Holy Family School

Holy Family School
61 Allan Drive, Bolton, ON L7E 1P7
Phone: (905) 857-1300
Newsletter # 3
Principal: M. Clarot
Head Secretary: M. Proctor
School Council Co-Chairs: M. D’Alelio / P. Ranieri
Superintendent: L. Storey 1-800-387-9501
Fax: (905) 857-9432
November 2014
Holy Family Church- Pastor: Fr. L. Leger (905) 857-1938
Associate Pastor: Fr. D. Gikonyo
Trustee: F. Di Cosola (905) 951-8898
Associate Pastor: Fr. S. Holandez (905) 857-1938
Trustee: F. Di Cosola (905)Principal’s
Catholic School Council
Superintendent: P. McMorrow 1-800-387-9501
Punctual Attendance
Lord Jesus,
You said to your disciples,
“Blessed are the Peacemakers,
they will be called children of God”.
You know how much the world needs your peace.
Yet in so many places in the world
there is only war and conflict.
Lord, through the power of your Holy Spirit,
Transform human hearts,
Give our world a desire for peace,
And help us to see You in others.
We pray in Your Holy name.
Being on time is very important for academic success.
Our school start time is 9:15 a.m. Your child should be in
the yard five to ten minutes before the bell to allow your
child to experience positive interactions with other peers
and participate more fully in learning activities. Students
who arrive at school late are out of sorts and rushed into
beginning their day. It places the child in a rushed frame
of mind for the remainder of the day. A late arrival for your
child is not healthy! In addition, late arrivals disturb the
class and interrupt lessons. Try to create regular routines
at home to assist your child to get to school on time and
to come prepared. Upon their entrance to Secondary
school, this habit could possibly result in the loss of a
credit. An established bedtime and morning routine will
help your family arrive on time. Also, have your child get
their school items (homework, shoes, and lunch) ready
the night before. Place their bags at the door ready for a
quick morning departure. If you continue to struggle to get
your child to school on time, please feel free to speak to
the classroom teacher or to me, as we may be able to
Mrs. M. Clarot
Remembrance Day Assembly
Page 2
EQAO Results
Page 3
Weather Cancellations
Page 3
Cold and Flu Season
Page 4
Virtue of the Month—Conscience
Page 5
November/December Calendars
Page 6
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.
Remembrance Day
On Tuesday, November 11th at 10:45 a.m., our annual
Remembrance Day Assembly will be held in the school
gym. We will recognize the achievements and sacrifices
of Canadians at home and overseas during past wars and
peacekeeping operations around the world. At 11:00 a.m.
we will observe the customary moment of silence. As
always, parents (and grandparents) are most welcome to
attend this service. We would like all students to be
wearing a poppy during our school assembly; our Faith
Ambassadors will be going class to class the morning of
November 11th, asking for a donation in exchange for a
poppy. All donations will go to support our veterans
through The Royal Canadian Legion.
All Saints’ Day and All Souls’
All Saints’ Day, celebrated on November 1st, reminds our
community of those men and women (both known and
unknown) who have lived faithful lives in the Church. On
this day we remember our saints in our prayers and ask
for their prayers and intercessions. The historical roots of
this celebration have to do with those martyrs who died in
the early Church. Later, Pope Gregory VII declared this
day to be the date we remember all who lived and died for
their faith.
All Souls’ Day, November 2nd, is a Roman Catholic day of
remembrance for friends and loved ones who have
passed away. The day purposely follows All Saints’ Day
in order to shift the focus from those in heaven to those in
purgatory. It is celebrated with masses and festivities in
honor of the dead. While the Feast of All Saints is a day
to remember the glories of Heaven and those there, the
Feast of All Souls reminds us of our obligations to live holy
lives and that there will be purification of the souls of those
destined for Heaven.
Turn Your Clocks Back
Sunday, November 2nd, 2014
Progress Reports/Interview
The progress reports will be sent home on
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 Interviews,
only if requested by the teacher or parent,
will take place the evening of Thursday,
November 13th, 2014.
Gr. 9 Information Meeting
There will be an information meeting for Grade 8 students
and their parents/guardians interested in enrolling at St.
Michael C.S.S. for the 2014-16 school year. The meeting
will be held at St. Michael C.S.S., 9130 Columbia Way,
Bolton on Thursday, November 6th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Book Fair
Holy Family will be hosting a
Scholastic Book Fair in the
library from Monday, December
1st to Wednesday, December 3rd
throughout the day until 4:30 p.m. and on Thursday,
December 4th until 8:00 p.m. The latest popular books will
be available for purchase by students and parents. Money
raised will be used to purchase books and materials for
the library. Students will be invited to browse and make
wish lists of items they would like to purchase. Student
purchases begin on Tuesday, December 2nd. Parent
volunteers are needed on the Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of the book fair. If you would like to volunteer for
any length of time, please call Mr. Hill.
Rosary Apostolate
Catholic School Council
The next council meeting will take place on
Tuesday, November 24th at 6:30 p.m. As
always, all parents are welcome to attend
this open meeting.
The Rosary Apostolate began their visits
on October 11th. We have 6 - 7 visitors
who come in monthly to pray the rosary
with our students. We look forward to
another great year with the Rosary Apostolate.
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.
Advent Mass
We will be celebrating mass on Tuesday,
December 16th at 10 a.m. As always, all
parents/guardians are welcome to join us
at Holy Family Church.
A fee of $15.00 is collected to help offset the cost of
bringing this clinic to our school.
The Grade 3 and 6, primary and junior division, EQAO
assessments measure how well students have met the
expectations in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1 - 8.
The assessments test what students know and how well
they apply their knowledge and skills in reading, writing
and mathematics in everyday situations by requiring
students to read and respond to passages, to write and to
solve mathematical problems.
EQAO assessments combine performance-based
activities, requiring written responses, with multiplechoice questions. The results are reported in terms of
achievement from Levels 1 to 4, with level 3 as the
standard, which represents a high level of achievement.
The results for Holy Family School, stated as the % of
students meeting the Provincial standard (Achieving
Levels 3, 4) are as follows for the 2013-2014 assessment.
EQAO RESULTS – 2013 - 2014
It’s Hearing and Vision
Screening Time!!!
School Screening Association will be
visiting our school this year on December
12th, 2014 to conduct their clinic. Your child’s
hearing and vision should be screened every year.
child is referred to a hospital clinic by your doctor,
the cost is covered by O.H.I.P.
Your child’s hearing is not being monitored unless
they are being seen by an Audiologist or and
A Free vision screeing is included with the
Hearing Clinic. Eye Examinations are covered by
Growing children are very susceptible to middle
ear problems and one of the best ways to prevent
hearing loss is early detection of middle ear
function issues.
A visit to an audiologist costs upwards of $50.00
and is not covered by O.H.I.P. However, if your
A permission form will be sent home with your child,
approximately 2 weeks before the clinic date. Please fill
out the form, include the $15.00 fee and return to the
school prior to the clinic date.
Good Grades start with Good Hearing and Vision
Extended French
Information Meeting
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardians(s), who wish to enroll their
child in a grade 5 Extended French class for September
2015, are invited to attend an information meeting here at
Holy Family School on Tuesday, January 13th, 2015 at
7:00 p.m. Applications will be accepted at Holy Family
School until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 17th, 2015.
French Immersion
Information Meeting
Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to
enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for
September 2015 are invited to attend an information
meeting on Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
at Our Lady of Providence School, 35 Black Oak Dr.,
Brampton, ON. For more information, please call (905)
Weather Cancellations
During the winter months, inclement weather and/or poor
road conditions may cause the disruption of bus
transportation and regular school operations. In these
cases, parents/guardians should develop alternate
care/transportation arrangements.
A decision to cancel bus transportation and/or to close
schools is made by 6:00 a.m. Decisions are based on
several factors including precipitation, air temperature
and road conditions. A decision to cancel bus
transportation may be system wide (where all buses in
Dufferin County and the Region of Peel are cancelled) or
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.
municipality specific (where buses in one or more
municipalities are cancelled). If buses are cancelled in
the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon.
Therefore students transported to school by parents
require the same transportation home.
Parents/guardians, students and school staff are asked to
monitor the following radio/television stations after 6:00
a.m. to receive bus cancellation/school closure
Radio: CJCL 590 AM, CFRB 1010 AM, CJBC 860 AM,
FOXY 88.5 FM, CHFI 98.1FM, CFNY 102.1FM,
EZROCK 97.3, 93.1 FM, CFTR 680 AM, Z103.5, CKFM
99.9 FM, 102.7 FM (Caledon), CHIN 100.7 FM
The Weather Network
A bus cancellation and/or school closure message
will also be available online at www.dpcdsb.org; on
Twitter: @DPCDSBSchools; or by calling 905-8901221.
Cold and Flu Season
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in the
Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board website at www.dpcdsb.org
Winter Weather Reminders
Our winter season is fast approaching!
Please assist us in encouraging your
children to dress appropriately for the cold
weather. When on yard supervision,
teachers monitor if children are wearing
their boots, hats, gloves and scarves. We want our
students to feel comfortable outdoors and not get chilled
because of inappropriate winter dress. Except under
unusual conditions, students will go outside during recess
and lunch hour. The outdoor break allows for fresh air
and exercise. Health officials indicate that the fresh air is
good for children...not harmful, as long as students are
dressed properly.
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in
ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school
communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene
and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an
ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu
increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact
surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and
flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are
utilized from our regional health units.
For our younger students, it would be helpful if parents
were to label items of clothing with their child’s name, so
that each person can more easily locate his/her own
clothing from the class coat rack area. Each term many
items make their way to the “Lost and Found” bin and are
never claimed. Labelled items can be returned more
easily and mixed up items sorted out more readily.
Please ensure that your child has an extra pair of
shoes at school, to keep their feet dry and warm
during wet and/or snowy weather. A change of
clothing stored in a child’s backpack, may also
be a good idea for younger students.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be
contracted in public places throughout the year. For
example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are
transferred from person to person through hand
contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from
December through February, but can start as early as
Please listen to weather reports and ensure
that children are dressed appropriately for the
weather. Unfortunately, some of our children are
coming to school feeling sick and with fevers. We
do not have the facilities to care for sick children
and sick children are not capable of concentrating
on learning.
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing
procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as
outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington
Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you
through their websites. As always, children who are
unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are
the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
 Peel Health Website
Therefore, if your child complains of a sore
stomach, sore throat or aches and pains, please
do not send him/her to school. It is harmful to the
health of your child and the rest of the school
population. All children who come to school are expected
to participate in outdoor recreation at recesses. Generally
speaking, if a child is well enough to come to school
he/she is well enough to go outside at recesses and lunch
hour. Exceptions may be made when a doctor’s letter
accompanies a request.
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.
ECO Team News
Youth Faith Ambassadors
During the month of October we
continued to collect our recycling twice a
week. Thank you to all the students who
come out regularly to make sure the
recycle boxes in each class were emptied.
We will be having our waste audit over the next few
weeks. It is important that we all try to produce less
garbage. There are many students now using reusable
lunch containers and water bottles. This really helps
reduce our daily garbage output. Remember to take
home any unfinished food.
We always welcome new students to the Eco Team. We
would encourage our Grade 8’s to participate in the Eco
Team, which would benefit their community service hours.
As the weather gets colder, we would remind parents not
to idle their vehicles in the parking lot while waiting for
their children. Thank you to the students who walked to
school on “Walk to School Day” on October 8th. We
should all try to walk to school, if it is possible. It is healthy
for you and for the environment.
With Halloween over, there are many wrappers from all
the candies. Please put the wrappers in the proper bins.
We don’t want to see them outside in our school yard.
Be Eco Friendly. The Eco Team.
On Thursday, October 23rd, the Youth Faith Ambassadors
participated in a Retreat and Commissioning at St.
Marguerite d'Youville Parish in Brampton along with
students from 13 other schools from our Family of
Schools. The day began with mass where Father Robert
and commissioned
Youth Faith
Ambassadors. Then the students were involved in prayer,
reflection and other activities where they examined their
faith and discussed ways they can demonstrate their faith
in our schools. This event also gave the students an
opportunity to meet and work with other Youth Faith
Ambassadors. It was a beautiful day filled with meditating
on God's word and strengthening our own faith.
Cross Country
We have had a great running season
this year with the Holy Family Cross Country team. Thank
you to all the students who participated and to their
parents for dropping them off for our early morning
practices. Everyone did a great job running and
representing our school at the Family Meet at Monora
Park in Orangeville. Andrew D., Aaron D., Ryan D., in
Grade 7, Kyle P., Nadia G., in Grade 6 and Luca D.,
Marco A., Stephen B., Natalie C., Luke D., in Grade 5
moved on to the Board Meet at Centennial Park in
Etobicoke. We had another fantastic day with our
runners. Keep running and we will see you again next
year. Thank you to coaches, Mr. Mazanik and Mr. Read.
Jr. Girls’ Volleyball
The Jr. Girls’ Volleyball Team played in a
tournament at Holy Family School on
Thursday, October 9th, 2014. The girls
came in first place and advanced to the
next level. On Wednesday, October 15th,
2014 the girls showed great team work and determination
but ended up in second place. Great job to Emily, Emma,
Mariangela, Nadia, Ciara, Natalie, Sarah and Sophia. A
special thank you to coaches Mr. Hill, Mrs. Posteraro and
Ms. Viola.
Virtue of the Month-Conscience
During the month of November, we will be focusing on the
virtue of conscience. God has given us the ability to know
the right and decent way to act and then to act that way.
We trust that the common Spirit we share inspires us and
guides us to make good decisions if we allow our
conscience to be well formed. A person of conscience
allows prayer and scripture to influence him/her.
People of conscience:
 Feel right and wrong and pay attention
 Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside
 Choose to do what Jesus would do
 Know that followers of Jesus will have to make
difficult choices
 Keep promises even when tempted to give up
 Can see how his/her actions may help or hurt
 Admit their sins and feel badly about poor choices
 Say sorry and try to make up for hurtful actions
Bullying Prevention
Initiative Corner
The key message for November is that
“Everyone Needs to Learn How to Live
in Peace.” At Holy Family we strive to be
peacekeepers. We need to learn how to resolve our
conflicts safely and appropriately. It is okay to disagree
about various things, but we must get our message
across peacefully.
Tips for parents:
 help your child learn to recognize early signs that they
are becoming agitated or upset
 create a calming space or reflection area in your
 Learn the steps of the conflict resolution model the
school uses and apply those at home
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.
November 2014
-All Saints’ Day
-All Souls’ Day
-Turn Clocks
-Hep B/HPV
-Lego Club
-Hot Lunch
-Gr. 8s to St.
Mike’s for student
-Gr. 7s to Trade
-Remembrance Day.
-Progress Reports go
-Lego Club
-Rosary Apostolate—
-Scientists in SchoolsELPs
-School Council
Mtg @ 6:30 p.m.
-Hot Lunch
-Virtue Assembly
-Interview Night
-Lego Club
-P.A. Day—No
school for
-Lego Club
December 2014
-1st Sunday of
-Book Fair open
to 4:30 p.m.
-Lego Club
-Rosary Apostolate—
-Book Fair open to
4:30 p.m.
-Hot Lunch
-Book Fair open
to 4:30 p.m.
-School Advent Mass
-4th Sunday of
-3rd Sunday of
Break Begins
-Hot Lunch
-Last Day of
School before
Christmas Break
-Merry Christmas
31 Jan
-New Year's Eve
-Christmas Eve
-Book Fair open
to 8:00 p.m.
-2nd Sunday of
-Happy New
-Boxing Day
-Christmas Break
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.
We believe that each individual is a unique gift of life from God, and we believe in the innate spiritual goodness of all peo ple.