Document 14236538

St. Kevin School
Through Him, with Him, in Him, we Learn …..
103 Malta Avenue
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4C8
Phone: 905-450-0571
Fax: 905-450-1113
St. Mary’s Church
Pastor: Fr. L. Amaral
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Pastor: Fr. A. Chilmon
Newsletter #7
March 2016
St. Mary Masses
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m.,
9:30 a.m, 11:00 a.m.,
12:30 p.m.,
Lenten Prayer
Big Crunch
Police and Staff
vs Students
3:00 p.m. Spanish
St. Kevin
Earth Day
Grad photo day
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Principal’s Message
Good Friday
Great Gulp Sync
Drink Water
Almighty and Everlasting God,
You have given the human race
Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility.
He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man
And giving His life on the Cross.
Help us to bear witness to You
By following His example of suffering
And make us worthy to share in His Resurrection.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.
March 3, 2016
Holy Saturday
On Shrove Tuesday, Mrs. Tuccitto and
Mrs. Da Costa’s class made pancakes
for all the students and teachers. The
next day, Ash Wednesday, marked the
beginning of the liturgical season of
Lent. Lent is a time of prayer, reflection
and fasting. During Lent, we are called
to do acts of kindness as we prepare for
the celebration of Easter. On February
19th, Father Liborio along with other
visiting priests came to hear confessions. We celebrated our Lenten Mass
on February 23rd at Our Lady of Fatima
Church. As we continue our Lenten
journey, let us continue to pray and renew our relationship with Jesus.
Students continue to be involved in extra-curricular activities. Students participated in basketball tournaments, Science Olympics and Math Mania.
We will have Earth Hour observance on
Monday, March 21, 2016
A reminder that the March Break this year
is from March 14 to March 18 inclusive. We
wish everyone a relaxing week. Please
note there is a new P.A. Day on April 11,
Avril Metivier
Zina Venditti
Lucy Papaloni
Anna da Silva
Brampton Wards 1,3,4
905-453-5676 Ext 20154
Heather Strati
School Council Chair
Father Liborio Amaral
Parish Priest
Catholic District
School Board
Page 2
Newsletter #7
The Virtue for March is: Kindness
Science Olympics
This month, the Elementary Junior Science Competition was held at Pauline Vanier. There were 13
elementary schools from Mississauga and Brampton competing in three challenges. The St. Kevin
Team made a great effort and came in third of the
13 schools in one of the challenges! Great work Gabrielle R., Christine O., Gian D. and Nicole G.. Your
coaches Mrs. Edmunds and Ms. Hayter would like
to thank you for being such a great team!
Math Mania
Jr. Boys Basketball
Congratulations to the junior boys basketball team
on their victory at the MBC Family Tournament, held
at St. Kevin on February 25th. The boys went a perfect 4-0, defeating St. Gertrude in the final. The boys
showed determination, hard work, and sportsmanship both on and off the court. The boys look to continue their winning ways at the Board Tournament
on March 3rd.
The team: Naylon, Roddick, Kingsley, Kevin, Germayne, Jevonn, Jevonni, Avery, Tristan, Ranen, and
Great Work, boys! Thanks you to your coaches, Mr.
MacRury and Mr. Santagata.
Jr. Girls Basketball
Congratulations to the Junior Girls
Basketball team who competed in
our Mini tournament here at St.
Kevin at the beginning and qualified for the MBC Family tournament
on February 24th. The girls played
extremely well and lost a tough battle in the semi-finals. The following
team members are: Beverly O., Laurisa W., Kiyana
G., Faithlyn M., Zoi Y., Mia D., Amelia D., Shakira
C., Adeola O., Chloe C., Keelie C., and Kyasha S.
Thank to Ms. Silva and Mrs. Fortin for coaching the
Thank You from Mrs. Geisen’s Class
Thank you to parents who have come in as guest
speakers! Congratulations class on a successful
spelling bee, 103 words is amazing. Congratulations to Joshua M. for his entry into the Young Authors Awards for the grade 1/2 non fiction category.
Parents please join us for our next book Cafe!
Page 3
This month, the Intermediate
Math Mania competition was
held at Our Lady of Peace
School. Thirteen schools from
Mississauga and Brampton
competed in 5 challenges. The
St. Kevin students' efforts were
rewarded with an overall 2nd
place finish! Thanks to Jenasis Y., Joshua M., Ayo
O., Julia R., and Joshua C. for their hard work from
your coaches, Mrs. Edmunds and Mrs. Capobianco.
Bus Cancellations
Please be advised that during the winter months,
inclement weather may cause disruption of bus
transportation and regular school operations.
Please Note: Buses at St. Kevin are NOT affected
when buses are cancelled in Dufferin County.
People of Kindness…
 Are gentle and sensitive to others
 Always look for ways to be helpful
 Say nice things about others from the heart
 Stick up for people who are picked on
 Refuse to join in when others are being mean
 Are generous with their time and talents
 Cooperate and work well in a team
 Avoid being mean or bossy
Catholic Education
What guarantee for separate schools does the Canadian Constitution still contain? In 1867 the Fathers of
Confederation made section 93 (1) part of the Constitution. It states: Nothing in any such (provincial legislative) Law shall prejudicially affect my Right or Privilege with respect to Denominational Schools which
any Class of Persons (i.e. separate school supporters) have by Law in the Province at the Union.
Crossing Guard Safety
Students are reminded to cross with the crossing
guard and to follow their directions. Be respectful,
courteous and safe, to and from school.
Crossing Guard Safety
Students are reminded to cross with
the crossing guard and to follow their
directions. Be respectful, courteous
and safe, to and from school.
Public Speaking Award
On February 7, 2016 Mary Matthews Catholic
Women’s League held their annual Public Speaking
Contest for the families of schools for Brampton
West. The winner was Jenasis Y. from grade 8 and
third place was Julia R. from grade 7. The students
did an exemplary job of presenting their speeches
and representing St. Kevin.
The next level of competition, the regional contest,
will be held on Saturday March 19, 2016 at St. Peter and Paul Parish Hall. On behalf of St. Kevin
School we wish Jenasis best of luck at the regional
level contest.
Eco News
We are still collecting pop tabs, the jug in the Eco
Corner is a fourth of the way full -- Keep bringing
them in so we can fill it!
Please Drive Carefully
To ensure the safety of all,
cars are not allowed on
school property before and
after school.
In order to avoid accidents, we ask that you continue to enter the church parking lot from Sir Lou Drive
and exit on Malta Avenue.
Please caution your child not to walk between slow
moving vehicles or parked cars, and to take particular care when entering and exiting vehicles.
We ask you to reinforce safety rules with your child
and to consider the safety of all.
Attendance Verification
Please help us by calling the school when your child
will be late or absent. Ms. Venditti must make a
call to ascertain that your child is safe, when he or
she is not at school.
Please write a note to your child’s teacher when arrangements change for lunch or at the end of the
day. It is not possible for Ms. Venditti to cope with
telephone requests just before dismissal time. Students are not permitted to take different buses
Next Year
If you are moving from our school area before September 2016, please inform the school as soon as
possible. This will assist us in planning and staffing
for the new school year.
Canada Water Week
The week of March 21 to 25 is Canada Water Week!
We will be creating awareness about the importance
of Peel drinking water in our lives. Always bring a
reusable water container and enjoy a drink from the
tap! On Tuesday March 22 will be the day we will
synchronize a drink of tap water -- don't forget your
EQAO Reminder
A reminder that this year the EQAO assessment for
Grade 3 and Grade 6 students will run from May 25
to June 8th We ask that parents of students in
these grades ensure that their children are in attendance during these weeks.
Big Crunch
On Thursday March 10 is the Big Crunch! A day of
healthy eating choices and a reminder, when possible
to buy local! We will be celebrating by munching on
some locally grown apples. Please wear something
red or green or with apples on this day!
March Break
March Break begins on March 14
Students return to school on March 21.