The Agricultural/Industrial Revolution Causes: 1. Expanding Atlantic economy and British Empire 2. Natural conditions favorable •Coal •Iron •Waterways 3. Agricultural Revolution, 1700-1800 •Jethro Tull, 1674-1741 •First Modern Farmer •Invented seed drill Seed Drill Agricultural Rev. (contd.) •Enclosures •Crop rotation system •Improvement became the goal Agricultural Rev. (contd.) •Led to: •More efficient food production •Cheaper food •More disposable income •Less workers needed in rural areas 4. Political conditions •Constitutional Monarchy •Relative Stability •Economic growth 5. Legal conditions •No internal tariffs •Patent law encouraged invention 6. Financial Conditions •Effective central bank (1694) •well-develop credit markets •Stock market •Plenty of capital •Money, Materials, Workers, ect. 7. Proto-industry •Putting-out system or cottage industry •Division of labor 8. Major technological advances •Cotton is king! •1760s - James Hargreaves invented Spinning Jenny •1760s - Richard Arkwright invented Water Frame •1779 - Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning Mule 8. Major technological advances (contd.) •One roof •1770s: Arkwright also developed the Factory System: •Central source of power •Division of Labor 8. Major technological advances (contd.) •Steam Power: •1698: Thomas Savery invented a steam engine 1712: Thomas Newcomen invented a steam engine 8. Major technological advances (contd.) •Steam Power: •1765: James Watt greatly improved Newcomen engine •1820s: Railroads: George Stephenson’s Rocket What? Major change in the economy caused by the shift to industry with labor-saving machines. When? Really got going in Europe in the mid to late 1700’s. Really got going in America after the Civil War.(1860’s +) WHY? Eight Reasons Rail Roads Really took off after the Civil War in U.S. Ex. In 1840 US had 3,000 miles of track and by 1860 30,000 Started many business practices that made the Industrial Revolution possible Rail Roads WHY? Eight Reasons New Lands Nations built Rail Roads in colonies to extract resources. Federal Govt. gives western land free to Rail Raods to encourage business and Settlement. Rail Roads took farmers out to their land, carried their crops to market , and brought them manufactured goods. Rail Roads New Lands WHY? Eight Reasons Immigration Rail Road companies adverstise in Europe to attract immigrants to lands Most immigrants settle in cities, joining the urban industrial workforce Rail Roads New Lands Immigration WHY? Eight Reasons Urbanization Rail Roads made cities possible providing them with the food they needed, raw materials, and new markets For the 1st time, more people have nonfarming than farming jobs Rail Roads New Lands Immigration Urbanization Thinking Slide Which cause do think is most important so far? Explain WHY? Eight Reasons Innovations Steel rails – safer and cheaper Rail Roads New Lands More examples: Cash register typewriter Refrigerator car Telephone Light bulb Phonograph Immigration Urbanization Innovations WHY? Eight Reasons New Business Practices “Pool” – agreement to divide the business in a given area and share the profits Where there is $ there is corruption and Railroads introduced much of both Rail Roads New Lands Immigration New Business Practices Innovations Urbanization WHY? Eight Reasons Social Darwinism Rail Roads “Survival of the Fittest” The rich have more money because they have better businesses New Lands Social Darwinism Immigration New Business Practices Innovations Urbanization WHY? Eight Reasons Govt. Laissez-Faire Laissez-Faire “Hands Off” Government did not interfere with the economy and businesses Rail Roads Govt. LaissezFaire Social Darwinism New Lands Immigration New Business Practices Innovations Urbanization Thinking Slide: Do you think we could use more “Laissez Faire” economic policies today? Explain