Volume 7 Web Resources: Fractions

Volume 7
Web Resources:
Pizza Game
Flitting with fractions
Fraction Café
Learning about fractions extends students’ understanding of our
number system. While whole numbers represent quantities of
whole units, fractions signify parts of whole units or parts of
sets. Although fractions are all around us, learning about
fractions is difficult for some students. Identifying fractions in
our environments makes them meaningful and easier to visualize.
Family Math Activities
Ordering a Pizza? Make it a family math activity.
Before you take that first bite, have your child count how many slices the pizza is “equally divided”
into. Ask questions like: How many people are eating? How can we share the pizza fairly? How many
slices would someone eat if they wanted half, quarter, the whole pizza. Extend the learning for an
older child by comparing the size of the slices of pizza cut into fewer or more slices. For example, a
pizza cut into 6 slices can be cut into 12 slices. We can compare one sixth to two twelfths…what do we
 Bake or cook together
 Make a third, fourth or half of a simple recipe or try doubling it
 Ask your child to show you a third, fourth or half of a cookie
 Cut an apple into thirds, fourths/ halves and have your child put the apple back together to
make a whole
 Predict the number of red Smarties in a box. Count the number of red Smarties and
compare it to the whole (total number of Smarties). Repeat with various colours.
 Count the number of people in your family with brown eyes and compare to the whole (total
number of people in family). Repeat with various other features (hair, glasses…)
Grades 7 and 8
CLIPS (Critical Learning Instructional Paths Supports) are web-based interactive supports for
students. They provide precise, personalized learning activities for your children.
Elementary Program Team 2012 