blvd,
Brampton, Ontario,
L6Y 4W7
Phone: 905-455-1001
Fax: 905-455-3406
Let us give thanks to the Lord
Sacramental Dates
We thank thee, Lord,
For fields of grain
Gold and ripe from summer’s rain
For hillsides bright
With scarlet trees
That rustle in the autumn breeze,
For friends so dear
For those we love,
For all things sent
From heaven above…
We thank thee, Lord
Grade 2 Parent Information Session for First
Communion and Reconciliation will be held
on October 27, 2015 at 8:00 pm at St. Jerome’s Parish. This session is for for parents
Grade 8 Parent Information Session for
Confirmation will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 8:00 pm at St. Jerome’s
Parish. This session is for parents only.
Sacrament registration ends on October 25,
I. Maas
Rosary Apostolate
L. Papaloni
A. daSilva
D. D’Souza
Head Secretary:
T. Winckler
St. Jerome’s Parish
8530 Chinguacousy
Rd. Brampton
Fax: 905-450-6326
Thanksgiving is celebrated on Monday, October 12th, 2015. Students do not attend
school on that day. We wish all the students and families a very blessed and safe
Thanksgiving Holiday.
Liturgical Dates
The dates for our school masses and
liturgies are as follows:
Pastor: Fr. Jan
Oct. 13, 2015
School Council Chair
K. LaNave
Dec. 3, 2015
Feb. 10, 2016
June 23, 2016
Opening Mass 10:00 a.m.
At St. Jerome’s Parish
Advent Mass 9:30 a.m.
in our gym
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
1:20 p.m. in our gym
Year End Mass at 9:30 a.m.
in our gym
Pauline Vanier School is once again fortunate to have the Rosary Apostolate team
come to our school the first Wednesday of
the month from October to April. Through
the Rosary Apostolate volunteers, students
are taught how to say the rosary and the
power of praying the rosary.
Students—Arrival and Departure
Our students are expected to arrive at
school between 8:25a.m. to 8:40 a.m. unless
a staff member has arranged for your child
to come early e.g. a practice or other extracurricular activity.
Teacher supervision
begins at 8:25a.m. Students are dismissed at
3:10 p.m.
Kiss and Ride
We would like to thank those who have
been properly using the Pauline Vanier
“Kiss and Ride Program”. Due to your adherence to the rules and procedures, it runs
smoothly and safely both before and after
school for all our students. If you are new to
Learning and Growing Together with God
using the Kiss and Ride program, these are the procedures
everyone needs to follow to keep it safe and effective.
1. Students are expected to exit the vehicle when the vehicle reaches the front of the Kiss & Ride line where a staff
member is on duty.
2. In order to ensure the safety of your children, please
only let your children get out on the right hand side of the
vehicle. Please never allow them to exit on the left side of
the vehicle, as it is the designated drive thru lane.
Student Illness—Staying in During Recess
Students who are ill should be kept home where they are
most comfortable and can get better in a timely fashion. A
child who is too ill to go out for recess is too ill to be at
school. Your co-operation in keeping your child at home
when he/she is ill is appreciated.
Storage/ Administration of Medication
If your child requires medication, please have all pertinent
forms completed and returned with the prescribed or nonprescription medication to the office as soon as possible. A
reminder that children are not allowed to keep any medication in their desk, backpack or classroom (with the exception of an epi-pen if allergies are severe and asthma inhalers). All dispensing of medication requires medical permission and must be stored in the office.
them to continue the same positive behaviours into their
adult lives. When we create safe, respectful learning environments, we build and nurture safer communities for all
our citizens. Therefore, a Catholic school is the ideal place
to practice and prepare to live a virtuous life.
October Virtue of the Month is Empathy
God has given us the ability to form connections with each
other—to live together. Empathy helps us to connect and
live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities. Empathy refers to the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concerns.
What Empathetic People Do:
 Listen attentively
 Watch people’s body language
 Notice and respond when someone is upset
 Can name her/his feelings
 Can see a situation from another person’s point of view
 Know that different people may feel differently about
the same thing.
Special Services
Bullying Prevention Corner- Bullying is Not Acceptable
From time to time you may see people working with our
students. These people are our support staff. Their jobs
may vary, but their goals are the same—to help our students. The following are the support staff for Pauline Vanier School:
K. Paige
Psychological Associate
A. Donovan
Speech/Language Pathologist
S. Bidin
Social Worker
P. Brathwaite
Child and Youth Worker
Virtues At Work at Pauline Vanier
This year at Pauline Vanier School we will continue to focus on the ten virtues: faith, empathy, conscience, hope,
self-control, respect, kindness, love, acceptance, and fairness. Each month, every student will receive a pencil that is
stamped with the virtue of the month. These pencils were
funded by our Catholic School Council to celebrate and
promote our virtue program. It is our goal that integrating
the virtues into our students’ daily lives will encourage
October’s Bullying Prevention key message is “bullying is
not acceptable”. Using the same definition of bullying throughout the school and at home allows both students and adults
to more effectively prevent and deal with bullying situations.
Bullying is: Being mean to others, on purpose, to hurt
them or their feelings
Bullying Behaviour: is intended to hurt, is repeated and
involves unequal power and control
Tips for Parents:
 review the definition of bullying with your children
 talk with younger children about inside and outside
 talk with older children about intimidation, gossip,
rumours and cyber bullying. Encourage children to
share their feelings about bullying behaviours that they
have experienced, witnessed or engaged in
 Recognize that conflict and bullying are not synonymous
Volunteering in our School
Pizza Lunch, Hot Lunch and Sub Lunch
We continue to seek volunteers who would like to work
with students, staff and the Catholic School Council. If you
are interested in volunteering and you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Pauline Vanier Catholic School Council is pleased to offer
our students a Pizza Depot Lunch program and a Lunch
Moms– Hot Lunch and Lunch Moms-Subs for this school
year. Throughout the year, each student will receive an
order form that will be used to order for an extended periCatholic School Council
od of time (approximately 4-6 weeks). All orders must be
in by the due date and late orders will not be accepted.
The first Catholic School Council meeting will be held on Cash payment or a cheque made out to Pauline Vanier
Monday, October 5, 2015 in the school library. All parents Catholic School will be accepted. If your child is absent or
and guardians are welcome to attend.
on a trip that day, the pizza order, sub or hot lunch can be
picked up after 11:25am or sent home with a sibling if requested. All proceeds from our Pizza, Sub Lunch and Hot
Class Picture Day
Lunch programs will be used to support student achievement and to purchase materials and equipment for the
school. Thank you in advance for your support. Please note
if buses are cancelled the Lunch program for the day will
also be cancelled and rescheduled. If buses are cancelled
please send your child to school with a lunch.
Picture Day will be on Thursday, October 22th 2015. StuPauline Vanier Heads to the Polls
dents as always are expected to be in modest attire. Please
refer to the student agenda for dress code guidelines and On October 15th, students in Grades 5-8 at Pauline will join
an estimated 700 000 students from across Canada in the
largest Student Vote parallel election ever conducted. The
Christmas Market for Kids
goal of Student Vote is to create life-long interest in civic
The Christmas Market for Kids will soon be returning to A polling station will be set up and some of our students
Pauline Vanier! The market was a huge success last year will take on the various roles during the voting process.
where students were able to purchase Christmas gifts for Students will become familiar with their riding and the
family members at a reasonable price . A notice will be sent candidates running for election. Questions to consider for
home in November when we are ready to begin accepting discussion include:
donations. The donated items should be appropriate as a  What should I look for in a local candidate?
gift from a student to his or her parent, grandparent, sib-  What are the local issues that are important to me?
ling or friend. Examples: jewelry, mugs, jarred candles, All ballots will be collected, counted and then the results
children’s books, crafts, DVD’s, Christmas decorations, any submitted to Student Vote. Let’s see how Pauline Vanier
items for men. We'd love it if you could begin gathering students and other students across the country vote comitems at home - please remember us when you are de- pared to the actual Federal Election results on October 19 th,
cluttering your home or work place.
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy
Public Consultation
Casual Fridays
During the course of the year you may observe the staff in
casual attire on Fridays. Our “Dress Down Day” donations are forwarded to ShareLife Campaign.
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. This
guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including
potential school closures, and for the greater coordination
and sharing of planning related information between
school boards and other community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the province to
develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies
and to invite public input into the policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board’s draft amended Po licy 6.51 Pup il
Accommodation Review will be available for review and comment
on the Board’s website at until 4:30 pm on
Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be
available for reference and review. Please consider reviewing and providing input on this policy.
Monday, Oct. 19
Tuesday, Oct. 20
Wednesday, Oct..21
Thursday, Oct. 22
Sunday, Oct, 25
Monday, Oct. 26
Survey deadline is Friday, October 16, 2015
Halloween Guidelines
All students are invited to wear or bring their costumes to
school on Friday, October 30th. Below are some guidelines:
All costumes must be safe and appropriate. (no overly
violent costumes and accessories or other inappropriate
 Try to avoid long costumes that drag on the ground and
could cause your child to trip.
 Make up is allowed and students are encouraged not to
wear masks that could block their vision.
 Treats will not be handed out at school. There are no
exceptions to this rule. Any food or drink item brought
to school with the intention of being distributed to students will be returned. Permission must be obtained for
any and all distribution of food for all occasions.
Dates to Remember
Monday, Oct. 5
Tuesday, Oct. 6
Wednesday, Oct. 7
Thursday, Oct. 8
Friday, Oct. 9
Monday, Oct. 12
Tuesday, Oct. 13
Wednesday, Oct. 14
Thursday, Oct.15
Friday, Oct. 16
-World Teacher Day
-Catholic School Council Meeting at
6:45 pm in the school library
-Pizza Day
-Grade 4 CCAT testing
-RAID Program Grade 6
-Rosary Apostolate
-Grade 4 CCAT testing
-Grade 4 CCAT testing
-Hot Lunch
-Jr Girls Volleyball at St. Gregory
-Thanksgiving Holiday (no school)
-Opening Mass 10:00 at St. Jerome’s
-Pizza Day
-Jr. Boys Volleyball at St. Veronica’s
- Keating Tours information meeting
for the Grade 7 and 8 trip to Ottawa
7:00 pm in the gym.
-Sub Lunch
-Family Cross County meet at Terry
Tuesday, Oct. 27
Wednesday, Oct. 28
Thursday, Oct. 29
Saturday, Oct. 31
Sunday, Nov. 1
Monday, Nov. 2
Tuesday, Nov. 3
Wednesday, Nov. 4
Monday, Nov. 9-13
Wednesday, Nov. 11
Tuesday, Nov. 17
Fox Stadium in Chinguacousy Park
-Federal Election voting taking place
in the gym.
Cross Country rain date
-Pizza Day
-RAID Program Grade 6
-Bus Driver Appreciation Day
-Picture Day
-Hot Lunch
-Registration for sacraments closes at
St. Jerome’s Parish
-Board Cross Country Meet at Centen
nial Park in Etobicoke
-Watershed on Wheels Pres.
-Grade 2 First Communion and
Reconciliation Parent Session at
St. Jerome’s at 8:00 pm
-Pizza Lunch
-RAID program Grade 6
-Watershed on Wheels Pres.
-Watershed on Wheels Pres.
-Sub Lunch
-All Saints Day
-All Souls Day
-Pizza Day
-RAID program Grade 6
-Grade 8 Confirmation Parent
Session at 8:00 pm at St. Jerome’s
-Grade 8’s to St. Augustine Secondary
-Rosary Apostolate
-Lockdown Drill
-Remembrance Day Assembly10:30 am
-Picture Retake Day
Pauline Vanier Staff List 2015-2016