Helping You Find Grant Answers To Your Education Technology Questions The Cisco Grants Strategy Team: helping to secure funding for technology solutions that support vital community programs. This document outlines several programs the Grants Strategy Team supports in areas of education. Higher Education H-1B Technical Skills Training Grants Provides education, training, and job placement assistance in the occupations and industries for which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers, and the related activities necessary to support such training. Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants Program (TAACCCT) Contributes to community college practices through development and evaluation of innovative program models that provide workers with the education and skills to succeed in high-wage, high-skill occupations. Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Promotes improvement of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school levels. Proposals to the program may aim to affect specialized technology courses or core science, mathematics, and technology courses that serve as immediate prerequisites or co-requisites for specialized technology courses. Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF) Supports projects that seek to use evidence to design program strategies. WIF provides grants to states, local workforce areas, and entities eligible for Section 166 Indian and Native American Program grants. K-12 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. School Improvement Grants (SIG) Gives grants to educational agencies (SEAs). SEAs then use these grants to make competitive subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) that demonstrate the greatest need for the funds and the strongest commitment to use the funds to provide adequate resources in order to raise substantially the achievement of students in their lowest-performing schools. Helping You Find Grant Answers To Your Education Technology Questions Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (Title I, Part A) Provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (Part B) Assist states in providing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities ages 3 through 21. Investing in Innovation (i3)— Development Grants The i3 Development Competition challenges K-12 Educational organizations to develop and expand on proven research based models through eight absolute priorities established by the Department of Education. Investing in Innovation (i3)—Scale-Up Grants Applicants for Scale-Up grants must estimate the number of students to be reached by the proposed project and provide evidence of its capacity to reach the proposed number of students during the course of the grant. Investing in Innovation (i3)— Validation Grants Validation grants provide funding to support practices, strategies, or programs that show promise, but for which there is currently only moderate evidence (as defined in the grant instructions) that the proposed practice, strategy, or program will have a statistically significant effect on improving student achievement or student growth. Race to the Top-District Build on the lessons learned from the RttT State competitions conducted and supports bold, locally directed improvements in learning and teaching that will directly improve student achievement and educator effectiveness. Promise Neighborhoods Program: Planning and Implementation Grants The purpose of the Promise Neighborhoods program is to significantly improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children and youth in our most distressed communities, and to transform those communities Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs: Partnership Grants Designed to significantly increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. To learn more about Educational Technology solutions and available grant funding, please contact your Cisco® Account Manager or Regional Grants Manager at Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cisco Systems,(USA) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems,International BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. Printed in USA © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. 4/13