St. John of the Cross School

March 2016
St. John of the Cross School
3180 Aquitaine Avenue, Mississauga, ON L5N 3S5
Tel. 905-824-3058 Fax 905-824-4413
Help us to live as new people
in pursuit of the Christian ideal.
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,
the will to want to do it,
the courage to undertake it,
and the strength to complete it.
March Newsletter
the perseverance to continue to do it,
(New Saint Joseph People’s Prayer Book)
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents,
We have begun the Lenten season with an Ash Wednesday liturgy for our school
community on February 10, 2016, as coordinated by Ms. Meany and her students.
During the para-liturgy all students, staff and parents received the holy ashes on the
foreheads. Students took part in the Scripture Readings and Lenten songs along with
a beautiful power point.
During the five weeks of Lent, we prepare ourselves with self-renewal, sacrifice and
almsgiving for the celebration of our Lord’s Paschal Mystery and the joy of Easter.Our
Lenten penance gives glory to God and brings us His protection with the saving work
He has begun in us.
On Passion Sunday, we are reminded of Christ entering in Triumph in His own city, to
complete His work as our Messiah. Jesus illustrated the depth of His love for us on
Holy Thursday when He washed the Apostles’ feet. By lowering Himself to do the work
of a servant, Christ demonstrated the true meaning of His commandments, “Love one
another as I have loved you.” Finally on Easter Sunday, we rejoice in processing our
belief in the central mystery of our faith-that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.
As we celebrate the season of Easter as a faith community, we also experience the
resurrection of our environment. With spring, plants and trees reborn and once again
the circle of life continues. These concrete reminders of resurrection, together with our
personal relationship with God, nourishes our belief in our personal resurrection.
Through the Easter season, it is my prayer that the St. John of the Cross Community
comes to a deeper understanding of how the Risen Lord dwells in our places of work,
homes and schools.
On behalf of the entire staff, I take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Happy and
Holy Easter.
D. Scardicchio
St. John of the Cross
D. Scardicchio
J. Gillis
School Council Co-Chairs
School Council News!
Upcoming School Council Meeting Dates:
Monday, March 7th and Monday May 16th. All meetings are
held in the School Library at 6:30 pm
All parents are invited to attend!
A. Cardamone
Pizza Days
Dufferin-Peel CDSB
March 3, 10, 24 & 31, and April 7 & 14.
Sub Days
Director of Education
M. Mazzorato 905-890-1221
Associate Director
John Hrajnik 905-890-1221
Associate Director
S. McWatters 905-890-1221
T. Cruz 905-890-1221
E. O’Toole 905-812-5163
St. John of the Cross Church
6890 Glen Erin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 2E1
905-858-8486 Fax
e-mail: stjohnofx@rogerscom
Pastoral Team
Fr. Joseph Kalluvila, O. Carm.
Fr. Felix Anthony, O. Carm.
Fr. Sebastian Joseph, O. Carm.
Kate Watkiss, Pastoral Associate
Mass Times
Weekends Sat. 5:00 p.m.
Sun. 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., 12:00 & 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m., First Friday only-no morning mass 7:00 p.m.
March 1 & 8.
Library News!
Our K-2 classes continue to have the 2016 Blue
Spruce picture books read to them. We have had
many enlightening discussions (encompassing
connections, synthesizing and visualizing) relating
to each of the books read so far.
March Break is fast approaching and I am asking students to
return all Library materials the week of March 7th. The library
will resume circulating materials on Monday March 21st,
after the March Break. Thank you for your assistance and
cooperation in this matter.
Mrs. Lichacz
Teacher Librarian
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.”
Dr.Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
As part of DPCDSB’s safety protocol, every school is required to hold
three fire drills and one lockdown drill each term in order to familiarize
students with procedures to follow in the case of emergency. Our
students have demonstrated excellent skill during these
Bus Cancellations and School Closures on Inclement Days:
For information on bus cancellations and school closures please check the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board website at or check the STOPR website at and press Delays and Cancellations.
March Break Reminder
NO SCHOOL for students! Enjoy the Winter
Break from March 14th - 18th. Students return to school on Monday,
March 21st.
Stations of the Cross
You are invited to attend the Grade 7 and 8’s
rendition of The Stations of the Cross. This will
take place on Thursday, April 2nd in the school
gymnasium. There will be two performance
times: 10:45 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. We hope to see
you at one of the performances.
Lights Off for Earth Hour - March 19th
Millions of people around the world
switch off their lights for Earth Hour at
8.30pm in their local time.
Make Earth Hour an event to share
with your friends and family!
We will be participating on Monday,
March 21st.
Eco Team News
Every Wednesday is Waste-free Wednesday
Let’s use recyclable containers for lunch and reduce our garbage.
Therefore, reducing our carbon footprint!
Black History Month Presentations
A single act of kindness,
Like a stone in a pond,
Sends rings of ripples outward
That travel far beyond,
And joining other ripples,
Flow outward to the sea,
A single act of kindness
Affects eternity.
During the months of February and March the students in our school
participated in several presentations. On Wednesday February 3rd, we
hosted a Black History Month presentation that was a musical, dynamic
and visual presentation for the students in grades 3 to 8. Our students
were engaged and learned about the life St. Josephine Bakhita. As well,
on this day our FDK- grade 1 students were actively involved in a
drumming workshop where each student was given the opportunity to
learn how to use hand drums. Our culminating Black History presentation will occur on Tuesday March 1st and will be open to the students in
grades 4 to 8. On this day our junior and intermediate students will learn
about Black History from Sean Mauricetter a.ka. Subliminal.
Are You Moving?
At this time, next year’s school population has been projected at 250 students. As planning
has begun with respect to formulating classes and general school organization for the 2016—
2017 school year, please inform the office as soon as possible if you are planning to
move between now and September 2016. Also, if you have already moved and not informed the
office of your new address, please do so immediately as our school records must be accurate at
all times.
IMMUNIZATION - Grade 7 & Grade 8 (Girls)
Peel Health will continue to offer free immunization against Hepatitis B for students in Grade 7 and HPV for girls in
Grade 8. Students are given a series of three injections over a period of six months. If you have any questions, please call the Peel Health Department at (905) 799-7700. The following date for Hepatitis B (dose
#2) and HPV (dose #3) has been assigned to St. John of the Cross School:
Wednesday, April 27th
Health Departments, by law, must keep a current record of your child’s immunizations. It is the responsibility of the
parents to keep their child’s records up-to-date!!
Primary News
In February Scientists in the School visited 2 of our primary classrooms. The grade 3's explored strong and stable structures by building a bridge that could hold a load. The grade 1's
investigated energy and explored the importance of the sun how it impacts our daily life.
We would like to thank our School Council for funding this wonderful program for the students to all enjoy in
On February 23rd the primary grades enjoyed a performance of The Cat In The Hat at the Living Arts Center. As a follow-up activity the students did a media comparison of the book to the live performance.
Playing in the snow can be a lot of fun, however the school has a rule forbidding the throwing of
snowballs and the kicking of snow onto others. Students are constantly reminded of the dangers of
throwing / kicking snow and ice chunks. Students are reminded that this rule is in place to prevent
the injuries of others.
We encourage students to constructively use the snow to build snowmen or sculptures.
Students getting caught throwing snowballs or ice chunks will receive consequences.
Please remind your child(ren) not to throw / kick snow or ice at school.
Thank you for helping us make the playground a safe place.
Volunteers - Complete Your Annual Declaration
Criminal Reference Declaration
Volunteers, please pick up your Annual Criminal Offence Declaration form at the school.
If you have provided us with a valid Criminal Reference check, then every year thereafter you must complete a declaration. If there is a break in service for a volunteer for a
year and over then the process of obtaining a new CRC begins all over again.
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Grade 8 Graduation
Under the direction of Ms. Letterio, and the Graduation Committee, plans are underway for this
year’s Grade 8 Graduation.
On Tuesday, June 21st at 10:15 am, all are invited to attend our Graduation/Year End Mass at St.
John of the Cross Church.
On Tuesday, June 28th, the Class of 2016 will enjoy a lunch at Mondello’s Ristorante in Streetsville noon –
1:30 pm, followed by a Dance from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Arrival time at the restaurant is 11:30 am.
Students will be bussed to and from the event via school bus. On Wednesday June 29th, from 4:30 to
6:30 pm, staff, parents, family and friends are once again invited for our graduation Liturgy, Awards &
Diplomas at St. John of the Cross Church.
We are looking forward to another fabulous Graduation for 2016!
Spring Plant Sales!
Once again, to support our Grade 8 Graduation, we will be offering Nursery quality plants
for sale. Please look for your plant order form after Spring Break! The scheduled delivery
date is Thursday, May 19th!
Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization records of all students at our school from March to June
2016. Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to
the Ontario immunization schedule. During the record review, you will receive a letter from Peel Public Health
if your child's record is incomplete. It will tell you what vaccinations your child needs to meet the requirements
for Ontario. Immunization records are considered incomplete if:
- Peel Public Health has not received your child's vaccination record or
- Your child's record does not show that he/she has had all the required doses of vaccine (e.g. infant and
booster doses) or
- You do not have a valid exemption from immunization for your child
If you receive a letter, please be sure your child has received the required vaccination(s),
then update Peel Public Health immediately by fax (905-565-0426 Att: Immunization
Records), online at or call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700.
Please understand that if Peel Health reports that your child’s record is incomplete after the 3rd
notification letter, your child will not be able to continue attending the school. Please ensure that
your child’s immunization record is complete and be sent to Peel Health not the school.
Catholic Education Week will be the week of May 2nd – 6th, 2016.
As always, Catholic Education Week begins on Sunday to highlight the parish-home-school partnership that
remains the foundation of Catholic education.
We are pleased to announce the theme for 2016 is “Opening the Doors of Mercy”.
There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week.
Monday - Mercy That Welcomes
Tuesday - Mercy That Loves
Wednesday - Mercy That Forgives
Thursday - Mercy That Lives the Gospel
Friday - Mercy That Rejoices
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St. John of the Cross
Earth Rangers - Eco Mission
Battery Blitz!
Even though there are many places that will help us
dispose of our used batteries properly, only 5% of
batteries are recycled in Canada each year. Let’s change
that! In 2010, Canadians threw out 745 million household
When you recycle batteries properly, you are helping to
keep toxic materials out of the environment and prevent
them from hurting animals.
We will be collecting old household
During the month of March