Dual Energy CT: Physics Principles Disclosures Uri Shreter and Robert Senzig, GE Healthcare Thomas Flohr and Bernhard Schmidt, Siemens Medical Solutions Norbert J. Pelc, Sc.D. Departments of Radiology and Bioengineering Stanford University Motivation • Material specificity • Improved tissue characterization “Two pictures are taken of the same slice, one at 100 kV and the other at 140 kV... areas of high atomic numbers can be enhanced... Tests carried out to date have shown that iodine (Z=53) can be readily differentiated from calcium (Z=20)”. G.N. Hounsfield, BJR 46, 1016-22, 1973. Research support: NIH grant EB006837, GE Healthcare, the Lucas foundation This lecture includes off-label use of CT scanners OUTLINE • Physical principles of multi-energy x-ray measurements • Dual energy CT processing obtaining dual-energy measurements scanning • Strengths and limitations energy E1 E2 water mb (g/cm2) bone unknown amounts of two known materials 100.0 E1 I01 I02 E2 energy E1 10.0 water mass attenuation coefficient (cm2 /g) I01 I02 mass attenuation coefficient (cm2 /g) unknown amounts of two known materials cortical bone E2 water 1.0 mb (g/cm2) bone 0.1 10 20 50 100 200 100.0 E1 water cortical bone 1.0 • • 0.1 10 20 50 100 200 photon energy (keV) photon energy (keV) I1 = I01 e -(µ/ρ)w1mw + (µ/ρ)b1mb I2 = I02 e -(µ/ρ)w2mw + (µ/ρ)b2mb solve for mw and/or mb I1 I2 E2 10.0 dual energy projection methods I1 I2 mb = A{ ln(I01/I1) - (µw1/µw2)(ln(I02/I2)} scale for lost bone signal makes the water contribution at E2 match that at E1 material analysis with absorptiometry • 2 energies DEXA subtract water 2 materials • can we generalize this? N energies for N materials? • limitation: two strong interaction mechanisms Single energy Dual Energy Radiography Bone image “Bone minic tissue” image Compton scattering and photoelectric absorption Each has ~ same energy dependence for all elements Basis material decomposition Basis material decomposition 1000 I0 100 Cu O Ca Cu Ca' 10 Ca .04 M grams of Cu .61 M grams of O I0 M grams of Ca = I I Indistinguishable at any x-ray energy above their K-edge 1 .61*O + .04*Cu O (K-edge methods are not covered here) 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 basis material decomposition • Barring a K-edge: µ(E) = a*Compton(E) + b*Photoelectric(E) 2 fundamental parameters characterize material behavior electron density, effective atomic number basis material decomposition • Barring a K-edge: µ(E) = a*Compton(E) + b*Photoelectric(E) 2 fundamental parameters determine material behavior electron density, effective atomic number • any material can be modeled as a weighted sum of two other materials µ(E) = α* µi(E) + β* µj(E) basis material decomposition common bases: aluminum and plastic • in any projection measurement, we can only isolate two materials OUTLINE • Physical principles of multi-energy x-ray measurements • Dual energy CT processing obtaining dual-energy measurements scanning • Strengths and limitations Dual-energy processing • reconstruct images in the normal manner, and combine HU images easy to implement • combine projection data prior to reconstruction somewhat more difficult requires aligned projections enables “exact” beam hardening correction Dual-energy processing • material selective images basis material images material specific or cancelled images “virtual non-contrast” scans weighted subtractions of the two energies processing amplifies noise • monoenergetic images weighted sums of the two energies can be high SNR, depending on the weighting Pre-reconstruction processing low energy projections calibration high energy projections nonlinear combination “aluminum” projections “plastic” projections Potential for beam hardening streak-free images 80kVp can incorporate accurate beam hardening correction basis material images CT recon “aluminum” “plastic” image image linear combination Monochromatic CT from projection-based recon Image based Water Aluminum 140kVp Projection based Water Aluminum Monochromatic material selective images monoenergetic images Projection based MD reduces beam hardening final image(s) adapted from Lehmann et al: Med Phys 8, 659-67, 1981. Courtesy of Uri Shreter, GE Healthcare Potential impact on Cardiac IQ + Perfusion Polychromatic Monochromatic CT from projection-based recon* 80kVp 140kVp Heart Chamber Phantom, 8.3% L = 0, W = 350 HU Material separation Water Iodine Monochromatic Monochromatic CT – keV tuned Natively eliminates beam hardening CT # shifts Courtesy of Uri Shreter, GE Healthcare Pre-reconstruction processing low energy projections calibration high energy projections nonlinear combination “aluminum” projections linear combination final image(s) Two known materials in a voxel 55 keV 80 keV optimal combination (“mixed” image) iodine CNR=7.9 iodine CNR=3.8 iodine CNR=10 water SNR=67 water SNR=71 iodine image water image SNR=3.4 SNR=37 iodine contrast higher, negatively correlated noise “plastic” projections CT recon “aluminum” “plastic” image image Courtesy of R. Senzig, GE Healthcare “water” contrast material selective images (noisy) monoenergetic images (can be low noise) adapted from Lehmann et al: Med Phys 8, 659-67, 1981. Dual energy CT effective Z > water HUlow Principle of Dual Energy CT – Image Based Evaluation Each material is characterized by its „Dual Energy Index“ x80 and x140 are the Hounsfield numbers at 80 kV and 140 kV, resp. line of identity: “water-like” materials effective Z < water -1000 HUhigh -1000 HUlow/HUhigh (and related metrics) depend on effective Z Material DEI Bone 0.1148 Liver 0.0011 Lung -0.0021 Soft Tissue -0.0052 Skin -0.0064 Proteins -0.0087 Fat -0.0194 Gall fluid -0.0200 Dual energy CT can measure chemical composition! Courtesy of B. Krauss, B. Schmidt, and Th. Flohr, Siemens Medical Solutions atomic number and density as material parameters Three known materials dual energy CT water • tissue specificity? applications being investigated kidney stone characterization fat or iron in the liver plaque characterization • image segmentation bone or plaque removal identifying ligaments or tendons bone HUlow iodine bone and iodine in water Can calculate both iodine and bone. Requires known mixing properties and consistent water density water + iodine water + bone identity HUhigh mb = A{ HUlow - (Μ 1,I/ Μ2,I) HUhigh} Kelcz et al: Med Phys 6, 418-25, 1979. Three known materials dual energy CT Reliable separation requires large (R1 - R2)2 calcium iodine where R = µhigh/µlow, depends on material and energies Works best for one high Z and one lower Z material, and very different x-ray energies Spectral separation • very critical for SNR efficiency, separation robustness, etc. • implementations different kVp and/or filtration layered detector photon counting with energy analysis Kelcz et al: Med Phys 6, 418-25, 1979. Dual kVp, dual filtration 85 kVp 0.1 mm erbium • switched filtration improves separation • different mAs helps apportion dose 135 kVp 1.5 mm bronze Lehmann et al: Med Phys 8, 659-67, 1981. Energy discriminating, photon counting detectors Layered detector • simultaneous dual energy sensing • relatively poor spectral separation broad spectrum x-ray source pulse shaping High enough count rate is difficult to achieve two (or more) energy bins pulse height analysis Carmi R, Naveh G, and Altman A: IEEE NSS M03-367, 1876-78, 2005 Spectral separation • very critical for SNR efficiency, separation robustness, etc. • implementations photon counting with K-edge filter photon counting with energy analysis different kVp and filtration different kVp layered detector better spectral separation and dose efficiency Dual energy implementations • Sequential scans at different kVp motion sensitivity > 50% Trot higher motion sensitivity in helical mode • Two sources at 90º on the same gantry Siemens Definition 80 kVp & 140 kVp Dual Source Challenge: Inconsistent scans Moving Objects Moving Phantom Simulation Coincident Dual energy implementations • Sequential scans at different kVp motion sensitivity > 50% Trot • Two sources at 90º on the same gantry some motion sensitivity (~ 25% Trot) Does not see movement Dual Source system • Switching kVp within a single scan1, 2 technically challenging with rapid gantry rotation Courtesy of R. Senzig, GE Healthcare Rapid kVp switching Dual energy CT 1. Lehmann et al: Med Phys 8, 659-67, 1981. 2. Kalender et al, Med Phys 13, 334, 1986. Dual energy implementations • Sequential scans at different kVp motion sensitivity > 50% Trot • Two sources at 90º on the same gantry some motion sensitivity (~ 25% Trot ?) • Switching kVp within a single scan • Energy discriminating detectors layered detector, photon counting Courtesy of Uri Shreter, GE Healthcare better immunity to motion Strengths and limitations • perfect beam hardening correction (pre-recon) effective monoenergetic images • extrapolation to high energies more accurate RTP and N/M attenuation correction • some material specificity (e.g., effective Z, DEI) may provide disease specificity improved image segmentation Strengths and limitations • virtual non-contrast image perfectly registered and simultaneously acquired Beware of noise propagation. Separate optimized scans probably have lower total dose for same IQ • isolate contrast media from calcified plaque difficult, especially for small amounts of either • molecular imaging? I don’t think so • “tomochemistry” only with K-edge methods and relatively large concentrations Thank You