PLAN MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Requirement

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(2)(i): The risk assessment shall include a description of the type, location
and extent of all natural hazards that can affect the jurisdiction. The plan shall include information
on previous occurrences of hazard events and on the probability of future hazard events.
This section discusses how USC’s Mitigation Strategy and Mitigation Action Plan will be
implemented and how the Disaster Resistant University Plan will be evaluated and enhanced over
time. This section also discusses how the University community and general public will continue to
be involved in the Disaster Resistant University Planning process. It consists of the following three
 Implementation
 Monitoring, Evaluation and Enhancement
 Continued Public Involvement
Following the notification of Approvable Pending Adoption status by FEMA, USC will officially adopt
the plan by the Emergency Management Team which includes the University’s Executive Policy
Group. This will apply to all of the senior and regional campuses as well.
Each department or individual with an active role under USC’s Disaster Resistant University Plan is
responsible for implementing specific mitigation actions as prescribed in the Mitigation Action Plan
(MAP) provided in Section 8. Every proposed action listed within the MAP includes a designated
“lead” department or individual in order to assign responsibility and accountability and increase the
likelihood of subsequent implementation.
In addition to the assignment of a lead department or individual, an implementation time period or
a specific implementation date has been assigned in order to assess whether actions are being
implemented in a timely fashion. As stated in the adopted mitigation goals, USC will seek a variety
of outside funding sources to implement mitigation projects in both the pre-disaster and postdisaster environments. When applicable, potential funding sources have been identified for
proposed actions and listed within the MAP.
USC will integrate this Disaster Resistant University Plan into existing decision making processes or
mechanisms. This includes integrating the requirements of the USC Disaster Resistant University
Plan into other planning documents, processes or mechanisms such as comprehensive emergency
management plans, continuity of operations plans or capital improvement plans, when appropriate.
This also includes integrating the proposed mitigation actions into the State of South Carolina
Mitigation Strategy as required. The members of the DRU Planning Team will remain charged with
ensuring that the goals and strategies of new and updated planning documents are consistent and
do not conflict with the goals and actions of the USC Disaster Resistant University Plan, and will not
contribute to increased hazard vulnerability for USC. Opportunities to integrate the requirements
of this Plan into other planning mechanisms shall continue to be identified through future meetings
of the DRU Planning Team and through the five-year review process described herein.
The Associate Vice President has the overall responsibility for implementing the USC’s Disaster
Resistant University Plan, ensuring that the lead departments or individuals complete assigned
tasks and that the Plan is integrated into other planning mechanisms over time as appropriate.
Periodic revisions and updates of the USC DRU are required to ensure that the goals of the Plan are
kept current, taking into account potential changes in hazard vulnerability and mitigation priorities.
In addition, revisions may be necessary to ensure that the Plan is in full compliance with applicable
federal and state regulations. Periodic evaluation of the Plan will also ensure that specific
mitigation actions are being reviewed and carried out according to the implementation assignments
in the MAP.
The USC DRU Planning Team will merge into USC’s University Emergency Management Team and
will continue to meet on a quarterly basis and following any disaster events or other instances
warranting a reexamination of the mitigation actions being implemented or proposed for future
implementation. This will ensure that the Plan is continuously updated to reflect changing
conditions and needs for USC. If determined appropriate or as requested, an annual report on the
status of the DRU Plan will be developed and presented to the President’s Office. The purpose of
this report will be to provide a progress update on the actions identified in the Plan and to provide
information on any new funding opportunities or changes to relevant legislative planning
Five (5) Year Plan Review
The DRU will be thoroughly reviewed by the DRU Planning Team every five years to determine
whether there have been any significant changes at USC that may, in turn, necessitate changes in
the types of mitigation actions proposed. New development in identified hazard areas, an
increased exposure to hazards, the increase or decrease in capability to address hazards, and
changes to federal or state legislation are examples of factors that may affect the necessary
content of the Plan.
The plan review provides university officials with an opportunity to evaluate those actions that have
been successful and to explore the possibility of documenting potential losses avoided due to the
implementation of specific mitigation measures. The plan review also provides the opportunity to
address mitigation actions that may not have been successfully implemented as assigned. The
Associate Vice President will be responsible for reconvening the DRU Planning Team and conducting
the five-year plan review.
During the five-year plan review process, the following questions will be considered as criteria for
assessing the effectiveness and appropriateness of the Plan:
 Do the goals address current and expected conditions?
 Has the nature or magnitude of risks changed?
 Are current human and capital resources appropriate for implementing the Plan?
University of South Carolina
Disaster Resistant University Plan
 Are there implementation obstacles, such as social, technical, administrative, political, legal,
economic, environmental issues or coordination issues?
 Have the outcomes occurred as expected?
 Did the identified departments, individuals and/or other partners participate in the plan
implementation process as assigned?
Following the five-year plan review, any revisions deemed necessary will be summarized and
implemented according to the reporting procedures and plan amendment process outlined herein.
Upon completion of the review and update/amendment process, the Disaster Resistant University
Plan will be submitted to the State Hazard Mitigation Officer at the South Carolina Emergency
Management Division for final review and approval in coordination with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
Post-Disaster Plan Review and Update
Following a disaster event, the DRU Plan will be revised as necessary to reflect lessons learned, or
to address specific issues and circumstances arising from the event. It will be the responsibility of
the Associate Vice President to reconvene the DRU Planning Team and to ensure the appropriate
stakeholders are invited to participate in the plan revision and update process following any
emergency or disaster events.
Reporting Procedures
The results of the five-year plan review will be summarized by the DRU Planning Team in a report
that will include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Plan and any required or recommended
changes or amendments. The report will also include an evaluation of implementation progress for
each of the proposed mitigation actions, identifying reasons for delays or obstacles to their
completion along with recommended strategies to overcome them.
Any necessary revisions or changes to the Plan elements will follow the amendment process
outlined herein. For changes and updates to proposed mitigation actions, USC will reassign
responsibility for the completion of the task as necessary.
Plan Amendment Process
The following plan amendment process will be followed by USC for significant alterations to the
DRU Plan as deemed by the Associate Vice President in coordination with the DRU Planning Team.
At their joint discretion, minor updates or revisions to the Plan (including the MAP) may not
necessitate this amendment process. Upon the initiation of the amendment process, USC will
forward information on the proposed change(s) to all interested parties including, but not limited
to, all directly affected university departments or individuals as well as the general university
community, as deemed appropriate. Information will also be forwarded to the South Carolina
Emergency Management Division, if necessary. This information will be disseminated in order to
seek input on the proposed amendment(s) for not less than a 45-day review and comment period.
At the end of the 45-day review and comment period, the proposed amendment(s) and all
comments will be forwarded to the DRU Planning Team for final consideration. The Team will
review the proposed amendment along with the comments received from other parties, and if
acceptable, the Team will submit and approve a motion to amend the Plan as requested or with
other acceptable modifications.
In determining whether to recommend the initiation of the plan amendment process, the following
factors will be considered by the DRU Planning Team:
University of South Carolina
Disaster Resistant University Plan
 There are errors, inaccuracies or omissions made in the identification of issues or needs in
the Plan;
 New issues or needs have been identified which are not adequately addressed in the Plan;
 There has been a change in information, data, or assumptions from those on which the Plan
is based.
Public participation is an integral component to
the mitigation planning process and will continue
to be essential as the DRU Plan evolves over time.
As described above, significant changes or
amendments to the Plan shall require the
involvement of the general university community
as deemed appropriate prior to any formal
adoption procedures.
44 CFR Requirement
44 CFR Part 201.6(c)(4)(iii): The plan
maintenance process shall include a discussion on
participation in the plan maintenance process.
Efforts to involve the general university community in the plan maintenance, evaluation and
revision process will be made as necessary. These efforts may include:
 Advertising meetings of the DRU Planning Team with invitations for public participation;
 Designating knowledgeable and willing members of the university community to serve as
official representatives on the DRU Planning Team;
 Continue involvement and coordination with the University Emergency Management Team
 Utilizing local media to update the university community of any maintenance and/or periodic
review activities taking place;
 Utilizing the USC Web site to advertise any maintenance and/or periodic review activities
taking place; and
 Keeping copies of the Plan with EHS, USCPD, and designated groups.
University of South Carolina
Disaster Resistant University Plan