North Penn High School 2015-2016 Mrs. Roney

North Penn High School
Mrs. Roney
NPHS Phone: (215) 853-1294
Web Page: / NPHS / Teachers WebPages / Roney, Andrea
Students will be able to demonstrate effective auditioning and presenting
techniques; apply acting and analysis techniques as introduced in class; present
scenes, monologues, and/or songs from contemporary plays musicals and
Shakespeare in different genres (comedy and tragedy); demonstrate play, scene,
and character analysis; provide play and character research/dramaturgy;
demonstrate vocal and physical development; use effective peer and personal
critiques in written and oral evaluations; analyze and critique selected films and
acting performances;; write synthesis papers of work as required; assemble,
create, and present a Project Portfolio based all work on a presented scene.
1st & 2nd Marking Periods:
Rehearsal techniques
Selection and Performances of Contemporary Scene and Shakespearean
Demonstration of Physical and Vocal exercises and warm-ups
Play, Scene, and Character analysis/dramaturgy
Demonstration of analysis, dramaturgy, and rehearsal techniques
Demonstration of critical responses and skills
Begin Project Portfolio including, but not inclusive to: Research of character, play,
playwright, and historical period; Completion of Script ; and Beat Bubbles
Writing and Reading Prompts or response papers/essay as required
Two Common Assessments
3rd & 4th Marking Periods:
Complete Presentations of Scenes/Monologues
Continued Play, Scene, and Character analysis and dramaturgy
Continued Demonstration of Physical and Vocal Exercises
Demonstration of critical responses and skills
Introduction to Film analysis and critique
Complete Project Portfolio including, but not inclusive to, Character Profile, Bio Poem, Character
Suitcase, Character Mapping, Character’s Words 1 & 2, Creativity at Work, and Final
Evaluation of your work
Writing and Reading Prompts or response papers/essays as required
Two common assessments
Completed and submitted on assigned date!
Class Participation
Journaling – some assigned work
Completion of all assigned Homework
Reading and summaries of assigned books, articles, plays, or films
Performances of Scene(s) and other assigned materials
Written explorations of theatre in Book or Play Report or other response papers/essays
*Creation and Presentation of a Project Portfolio
* The Portfolio Project can be used as a graduation project for the Class of 2016 if the student signs-up for it at the beginning of the 1st
marking period. Complete information for the Project Portfolio will be provided in class and can also be found on Mrs. Roney’s web
Advanced Acting Information – 2015-2016