St. Basil Catholic School Newsletter NOVEMBER 2015 PRINCIPAL M. TOMCZAK ST. BASIL SCHOOL 4235 Golden Orchard Dr. Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 3G1 Main Office: (905) 624-4529 SECRETARY M. Sweeney SUPERINTENDENT T. LARIVIERE (905) 890-1221 PASTOR FR. Darrin Corkum Sts. Martha & Mary Church (905) 625-5670 CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES M. PASCUCCI (905) 302-3096 In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. Attendance Line (905) 624-4529 Press 1 Fax Line (905) 624-0155 Lieutenant- Colonel John McCrae OUTREACH The St. Basil Community has shown their generosity in many ways to those in need in our community. We are once again initiating our 6th Annual Coat Drive. The drive will start on Monday, November the 3rd and run until Thursday, November 20th. All gently used winter clothing will be accepted; sweaters, mittens, hats, scarves, boots, coats. These items will be going to the Knights of Columbus at Sts. Martha and Mary Parish. Ms. Bryan and Ms. Galego will be collecting all items on Friday, November the 20TH . Thank you in advance for your consideration. W hen we serve others, we serve God. In This Issue Christian Outreach Y outh Faith A mbassadors V irtue of the M onth Cross Country French Immersion Extended French Cold Weather Reminders V olunteer Checks EQA O information Catholic School Council School Safety A rrival and Supervision Extended Vacation Dates to Remember Reminders and Resources: Cold and Flu Season YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS St. Basil’s Youth Faith Ambassadors are active members in the school community. They lead us in prayer during special events and in school assemblies, witnessing our virtues. The 2015-16 YFA’s are, in grade 7: Ashley, Sofia, Lilian, Daniella. Grade 8 YFA’s are: Ainsley, Jackson, Paul, Nigel, Dylan, Jonathan, Natalia, Alessia, Jose, Nisheeta, Joseph, Luciana, Danielle, Sophie, Noah, Nicole W and Nicole B, and Maya. Teacher advisors are: Ms. DeMelo and Ms. Tollis. These students will be participating in a special commissioning ceremony on November 24th at Christ the King Church. REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Please join us at our annual Remembrance Day Liturgy on November 11, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. in the gym. This liturgy will provide an opportunity for all to offer our gratitude and respect to our veterans, peacekeepers and our God for the gifts of freedom and democracy. As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional health units. A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year. For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from December through February, but can start as early as October. Regional Health Unit Resources Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington Dufferin KiKis Guelph (WDG) resources available to you through their websites. As always, children who are unwell, should be kept at home. Flu Clinics Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites, are the schedules of local Flu Clinics. For more information, visit the health unit websites: Peel Health website: Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health website: Direct links to the above information can be found in the Parent Section of the DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board website Our Virtue for November at ….Conscience A person of conscience…… • Chooses to do the ‘right thing’ and feels good about it • Can see how his/her actions may hurt others • Admits wrong-doing and feels badly • Keeps promises • Says ‘sorry’ and tries to make up for mistakes Conscience is the voice of God within us. As you develop your conscience, you will learn to make decisions that encourage and support truly loving relationships. W hen we serve others, we serve God. EXTENDED FRENCH INFORMATION MEETING Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at: School: St. Thomas More Address: 3270 Tomken Road Date: January 14, 2016 Time: 7:00 p.m. At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area. Applications will be accepted at that centre until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 16, 2016. CROSS COUNTRY This year the team consisted of: Miraculous Maya, Novel Natalia, All Star Alicia, Nimble Nicole, Mad Man Matteo, Charismatic Christian, Racing Rosemarie, Extraordinary Ella, Dashing Dylan, Carefree Christine, Exhilarating Evan, Awesome Alyssa, Incredible Isabella, Divine Divina, Lively Lilian, Action Jackson, Dominant Domenico, Radical Reyana, Super Sierra. Congratulations to all students that participated in the 2015-16 Cross Country meet. Your hard work and perseverance are admirable. Congratulations in particular to Ella who placed 2nd in the family meet and later 7th at the board level meet in the girls’ grade 4/5 division. FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their child in Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting for: St. Gertrude Immersion Centre St. Pio of Pietrelcina Immersion Centre Meetings will be at St. Pio of Pietrelcina on November 10th at 7:00 p.m. Cold Weather Reminders The weather can be quite changeable throughout the day. Please be sure that children are prepared every day with hats, coats, mitts, and boots, as the weather dictates. Outdoor activities will be much more enjoyable when children are properly prepared. Also, please ensure that your child brings an extra pair of pants or socks that are left at the school in case they do need to change out of wet clothes. Indoor shoes are also a must! Police Volunteer Checks If you plan on volunteering for any upcoming school trips, we ask that you complete a police volunteer records check. You must obtain a letter from Mrs. Tomczak before going to the Police Station. Once you get the letter, your background check is FREE. Thank you for your continued support in helping out with your child’s class trips!! Thank you to our coaches: Ms. Tollis and Mr. Roda! W hen we serve others, we serve God. EQAO ASSESSMENT Last spring, an assessment of reading, writing and mathematics was conducted in all grade 3 and 6 classes in Ontario by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). This assessment is considered a “snapshot” of the children’s performance based on their respective grade level expectations. Individual student results have been sent home with our grade 4 and 7 students. St. Basil continues to be proud of the achievements of our students and teachers. These are ou r cu rrent scores: Students at or above level 3 or 4 Reading Writing Mathematics 82% 73% 70% 89% 83% 78% 58% 67% 67% 75% 82% 79% 80% 82% 78% 50% 57% 54% Grade 3, 2014 School Board Province Grade 6, 2014 School Board Province W hen we serve others, we serve God. Your Catholic School Council Fundraising Update School Council has been busy working on fundraiser initiatives to benefit ALL students at St. Basil School. Money is currently being raised through the boogiea-thon. This money will be allocated to various school initiatives, such as sacramental preparations, Artists in the school, Scientists in the school. Our Annual “Boo”gie-a-thon is always a huge success! The kids love to dress up and “boo”gie with their classmates and teachers while raising money to go back to the school. Vacation During the School Year The expectation is to have students in school for the full year. Teachers have a great deal of curriculum to cover and need to assess student learning over a period of time. Although family vacations are valuable, they should be scheduled around the school year calendar. Your consideration and attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Progress Reports On Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 students will bring home their Progress Reports. ). The Progress Re p o rt, is designed to show a student’s development of learning skills and work habits during the fall of this school year, as well as a student’s general progress in working towards the achievement of curriculum expectations in all subjects. Interviews will be held on the evening of Thursday, November 19th, 2015. Parents are always invited and welcome to join us at School Council meetings. Our next meeting will be held on the 17th of November. Dates to Remember Again thank you to all for your continued support. November 18 25 All Saints Day All Souls Day Photo Retake Remembrance Day Assembly Grade 8 class to Philip Pocock Silver Creek- Ms. Diamond & Ms. Areias Progress Reports go home School Council Meeting Philip Pocock information Evening for gr. 8 -7:00 p.m. Reporting Evening Youth Faith Ambassadors Commissioning Mass Family Advent Mass 7:00 pm at Sts. Martha and Mary Christmas Vacation begins! MERRY CHRISTMAS! 4 Welcome back to school! 17 Arriv al and Superv ision Please do not drop off your children prior to 8:30 there is no supervision in the yard. On the other hand many students are arriving late to school. The bell rings promptly at 8:45 a.m. and all children are expected to be in class and ready to learn at this time. Being prompt and ready for the day is a very important skill that children must learn. 1 2 4 11 12 13 18 19 24 December January 10 W hen we serve others, we serve God.