Reading Strategies Connect Think about: *your background knowledge and experiences *connecting the information to your life *how the story is like another story or text *understanding how the text Is like the world around you Predict/Infer Think about: *what the text is going to tell you *using text clues and your schema *anticipating what might happen next *figuring out what’s not directly stated Visualize Think about: *using your senses to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel the author’s words *seeing a picture in your head Question Think about: *monitoring your understanding by asking questions when words, sentences, or ideas do not make sense *rereading to clarify Summarize Think about: *identifying the most important ideas or information *classifying or sorting the information that you read *inferring and drawing conclusions Evaluate Think about: *your opinion of the text and how well you understand the text *whether applying what you read makes sense *determining the author’s purpose Reading Strategies I hope that you find these Reading Strategies posters to be a helpful tool! Check out my blog for more freebies and my TPT store for other products! Thanks, Wendy Smith