ST. BASIL CATHOLIC SCHOOL MAY 2016 NEWSLETTER Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . Holy Mary, Mother of God , pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen PRINCIPAL M. TOMCZAK SECRETARY M. SWEENEY SUPERINTENDENT T. LARIVIERE 905-890-1221 STS. MARTHA AND MARY PARISH TEAM Fr. Darrin Corkum 905-625-5670 Beatitudes for Mothers Blessed are mothers, who did without for us, they will be rewarded. Blessed are mothers, who lost sleep when we were sick, they will find rest. Blessed are mothers, who taught us how to pray, they will share God’s kingdom. Blessed are mothers, who comforted us, they shall be comforted. Blessed are mothers who taught us right from wrong, they will know justice. CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: M. Pascucci Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 (905) 302-3096 (905) 890-0708 x20161 Fax: (905) 890-0888 ST. BASIL SCHOOL 4235 Golden Orchard Dr. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3G1 Phone: (905) 624-4529 Attendance Line (905) 624-4529 Press 1 PLEASE CALL THIS NUMBER WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT Virtue of the Month Acceptance One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that no two people are exactly alike. We may share biological families or national identity or cultural and ethnic identity but we are all very unique and distinct creations. God breaks the mold every time! And that is a fantastic fact of life! It can also be a challenging fact of life. Sometimes differences are scary, especially if we haven’t learned about or don’t understand how people are different. The virtue of acceptance means that we look beyond what we see – a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and see a person created and loved by God. God, you gave us the virtue of Acceptance. Help us to: Be a community of people who can see the light of Christ in one another. Be tolerant of everyone around us. Demonstrate an attitude of acceptance, trusting that others will hear God’s voice in their own way and in their own time. PARISH NEWS Congratulations to those students who have received the Sacrament of First Communion at Sts. Martha and Mary Parish and the surrounding parishes. Thank you to Mrs. Aiello, Mrs. Capal, Mrs. Granzotto, Mrs. Jelavic and Mrs. Malinowski for helping to prepare the students for this special sacrament. Congratulations to the grade 7 & 8 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you to Mrs. Balanyk, Mrs. Ranalli, Mlle. Tollis and Mrs. Malinowski for helping these students prepare. Please keep praying for these students and their families as they continue on their faith journey. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Catholic Education Week takes place from May 1st to May 6th, 2016. This year’s theme is “Opening Doors of Mercy”. School wide activities include an assembly and the Crowning of Mary. All teachers will open up their classrooms for individual class activities to which all parents are invited. This is our schedule for Catholic Education Week: Monday: Mercy that Welcomes Opening Assembly led by Y.F.A.’s at 9:30 a.m. in the gym Faith Clay Creation—Mrs. De Melo—11:00 a.m. –PK8 Tuesday: Mercy that Loves Friendship Liturgy &Friendship Poems– Mrs. Meneses-9:15-am Rm. 208 Liturgy —Mrs. Cabral—11:00-11:40 in the library Earth Appreciation—Mrs. Malinowski—11:00-11:40 am— PK2 Confirmation Scrapbooks - Mrs. Balanyk 12:40—2:00 pm—Rm. 209 Family Life Presentations—Mrs. Diamond– 12:20-2:00 pm—Rm. 203 Learning Centres, Shared Reading, Songs —Mrs. Galli—2:30 pm Rm. 103 Wednesday: Mercy that Forgives Crowning of Mary—9:30 a.m. in gym Liturgy—Mrs. Capal—11:00 a.m. in the library Religion Activity—Mrs. Aiello—11:00a.m.—PK7 Thursday: Mercy that Lives the Gospel Monet paintings—Mrs. Arieas —9:00 a.m,—Rm. 205 Learning Centres, Shared Reading, Songs: Mrs. Brooks—2:30 pm—Rm. 102 French Play—Mlle. Tollis—10:00 a.m.—Room 201 Friday: Mercy that Rejoices Meghan’s Walk—9:30– 11:40 am WE HONOUR MARY SEPTEMBER CLASS PLACEMENTS As we honour Mary and all mothers during the month of May, we are reminded of the many blessings mothers bestow upon their children each and every day. Let us keep Mary and all mothers in our thoughts and prayers so that the honour and respect they deserve is not limited to one day or month in the year. The St. Basil School Community is invited to the Crowning of Mary Liturgy on Wednesday, May 4th at 9:30 a.m. in the gym. We will soon begin the process of organizing classes for September 2016 school year. If you wish to have your concerns regarding your child’s placement considered in this process, please submit a letter to Mrs. Tomczak, outlining educational reasons to be considered in the placement of your child. Please do not discuss class placements with the current teacher. Only letters received by Mrs. Tomczak will be considered. Letters must be received by May 30th, 2016. INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL Congratulations to the Intermediate Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball Teams on their amazing season! Both teams improved immensely, showing great heart, determination and skill at each of their games. Your school and your coaches, Mrs. Balanyk and Mlle. Tollis, are very proud of you!! The team members are: Boys: Ainsley B. , Jackson P. , Vahan S., Ben F., Kevin J., Nick M., Dominic S., Tyler D., Dylan G., Justin D. Girls: Maya A., Alessia J., Nicole W., Nisheeta T., Natalia S., Luciana G., Danielle M., Eleanor I., Daniella H., Ashley P., Lillian N. Thank you to our coaches, Mrs. Balanyk and Mlle. Tollis for all of their time and effort in working with the teams! CLASS ORGANIZATION 2016-17 The goal of the extensive process we employ at St. Basil is to maximize the groupings of students to ensure we create the best possible educational environment for all of our students. The process involves grade level teachers meeting with the principal and special education team to generate the proposed, tentative lists according to the following criteria: Consider parental input outlining educational reasons for the placement of their children where possible (must be received in writing by May 30th. Letters to come to Mrs. Tomczak, not the classroom teacher). Avoid having siblings, relatives, twins in the same class where possible, unless parents request such. Student levels are considered to ensure a clear balance of levels 1-2-3-4 students in each class. Students with special education or special needs are considered in the groupings. Students who are English Language Learners are considered for the distribution. Students with behavioural needs. Students who facilitate the learning of others. Number of male and female students. All class placements are confidential until the first day of school in September 2016. SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS Skate Night was a huge success! Thank you for showing your support and coming out for another good time with family and friends. We hope you enjoyed all your goodies! We look forward to sponsoring Sacramental celebrations for our Grade 2 and Grade 8 students who received their First Communion and Confirmation. School Council will support the liturgy, cake and the small momentum of these special days. This event will take place on Wednesday, June the 8th at 9:30 a.m. Also coming are Freezie Friday’s and and Icedawg Day! WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN Dates to Remember May 1-6 Catholic Education Week May 4 Crowning of Mary-9:30 May 5 Grade 7 & 8 Concert To Pocock May 6 Meghan’s Walk May 8 Mother’s Day May 10 Battle of the Books Welcome to Kindergarten 6:00 p.m. May 13 P.A. Day May 17-19 Ottawa Trip May 23 Victoria Day – No School May 24 Council Meeting May 25 EQAO begins for grade 3 May 31 EQAO begins for grade 6 June 13 P.A. Day June 19 Father’s Day June 21,22 Musical Play Dates June 24 Board Track and Field June 27 Graduation Day June 28 Outdoor play day Reports go home June 30 Last day of School! WE ARE NOW ON TWITTER!!! FOLLOW US @stbasildpcdsb All parents who have registered their child for Junior Kindergarten for September 2016 are invited to attend a “Welcome to Kindergarten” information evening at St. Basil School on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m. Parents will gain further knowledge on Full Day Kindergarten and gain some strategies to help make this transition successful for their children. A bag of useful supplies to will be provided to each family. We look forward to seeing you there! GRADUATION Graduation for the grade 8 students will be on Monday, June 27, 2016, beginning with a luncheon at the Renaissance Centre, followed by a dance. Students will then participate in a mass at 7:00 Sts. Martha and Mary Parish, followed by the awards ceremony in the church hall. ANGEL EMMA AND BLANKIE DAY Emma Bartolomucci was a student here at St. Basil School until her passing in 2011. Emma suffered with a brain tumour which took her life at the tender age of 8. This would have been her graduation year . St. Basil School will declare May 6th as Angel Emma and Blankie Day in her honor. We will be participating in a school liturgy in the morning, followed by a walk around the neighbourhood. We will finish our morning with a school hug, where all students and staff hold hands and hug our school. There will be representation from the Meagan’s Walk organization here on that day as well as Emma’s family. All are welcome to attend.