Level 1 Cell Reproduction Review Sheet

Level 1 Cell Reproduction Review Sheet
Organize your materials in the following order:
1. Chapter 5 outline (2 parts – 5.1 – 5.2 and 5.3 – 5.5)
2. Notes packet containing the following:
 Why cells divide
 Cell increase and decrease, cell cycle
 Chromosome structure
 Mitosis
 Cell division in prokaryotes
 Meiosis
 Genetic recombination
 Meiosis vs. mitosis
 Human life cycle
 Regulation of cell cycle/cancer
3. Homework assignments from iBook
4. Cell cycle diagram
5. Mitosis lab report
6. Meiosis diagram
7. Comparing mitosis and meiosis worksheet (2 sides)
8. Concept map
Test questions will be based on the following main ideas:
 Be able to explain why cells divide in terms of the relationship between surface
area and volume, and why cells need to stay small
 Be able to explain how the processes of cell division and apoptosis and important
in maintaining a balance in terms of the amount of cells in the body.
 Be able to identify situations in which the body would undergo the processes of
apoptosis and cell division.
 Be able to identify the stages of the cell cycle, and what events occur during each
 Be able to explain how DNA is related to chromatin, how chromatin is related to
chromosomes, and what the various parts of a replicated chromosome are.
 Explain the difference between the haploid and diploid number of chromosomes,
using the terms homologous chromosomes, gametes, egg, sperm, and somatic
 Be familiar with how mitosis and meiosis compare in terms of the number of cells
produced, how similar the cells produced are to each other, how similar the
daughter cells are to the parent cells, when DNA replication occurs, number of
cell divisions, & the types of cells each occurs within.
 Be able to label a diagram of mitosis or meiosis in terms of all cell structures
 Be able to identify the difference and similarities between plant and animal cells
undergoing mitosis, and be able to explain why any differences exist between the
Be able to identify how binary fission in bacteria cells (prokaryotes) is different
from mitosis in plant and animal cells.
Be able to explain why there is an endless variety of gametes produced during
meiosis and why siblings can look so different from one another.
Be able to compare the process of meiosis in males and females.
Be able to explain how the cell cycle is regulated.
Be able to compare normal cells to cancerous cells; be able to explain the causes
of cancer.