Genetic Disorder PowerPoint / Prezi Project

Genetic Disorder PowerPoint / Prezi Project
You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on a genetic disorder of your choice. Requirements for the
PowerPoint are listed in the chart. The project is due on Monday 16 November 2015 BEFORE CLASS.
You MUST submit your presentation through Google Classroom to me PRIOR to your class period on this
Make sure that in doing your research and in selecting information for your presentation, you provide
clear evidence that you have learned in the process!! That means, do not do the most minimum in order
to simply complete the assignment….I want you to work HARD, as it’s a 145 point project! In addition,
make sure that everything is either in your OWN words or that you have quoted a statement taken
DIRECTLY from a source. This means that you MUST include the last name of the author at the end of
your quotation on the slide. This will allow me to cross reference with your works cited page.
Slide Presentation Requirements
Slide 1 must contain
5 pts
Slide 2 must contain
Slide 3 must contain**
Slide 4 must contain
*Title- name of disorder (Include both scientific & common names)
*Your partner’s names
*Class period
Type/cause of disorder:
*Is the disorder autosomal or sex-linked?
*How is it inherited?
-Is it a dominant trait, a recessive trait, a codominant trait, or
incomplete dominance?
-Is it due to an aneuploid condition, i.e., lack of chromosomes or
extra chromosomes?
*Has a gene been located that causes the disorder?
-If so, what chromosome is it located on?
Description of disorder:
*Age of onset
*Symptoms - physical and physiological
*What does it do to the body?
*Where is it found in the body?
(muscle, specific cell, organ, blood, etc.)
Chromosome or related genetic graphic – BE CREATIVE
Slide 5 must contain**
Slide 6 must contain
Slide 7 must contain
Characteristics of disorder:
*What is everyday life like for a person with this disorder?
*What is the quality of life for the sufferer?
*What limitations does the person have?
*What is the life expectancy of the patient?
Diagnostic Testing - Diagnosis/Detection of disorder:
*How is a person diagnosed with the condition?
-What is the type of test done?
-When is the test done (in the womb, at birth or later)?
-What sort of genetic screening/counseling is done for the disorder?
Incidence of disorder:
*How many people suffer from the disorder?
*How many people are born with the disorder each year or per “x
Slide 7, continued
Slide 8 must contain
amount of births?
*Does the disorder affect a specific population or people (or
region) more so than another?
*Does the disorder affect males of females more prevalently
Second chromosome or related graphic – BE CREATIVE!
Slide 9 must contain**
Slide 10 must contain
Slide 11 must contain**
Slide 12 must contain
Slide 13 must contain
Slide 14 must contain
Treatment/Cures of disorder:
*Are there treatments for the condition? If so, what are they?
*What kinds of medicines are used for symptoms?
*What alternative to medicine are offered for the symptoms?
*Is there a cure for this disorder?
*What is the aftermath of the disorder?
-Does the disorder leave scars, paralysis, brain damage, etc
*What is the survival rate?
*What is the life expectancy with/without treatment?
*If treatable, what is the median age of survival?
History & Research of disorder:
*What is the history (both time & scientists/doctors) of the
disease – discovery & advancements?
*What research is currently being done on this disorder?
-If so, who is doing it & what are they doing?
*List names of organizations and web links that help families cope
with disorders, obtain information, and communicate with others
Five other facts about the disorder:
*List five other facts about your disorder that a patient might
want to know that you have not already discussed above.
Works Cited – you must use at least THREE references!
You may add extra slides under these categories
Pictures are encouraged for each slide
Don’t be too wordy…get to the point IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!
Works Cited
-Your works cited must be in APA style for Citation
-Refer to Purdue Owl for help in citing your sources…the following website will help you. There is a direct link
on my website.
When researching material, be careful of your sources; pick credible sources: .gov, .org. etc…
Use Journals of Medicine and peer reviewed articles.
Any questions, please ask.
Have a classmate review your work before submitting; use the rubric for feedback.