SM TIMES November 2007 St. Martin Students Head For A Cure On Thursday, September 27th, 2007 the staff and students of St. Martin participated in a Head for a Cure run. This run took place in the morning throughout the community surrounding St. Martin and culminated with a free BBQ for all that participated. For this run, staff and students asked for the assistance of the extremely generous community that surrounds the school to raise funds for this activity. All money collected went to the Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Trust of the Princess Margaret Hospital. The money was donated to this particular charity to support Adam Coules, son of Mr. Coules, the former vice principal of St. Martin. Adam was kind enough to share his experience with the St. Martin community at a special assembly held at school, “Last December I was diagnosed with a brain tumour, which I would need to have surgically removed. On January 23rd, I underwent brain surgery”. Adam is still receiving treatment at the GNPB Institute. He participated in the Head for a Cure Toronto Marathon on October 14, 2007. With the $10, 147.30 that was raised and added to Adam’s personal fundraising, he became the top fundraiser on the Head for a Cure team. “All through this experience, I’ve come to realize the importance of family, friends, and the community around me. When I heard about the fundraising that all of you did, I was absolutely taken aback. When your life flashes before your eyes and you are reminded of your mortality, it is hard to know what to believe. I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that it took an entire high school to remind me of what is important: family….generosity and selflessness”. Adam left his audience with an inspirational message using the words of Gandhi, “you must be the change you want to see in the world”. This is so applicable to so many of the challenges we face today, and based on your generosity, I am very hopeful for the world to come. I cannot thank you enough. Life is an echo- what you send out comes back. You have all got a lot coming to you. God bless.” 2470 Rosemary Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5C 1X2 Phone: (905) 279-3171 Fax: (905) 279-3685 Girls’ Night In Is Another Great Success Let’s go for a hike The St. Martin Hiking Club had its first outing on September 24th. Students visited Peterborough Petroglyph Park which has the largest known concentration of aboriginal rock carvings in Canada. Over 900 carvings of images such as turtles, snakes, birds, canoes and humans were carved into a white marble rock face hundreds of years ago. Students explored these images and learned about their significance. This was followed by a 16 kilometer trek through the Canadian Shield which led to a series of falls and pools. It was a long but enjoyable first hike. From the Library.. Welcome back Mustangs! An even bigger welcome to those new to St. Martin’s! The library is up and running. Classes have been in doing orientations, research and selecting good reads. The Manga Club has held meetings in the library Thursdays after school, and the St. Martin Reading Club met for the first time on Tuesday, October 9th. New members are always welcome. Students are encouraged to check out the St. Martin Library Web Site which can be accessed through the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Web Site. The library staff (Ms. Lyons, Ms. Minaudo and Ms. Zaleski-Rees) look forward to assisting staff and students this school year. We hope everyone has a successful and exciting year! See you in the library! The second annual “Girls’ Night In” sleep over took place on October 12th and 13th at St. Martin Secondary School. The evening consisted of dancing, mini manicures, guided meditations, role-plays about bullying, anti-bullying videos and discussions, designing friendship bags, nutrition, and team building exercises. All activities were designed to address the interest, self-esteem and concerns of adolescent girls. We were fortunate to have the support of our female faculty and many senior students. Our event ended Saturday morning after breakfast and a night of very little sleep! The girls left a little tired but energized by what they reported had been an exciting, maturing, and fun experience. Special thanks go out to the local merchants in our communitywho supported this event with donations for door prizes and items that allowed each girl to leave with a gift bag. We predict that this successful evening will absolutely turn into a third annual and highly anticipated event on the school calendar. Pearl Groat, CYW Awards Night 2007 This year’s Awards Night was held on Wednesday October 17, 2007. The staff and students of St. Martin would like to congratulate all award recipients. When Faith Meets Pedagogy The theme of this year’s conference was “The Dignity and Worth of Each Person”. Our keynote speaker on Thursday was Fr. Tony Ricard and the keynote speaker on Friday was Jean Vanier. There were several workshops to meet the needs of teachers and their students. Representing St. Martin were Mrs. M. Pascucci, Mrs. M. Willson and Ms. K. Maclean. Jean Vanier Youth Forum As part of this year’s When Faith Meets Pedagogy Conference, Jean Vanier hosted an all day Youth Forum for over 1700 students on November 25th, 2007. Representing St. Martin Secondary were Josh Amorim, David Baichoo, Glenn Bragonier, Andrea D’Silva, Maria Francis, Kinga Pacyna, Angelo Reantaso and Aranda Wingsiong. Fr. Fogarty Catholic Student Leadership Award This year the proud recipient of the Fr. Fogarty award was Ms. Aranda Wingsiong. The award recognizes the student who exemplifies catholic leadership qualities. Aranda was a very deserving recipient with her school, parish and community work. Congratulations. Romeo & Juliet On Friday, October 19th, eighty grade 10 English students made their way to Hart House Theatre at the University of Toronto to attend a performance of Romeo and Juliet. The performance, produced by the Cultural Theatre Project, gave students an opportunity to experience the play that they have been reading in class in the manner it was meant to be enjoyed, on stage. The afternoon began with lunch in Toronto, followed by a performance which engaged the audience and delighted the students with its appeal to both the comic and tragic elements of this classic drama. The afternoon ended with a question period, where students were invited to speak to the actors out of character. The English staff would like to thank all of the parents and faculty for their support, making this a successful and memorable experience for our students. A. Lewandowski C r o s s Co u n t r y On Friday, October 26th, the Cross Country team competed at the ROPSSAA championship at Heart Lake Conservation Park. In the midget boys, Juan-Carlos Llanos finished 18th and in the junior boys, Patrick Ambrozy finished 59th. The senior boys team comprised of Peter Prelich, Adam Lawley, Young-Jun An, Paul Baichoo, and Fabian Avella, all finished in the top half of the 300 competitors. Mr. Thurner would like to thank all the runners for an enjoyable season and wishes everybody the best of luck next year. Monster Mash Bubble, bubble toil and trouble witch’s brew and cauldron bubble, eye of newt and toe of frog, wing of bat and tongue of dog. This past Halloween, St. Martin was visited by some creepy and even comedic characters who were caught roaming the halls, showing everyone how fun and full of Halloween spirit this school can really be. Although these characters were just students in disguises, there is no denying that their costumes were convincing and creative. Among the events of the day was costume judging during lunch, which was hosted by S.A.C. member and hula girl Marley Kozak. Grade 11 student Daniel Pinto dressed up as Edward Scissorhands and was crowned with the title of best costume and was awarded a $10 certificate to the cafeteria. Afterwards, Sights and Sounds hosted the Halloween dance, which was a great success. By: Luis-Enrique Arrazola Golf News “I knew I could make it! It was all about the shooting.” said Kelsey Keane when questioned about her journey, competing on the golf team. Grade 11 student Kelsey Keane was all smiles while retelling her time as the only girl on the St. Martin’s Golf team this year. Kelsey led the way alone to place St. Martin’s name at the OFSAA finals this year after competing through two other tournaments; the Qualifiers and ROPSSA. Kelsey explained that the first tournament, the Qualifiers, was played against students from our family of schools where she shot a great score of 95. She then competed in the ROPSSA tournament where against the whole region of Peel she placed 3rd with a score of 88. Kelsey said she couldn’t wait to compete in the OFSAA finals which were held in Ottawa and was proud to find she was placed in the group OFSAA - A, which as she explained was the higher level. “Even though the weather was miserable, grey and rainy, I had fun competing with girls from all over Ontario. It really was a great experience.” Kelsey concluded with a satisfied grin. By: Kathryn Fantinic Special Info from Guidance GRADE 9 ORIENTATION All Grade nine students have been invited down to the Guidance Department and given a tour and explanation of the services available to them. Students have been introduced to the school Child and Youth Care Worker and their Guidance Counsellors. Other services have been outlined for them including the work of our school Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech and Language Pathologist and Hearing Specialist. Students have been made aware of where they can access College and University information. An abundance of career information along with our computer career planning programs “Career Cruising” and “my Blueprint” is also available for their reference. GRADUATION INFORMATION All potential graduates will be seen by their counsellor individually before Christmas. At this time, graduates will be informed of their graduation status. Transition plans for post secondary studies will be discussed and any questions or concerns that arise will be addressed. FEEDER SCHOOL VISITS Counsellors will be visiting all the feeder schools late November/early December. All grade eight students will participate in an orientation session at St. Martin during the afternoon of December 6th. Counsellors will be picking up the grade 8 option sheets from each of our five feeder schools before the Christmas break. COURSE SELECTION FOR 08/09 All students will receive an option/registration form and a course calendar before Christmas. Students and their parents/guardians are asked to read the information carefully before choosing their courses for September 2008. These forms are to be handed in to the student’s homeroom teacher along with the $50.00 registration fee by January 11, 2008. Students will receive a verification form in April. At this time, students may make changes to their course selections. If students have any questions about their course selections, they should make an appointment with their counselor to review their situation and assist them with the preparation of their educational plan. GRADE EIGHT PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT Parents will be invited to attend a grade 8 parent information night on December 13th at St. Martin at 7:00 p.m. At this session, information regarding the grade 9 program will be shared. O.U.A.C. AND O.C.A.S. PRESENTATIONS Students who intend on applying to college/university were given the Ontario Colleges Program Guide and the eINFO guide to Ontario Universities as tools to assist in their post secondary planning. All of our grade twelve students who are planning to attend either university or college in September 2008 were invited to our presentations which took place on October 25 and 26 in the cafetorium. Our CO-OP students attended a presentation at an alternate date. IMPORTANT DATES COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY APPLICATION CYCLE DATES TO REMEMBER: November & December /07 - All University and College applicants should be completing on-line applications. Wednesday, January 9/08 - Deadline for Ontario secondary school students to submit completed on-line applications to OUAC (for equal consideration). Friday, February 1/08 - Deadline date for College applications to be received by OCAS (for equal consideration) Tuesday, February 5/08 - Recommended last date for students to submit all information to the OUAC, including university and program changes, as well as additional active choices. Tuesday, May 1/08 -College applicants confirm their acceptances on line through OCAS Tuesday, May 26/08 - The latest date by which all Secondary School applicants shall expect a response from an Ontario University. Wednesday, May 28/08 - The earliest date by which Ontario universities may require a response to an offer of admission from a student. Monday, May 15/06 - Students must respond to College offers of admission University Application Fee $105.00 College Application Fee $ 85.00 Ontario University Application Centre 1-800-265-8341 eINFo Ontario College Application Service 1-519-763-4725 Ontario Student Assistance Program , , , Di s, ess pline ess pline ess line ss, ine n n n e nes ipline d d d p i i n d i o o o l c c d c o o o o p s s i oo Di Di Go isc ,G ,G ,G Dis sc e, G e, G ss, Di pline ledge ness, pline ledge ness, pline ledge ness, pline edge, ess, D ne g g d d e i i wle ood isci now ood isci now ood owl odn cipl owl ood isci dne isc now Kno e, Goo ess, D line K dge, G ess, D line K dge, G ess, D ess,K ge, G ess, D ne Kn e, Go s, Dis ne Kn ge, G n g d d s li n n n n p p e e li g led Good , Disci nowl Good , Disci nowl Good , Good nowle Good iscip owled oodne Discip nowle w o K K K ge, K e, e, ,D Kn e, G ess, ge ss Kn edge, ness g ,dn edg odne edg owled ed dness l l l l d d o w w w w e l o o w Kn Kno ge, G Kno ge, G Kno Kno e, Goo Kno d d g e e d l l w ow wle Kno Kno Welcome! We would like to take this time to welcome the newest members to the Mustang family: Mr. Silvestri, Mr. Troia, Mr. Keaveney and Mr. Mallot, our newest teachers. We would also like to welcome a new addition to our support staff, our lunch supervisors, Martin Acosta and Kristine Delfin-Hernandez. Meet the New Administration The St. Martin community would like to extend a warm welcome to its new administration. Mr. Furgiuele is our new principal and Ms. Filice fills our vice- principal position. We look forward to the change and guidance that they will bring to St. Martin this year and for years to come. Whom To Call School (905) 279- 3171 Principal F. Furgiuele Vice- Principal E. Filice Chaplain M. Cairoli School Council L. Verlezza Board Office (905) 890- 1221 Superintendent N. Milanetti Trustees Ward 6: L. del Rosario Ward 7: B. Iannicca St. Martin Secondary School Fashion Show Tribute Special thanks go out to Ms. Losenno, Ryan Pestana and Sandra Gluzak for designing and editing this edition. Thanks also to Rikki Arrazola and Mennefer Estrella for their contributions. On May 3rd 2007, St. Martin Secondary School held a fashion show ‘fundraiser’ featuring top fashions from various exclusive merchandisers. The show was a hit raising $200 in support of the services provided by the chapter. On behalf of the Mississauga Chapter, we would like to thank Romela Georgis and the St. Martin Secondary staff and students for supporting the chapter’s - those affected by multiplecine efforts to remain ancompassionate for esscipline resource cis ipli ood i s c i G d D s i , , , e, G sclerosis. e, Goo s, Dis line ledge ness, ss, ledge ness, line ledge ess, D line dge, ss, D e g d e s n e e p p p e n d dg ne sci od wl wl dn ow ow ow dn od od oo ipli sci sci Kn Kn Kn oo wle ood , Di Go , Di Go , G , Di isc , Go Goo Kno Kno Kno ge, G dness ipline ledge dge, ipline ledgedness ipline ledge, dness line dge, G ess, D pline ledge, e p d i w c c c e wle e, Goo s, Dis KnowKnowl s, Dis Kno e, Goo s, Dis Know e, Goo , Disci nowl Goodn , Disc Know o n K s s s s K edg e e e, ss dg dg es ne line wl Goodn wle Goodn wle oodne edg oodn l cip Good o o o s w n i n n K ge, D ge, K ge, K Kno ge, G e, G d d d