The Central Science Chemistry is called “The Central Science” because it overlaps so many sciences. Why Should YOU Study Chemistry? Chemistry is _________________________ ______________________________________ Chemistry gives you a better ____________ ________________________________________. “There is a sucker born every minute” -PT Barnum (You don’t want to be that person!) Chemistry is fun. No, really! Pop rocks, fireworks, lava lamps, everything you eat, how things cook, and many toys __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ What is the Chemistry? What are the sub-fields in Chemistry? How does it fit into “science” as a whole? Classification of the sciences One way to classify the sciences is to divide them into three basic types: ____________ sciences ____________ sciences ____________ sciences Classification of the sciences Physical sciences attempt to explain ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Chemistry, physics, geology, and astronomy Life sciences deal with ________________ Biology and medicine Social sciences deal with _______________ _______________________________________ Economics, anthropology, sociology, psychiatry, even education Chemistry Chemistry is the study _____________ ____________________________________ ___________________________________. Anywhere on Earth or in stars Any change __________________________ Six Major Divisions of Chemistry _____________ Chemistry _____________ -based chemistry Fuels, plastics, synthetic fabrics, varnishes and coatings Applies to biochemistry and environmental chemistry ______________________ The Chemistry of Life Animal and plant sciences; genetics, medicine • Six Major Divisions of Chemistry (cont’d) _____________ Chemistry Related to the _________________________ _____________________________________ Heat, work, energy, atomic structure and behavior _____________ Chemistry The chemistry of _______________________ _____________________________________ Mining, metal work (steel, titanium, aluminum, alloys), semiconductors and silicon- based chips • Six Major Divisions of Chemistry (cont’d) _______________ Chemistry The science behind ___________________ ____________________________________ Water testing, drug tests, quality assurance, manufacturing facilities _______________ Chemistry Apply _____________________ to the study of the environment Soil testing, determining the amounts and effects of pesticides, monitor pollution • But can also include subsets: Nuclear (Physical) Polymer (Organic) Materials (Inorganic, but can also be organic) Thermochemistry (Physical) Pharmaceutical (Biochemistry) Medicinal (Biochemistry) Geochemistry (Environmental, Organic, Inorganic combo) Astrochemistry (Physical) Crystallography (Physical, Analytical) Nanotechnology (Organic, Physical, Analytical) Forensics (Analytical, Organic, Inorganic, Biochemistry, Physical) Chemistry the Science • What all of the sciences have in common is that they use scien2fic methods. • What is are scien2fic methods? Are they the same as the scien2fic method we have learned since grade school? • What all, exactly, are we talking about here? How Do We Gain Knowledge? • How do humans learn new things? • Two basic methods: • _______________________ • _______________________ Revelation • Somebody _______________________ (it is revealed to us). • Believe or disbelieve informa2on • based on our ____________________ _____________________ of the source. • Very common. • Examples: • _______________________ • _______________________ Experimentation • We g ather the informa2on ________________________________. • Believe or disbelieve • based on our ____________________________ _______________________________________ • Examples: • ________________ • ________________ Examples • Let’s consider a hypothe2cal situa2on: You are young. You are exploring your house and you have become interested in the burners on the stove. You want to know how they feel. The @irst way to answer the question • Mom or Dad no2ces you near the stove; they give you a warning… • “Careful! Hot!” • _____________: warning from parent. • Informa2on gained: the object is hot. Touching it will hurt. • Possible conclusions: • Mom/Dad is wrong (invalid source); go ahead and touch. • Mom/Dad is right; don’t touch. The second way: Experimentation • No parent is near by, so you reach out and touch the burner yourself. • “$#@!%” • ________________: You touch the hot object yourself. • Informa2on gained: Object is hot. Touching it hurt. • Conclusions: • Data are valid – object is hot. • Don’t touch again! The Basic Idea… • When you find out something by learning it from someone else, that’s _________________. • When you find out something by figuring it out for yourself, that’s experimenta9on, or using ____________________ Burner alternative: • Maybe the burner was not on and it was not hot at that 2me, and you now think it is fine. • However, it is possible that at some point in the future, you get burned when you touch it. • The point is, you can modify your beliefs a[er learning something new, and specifically a[er experimenta2on. • That’s what all the arrows are about. • Scien2sts retest and modify all the 2me • It’s their job • How they do it…. The “Scientific Method” Stop and think about how many steps there are in the scientific method that you have been taught. ____________ your answer here One possible set Ummmmm…. • There is _______________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ • In fact, many scien2sts go back and forth _______________________________ • It’s why there are so many arrows • However, there are pa\erns to the behavior of scien2sts that are what we can collec2vely call “Scien2fic Methods”. “Scienti@ic Methods” Generally agreed upon are: 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ _________________________ 4. _________________________ • All other pieces usually fit in to one of those four categories Revision, revision, revision…. • Jumping between steps happens • However, you can’t have a _________ _______________________________ • You can, however, do things like ______________________________ mid-­‐experiment • Make new ques2ons • Make changes to the experiment to answer new ques2ons the next 2me around A Good Summary: Observation __________ about what you: • See • Smell • Hear • Taste • Feel Without adding _____________________ _____________________ (like “it smells fabulous”; that would be an opinion, not a fact Observations are made Without adding any thoughts on the ma\er, such as: (Feel free to make up your own. Please keep them on topic!) • These things are all opinions. • Yes-­‐ opinions ARE important in science. But not during observa2on. Observation __________ about what you: • See • Smell • Hear • Taste • Feel Hypothesis • A statement that ___________________ _______________________ • Most are phrased as “If….then…” statements, but they do not need to be • If ______________________________, ________________________________. • Alterna2ve, not as an “If… then…” : __________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Control Experiment • Make several batches of bacon, ______________________________ ______________________________ • Relates _______________________ ______________________________ • This is not a coincidence • The experiment must _________________________ ______________________________________________________ Controls and Variables • _________________________ • The pan/ griddle • The heat seing • Type / brand of bacon • _________________________ • only ____ should be controlled for at a 2me • here, _________________ Independent Variables • What you ____________________ ____________________________ • It is the __________ of the change • In this case, it is the _____________ ____________ The Dependent Variable • Is the ___________________________ ____________________ • Responds to the __________________ • Named so because it depends on the dependent variable • It is the ________________ of the independent variable • In this case, the _____________________ _____________________ Side note on experimentation • Not all experiments are performed as control experiments with a independent variable assigned at certain intervals • Experiments can also be _____________ • Ex:__________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ • What would be the dependent variable here? • What are the benefits of this type of study? • The drawbacks? • Do you think that they are o[en used in Chemistry? • If so, which field? If not, why not? After the experiment: Reporting • How scien2sts report data ___________a step of the scien2fic method, although many scien2sts do report their findings in professional journals. Formal reports typically include: • Title • ________________ • Introduc2on • _______________ • Purpose • Hypothesis • Experimental Methods • Materials • Procedure • Results • Data • Observa2ons on the experiment • Results • calcula2ons • Discussion • ________________ • Conclusion See your CRH for more details on each; there is a lot of informa2on there! Data vs. Results • Data • Is usually listed in a _______________ • Does __________ __________________ __________________ • Is not an ________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ • Results: • Include ___________ of raw data • ______________ that show _____________ __________________ __________________ • line graphs • ___________ the data Using Data Tables in Science • Data tables ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ • You can ________________________________ ________________________________ rather than read the descrip2on, which is also usually included in brief Data Table of Bacon vs. Cooking Time Number of pieces of Bacon Cooked in Batch Number of pieces of Bacon Burned Cooking Time (minutes) 20 0 0 20 0 2 20 0 4 20 0 6 20 1 8 20 18 10 20 20 12 20 20 14 20 20 16 20 20 18 20 20 20 Results • Results are wri\en up, o[en with the aid of ___________________________________ • Will include any __________________, and the _____________________ to make them • Tell if results _________________________ • are the mistakes _________________________ _____________________________to the data? • Usually include • __________________________ • __________________________ Results • Percent yield: • Percent error : Graphing in science: How we display data 1. Always ________________________ • Make sure it is about what you are graphing • Always ___________________ variable Vs. ______________________ variable 2. The x-­‐axis is always the _____________ variable; the y-­‐axis the _____________ variable 3. Label the x and y axes, and use __________________ with these labels Graphing in science: How we display data 4. Use a _________________ (__________) • when you are trying to show how two things relate to each other • such as the _______________________________ • unless you are comparing _____________ of things • which is NOT about comparing dependent and independent variables • • Then use a ______________________________________ A good rule of thumb is that units imply a line graph, coun2ng or percentage implies another type of graph Graphing in science: How we display data 5. Use a _______________________for the line graph/ sca\er plot • Do not just connect all the dots 6. Use the _______________________ • If you have a full page, take up the page • Using only a 10cm by 10cm square when you have a full page makes it much harder to read and get your point across ______________________________________________ pieces of burned bacon (number) Dependent Variable (you observe) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Independent Variable (you control) 5 10 15 20 25 Cooking time (minutes) • In this case, you are observing ____________________________ _____________________________________________________. Evaluation: The Arrows How do you know if your results are _____________? Evaluation • Did you ___________________________? • Were your sources of error ___________? Where they acceptable? • Were your data/ results within acceptable ranges? • Accurate? Precise? Or are you making claims you can not jus2fy since they aren’t even close? • Can this _______________? Be modified to learn more? • __________________? After we know something Assuming we are happy with the results, what happens when we are pre\y darn sure we know something, and scien2sts recognize it as truth? When experiments lead to knowledge: Laws and Theories • If it all makes sense, and is supported, science incorporates that new knowledge into scien2fic knowledge as a whole in the form of a law or a theory Laws • Statement of what happens ________ ____________________________ • It is a __________________________ • Usually covers a small set of pa\erns/ behaviors • We can not not do it • __________________ so far • Usually has _____________________ Theory • A hypothesis, or series of hypotheses, that have been _____________________ _________and have not been _________ • Covers a broad number of concepts/ behaviors/ observa2ons • ________________ why/ how things happen • Make ________________ based up on • As ________________as you can get Relating laws and theories • Boyle’s law relates pressure and volume • Pressure and volume of a gas in a sealed container have a direct rela2onship; if one changes, the other changes in response • P1V1=P2V2 • The kine2c molecular theory explains Boyle’s law and can be used to predict gas behavior • Molecules moving exert pressure that pushes on the walls of a flexible container; as that pressure changes, the volume changes accordingly But how do we know if we are right? Evaluation of the Experiment and Resulting Data Accuracy and Precision: A sidebar before we talk about using numbers in evaluation more….. Accuracy Hitting ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ Being ___________ Precision Hitting the _________________ __________________________ __________________________ Also refers to the __________ of the measurement How _____ an answer is: to what _________________________ By use of _______________ (which we’ll get to shortly) Accepted value/ target Accuracy depends upon the definition of accurate _______________________________ Ex: +/- 5%___________________ ________________________________ ____________________________ Random Measurements Measurements do not have _____________-they do not cluster around the same value. Measurements are probably not __________ -the _______________ does not represent the true value. An accurate average _ Are the following accurate? Precise? Neither? Can you be accurate and not precise? Can you be precise but not accurate? Error: 2 types ____________________ error Happens because of the instruments or methods used is __________________ _____________accounted for and adjusted for to get the “real” value ex: the balance measures 0.05g heavy on every measurement Corrected by ________________________ _________________ error __________ a consistent part of the instruments or methods used ____________be accounted and adjusted for as_____________________ Examples __________________________________ __________________________________ Errors vs. Uncertainty in Measurement Errors in measurement are not the same as _______________________ _____________ mess up Measuring _______________ themselves are not 100% flawless Both of these errors can be _______________ Error means it is done wrong, and uncertainty is not incorrect, just the __________________________________ Uncertainty in Measurement __________ measurement involves some uncertainty, because all measurements involve some _________________. Not an error, as long as you __________ _____________________ Defined by the _______________________ you are using You are to go one __________________ ____________________the markings on the instrument Measurements and Estimation You are told to draw a line 35.5cm long using a regular ruler with marks for each _________________ When you measure it out, you know that you are correct with the _______________ ______________________________________ You can be a ___________________________ Up __________________ up (to 35.55cm) or down (to 35.45cm) _______________________________ B/c ______________________________ Rounding Remember when rounding to a place Look to the __________________________(not past that) Round ___________ for 4 and below Round ____________ for 5 through 9 Examples: 223.459L rounded to the ones place is _____________ You look at _____________and ignore the rest, 4 rounds _________ 223.459L rounded to the tenths place is ____________ You look at______________and ignore the rest, 5 rounds ____ Practice Rounding Round the following to the hundreds place § 34, 345 § 52, 299 § 2,303 Round to the hundredths place § 234.4234 § 0.456645 § 63.54001 How to Measure • The last digit is always _______________ • See How to Read a Graduated Cylinder • This is why we use _____ _____________________ _____________________ Measurements and Estimation The measurement has 3 digits to read 55.6mL ______________ ______________ It can be a little off To round to 55.6mL (and not be 55.5mL or 55.7mL) Side note on two types of numbers: Certain and Uncertain Certain (______________) numbers When you make a true __________ of something, it is exact The number of people in PHS The number of ____________________ Can be a ____________________________: Applies only to conversions _________________ _______________________________________ 12In = 1ft 1m= 100cm Side note on two types of numbers: Certain and Uncertain Uncertain numbers:______________ _______________ a count 1300 students in PHS, not the exact count Conversion factors __________________ _______________________________________ 1cm= 0.39370078740157477in We’d usually round to something here as this is too long to use, as would be the answer from using this conversion ______________________ Include the certain digits and a ______________ _____________________________ Math in Chemistry: Some new, mostly review: • Significant Digits • Precision in measurement • Scientific Notation • Representing numbers large and small • System Internacional (SI) • Metric system • Unit Conversions • Dimensional analysis Significant Figures n Tell us _______________________our measurement or calculation is q Where the ___________________________are n Are the digits ____________________ _______________________________ ____________________________ to the 23rd decimal place when doing a calculation q You don’t just ___________________________ _______________________________________ Significant Figures in Measurements n Significant digits include q q n the ________________and ____________________in a measurement. 8.45mL has __________ significant figures q q ________________________ ________________________ n You can’t read more than this on this graduated cylinder n Read one digit past the markings q ____________________________ Working with Numbers: Significant Digits n n In a count of something, ____________are significant because ______________________________________ How can you tell how many digits in a measurement are significant? q q All non-zero numbers are a__________________________ Zeros are what you need to think about Zeros that are Significant Zeros that are Not Significant ________________________ • ______________________ 202 • ________a number: 0.0035 • _______________________ _________________: 200 Significant Figures: Zeros n all zeros are significant in 202.00 _____________________________ q _____________________________ q n no q zeros are significant in 0.0002 ______________________________ n zeros q MAY be significant in 2000 Depends on if it is a count or a measurement n n _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Significant Digits n The following three measurements have very different ____________________ _________________, and therefore a ______________________________: 100g 100.g 100.0g Significant Digits (Significant Figures) n 100g rounded to the hundreds place q q n 100.g rounded to the ones place q q n the real value is between _____________ ____significant digit the real value is between _____________ ____significant digits 100.0g rounded to the tenths place q the real value is between _____________ q ____significant digits The difference is the __________________ Practice Problems Give the number of significant figures in: n 1025 km n 2.00 mg n 0.00570 n 520 The Atlantic- Pacific Rule: A trick to count significant digits Pacific Ocean ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Start with first nonzero number Atlantic Ocean ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Significant Figures in Addition and Subtraction n n n n ___________________________ of the measurements to be added or subtracted Perform the mathematical operation Round off the answer to the _____________ ____________________________________ For example: 2.50 + 2.5 = __________ Significant Figures and Multiplication or Division n n The measurement _____________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Example 1: 2.8m X 0.2m=____ q n Why?___________________________________ ________________________________________ Example 2: 252mi/3.2hr= ______ q Why?___________________________________ ________________________________________ SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Representing numbers large and small USING EXPONENTS (SCIENTIFIC NOTATION) 1,000,000 = 106 0.1 = 10-1 10,000 = 104 0.01 = 10-2 1000 = 103 0.001 = 10-3 100 = 102 0.0001 = 10-4 10 = 101 0.00001 = 10-5 1 = 100 0.000001 = 10-6 SCIENTIFIC (EXPONENTIAL) NOTATION • ______________________________________ ______________________________________ • 245, 000, 000 is __________________ • ____________ is also acceptable • 0.000 000 012 is __________________ • __________ is also acceptable • Unambiguously expresses the _____________ ______________________________________ • • All the digits before the X10 (or the E) in scientific notation are_______________ Remember the 100g, 100.g, and the 100.0g? SCIENTIFIC NOTATION AND SIGNIFICANT DIGITS Number 100g 100.g 100.0g Number of Scientific Sig Figs Notation 1 1E3g 3 1.E3g 4 1.00E3g • Scientific notation allows ___________________ _____________________________________________ ____________________________________ • 1.0E3g would tell us that the balance rounded to the tens place HOW TO CONVERT A NUMBER TO SCIENTIFIC NOTATION 1. Convert the number you’re converting into a number between _____________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________. 2. Write the number that you came up with in step one, followed by “_______”. (You can also use E in place of this) 3. Recall how many decimal places you moved the decimal point in step one. • • If the number that you’re converting is greater than 10, write a positive number as a superscript above the “x 10” from step 2. If the number you’re converting is less than one, write a negative number. PRACTICE PROBLEMS: WRITE THESE NUMBERS IN NORMAL FORMAT ¢ 4.2 x 103 ¢ 2.50 x ¢ 4.35 x ¢ 6.830 ¢ 7.32 102 x 10-2 x 10-4 ¢ 4.890 106 x 103 ¢ 7.34 x 10-5 ¢ 1.32 x 103 PRACTICE PROBLEMS: WRITE THESE NUMBERS IN SCIENTIFIC NOTATION ¢ 45,500 ¢ 45, 500. ¢ 250 ¢ 7,300 ¢ 0.000 234 ¢ 0.0045 ¢ 0.000250 The Metric System You ARE going to use it The English System is not allowed in Science Units and Types of Measurement SI Unit Mass Length Volume Time Temperature Amount Energy Pressure Metric System English System METRIC PREFIXES: WHY WE CARE Giga Mega kilo deci centi milli Micro nano pico 9/6/13 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1,000,000,000 1,000,000 1,000 .1 .01 .001 .000001 .000000001 .000000000001 1.4 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Metric Conversion Articles • Small Group Discussion [A, B, C, D] – What happened in your article? – Why did it happen? – How could this be avoided in the future? • Large Group Discussion – How are all of the articles connected? – Should the U.S. change to the S.I. (or metric) system? – What problems would there be because of the change? Why SI? Because it is: 1. ______________ – the whole world uses it – Except ____________ __________________ 2. ____________ – Easy _____________ __________________ 3. Units make more _____ ___________________ Finish this statement: A gallon is the amount of rain… Unit Conversions Dimensional Analysis Dimensional Analysis and Conversion Factors n Dimensional analysis is a systematic approach for solving problems by multiplying a measurement by one or more conversion factors with units. n Conversion factors are ______________ _______________________________ derived from definitions or equalities n 3 ft = 1 yd n 16 oz = 1 lb. Conversion Factors • Each equality can be written as two conversion factors • The equality below gives the two conversion factors on the right: • The correct one to use depends on_________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ 1 yd = 3 ft ⎛ 1yd ⎞ ⎜ 3ft ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ 3ft ⎞ ⎜ 1yd ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Sample Problems • How many feet are there in 25 yards? • How many yards are there in 12 ft? ⎛ 3 ft ⎞ (25 yd )⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎝ 1yd ⎠ ⎛ 1yd ⎞ (12 ft )⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎝ 3 ft ⎠ Practice Problems • How many ounces are there in 3.5 lb? ⎛ 16oz ⎞ (3.5lb)⎜ ⎟ = ⎝ 1lb ⎠ n How many gallons are there in 12 quarts? ⎛ 1gal ⎞ ⎟⎟ = (12qt )⎜⎜ ⎝ 4qt ⎠ Metric to Metric Conversions • Metric to metric conversion factors are derived from the definitions of metric prefixes. • These are exact numbers with unlimited Sig Figs – Because they are ____________________ 1E-1 meter = 1 decimeter 1E-2 meter = 1 cm 1 meter = 10 decimeters 1 meter = 100 cm Sample Problems • How many decimeters are there in 5.5 meters? ⎛ 1dm ⎞ (5.5m)⎜ −1 ⎟ = ⎝ 1x10 m ⎠ n How many meters are there in 25 centimeters? −2 ⎛ 1x10 m ⎞ ⎟⎟ = (25cm )⎜⎜ ⎝ 1cm ⎠ English to Metric Factors • English to Metric conversion factors are derived from tables of equivalent values, for example: • Remember that you need to keep in mind that these conversion factors are estimated, not exact, like conversions within the same system Practice Problems 454 g = 1 lb 1 L = 1.06 qt 2.54 cm = 1 in • How many grams are there in 125 pounds? ⎛ 454 g ⎞ (125lb)⎜ ⎟ = ⎝ 1lb ⎠ n How many inches are there in 8.7 meters? ⎛ 1cm ⎞⎛ 1in ⎞ (8.7m)⎜ −2 ⎟⎜ ⎟ = ⎝ 1x10 m ⎠⎝ 2.54cm ⎠ Temperature Scales Freezing point of water: Boiling point of water: Temperature Conversion • Fahrenheit degrees are smaller than Celsius – But the Fahrenheit scale is scientifically unimportant • 100 º C is the equivalent of 212 º F • 0 º C is equivalent to 273K – Based on 0K as the _______________________ ºF = 1.8* ºC + 32 º ºC = (ºF - 32 º) / 1.8 K= ºC + 273 Practice Problems • What is 75.0 º F in ºC? • ºC = – But use a ºC thermometer and you’ll never need to convert – Take ALL temperatures in ºC • What is -12 º C in ºF? • Who cares? You’ll NEVER EVER go from ºC to ºF in this class, b/c ºF is irrelevant in science classes • It’s ______, for the record _________________ in case you needed to know • What is 100 ºC in K? • ________________________________ • Kelvin scale IS important to chemistry • Know K to ºC conversions and ºC to K conversions