Document 14237727

 2016 Bluegrass Cellular Scholarship Information ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicant must live and attend school within Bluegrass Cellular’s home-­‐service area. 2. Applicant or applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a current Bluegrass Cellular customer who has received service for a minimum of 12 months and is in good payment standing. 3. Applicant must be a senior graduating from high school in the spring of 2016 and must enroll full-­‐time in a post-­‐secondary institution or higher education program (two-­‐ or four-­‐year college/university, business school or vocational-­‐technical school/institute) as a beginning freshman in the fall of 2016. 4. Applicant cannot be an employee or an immediate family member of individuals who are employed with Bluegrass Cellular, Inc., Bluegrass Network, LLC, or any Bluegrass Cellular Authorized Agent. 5. Applicant must have a 2.5 GPA (4.0 scale) at the time of application. GPAs must be reported in unweighted format. SELECTION CRITERIA o Financial Need 45% o Academic Achievement 25% o School/Community Involvement 20% o Personal Essay/Letters of Recommendation 10% There will be no discrimination based upon sex, age, race, national origin, religion or special needs, and all information provided will be kept strictly confidential. SELECTION PROCESS 1. A scholarship committee will review each application. The committee will select 15 students from within Bluegrass Cellular’s 34-­‐county home-­‐service area, awarding scholarships to 4–7 students per each RSA (rural service area). In total, 15 students will receive a $1,500 scholarship. The committee decision will be final, and all applications become the property of Bluegrass Cellular and will not be returned. 2. Your guidance counselor will be notified in May if there is a winner from your school. All winners will be contacted by Bluegrass Cellular and will receive recognition at their schools’ awards ceremonies, if possible. SCHOLARSHIP PAYMENT 1. All scholarship funds will be made payable to the educational institution of choice upon official notification of enrollment from the registrar. Funds will not be made payable to any individual. 2. The scholarship can be applied to tuition, housing, books or other college-­‐related fees. 3. If registrar enrollment verification is not received by Bluegrass Cellular within 45 days of enrollment, the scholarship proceeds will be considered forfeited. 1 GUIDELINES 1. Complete the attached three-­‐page application in its entirety and mail to: Bluegrass Cellular Attn: Scholarship Committee 2902 Ring Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 2. All completed applications must be postmarked and mailed no later than Friday, April 1, 2016. 3. The following items MUST be included with the application to consider it complete. Applications missing any of these completed elements will be disqualified: o
High School Transcript: Must be an official document and should include recent report on senior year as well as unweighted GPA and ACT or SAT scores, if taken. o
Two Letters of Recommendation: One from a school official/teacher and another from a member of the community or a nonrelative who knows you well. Letters should describe your school/community involvement, personal characteristics and/or other factors supporting your candidacy. All letters must be typed. o
300–500 Word Typed Essay: In 300–500 words, explain why you should receive this scholarship and the role it will play in helping you achieve your career goals. Essays must be between 300 and 500 words to be considered. o
Student and Counselor Signature: Applications not signed will not be considered. 2 BLUEGRASS CELLULAR SCHOLARSHIP 2016 Application APPLICANT INFORMATION Last Name First Name M.I. DOB (mm/dd/yyyy) Street Address City State Phone E-­‐mail Address Mother’s Name Father’s Name ZIP Last 4 Digits of SSN Sex List All Bluegrass Cellular Phone Numbers in Household CURRENT EDUCATION High School Street Address County City State ZIP Phone COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY Name of College or University You Plan to Attend Registrar Street Address City State ZIP Intended Major Intended Minor FINANCIAL NEED Father’s Employer Occupation Mother’s Employer Occupation Please indicate your family’s adjusted gross income from last year’s tax return: Under $20,000 $20,000–$34,999 $35,00–$49,999 $50,00–$74,999 Over $75,000 Please list any financial aid or scholarships you have been awarded and the amounts: Total number of family members living at home: Number of dependents in your family, including yourself: Ages: Do you have any brothers/sisters attending college? If so, how many and where do they attend? 3 Phone FINANCIAL NEED (CONT.) If you are employed, please provide the name of your employer: How many hours do you work per week? Do you plan to work while attending college? Please list any other financial considerations that should be noted: SCHOOL/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Tell us about your school and community involvement. Use the chart below to list the high school clubs, organizations, athletic teams, etc., that you’re involved with. If you’re involved with any clubs or organizations outside of school, please list those where indicated. You can attach an additional sheet, if needed. High School Club or Organization Years of Involvement Leadership Position (indicate offices held and year) Community Club or Organization (outside school) Years of Involvement Leadership Position (indicate offices held and year) 4 ACADEMIC INFORMATION Your guidance counselor must verify the following information GPA IMPORTANT: GPAs MUST be reported in an unweighted format (4.0 scale). Weighted GPAs will not be considered. Counselors may contact Sarah Strader with questions. Current Unweighted GPA (last semester): ______________ Overall High School Unweighted GPA: ______________ College Entrance Examination Scores Results from different dates for the same exam cannot be combined ACT Scores: English: Math: Reading: SAT Scores: Verbal: Math: Total: Science: Composite: Class Rank Number in Graduating Class: Class Rank: Class Information Number of Honors classes taken and/or in progress: Number of Advanced Placement classes taken and/or in progress: TRANSCRIPT An official transcript MUST be included with this application. Failure to send an official transcript will result in disqualification. This can be provided by your guidance counselor. STUDENT AND COUNSELOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have verified the above information and acknowledge that this student is in good standing with the educational institution. Signature of Guidance Counselor: ______________________________ Date ____________________ By signing below, I understand and agree to abide by the requirements/terms described in the scholarship package and verify that all information I have provided is accurate. This signature gives permission to release my transcript for the purpose of determining my scholarship eligibility. Signature of Applicant: ______________________________ Date ____________________ FOR BLUEGRASS CELLULAR USE ONLY Applicant Number: ___________ Application Complete: ___________ Comments: Date Received: ___________ 5 RSA: __________ 