Digital Photo 2: Multi-Image Rubric Name_______________________________ Section ___________ 1.Content/Expression [20 pts.] The idea is clearly developed and strongly expressed. The idea is innovative and original. The image holds your attention. What is expressed in your collage? How did you use the collage technique in an interesting way to convey an idea or emotion? 2. Composition [20 pts.] (Several elements are successfully integrated and balanced throughout the piece; effective use of art elements and principles to organize image; unnecessary elements cropped out; focal point is clear and evident) Describe what art elements and principles you used and how they are organized in the photo. Describe how the focal point is created. 3. Technical Aspects [20 pts] (Image is well-constructed utilizing several pictures to create a whole. There was close attention to details and how elements were combined/placed together to create a new creative, balanced image; Images that were used were well-exposed and/or contrast was adjusted appropriately.) 4. Matting [10 pts] (Measurements are accurate, mat is cleanly and evenly constructed) Completion of evaluation form accurately and honestly _________/10 pts Total Points: __________/ 80 pts