Moriah Pie is a family gredients, supplies, and owned pizza restaurant in

Moriah Pie is a family
owned pizza restaurant in
Norwood, Ohio. Owned
and operated by Erin and
Robert Lockridge, Moriah
Pie serves all who walk in
their doors. Erin and
Robert grow or harvest all
the ingredients that go
into making each meal
they serve. Consequently
Moriah Pie only opens its
doors Friday nights. Erin
and Robert not only serve
delicious pizza, but depending on what they are
able to grow, they also
serve salad, soup, and a
variety of desserts. As
much as possible, the in-
gredients, supplies, and
workers come from the
Norwood community. The
magic of Moriah Pie is
that they have no set
prices. Payment is left up
to the customer’s discretion, which allows anyone
to have a hot meal, no
matter his or her circumstances. Stop in to Moriah
Pie for delectable pizza
and pie on any Friday
night. The loving atmosphere and community
feeling will keep you
coming back each Friday,
to give thanks for the gifts
God has provided on this