Digital Photo 3: Manipulation Project Objectives: 1. To experiment with digital and manual (hand) techniques to alter an image. 2. To explore a concept and different ways to express it photographically. TWO VARIATIONS of the SAME IMAGE: Copy the same photo onto 2 different documents in Photoshop (so you have 2 files of the same image). You may crop each one differently or use the entire image for both. Think of each image as a starting point to experiment and evolve into 2 different final results. You may add or composite any other images with the one that you start with. For example, you may want to use one a portrait to show different aspects of the person’s personality by coloring and altering the 2 images in distinct ways. Alter each one differently to create a particular mood or idea. Create an area of intense interest (emphasis) using the following devices: contrast, isolation, location, convergence and/or the unusual. MANUAL MANIPULATION/COLLAGE: For one of the photos you must use materials and apply them by hand (e.g., paint, water colors, pastels, cut-outs from magazines or colored paper, old CDs, fabric, old art work, stamps, postcards, maps, ticket stubs, wrapping paper, etc.). Some other options include using foam core to create a 3-d relief image. Using segments from a combination of different mages that you collage together produces more interesting results. Use foam core to back the pieces in order to create different heights. Or, you could use a photocopier to alter the scale of the image and then collage it by repeating and rotating all or portions of the image. You may use any combination of materials. DIGITAL MANIPULATION: For the other version you will alter/manipulate everything on the computer. Some ideas/techniques to consider: Vignette, different blending modes in Photoshop, Handcoloring, Diffusion filter, Solarization/Sabattier Effect, Double Negative/Image, Duotone, Kaleidoscope Composite or Strip Composite Print. Homework: Take new photos of everything; yourself, your friend, a family member, a landscape, a still life, or look through past images to see what you may want to work with. Think about how the photo can be completely manipulated with and without using Photoshop. Start brainstorming. Think outside the box! Photos to manipulate are DUE by: __________________________ Digital Photo 3 Assessment: Manipulation Project Name______________________________ Directions: Please evaluate yourself. Answer the following questions. Compare and contrast your two images. How did each alteration/manipulation affect its meaning, message or mood? Reflect on how the methods (analog/manual vs. digital) produced different results. Do you think one is stronger? Why? Support your answer with evidence. ________/15 pts. __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ print 1 Manipulation and Creativity [20 pts.] (original/fresh idea or solution to the assignment; thought-provoking; image holds your attention; alterations enhance the subject matter and meaning) Composition [10 pts.] (image is cropped well; effective use of art elements and principles) Contrast/Exposure, Print Quality [10 pts.] (good exposure and print quality; dodging or burning completed if needed) Craftsmanship /Matting [10 pts.] (good craftsmanship and overall quality with attention to details; piece is constructed well either by hand or with the Photoshop tools; accurate measurements for mat; clean borders; signed in pencil) Total points ________/115 print 2