Physics 2401-003 (Principles of Physics II), Spring, 2016 HOMEWORK WebAssign Student Registration Instructions PLEASE READ THIS THOROUGHLY SO THAT I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER 135+ QUESTIONS ABOUT IT!!! Thank you!!! Homework will be done on-line at Webassign ( If you've never used it before, bear in mind that, although I used it for a few years now, I'm not an expert! So, I ask that you please be patient with me as we learn about it together. As the semester proceeds, I will ATTEMPT to post assignments at the beginning of a week or at the time we start a chapter. Typically they’ll be due 11:30 pm about 5-7 days later. INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENT REGISTRATION & ENROLLMENT IN OUR COURSE ON WebAssign Registration & Enrollment Steps A. Go to The website should guide you through the registration process. B. When you get to the WebAssign link, if you already have access to WebAssign from Physics I or from another course, you may be able to use your old student username & password to login and find our course. If not, the website should guide you through the registration process. In order to register, you need a student access code. This should have been provided if you bought a new textbook at one of the bookstores. If you bought a used book or if you bought a new book on-line, you may have to buy one. The website should guide you in doing this on-line. C. To enroll in my course, you must enter the Class Key, NOT the course title. Our Class Key is ttu 3649 4023 D. After entering this, you should then be allowed to register on the site for access to the course assignments. E. Our text is Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. by R.A. Serway & J.W. Jewett. The 9th edition is REQUIRED! When you register, choose that book if you are asked about the book! That's the book that on-line assignments will be from. NOTE: There may be other books by the same authors available. Be sure to register for the correct book!! Once registered, you should be able to access the homework problems in our course.