Soap Carving Problem: Carve a freestanding or relief sculpture that is a solid mass and has convexities and concavities. The brand name of the soap must be erased. The soap’s original shape should be radically changed!!!! Medium: A brand new bar of soap (white, colored, deodorant, clear or colored glycerin) Tools: different household tools, such as the clip from a ballpoint pen, kitchen gadgets, etc.. Stay away from using traditional carving tools such as knives and scissors. Be careful and carve away from your hand as you work. Considerations: Will it be abstract or realistic? What idea or feeling will be expressed? How can concave and convex forms be used to create movement and balance? Soap Carving Assessment Sheet: Name: ______________________________ The Sculpture contains a balance of convex and concave forms. ______________/ 20 points Describe the type of balance. Did you create fluid, organic planes and forms to create a sense of rhythm throughout OR did you create more geometric planes and forms to break up the sculptural space OR did you create a contrast of organic and geometric planes and forms? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Is it freestanding (carved in the round) OR relief (from one side)? _____________ Whether it is freestanding or relief, the original form of the soap is no longer obvious, and the brand name is not visible. It is a unique, thoughtful, and creative solution. It looks complete and finished with attention to detail. It has visual impact. __________/ 10 points Describe the tools you used. What was most challenging and how did you work through those challenges? ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Questions answered thoughtfully and objectively __________/ 5 points Total Points: ___________/35 points Due Date: _________________