Clinical Applications

Clinical Applications
The Case of the Overworked Executive
J.M., a forty-six year old Hispanic male, is currently employed as a vice president for a small, regional
computer software company. He often works long hours and has little time for "relaxation" or exercise. As
part of his job he often entertains clients and other executives during meals. As a result of his lack of
exercise and the amount of eating and drinking he does related to work, J.M. finds that he is gaining
weight. Recently he has noticed that he can no longer walk up the flight of stairs to his office without
feeling breathless and having a "pounding" heart. He attributes these physical symptoms to both his lack
of exercise and the fact that he has smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day for the past 20 years. During his
yearly physical last month he was diagnosed with hypertension and prescribed exercise, a diet low in
sodium and fat, and a diuretic. J.M. was also scheduled for a follow-up examination 6 months after his
One weekend, while playing basketball with his 6-year-old son, J.M. began to feel a "burning" in his
chest. Since he had recently finished a meal, he attributed this feeling to indigestion. Gradually the pain
became more severe and J.M. went into the house to lie down and rest. A few minutes after lying down,
he complained to his wife that it felt as if someone was pushing down on his chest and that his left arm
and jaw were starting to "ache". J.M. asked his wife to call 911 for help. While waiting for the
paramedics, J.M. collapsed and lost unconsciousness. When the paramedics arrived, J.M. was still
unconscious and his skin was pale, clammy, and cool. At this time J.M.'s blood pressure was so low that
only the systolic pressure could be measured. The systolic blood pressure was measured by palpation and
at 70 mm Hg. J.M. presented with a pulse of 45 beats per minute which was weak and irregular. The
paramedics followed "normal" procedures and resuscitated J.M. enroute to the hospital emergency room.
At the emergency room, an electrocardiogram (ECG) was ordered. When compared to a normal ECG,
J.M.'s ECG was observed to demonstrate an S-T segment depression that was interpreted by the
emergency room physician to be indicative of a myocardial infarction. Upon questioning, J.M. indicated
that his father had died of a heart attack at the age of 42 years and that his older brother (50 years of age)
has already had two heart attacks and coronary bypass surgery. Blood was drawn from J.M. in an attempt
to verify whether he had suffered a myocardial infarction or not. The results of J.M.'s blood chemistry
were as follows: pH = 7.20, lactate = 3.5 mEq/L, creatine phosphokinase = 75 mU/ml; myocardial
component of creatine phosphokinase = 61%, lactate dehydrogenase = 135 U/ml, and serum glutamate
oxalotransferase = 53 U/ml. Based on the combination of the family history, preadmission symptoms, and
the results of tests run in the emergency room, J.M. was diagnosed as having suffered a myocardial
J.M. was admitted to the coronary care unit for stabilization and treatment. While in the coronary care unit
his condition and diet were closely monitored and he was allowed to gradually become more active. J.M.
was prescribed sublingual nitroglycerine for the angina, one buffered aspirin per day, and placed on a
strict diet that severely restricted his intake of sodium, saturated fats, sugar and caffeine. He was advised
by his physician that an angiogram should be completed to evaluate his arteries for the presence and
possible size of atherosclerotic plaques. The results of the angiogram showed fibrous plaques in the
coronary arteries. The degree of occlusion was low enough such that angioplasty was selected as the
best possible treatment. Upon recovery from a successful angioplasty J.M. was told that unless he
modified both his diet and lifestyle, following discharge, a recurrence of atherosclerosis was highly
likely. Such a recurrence would most probably result in a second myocardial infarction and correction
would require bypass surgery. Also, his life span could be shortened drastically. Upon discharge, J.M. was
urged by his physician to remain on a diet low in salt and fat (especially saturated fat and cholesterol),
avoid caffeine, loose weight, stop smoking and minimize the "stress" in his life. He was also told to
continue the daily aspirin and use the sublingual nitroglycerin as needed.
NAME __________________
Define the bold terms in the text.
What event does the S-T segment of the ECG represent?
What were the risk factors that may have contributed to J.M.’s myocardial infarction?
Explain why the pain that J.M. feels is specifically localized as described.
Why were diuretics prescribed for J.M.’s hypertension?
Why do these enzymes and electrolytes indicate a myocardial infarction and not a
different condition?
What is the function of the sublingual nitroglycerin?
Why is aspirin prescribed as a postoperative treatment for J.M.?
Overall, how will the recommended dietary changes, if followed, prove beneficial for
Specifically, why were blood lactate and pH changed because of the myocardial
If bypass surgery is required, how would this procedure minimize future myocardial
infarctions and what would be the effect if J.M. does not alter his diet, even after bypass
How do arteries and veins differ in their structure and function?
What anatomical structure must the surgeon be especially aware of when completing
bypass surgeries and why?