St. Joseph Catholic Elementary Principal’s Message MAY 2016

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary
MAY 2016
Principal’s Message
The month of May and the
Celebration of Catholic
Education Week gives us
an opportunity to reflect
on the importance of
Catholic Education in the
lives of our children.
The theme of our Catholic
Education Week is,
“Opening Doors of Mercy”
This year we will be having
extra special ECO celebrations that involve a
community group called
“Stream of Dreams” This is
truly a community event!
St. Aloysius Gonzaga students made our little
wooden fish, every student in the school will
paint a fish and the
School Advisory Council
helped us out with materials costs. Join us on Friday,
May 6th for the installation
of Our “Stream of
Dreams” on our fence. It
will look wonderful and a
nice reminder of our Eco
themed Catholic Education Week this year.
Remember too, that May
is Mary’s month and the
most wonderful thing we
can do for our Holy Mother is to give Her a dozen
roses every day. Join us
for our “Rosary Apostolate
Presentation” on Wednesday, May 11at 9:15 a.m.
(Primary) and 10:40
This month as well, we
have our 1st Communion
Lunch (May 18) and ask
God’s special blessing for
all of our Grade 2’s receiving their sacrament
this month and next at
St. Joseph Parish. Our
Grade 7 & 8’s will soon
be receiving their sacrament - Confirmation and we wish for them
the presence of the Holy
Spirit in their lives.
Last month we celebrated our our fourth annual
“Girls Night In” .
Through these and other
actions, St. Joseph Catholic School continues to
live the promise and to
demonstrate gratitude
for Catholic Education.
God Bless!
C. Bacci
EQAO Testing
E.Q.A.O. Testing for Grade 3 and Grade 6 students is taking place May 25 to June 7 2016. A
letter will be going home to parents in the second week of May to let you know the specific
dates for each grade level. As well, parents are
encouraged to ensure their children eat a
healthy breakfast, get an adequate amount
of sleep, arrive at school on time and prepared and we kindly ask that parents avoid
appointments and unnecessary absences during
this time.
Happy Administrative Assistant’s Day to Mrs. Carabetta
On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 the entire school population celebrated , “Administrative Assistant’s
Day”. Mrs. Carabetta was treated to flowers, chocolates and gifts from all the teachers and classes.
She had a wonderful day and would like to heartily thank all the staff and students for making her
day truly special and she felt very appreciated.
Welcome to Kindergarten Night at St. Joseph!
On Thursday, May 12 at. 6:30 p.m.,
parents/guardians of Junior Kindergarten students
registered for September 2015, are invited to attend a workshop at St. Joseph School where they
will receive early literacy resources as part of the
Welcome to Kindergarten Program and learn
strategies for using the resources with their child.
Staff and community members working together
with The Learning Partnership will provide pre-
school children with some resources and experiences to begin their formal education with a foundation in literacy nurtured in their home. For
more information, call our school.
If you are going to be
moving to another
school during the
summer, please let
us know as this information
will assist us in making class
lists for the next school year.
Please notify the school as
soon as possible and Mrs.
Carabetta will prepare a transfer form to bring to the new
Page 3
People of Acceptance…
8, 2016’
May 11,
Are friendly and
open to all God’s
Sense God’s presence in people of
all ages, beliefs,
genders, cultures, and/or abilities
Avoid the temptation to judge or negatively stereotype others
Look for positive traits in others
Understand there may be more than one way of doing things
Stick up for the disadvantaged
Notice who is left out and include them
Summer School
Summer Literacy Camp SK - Gr. 6
Summer Literacy Camps for students in SK to Grade 6 are being offered by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board from Monday, July 11 to Friday, July 29 The program runs from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday to Friday for 3
weeks. The cost of the program is $300 for 3 weeks.
The closest camp to St. Joseph will be at St. Gregory in Mississauga. For more information please speak to your child’s
teacher. Applications and payment is due to the school by May 27, 2016.
Summer School GR. 7&8
Summer School for students in Grades 7 and 8 is being offered by the Department of Continuing Education from
Monday, July 4 to Friday, July 22, 2016.
The program runs from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday and attendance for students enrolled is compulsory. Transportation is provided at home school pick up points. The program is intended for students who are achieving at Levels 1 and 2 in English and Mathematics. Students must be recommended by the Principal to be eligible to
attend. Please speak to your child’s teacher for more information. Applications are due May 27th, 2016.
As the warm weather (hopefully!!) approaches we would like to remind students that they are expected to dress in a manner and attire suitable for the occasion and appropriate to the school
environment. Boys must wear full length ‘T’ shirts with a sleeve (no muscle shirts or cut offs). Girls
are not to wear anything strapless, spaghetti straps, or have bare midriffs. Outfits that are appropriate for small children may not be appropriate for older children. Shorts are permitted for both
boys and girls provided they are modest. No short-shorts or jean cutoffs will be allowed.
Sacrament of Confirmation
St. Joseph Parish will be confirming our Grade 7 and 8 students.
Practice will take place on Monday, May 16th for both Grade 7 and 8 students at the Parish.
Grade 7 Confirmation will take place Thursday, May 19th at 7 p.m.
Grade 8 Confirmation will take place Tuesday, May 24 at 7 p.m.
Both celebrations are at St. Joseph Church. 5440 Durie Lane.
Intermediate Girls’ Basketball Team
The St. Joseph Jets Intermediate Girls basketball team completed their season by competing in the Mississauga North Family
Tournament on April 28th at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School. Entering the tournament as one of the stronger teams with an
undefeated regular season with wins against St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Rose of Lima and Divine Mercy, the
Girls fell a little short of their lofty expectations. After defeating both St. Simon Stock by the score of
16-13 and St. Therese of the Child Jesus 15-0, the girls were well placed to book a spot in the finals.
Unfortunately, St. Albert of Jerusalem had other ideas. In a hard fought semi-final, the girls fought
back from a 16-10 deficit with 2 minutes remaining to close the gap to 16-14, but simply ran out of
time after having a game tieing shot bounce off that could have sent it to overtime and again missing a
couple of free throws with less than 1 second remaining. The girls should be commended on the hard
work and intensity that they brought to the court each and every time they played. Many of these girls
had the experience of competing at the Board tournament the previous year and now have gained a
new understanding of how difficult it is to get back. With this new attitude and sour taste in their
mouths, they will be ready to reclaim their Mississauga North title next year and hopefully bring home
a Board banner! The team consisted of Oyin, Christina, Rebecca, Isadora, Julia, Ema, Isabella, Lyric, and
Daniela. The team was coached by Mr. Bernais, Mr. Thrasher and Mrs. Foster.
Student Safety
Student safety is of paramount importance to the staff at St. Joseph School. Our staff is diligent about stranger awareness with parents and guardians in and around our school. Please keep in mind that while you are NOT a stranger to
your own child(ren) and maybe not to a few others either - BUT YOU ARE A STRANGER TO EVERY OTHER CHILD
Therefore - the protocol is - sign out your children by coming to the office checking in with Mrs. Carabetta and signing
them out in the office. Do not go down the halls without first signing in and getting a visitor’s pass from Mrs. Carabetta
or the adult in the office.
At no time should you be on or near the yard, or in the hallways without a visitor pass. Thanks so much to all you diligent parents who always observe our stranger protocol.
Friday, May 13 is a PA DAY!
Day of Pink Flash Mob - April
13, 2016
On April 13, all of Dufferin-Peel invited all schools to
take part in a board-wide flash mob dance to commemorate the International Day of Pink. Mme. DaSilva, Mrs.
Guerizzio, Mrs. Kowal and Ms. Pelaccia instructed all of
our staff and students so everyone could take part in the
“Pink Flash Dance” Even Mrs. Carabetta made it to the
dance. The dance was choreographed to Dufferin-Peel
alumna Alessia Cara’s hit “Wild Things” – a song about
self-acceptance. Here are pictures of our Flash
Dance - if you want to see more join us on “Twitter”
at St.JosephElem@StJosephDPCDSB and “follow
us” for all the latest news.
We joined together in dance and stood up to bullying!
Library Learning Commons News
After reading a few selection of books from “Blue Spruce”, it looks like the primary students really enjoyed the book
called “If kids ruled the world”, by Linda Bailey. The grade ones created their own version of the book and some of the
rules they chose included being able to eat pizza all day and having a dragon for a pet.
Come to our “Feeling Groovy” book fair! We invite you to share in this celebration of books
and reading with us. The Book Fair will take place from Monday, May 9th to Friday, May 13th,
2016. Students will have an opportunity to browse the fair and to purchase books during
school hours. The Book Fair will also be open for the evening at 4:00 to 8:00pm in the library
learning commons on Thursday, May 12th, 2016.
In December, we reached our goal of $4000 and we were able to buy over $1000 worth of
new books as well as a set of reading chairs that the students are truly enjoying.
Please look for a flyer in your child’s backpack and help support our school library! We are looking forward to another
successful book fair!
Pina Guerrizio, Teacher-Librarian
Girls Night In
A few lucky girls and their Moms/Aunts/Grandmothers/Friends participated in “Girls Night In” held Wednesday, April 20 after school. They were treated to the St. Joseph version of “The Amazing Race” cupcake decorating, making “Dreamcatchers” and painting journals. Finally they had a guest speaker who spoke to the girls
about the importance of advocating for “Girl Power.” Many thanks to the teachers who work hard to make this
night possible, Mrs. Snopek, Mrs. Belsito, Mrs. Cordozo, Mrs. Kowal and Mrs. Russell. It was a huge success.
Intermediate Boy’s Basketball Team
Congratulations to our Intermediate Boys’ Basketball Team. They finished third overall in the Family.
They played several spirited games and had a few very close finishes. Thanks to Mme Zanier for being
their coach. Team members:
Ben L., Noah L., Daniel N., Tolu, Joseph M., Aiden R., Terrin, Keegan, Sebastian, Anthony, and Jonathan
B. Awesome Job boys!
5Stream of Dreams
Lunch Moms
May 2016
4 Stream of Dreams
Gr. 8 Ottawa Trip Leaves
6Shining Stars
Stream of Dreams
13 PA Day
Ottawa Trip Returns
No School for Students
3 Kinder Eco Presentations in the Library all
9:15 - Bob Delaney Visit
Grade 5
Lunch Moms
6:30 p.m. Welcome to
1Catholic Education
11 9:15 - Rosary Presentation (Primary)
10:30 - Rosary Presentation (Junior)
2Lunch Moms
Lunch Moms
26 Mississauga North
Soccer Tournament @
Meadowvale Park
Grade 2’s @ Sceince Center
7 - Grade 7 Confirmation
Lunch Moms
3Stream of Dreams
Pizza Day
Scientist in the Classroom (Gaskin am./
Falcone p.m.)
10Pizza Day
Crowning of Mary Practice
Eco Club trip to Cawthra
17Pizza Day
18 Communion Luncheon for Grade 2’s (by
FDK Snopek/Lazo Grocery Trip
6:30 p.m. Kate Jones
24 Pizza Day
7 - Grade 8 Confirmation
25 EQAO Begins Gr.
3 and 6
Confirmation Luncheon for Grade 7 & 8
(by SAC)
1 Peel Children’s Water
Festival Grade 2&3
Grade 6 Flight Trip
Grade 1 Living Arts Trip
2Stream of Dreams
Falcone, Gaskin, Foster trip to Humber
Week, “Opening Doors
of Mercy”
8 Happy Mother’s
16Community Officer
Billy Visits
9:30 Grade 7&8 Confirmation Rehearsal
9 Math Mania @ St.
Albert of Jerusalem
Grade 8 IPRC’s and
23 Victoria Day
No School
31 Kindergarten Concert (Mother Father’s
Day) a.m. Araujo p.m.
Pizza Day