October Newsletter St. Josephine Bakhita Catholic Elementary School 430 Van Kirk Drive Brampton, ON L7A 0J2 Ph.: 905-846-0078 Fax: 905-846-9044 Board web site: www.dpcdsb.org School web site: www.dpcdsb.org/bakhi Thanksgiving Prayer Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank you for all the graces and blessings, You have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health the loves we have for one another, our family and friends. Principal S. Boulanger Vice-Principal G. Johnstone Head Secretary M.Misasi Assistant Secretaries M. Jaques C. Ruggiero Superintendent S.Steer 905–890–1221 Trustee D. D’Souza 905–890-1221 Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year. This we ask in Your name, Amen Parish Virtue of the Month- EMPATHY A person of Empathy; Can understand and name their feelings Care about others’ feelings Listen Carefully to others Listen for clues in tone of voice Watch expressions and body gestures for messages Notice when someone is upset Can see and respect how others look at things Know that others may feel differently about things than they do Respond generously to help others St. Leonard’s Parish 187 Conestoga Drive Brampton Ontario, Canada L6Z 3X8 (905) 846 – 5385 Page 1 of 11 Together in Faith The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board includes the teaching of religion, family life, the practice of prayer and worship, and the presence of Gospel values in the curriculum and daily life in the schools. Schools have strong links to parishes and assist parishes with sacramental preparation. Parish staff conduct liturgies and provide other services within the schools. The Catholic school system maintains strong links between the home, school and church, and parental participation in the education of students is highly encouraged. These links provide for a natural reinforcement and development of Christian values in the Catholic tradition. Taken from Our Story. Our Tradition, Our Journey. Sacramental Dates Grade 2 Holy Communion/Reconciliation Enrollment Friday September 25th at 7pm First Reconciliation Wednesday, January 13th @ 10 am First Communion Celebration Saturday April 16 at 7pm Grade 7 and 8 Conformation Enrollment October 17th and 18th at all of the Masses Confirmation Grade 8 Confirmation is on March 31st @ 7pm Grade 7 Confirmation is on April 27th @ 7pm If you have any questions, please see the parish office or your child’s teacher. Allergy Awareness Our school is a “nut free” environment as there are a number of students at St. Josephine Bakhita School that have a severe life threatening allergy to nuts. It is therefore imperative that families refrain from sending to school any foods that contains nut products, eg. Peanut butter, Nutella, snacks with nuts or any product that has “may contain traces of nuts” on the label. Due to the severity of allergies within our school, we ask that parents not send in any baked goods to share with classmates, not even during special occasions such as birthdays or Hallowe’en. Non-food items are encouraged, such as stickers, pencils, etc. We will not be permitting any food items to be brought into a classroom to share. Opening Mass We will be celebrating our opening Mass on October 8th at 1:30 pm in the gymnasium for the Gr. 4-8 students. The Primary students will meet with Father for a liturgy of the word at 2:40 pm. All are welcome to attend. Progress Report The Progress Report Card will be sent home on November 17, 2015. This report shows a student’s development of the learning skills and work habits, and general progress in working towards the achievement of the curriculum. Two Elementary Provincial Report Cards will be issued later in the school year, one between January and February for Term One, and another towards the end of June for Term Two. Page 2 of 11 School Procedures Be Safe! Arrive on Time! The Ministry of Education states that it is the responsibility of each parent to ensure that his/her child “be in attendance at all classes and scheduled activities on time and with the proper materials required for full participation. At St. Josephine Bakhita School, we endeavor to teach children to be on time for their scheduled classes. The school bell rings at 9:15 am. Any student arriving after the bell is considered late. Your child’s lateness affects not only their academic program but also disrupts the class. Regular attendance on the part of the student is vital to the process of learning. Students who are late for class suffer in the evaluation process because their participation and achievement are affected. Please help us to work together and ensure that your child/ren are arriving to class on time each day. Kiss and Ride Thank you to those parents who are using the Kiss and Ride program. We appreciate your cooperation and the care you take as you are dropping off your children. Parents who are dropping Kindergarten children will be allowed to park at the south parking lot only. Please no parking or drop off at the front of the school. This is a bus zone only and it is an emergency vehicle area. A few reminders when using Kiss and Ride please: Drop your child off at the sidewalk Be patient with other cars as they drop off students. Some are younger students and require more time. Drive slowly on school property at all times. Pull up as close to vehicle in front to accommodate other parents. When pulling out to drive by other stopped cars, proceed with caution. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended to walk your child to the school yard. If you wish to walk your child, find a parking spot and that may be off school property. Students must disembark on the sidewalk side, if you have a child seat on the wrong side please consider moving it to accommodate safety in the future. On September 29th, 2015 the staff of St. Josephine Bakhita was out on Kiss ‘n Ride conducting an ‘Information Blitz’ to inform parents of safety procedures and protocols when using the Kiss ‘n Ride. Visitors to the School We would like to thank all of our parents and other visitors to the school for respecting the designated waiting areas outside your child’s exit door. In the event you have an appointment or are volunteering, please be reminded that all visitors to the school are to report to the office, sign in and wear a visitor’s sticker. This helps to ensure the safety and security of all students. Scent Awareness While the Board does not have a formal Scent Awareness Policy we ask for your co-operation. As you can appreciate there are children and adults who are sensitive and may be allergic to scents and fragrances. It would be appreciated if students and parents could reduce their use of these strongly scented perfume and deodorant type products in the school building. Thanks. Page 3 of 11 School Procedures Continued… Safe Dismissal Policy 502.16 (June 1999; Revised January 2014) As part of the safe dismissal process, the school will maintain a log for signing students out before the end of the instructional day. The log will identify the person signing the student out as well as the date, time and the reason. Written documentation, authenticated by the date and parent/guardian signature must be provided if parent/guardian is not present to sign student out. No verbal/over the phone permission to be taken in order to allow students to leave the school grounds. Parents will need to fax a letter to the school in order to grant permission. In an emergency situation, administration will liaise with parents. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Crossing Guards Crossing Guards are employees of the City of Brampton. Please follow these safety guidelines below: Transportation 2015-2016 Transportation is provided to students who meet the guidelines as follows: Kindergarten and Grade one students who live 1.0 km from the school, Grades 24 who live 1.6 km from school, Grade 5-8 students who live 2.0 km from school. Please visit the following website to determine bussing eligibility for your children. www.stopr.ca. There are a number of features on that website, the most important being “Am I Eligible for Transportation?”. Should you find that your child is eligible for transportation, route information will be posted on the site, as well as at the front of the school. Courtesy Seating 1. Crossing Guards are responsible for crossing student and anyone else of any age, while on duty. 2. Please wait until the crossing guard signals you to enter the crosswalk. The guard will ensure that traffic has come to a complete stop. Drivers should wait until the guard has finished crossing the students and both the crossing guard and the students are safely on the sidewalk before proceeding through the intersection. We are be informing students who are eligible for courtesy seats prior to the end of October. Page 4 of 11 Communication Open communication between home and school is very important. Although we will be reporting to you formally during the year, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns. A phone call at the onset of a concern usually resolves itself before it becomes a problem. On our part, if we have any concerns about your child, we will also contact you at the earliest opportunity. Please use your child’s agenda to maintain communication with the teacher. If you wish to meet with a teacher please phone the school for an appointment. Thank you! Students Leaving for Lunch Lunch Policy Please be reminded that the lunch hour is from 12:16 p.m. – 1:16 p.m. Where children stay for lunch, they will eat with their classmates and Students eat lunch daily from 12:16 p.m. until 1:16 p.m. Students in Grades 1 through 4 will eat lunch from 12:16 pm until 12:36 pm. Students in Grades 5 to 8 will eat lunch from 12:56 pm until 1:16 pm. If you are delivering your child’s lunch to school, please do so between 12:00 p.m. and 12:15 p.m. When lunches are delivered late, it reduces the amount of time that students have to eat. Please also write your child’s name on his/her lunch bag and place it on the table by front entrance. Thank you for your support. Community Corner Candy Drive for Dr. Simone The students of St. Josephine Bakhita can continue to display their Catholic values by participating in a Candy Donation Drive with Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children Organization. Our drive will take place from November 1, 2015 to November 15, 2015. We will be asking our staff and students to donate any excess or leftover candy to this drive. For safety reasons, if a student is going home for lunch, a written request signed and dated in your child’s agenda or a separate note from you is required for each occurrence. Unless you have indicated that your child goes home every day. Terry Fox Walk On Wednesday, September 30th, Students at St. Josephine Bakhita participated in the annual Terry Fox Walk. Primary students walked around the school yard, while junior and intermediate students walked through the neighborhood. Thank you to Ms. Waters and Ms. Boudreau for organizing this event. Page 5 of 11 FRENCH HOMEWORK HELP Voilà Learning is excited to be able to offer the Online Homework Help in French free of charge to ALL students registered in the Dufferin Peel District School Board. This is a FREE Online Homework Help in French available Monday to Thursday from 5-8 p.m. http://voilalearning.com/en/schoolboard/ Halloween Activities On Friday, October 30, students are invited to celebrate Halloween by wearing their costumes. No props or face masks are allowed. All costumes should be appropriate to the moral tone of our Catholic school. Individual classes will communicate with parents about any special Halloween activities planned. Please remember many of our students have life threatening allergies to nuts, nut byproducts, and other allergens. No treats will be allowed into the classrooms. If you are considering sending treats to school with your child to share with their class, it is recommended that non-edible items be sent instead (i.e. stickers, etc.). Thank you for keeping our students safe. Trick or Treating Safety We hope that all of your ghost and goblins go trick or treating safely on Hallowe’en night. To keep students safe, we ask that all our younger trick or treaters are with an adult. Students should walk from house to house and then cross the road at an appropriate intersection, and not running or darting across the road. It is also a good idea for trick or treaters to bring a flashlight with them. Lastly, we encourage students to eat their treats at home with adult supervision. St. Leonard Children’s Choir If your children enjoy singing consider having them join the children's choir at St. Leonard church. All school-age children are welcome to join. They sing at 5:00 mass every other Saturday and their practices are at 4:15 on those Saturdays. The October choir dates are: October 10th and 24th (practice at 4:15 and Mass at 5:00). Page 6 of 11 Clubs, Teams and Sports News Intermediate Girls Soccer Team The Intermediate Girls Soccer team competed at the Brampton West Tournament on September 28, 2015, and came away undefeated with 5 shutouts! We would like to thank the coaches Mr. Mintz and Mr. Basciano for their time and effort in preparing the team. Intermediate Boys Soccer Team The Intermediate Boys Soccer Team led by Mr. Pacheco and Mr. Abbas competed at the Brampton West Tournament on September 29, 2015, where they made it all the way to the quarter finals! We would like to thank the coaches for their time and effort in preparing the team for an exciting day. Cross Country Team Our Cross Country team has been training hard for their Cross Country run on October 14th, 2015 at Chincagousy Park. Thank you to Mrs. Bartucci and Mr. Bartucci for their time and effort in coaching these runners. Junior Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams The Junior boys and girls volleyball teams are just getting underway, we wish them luck in their tournaments on October 15th for the boys and October 16th for the girls. Parent Corner Thanksgiving Food Drive The annual Thanksgiving Food Drive is underway. This year we are donating food to the Food Bank. Thank you to Ms. Spadafora for organizing the collection of canned foods for needy families in our community. We will be accepting donations until October 7, 2015. Picture Re-take Picture Retake will take place on October 29th, 2015. If you would like to retake a picture, or if you missed the original picture date, please notify your classroom teacher. Terry Fox Run On Friday, September 30th, students, staff and parents enthusiastically participated in our annual Terry Fox Walk/Run. A final tally of donations is still being calculated as additional pledges trickle in. A huge thank you to everyone!! Special thanks to Ms. Waters and Ms. Boudreau for co-ordinating this initiative. Catholic School Council On September 23rd, 2015 we had our initial Catholic School Council meeting in which the new executive was elected: Co-Chairs Crystal Gonzales & Lori Toon Page 7 of 11 Treasurer Secretary OAPCE Parents at Large Staff Representative Non-Teaching Rep. Anna Rosa Risi David Corbett Samantha Francis Joyce DeSousa, Janet Amiel, Erica Belloumini Tanoon Fraser Ms. Hanna Ms. Bonifero From your Catholic School Council Your 2015-2016 school council is already hard at work. Here are just a few of the initiatives that this dedicated and enthusiastic team of parents has started working on: - Parent Lending Library: We have used the Parents Reaching Out grant to purchase over 50 books that will be available for parents and guardians to borrow starting in October 2015. Check the school website in October for more information. - Movie Night, June 2016: Planning for our much-loved annual school event is already underway. - 2015-2016 Fundraising plans: A sub-committee is reviewing fundraising options to help fund school programs and initiatives such as Girls and Boys Night In, 2015/2016 Student Agendas and Math Manipulatives for the Junior classrooms to name a few. There are still two openings for parents representatives on the school council. If you would like to join us in service of the school community and our students, please talk to Mr. Boulanger or Mrs. Johnstone. Even if you are not able to join the council your input is always welcome. You can contact us at bakhitacouncil2011@gmail.com, speak with one of the council members or come out to a council meeting - the next one is October 28th at 6:30pm in the school library. We look forward to hearing from you! Bakhita Community you did an amazing job last year helping us collect Milk Bags. Our goal was 1600 bags and we surpassed that goal by collecting over 2000 bags. This year we will be continuing to collect Milk Bags and we are expanding the program to include teaching the students how to crochet or weave the bags into mats and then donated to different outreach programs. Our goal this year is to collect 2400 milk bags which would be converted into 6 adult size mats. For those of you “new” to the Milk Bag program, milk bag mats offer people without beds, an invaluable, durable and washable alternative to sleeping on the often cold and damp ground. It takes approximately 400 milk bags to make an adult sized mat. The milk bags used are the ones that hold the three smaller bags of milk. The bags are cut into strips, tied together, and then woven or crocheted into mats. These bags are very strong and have a life span of 25 years. Thank you for all of your support. Bags are to be sent to your students’ classroom. Page 8 of 11 Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. This guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related information between school boards and other community partners. The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and to invite public input into the policy before it is finalized. A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be available for review and comment on the Board’s website at www.dpcdsb.org until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be available for reference and review. Please consider reviewing and providing input on this policy. October 3 October 5 October 8 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 & 18 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31 November 1 November 2 First Communion Enrolment @ 9:30 am World Teacher’s Day Opening Mass @ 1:30pm (Gr. 4-8); 2:40 (JK-3) DECE Appreciation Day Cross Country Run @ Chincagousy Park Jr. Boys Volleyball Tournament Jr. Girls Volleyball Tournament Confirmation Enrollment for Gr. 7&8’s at all Masses St. Edmund Campion Career Path Open House Catholic School council meeting @ 6:30 Photo Re-Takes Halloween (students able to wear costumes) Happy Halloween All Saints Day All Souls Day Page 9 of 11 St. Josephine Bakhita’s Halloween Candy Drive for Dr. Simone Monday October 26, 2015 The students of St. Josephine Bakhita can continue to display their Catholic values by participating in a Candy Donation Drive with Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children Organization. Our drive will take place from November 1, 2015 to November 15, 2015. We will be asking our staff and students to donate any excess or leftover candy to this drive. Canadian Food for Children (CFFC) is an organization of volunteers who gather food and supplies to send to the poor throughout the world. Each year around Halloween, this organization has a candy drive. The candy drive is used to aid malnourished children. These children are so malnourished and often dehydrated that they cannot eat even when offered food. The sugar in candy stimulates their appetites and saliva which is necessary for these starving children to start eating again. It only takes one piece of candy. He also reminds us that most of these children have never tasted candy, and that we can bring a moment of joy to another child’s life through our donations. What a great way to share some of the pounds of excess candy in our homes after Halloween! CFFC was started in 1985 by Toronto natives, Dr. Andrew Simone and his wife, Joan. They have been awarded the Order of Canada for their work. In one year Dr. Andrew Simone and his charity shipped 8,273,000 pounds of goods. New and recycled clothing, non-perishable food, medicine and school supplies were sent to 22 developing countries such as Sierra Leone and the Philippines. Dr. Simone and his wife Joan have an amazing story. They have raised 27 children and sacrificed their own comfort for those less fortunate. In the 1980’s they met Mother Teresa and discovered their true purpose in life and started Canadian Food for Children based on the premise there were busy people who had great items to donate. CFFC is also run totally using volunteers. All of CFFC’s operations are financed by donations. They do not do any fundraising, projects or appeals. Thank you to our Youth Faith Ambassadors for their dedication and service in support of such a worthy cause and for helping to organize this event. Boxes for candy collection will be set up in the front foyer of the school. Please be generous and donate your Halloween Candies to those in need. Sincerely, Mrs. Spadafora Page 10 of 11 INFORMATION LETTER Partnering for Change Dear Parents/Guardians: At Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board, we believe that we are called to create a Catholic learning and working environment that is safe, caring, inclusive, and welcoming. Together with Central West Community Care Access Centre (CW CCAC), the Dufferin‐Peel community is continuing with a model of support for students that began last year. The integrated occupational therapist (OT) model of support was developed and studied by CanChild, a research centre at McMaster University. This model provides educational opportunities for our teachers to learn more about how children develop motor skills and how they can promote motor skill development through classroom activities. In this model, the OT works in the school with select students. She assists teachers, where appropriate, in learning more about motor development in all children and how to help children who may be having difficulty with some motor skills. OTs are health professionals who work with children in many different settings and who have an expertise in fine and gross motor skill development. Fine motor skills are related to tasks such as printing and writing, cutting with scissors, opening juice boxes and doing up zippers. Gross motor skills include activities like jumping, getting onto the school bus, climbing stairs and running. As you may know, the school has a team of staff (resource teachers, support staff) who work with educators to help students achieve their greatest potential. The OT will be part of the school team process and will be in the school on a scheduled basis. She will spend time in our classrooms, gym, and playground. She will observe children and work with school staff to offer instructional methods that may make it easier for children to learn and engage in motor‐based activities. If the OT feels that your child is continuing to have difficulty learning new motor skills, more than is typical for his/her age, she or another member of the school team will contact you. The OT will be spending much of his/her time in kindergarten and primary classrooms supporting the many activities children do at this age to help develop their motor skills. The OT will be working at the school with the broader school team and will be available to teachers to provide support as needed. She/he will work with teachers to share useful information and ideas that support student learning. Educational sessions will be offered for parents as well – watch our school newsletter for details. We hope that you will introduce yourself to the OT when you are in the school to attend a parent function or to visit your child's classroom. If you have concerns about your child’s ability to do motor‐based activities at home, feel free to let the OT know. If you have any questions about this project, please talk with your child’s principal. You may also contact Susan Wynes at CW CCAC, at 905‐796‐0040 ext. 2333. Page 11 of 11