A Function-Based Approach to Systems Biology Taesik Lee, Jeffrey D. Thomas, and Nam P. Suh Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology tslee@mit.edu 1. Introduction For decades engineers have studied how to best design and build complex systems such as automobiles, skyscrapers, computers, and transportation systems. In contrast, systems-oriented thinking is relatively new in molecular biology. We have applied the theories and methods of Axiomatic Design (AD) [Suh 2001] to the analysis of biological systems. Despite the fundamental dissimilarity between engineered and biological systems (human-designed versus evolved), we find many more compelling similarities. AD theory defines a system by the functions it performs. To understand and control biological systems, one must establish the relationship between the system functions and the underlying behavior of molecular interactions. For example, some of the functions of the mammalian visual system are to record optical images, differentiate color, modulate the amount of incident visible light, and provide depth perception. The underlying biological entities that provide these functions are organs (e.g., eyes, visual cortex), cells (e.g., retinal rod and cone cells), organelles (e.g., discs in outer segment), molecules (e.g., rhodopsin, 11-cis-retinal), and ions (e.g., Ca++) [Berg 1995], [Purves 1998]. The relationships between these functions and these biological units are highly complicated. An organizing framework is required to understand such systems. Biological functions are hierarchical. Biological systems can be decomposed from the system level to the organ level and ultimately down to the molecular level functions. Similarly, biological entities can also be decomposed into a hierarchy. Once the decomposed functions and biological entities are established and their relationships known, 2 the highest-level biological functions can be related to the lowest-level biological entities. Based on these relationships, one can predict the functions of biological systems in terms of the molecular level behavior and interactions of biological entities. The starting point in the AD approach is to define the functions that a system must achieve. These are called Functional Requirements (FRs). In contrast, most molecular biological research is focused on the interactions among physical entities. In AD, such physical entities constitute design parameters (DPs). Interactions among biological entities (DP-DP interactions) can be measured and quantified using analytical tools. An important result of research on the DP-DP interactions is the pathway diagram, used ubiquitously to represent biological systems. In order to build a model of a biological system, the relationships between FRs and DPs must be established. The difficulty in establishing the FR-DP relationships is due to the fact that many biological entities (DPs) affect more than one FR. To understand the behavior of biological systems, the complicated relationships among all the FRs and DPs of a biological system must be determined. In Axiomatic Design, this is done using the Design Matrix. From the perspective of AD, biological systems are probably much less complex than they appear. Many functions that seem to be interrelated probably function independently. The architecture of complicated regulatory networks is probably less important in overall system function than a survey of literature would make it appear. This paper presents a framework for understanding biological systems based on the Axiomatic Design theory. The basic concept of Axiomatic Design theory is given in Suh [Suh 2001]. To illustrate the approach, the process of cellular spreading onto a fibronectin matrix has been analyzed using AD methodology. 2. Modeling of a Biological System based on Axiomatic Design 2.1. Construction of an Interaction Matrix for the Signaling Pathway that Activates Cell Spreading Fibroblast cells in suspension adhere to fibronectin-coated surfaces and then spread out such that the spherical cell is converted to a flattened form. Several labs, including Sheetz et al. [Sheetz 2001], have characterized molecular aspects of the process of cell spreading in response to the integrin-mediated binding to fibronectin [Clark 1995]. As the cell begins to spread it extends its membrane in the form of a lamellipodium. Extension of the lamellipodium is mediated by a network of actin filaments. Rapid, circumferentially -directional extension of the lamellipodium results in cell flattening in the plane of the fibronectin layer. Pathway diagrams have been constructed that summarize the signaling mechanism known to link the fibronectin-integrin signal from the cell membrane to the actin-based cell spreading behavior. Figure 1 shows an example of such signaling pathway diagram [Xiong 2004]. Using the AD framework, the pathway diagram can be represented as an Interaction Matrix comprising known DP/DP interactions (Table 1). The symbols in the matrix indicate 3 Fibronectin Grb2Sos Fak Ras Integrin Src Tiam1 1chinaerin Vav Fgd1 Rac1 PLC Cdc42 Pak1 LIMK PIP5K Ca2+/ CaM Calcineurin Cdc42 GAP IP3 PIP2 WASP ADF VASP Profilin Arp2/3 CP Figure1. The signaling network that regulates fibroblast spreading machinery [Xiong 2004]. Ellipses designate proteins and complexes. Arrows signify activation. Dots indicate inhibition. Rac1 PLC- Cdc42 Pak1 LIMK PIP5K PIP2 IP3 Ca2+/CaM Calcineurin WASP ADF VASP Profilin Arp2/3 CP + + + + + + + + + + - + - + + + - CP Arp2/3 Profilin VASP ADF WASP IP3 Ca2+/ CaM Calcineurin PIP2 PIP5K LIMK Pak1 Cdc-42 DPi Rac1 DPj PLC- Table 1. The Interaction Matrix for the Fibronectin/Integrin signal in Cell Spreading. '+' ('-') at the element (i,j) indicates that DPj activates (suppresses) DPi. This matrix represents a part of the fibronectin-integrin signaling pathway shown in Figure 1. In this example the DPs are ordered to correlate with the flow of information through the signaling pathway; information flow occurs in the direction of column DPs to row DPs. The left-to-right (or top-to-bottom) sequence of DPs is not important and can be arbitrary. 4 that a signal is transduced between two specific DPs: the ‘+’ symbol designates stimulation or activation; the ‘-’ symbol signifies inhibition or deactivation. For example, the ‘+’ symbol in the 4th row of the 1st column in Table 1 indicates that Rac1 activates Pak1. If there were an important interaction among molecules of the same class (e.g., a self-reinforcing or self-inhibiting mechanism), this would be indicated by a symbol in the appropriate cell in the diagonal of the matrix (hatched cells in Table 1). Some of the key properties of the network are readily visible by observing the structure of the matrix: for example, 1) Since there are no symbols in the first three rows, Rac1, PLC-, and Cdc42 must function as initiators for this part of the signaling pathway; 2) ADF, VASP, Profilin, Arp2/3, and CP are the final products of the pathway since there is no outgoing path from any of them (blank columns starting from ADF); 3) there are no feedback loops. If, for example, Ca2+/calmodulin sent a retrograde activation signal to IP3, it would be indicated in the Interaction Matrix by a ‘+’ symbol in the appropriate cell above the diagonal; and 4) the pathway has a counteracting inputs to ADF [LIMK and PIP2 inhibit ADF, but the PIP2-IP3-Ca2+/CaM-calcineurin chain stimulates ADF (Figure 1)]. The DP/DP interactions represented by the Interaction Matrix (Table 1) are the comprehensive set of interactions thought to be important in transducing the fibronectin/integrin signal. The Interaction Matrix scales easily and interaction symbols can be replaced with mathematical descriptions of DP-DP interactions (e.g. binding constants or activation rates). 2.2. Mapping between the Functional and Physical Domains of Biological Systems For an engineer seeking to design a robust system using AD methodology, the starting point is to define the functions that the system is to achieve. Once these functional requirements (FRs) are defined, the FRs are related to DPs using the Design Matrix. As will be demonstrated, the Design Matrix can be used to analyze FRs and their relationships to DPs in great detail. In contrast, the Interaction Matrix exclusively describes interaction-based molecular-level functions (e.g. activate, inhibit) and thereby does not capture other classes of function, most notably higher-level functions that are the purpose, or raison d’etre, of a given system. To construct a Design Matrix for a biological system one first identifies the FRs, and the DPs that satisfy those FRs. Once the FRs and DPs are identified, the FR/DP relationships specified in the Design Matrix. Table 2 shows subsets of the FRs and DPs for the cell spreading mechanism. Table 3 is a Design Matrix relating FRs to the DPs listed in Table 2b. X’s in matrix designate a known relationship between the FR and DP. They represent relevant functional relationships: for example, ‘actin polymerization at growing filament tip’ (DP1.2) affects the function of ‘elongate filaments’ (FR1.2) while the ‘ratchet action’ (DP1.5) in turn affects the function of ‘provide space for growing filaments’ (FR1.5). Complete understanding of a biological system’s functional behavior requires both the Design Matrix (FR/DP) and the Interaction Matrix (DP/DP). The Interaction Matrix does not address system functions whereas the Design Matrix is not exhaustive with respect to 5 DPs and may thereby omit molecular components that are not relevant to performance of functions. Table 2. Decomposition of cell spreading. a. FR0: Cell Spreading Number 1 2 Functional Requirements Generate force to extend lamellipodia Orient force to extend lamellipodia Design Parameters A specific ultrastructure of cytoskeleton Fibronectin-Integrin signal b. FR1: Generate force to extend lamellipodia Number 1.1 Functional Requirements Provide actin monomer substrate 1.2 Elongate Filaments 1.3 Maintain appropriate network structure 1.4 1.5 Rigidify Filament Network Provide Space for Growing Filaments Design Parameters Filament fragmentation Actin polymerization at growing filament tip Cross-linked network of short actin filaments Alpha actinin [Svitkina 1999] Ratchet action [Mogilner 2003] c. FR1.1: Provide actin monomer substrate Number 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Functional Requirements Prepare actin monomer for depolymerization Depolymerize actin monomer from the filament Transform ADP-bound actin to ATP-bound actin Deliver ATP-bound actin to the growing end of the filament Design parameters ADP-bound actin [Mullins 1998] ADF [Didry 1998] Profilin [Mullins 1998] Concentration gradient between growing end and the other end the d. FR1.3: Maintain appropriate network structure Number Functional Requirements 1.3.1 Branch actin filaments 1.3.2 Stop growing actin filaments Design parameters Active Arp2/3 at end of growing filament [Mullins 1998] Capping Protein (CP) [Schafer 1996] Table 3. Design matrix, [A], captures the functional relationships between FRs and DPs. FR1.1 FR1.2 FR1.3 FR1.4 FR1.5 DP1.1 X DP1.2 DP1.3 DP1.4 DP1.5 X X X X 6 2.3. Coupling, Complexity and the Design Matrix In engineered systems, the Independence Axiom states that FRs must be independent of one another. Thus in an ideal design there are only one-to-one FR-DP relationships (these are called “uncoupled” designs, as in Table 3). If it is not possible to achieve complete independence of FRs, one can still achieve an acceptable design by ensuring that none of the FR-DP pairs (or chains) creates a circular-loop relationship (which is called a “decoupled” design). In this case, if FRs need to be modified, DPs can be changed in a specific sequence so that the impact on FRs due to the off-diagonal element is propagated in a sequence given in the matrix. Since uncoupled and decoupled systems satisfy the Independence Axiom, they are capable of satisfying the target values of FRs. When off-diagonal elements exist and form a circular-loop(s), the design is “coupled”. Coupled design means that changes in any single DP in the loop will require that all DPs in the loop must be re-set to, if any, the exact values at the same time to satisfy the FRs. As a consequence, it is difficult to satisfy the FRs and the system is not adaptable. Advances in molecular biological research methods, especially genomic and proteomic technologies, have made cataloguing DP-DP interactions far easier than characterizing FR-DP relationships in biological systems. While a comprehensive list of possible DP-DP interactions will have undisputed value, such data may also impede the characterization of biological systems by making it difficult to differentiate interactions that are important to system function from those interactions that are not; in the absence of FR-DP relationship, studies of DP-DP interactions may make biological systems appear overly complicated. For example, two FRs important in cell spreading, branching and stopping growth (Table 2d), are uncoupled (Table 4) and thereby independent. However, the Interaction Matrix (Table 5) that describes the two DPs, Arp2/3 and Capping Protein (CP), shows a complicated interaction between them. As Table 5 suggests, PIP2 has the opposite impact on Arp2/3 and CP: PIP2 inhibits CP whereas it stimulates Arp2/3 through the WASP-mediated pathway. The apparent coupling between branching (FR1.3.1) and capping (FR1.3.2) is due to DP-DP interactions in the pathway rather than a coupled FR/DP relationship. Table 4. The diagonal Design Matrix indicates FR/DP relationship is uncoupled. FR1.3.1 FR1.3.2 DP1.3.1 X DP1.3.2 X Table 5. Interaction matrix relevant to the targets, Arp2/3 and CP. PIP2 PIP2 WASP Arp2/3 CP WASP + + - Arp2/3 CP 7 2.4. The Design Matrix as a Foundation for Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems: Cross-scale Modeling The Design Matrices above (Tables 3 and 4) have been simplified by the use of the symbol “X” to indicate FR-DP relationships. FR-DP relationships can be specifically characterized by mathematical equations (Table 6). In the case that all FR-DP relationships for a system can be represented mathematically, the Design Matrix serves as a complete mathematical model of that system. As discussed earlier, not all the DPs in the signaling pathway appear in Design Matrix. The change in a given DP, say DPi, in the Design Matrix may be the outcome of a signal cascade involving dozens of DPs (DP chains) in the Interaction Matrix. The magnitude of DPi may be a function of many variables, e.g., the signal level and the kinetics of biochemical reactions that are triggered by the signal. Whenever quantitative data are available, a model can be developed that incorporates both the Design Matrix and the Interaction Matrix. Precise determination of a complete {FR}-{DP chains} relationship requires extensive knowledge of biomolecular interactions in their finest granularity: a formidable challenge. Table 6. Symbols in the Design Matrix are replaced by mathematical relationships between FRs and DPs. FR1.3.1 “Branch actin filament” is represented by the reaction rate of branching, abranching, and FR1.3.2 “stop growing actin filament” is represented by the reaction rate of capping, acapping. The concentrations of each molecule, uArp2/3 and uCP, serve as metrics for the DPs. For individual actin filament the reaction rates can be represented by the rate constant of reaction and the concentrations of the reactants [Xiong 2004]. where kbranching is the branching reaction rate constant and kcapping is the rate constant for the capping reaction. f, , kBT, uG-ATP represent the total resistance force, the filament length increment per monomer, the thermal energy, and the concentration of G-ATP, respectively. f is therefore equivalent to the activation energy barrier. f and uG-ATP can be estimated to be 50-500 pN/m and ~8.5M [Xiong 2004], while and kBT are known to be 2.2nm and 4.2 pNnm, respectively [Mogilner 2002]. DP1.3.1, uArp2/3 FR1.3.1 abranching FR1.3.2 acapping DP1.3.2, uCP f 2 uG-ATP k branching exp k BT k capping The hierarchical nature of FRs and DPs can be leveraged to establish a framework for generating models that cross multiple scales of organization (tissue level, cellular, molecular, etc.). High-level FRs and the DPs are first decomposed into lower and lower levels until as many details as necessary are included. The mapping the FRs to DPs in the biological systems was illustrated previously [Thomas 2004]. After decomposing a system into FRs and DPs, functions (denoted f ) are selected that relate the FRs and DPs at each level. f is equivalent to the elements of the Design Matrix. Owing to the decomposition process, DP domains are also related to the FR domain one level below in the hierarchy (“sublevel”). Thus, sub-level FRs are enumerations of the 8 parent-FR, and they are specific to their parent-level DP. The relationship between the parent DP and its sub-level FRs is denoted here by g. With the notion of f and g, one can now express the cross-scale modeling as g f FR 1 f 1 g 1, 2 f 2 2, 3 LEAF DP LEAF (1) FR1 is a highest-level (level 1) FR. f i is a mapping function between the FRs and the DPs at level i. gi,i+1 is a function relating the parent DP at level i to the sub-level FRs at level i+1. The inner-most function of equation (1) is f LEAF(DPLEAF), which takes the lowest-level DPs (“leaf” level) as an input. Thus, equation (1) represents a model encompassing multiple scales, and describes the highest-level FRs in terms of the lowest-level DPs. 4. Conclusion The Design Matrix of AD, which was developed to create the science base for design of human-engineered systems, offers an important new perspective in the field of systems biology. Most significantly, the Design Matrix maps the physical elements of a system to the system’s functions. In contrast, most current studies of biological systems are focused on interactions between physical elements. The application of AD theory to biological systems results in several important conclusions with implications for biology and medicine. The Independence Axiom states that in robust systems, functions are maintained independently. When accurate models of biological systems are developed, the key FR-DP relationships (i.e. diagonal elements) may be used in regulating a system or in targeting therapeutic molecules with minimal side effects. AD theory predicts that disease states are the result of off-diagonal elements becoming large non-zero terms and thereby creating coupled systems with reduced robustness. They may also be the result of the degradation of DPs and the decrease in the values of the diagonal elements. For example, aging may be the consequence of dominant off-diagonal elements or of cumulative coupling. 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