Study Guide

Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
Read pages 4-13 and look at the True/False, Multiple Choice and Checking Concepts questions on pages 14 and 15. Read
through and study all the papers you have received for this chapter, including the labs. You are responsible for all that
Make sure you can answer or do the following:
1. Which branch of Earth Science would the following “jobs” belong to?
Records the tides
Studies the planet Jupiter
Collects and studies rocks
Studies the chemistry of the ocean
Gathers information about the clouds
Studies the effect of pollution of fish
2. Be able to do a density problem in the 3 step method. Remember your
3. Write an observation. Then give an inference based on the observation.
4. To have a good experiment, what number of independent variables
should you have?
5. Go back to your measurement worksheets and make sure you can
measure accurately on the diagrams. Remember your units.
6. Review the Periodic Table. (Atomic Number, Atomic Mass)
7. Know the parts of an atom.
9. Know and be able to describe the three types of
heat transfer.
10. Know the three states of matter.
11. Be able to define and identify the following:
Earth Science
5. Geologist
6. Meteorologist
7. Oceanographer
8. Scientific Inquiry
9. Observation
10. Inference
11. Hypothesis12. Independent Variable
13. Dependent Variable
14. Data
15. Scientific Theory
8. Review Elements, Compounds and Mixtures.
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
The Alvin is a very small submarine used by oceanographers,
scientists who study the world’s oceans. Since 1964 the Alvin has
carried scientists to depths of nearly 4 kilometers, enabling them to
discover and explore ocean-floor features, collect data, and gather
samples of deep-sea rocks and animals.
The floor of the Atlantic Ocean is one of the most remote
locations on Earth. The Atlantic averages more than 3,600 meters
deep. That’s as deep as 116 Empire State Buildings sunk end-to-end.
Because the water is so deep, no sunlight reaches the deep ocean floor.
But with the help of the Alvin’s powerful lights, scientists are able to
make observations of the ocean depths. On one expedition near an
underwater mountain range, scientists in the vessel saw colonies of
animals swarming around a structure called a “black smoker.” The
“smoke” is actually hot water rising from openings in the sea floor.
This hot water contains many minerals. Some of the animals around
the black smoker were using the minerals for food. One of these
animals was a kind of shrimp that appeared to have no eyes.
The oceanographers knew that eyeless animals are common in
deep, dark water. When they collected and studied some of the shrimp,
the oceanographers discovered a pair of organs attached to a shrimp’s
brain. The scientists inferred that these organs functioned as eyes. But
this inference raised a question: Why do shrimp need eyes to survive
in a place without light? By conducting an experiment, the scientists
learned that these unusual eyes could detect extremely dim light.
This conclusion led to a further question: What do the shrimp look at?
Oceanographers observed that the shrimp lived only near black
smokers. The oceanographers used this fact to develop a hypothesis.
Their hypothesis was that black smoker vents are so hot that they glow
and that this glow is what the shrimp’s eyes see. Another observation
confirmed that water rising from vents can reach 340°C. The water
then cools quickly as it mixes with cold sea water.
As a result of this investigation, the scientists concluded that the
shrimp’s eyes guide them toward the dim light to find food. Brighter
light signals the shrimp to keep a distance from the hottest water near
the vent.
Answer the following question based on the paragraph.
1. What key questions did the scientists pose? What inference and
hypothesis did they make? What conclusions did they draw?
2. By paying close attention to details and posing good questions, the
oceanographers began the process that resulted in important scientific
discoveries. Think about a familiar outdoor place that you like to visit.
Describe the place from memory in as much detail as possible.
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
Understanding Main Ideas
Building Vocabulary
If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, change the underlined
word or words to make the statement true.
From the list below, choose the term that best completes each sentence.
controlled experiment
_________________ 3. In experiments and activities, scientists and
science students must remember to think about
_________________ 4. A hypothesis is a well-tested scientific concept
that explains a wide range of observations.
_________________ 5. Scientific methods include posing questions,
developing and testing hypotheses, and drawing
_________________ 6. Observation is a method of learning about the
natural world and the body of knowledge gained
through that process.
_________________ 7. Often scientists test hypotheses by conducting
controlled experiments.
9. An interpretation based on your observation and knowledge is called
a(n) _______________________.
10. A(n) ____________________might study the solar system or stars and
11. A(n)_______________________ is a test of a hypothesis under
conditions set up by the scientist.
12. A possible explanation for observations relating to a scientific question
is called a(n) __________________________.
13. A(n) ______________________ is one of the factors that can change
in an experiment.
14. A(n) ______________________ is a scientist who might study living
_________________ 8. Geology, oceanography, meteorology, and
things in the ocean’s depths
astronomy are branches of environmental science.
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
Multiple Choice
True or False
Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.
If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, change the underlined word
or words to make the statement true.
______ 15. A well-tested concept that explains many observations is a(n)
a. variable.
b. model.
c. controlled experiment.
d. scientific theory.
_________________ 20. A(n) conclusion is a possible explanation for
observations relating to a scientific question.
______ 16. The study of Earth's solid parts is conducted by
a. environmental scientists.
b. oceanographers.
c. geologists.
d. meteorologists.
_________________ 21. Astronomers study the universe beyond Earth.
______ 17. Knowledge about Earth and its place in the universe is called
a. Earth science.
b. observation.
c. scientific theory.
d. astronomy.
_________________ 22. The system of measurement that scientists use is
called the International System of Units.
______ 18. In a scientific investigation, which of the following steps
follows the others?
a. developing a hypothesis.
b. designing an experiment. _________________ 23. Meteorology involves using sight, hearing, smell,
c. drawing a conclusion.
d. making observations.
and sometimes taste to gather information.
______ 19. Sometimes scientists seek to imitate something in the real
world by creating a(n)
a. simulation.
b. data bank.
c. manipulated variable.
d. hypothesis.
_________________ 24. Observation often involves measurements to
obtain data that can be expressed as numbers.
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
Using Science Skills
Short Answer
25. Posing Questions What questions would you ask yourself about the
rock that was found?
28. What are the characteristics of a controlled experiment? What is the
purpose of controlling variables?
27. How are observation and inference different?
Imagine that you are hiking on a glacier. One of your companions has
found an interesting rock stuck in the ice. You look at the rock and then
you look at the rock in the mountains around you. This rock that was found
does not look like the other rocks in the area. You want determine the
source of the rock. You decide to start by observing the rock closely.
29. How would you describe the differences between environmental
science and other branches of Earth science?
26. Inferring How could you use these questions to study rocks in other
areas? How would studying rocks in other areas help you determine the
source of the rock on the glacier?
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
Building Vocabulary
From the list below, choose the term that best completes each sentence.
Convection Density
Conduction Compound
30. A(n) ____________________ is a substance in which two or more
elements are chemically joined.
31. A(n)__________________ is the smallest unit of an element that
retains the properties of that element.
32. A(n) ___________________ is a substance composed of a single kind
of atom.
33. A(n) ____________________ is two or more substances that are
mixed together but not chemically combined.
34. _________________ is a measure of how much mass there is in a
volume of a substance.
Building Vocabulary
From the list below, choose the term that best completes each
Temperature Proton
38.__________________ is a neutral subatomic particle
in an atom.
39. __________________is the average amount of energy of
motion of each molecule of a
40.__________________ is the positively charged subatomic
particle in an atom.
41. _________________is the ability to do work or cause
35. The transfer of energy through empty space is called
42. _________________ is the energy transferred from a hotter
object to a cooler one.
36. The transfer of energy through a liquid or fluid is called
43.__________________ is the negatively charged subatomic
particle in an atom.
37. The transfer of energy through direct contact is called
44.__________________ is the central part of an atom where the
proton and neutron exist.
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
45. Identify the following Elements. Determine the number of
protons, neutrons and electrons in each.
46. Volume = 50mL
Density = 12 g/ cm3
Mass= ?
49. What is the density of water?
50. What will happen to an object that has a density less than water?
51. Convert the mass 620g to kg.
52. Identify the phase in each diagram. Circle the densest, and put a star
next to the least dense.
47. Mass= 250g
Volume = 20mL
Density = ?
48. Mass= 620g
Density = 2g / cm3
Volume = ?
Study Guide
Name:_____________________________________ Period:________ Date:_________________
Study Guide
53. Draw in what will happen when a candle is lit under the bottle. Be
sure to label where the fluid is less dense, where it becomes dense
and label the type of energy transfer does this represent?
55. Use the metric ruler to determine the _________________.
56. Use the ____________ ______________ to determine the liquid
54. Determine the mass displayed on the triple beam ______________.