Pastoral Plan Development
The Iona Mission Statement
Iona Catholic Secondary School integrates God, Truth and Life into the entire curriculum and
life of the school. We are a Catholic educational community guided by the life of Jesus
Christ, striving for excellence through commitment to life-long learning, dedication to the
celebration of individual differences and being of service to others. We encourage each
individual to reach their potential so that they may become responsible and contributing
members of the global community.
Life is a Gift, Faith is a Journey, Learning is our Challenge.
Theme for 2014-15: Exploring Paths of Joy.
Grade 9: The theme for the retreat is Getting to know each other and God. The
retreat takes place at St. Christopher’s parish. Students begin the day with Mass and
activities include community building, reflection, meditation and spiritual formation.
Grade 10: The theme for the retreat is Social Justice and making a positive difference
in the world. The retreat is held at Eden Community Food Bank in Mississauga. Students
help prepare meals, sort food and clothing. Activities also incorporate the virtues of
justice, faith, and love.
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Grade 11: The theme for the retreat is Experiencing practiced faith in the real world.
The retreat involves a guided tour of Buddhist temple, Solel Congregation Synagogue
and Hindu temple. Students have the opportunities to learn about the faith, rituals and
traditions of major religions of the world.
Grade 12: The theme for the retreat is God’s presence in our lives. The retreat takes
place at the Queen of Apostles Retreat Centre. Activities include community building,
reflection, meditation, sharing and spiritual formation.
Other Retreats
Planning for Independence Retreat: The theme for the retreat is Discovering God
through music and song. The retreat takes place at St Jude Centre. Activities include
prayers, singing and brief reflections and sharing.
Senior Catholic Leadership Retreat: Students are sponsored to attend a Salesian
leadership retreat that enhances their spiritual leadership.
Student Council Leadership Retreat: The focus of this retreat is spiritual
formation and leadership.
Department Heads’ Leadership Retreat: This staff retreat for Department heads
focuses on faith formation.
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Activities of a Religious Nature and other Pastoral/Outreach Activities
Activities of a Religious Nature
with a substantial component
of ritual and prayer
School wide Mass on Oct 5, 2014 celebrated by Fr Scott from St
Christopher Parish.
Pastoral/Outreach Activities
School wide Mass on Dec. 5, 2015 celebrated by Fr Scott from St
Christopher parish. All students and
staff will attend.
Ash Wednesday:
School wide liturgy on Feb 18, 2015 all students and staff will attend.
Lenten class Masses and
Fr. Bernard from St. Francis of
Assissi parish and Fr. Scott from
St.Christopher parish celebrate
Masses with individual classes in the
school chapel.
Holy Week Service:
School wide Liturgy on Apr 2, 2015 all students and staff will attend.
Year End Mass:
School wide mass on May 29, 2015 celebrated by Fr Scott. All students
and staff will attend.
Eden Community Food Bank involvement
Virtues reflections and quotes every morning
on the PA
Ride to Conquer Cancer and Terry Fox Run
Thanksgiving food drive for Compass Food
Remembrance Day service to honor and
respect those who served our country
Street Patrol: students go to inner city
Toronto to St Michael’s Cathedral to hand out
lunches to the homeless
Advent service projects: each grade level
supports either Compass, Birthright,Vita
Manor or Armagh women’s services
Staff campaign for United Way/Sharelife
Advent - Staff raise money for students in
need at Iona
Staff Liturgy and Social
Lenten 24 hour Think fast
Developing a Virtues themed book mark sized
rosary ruler featuring the virtues
March for Life students travel to Ottawa to
support Pro Life
Black History committee to educate and
celebrate diversity
The Iona school community and St
Christopher’s parish have a three year plan to
raise money to build a school in Haiti
Iona’s STOP Committee to promote diversity
and equality at Iona
Rainbow Club ( Open Arms) promotes
acceptance and diversity
Our Green Team Environmental Club
promotes an environmental friendly school
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Graduation Mass:
June 25, 2015 – celebrated at St.
Christopher parish. All Graduates
and their parents are invited to
Grade 12 Legacy Project support local
charities in our community
Catholic Education Week (May 3rd to May 8th 2015)
Catholic Education Week Activities include:
Daily prayer and reflection on Catholic Education;
Catholic Education Trivia Contest daily on morning announcement;
Student and staff luncheon dialogue with Father Scott;
Promoting our Catholic school to our community by distributing cookies with a message,
to all who visit and to parents who drop off their children in the a.m.
Parish volunteers teach and pray the Rosary with Iona students (Rosary Apostolate);
Iona Virtues-based Art Display and performances during lunch hours;
Mental Health Wellness promotion week.
Catholicity across the curriculum:
Departmental Activities and/or Events
 Linking the The Kite Runner novel and the reading from Leviticus Ch. 16 directly
16 to the theme of atonement (this is discussed throughout the novel
Study )(EC2b)
 In Lord of the Flies, many biblical parallels are made with the
characters (ie. Simon can be considered a Christ-figure) (EC2b)
 All literature studied is analyzed critically with reference to life
lessons, connections to faith, and the gospel values (CC5b)
 Students learn prayers in French (CGE2d)
 In Grades 10, 11, and 12 French, literature is discussed using a
Catholic lens (e.g. Le Petit Prince is examined for numerous religious
parallels) (CGE2e)
 Students begin class with a prayer in their own language (DB1)
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A core theme in Science lessons is that God is omnipresent (CGE1i)
Integration of faith into the Science curriculum to make a better world for
all (CGE1i)
Implementing environmental stewardship is found in all our Biology
courses (CGE7i)
Apply our ethics in order to make an informed and moral decision on Bio
Ethics (CGE7b)
Science and Technology application where students make connections to
all aspects of life ((CGE1e)
Retreat opportunities for students to reflect on faith
journeys in community (CGE1a)
Grade 12 Legacy Project- fundraising ((CGE7e)
Advent project- community outreach (CGE7e)
Praying the Rosary in Community (CGE1f)
Scripture study and Guided Meditation(CGE1c)
Examination of conscience- including deeper
understanding of the sacrament of reconciliation.
Chapel visits – students learn parts of the Mass and
Grade 11- making connections with Catholic
Graduate Expectations(CGE1h)
Global citizenship awareness when studying World
Religions(CGE7h, CGE7g)
Implementation of Virtues in Action- references
made during announcements (CGE2c)
Collaborative approach to group work class presentations (CGE5a)
Individual work is done, students help each other, but no copying.
Discuss the importance of voting (CGE7h)
Moral responsibility discuss plagiarism and its consequences.
Teachers model respect towards students and insist on proper
courtesy towards each other (CGE5e)
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Art , Guidance
Reflections/Scripture readings (CGE1c)
Check – ins with students to determine state of
emotional wellness(CGE6a)
Encouragement to students to adhere to rules and
responsibilities at school and home (CGE 7b)
Focus on Respect and Model the importance and
dignity of each individual within the community
Model: Living Like Jesus (CGE1g)
Reflections required on work experience (CGE5b)
PPL 10 Sexual Education – cornerstone of unit is
recognizing human intimacy and sexuality as God
given gifts (CGE6b)
PPL 10 emphasize role of family in decision making
process and maintaining healthy family relationships
(CGE6a, c)
In any game situation students are asked to act
morally, accept accountability and grant forgiveness
Team Games required in all Healthy Active Living
Curriculum promote teamwork/solidarity and the
common good (CGE5a, d)
Attitudes and values in Health Curriculum promote
social responsibility ie. Substance abuse decision
making (CGE7d)
Body Alive aerobic presentations, Mental Health
pamphlets, grade 9 fitness blasts, hockey practice
plans (CGE4g)
PPL 10 Letter from the Catholic Bishops on Decision
Making with regards to sexuality (CGE6b)
Case studies in PPL20 and PPL 30 Mental Health
regarding decision making (CGE3d)
Ideal Decision Making Model used in PPL 10 for
sexuality and substance abuse choices (CGE4d, 4g)
All team game units require students to work
together to achieve success and support one
another (CGE5c, f)
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Social Science
Curriculum prepares students to choose a workplace
and improves their employability skills (CGE5h)
Seeking and granting forgiveness is a focus (CGE7c)
Activity – Visit from Residents from Half Way House
in Gr. 11 and 12 Law (CGE6e)
Accepting accountability for one’s own action is
highlighted (CGE7b)
Activity – Marc Diab Foundation donation on
Remembrance Day (CGE7e)
School Environment Reflective of our Faith
These religious icons, symbols and visible expressions of our Catholic identity are present in the
school environment:
As you approach the main entrance to our school, to the left you will see a statue of the
Virgin Mary inside a prayer grotto. Students are invited to sit on the benches and pray to our
Mother Mary. As you enter the school, there are two banners proudly displaying our Catholic
faith in action. Iona also has a large prayer table, banner and a mural of St Columba in the
centre of the foyer. Every classroom has a crucifix, a prayer table and spiritual resource
materials. Murals of the virtues are displayed on the walls throughout the cafeteria along
with an eight foot wooden cross on the stage. The school Chapel is just off the main foyer.
Doors are always open and all staff and students are invited to enter. During Advent and Lent
each classroom is provided with a seasonal banner that hangs by the prayer table.
Collaborative School Culture:
These activities are organized by the School Catholic Community Culture and Caring Action
Anti-Bullying activities – prevention, intervention, acceptance and respect
Link Crew Grade 9 Transition activities throughout the year focus on student
leadership, safe schools and anti-bullying
STOP student committee leads activities that focus on inclusivity, anti-bullying and
promoting diversity throughout the school year. This committee also runs anti
bullying week at Iona
Rainbow club promotes an atmosphere of inclusion for all students and provides
support (Open Arms)
Monthly Virtues Reflections and Prayers are led by different departments
Multi-cultural Day and Black History month activities celebrate our difference
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Parish Connections:
These initiatives maintain and enhance positive relationships with the local parish communities:
Fr Scott celebrates all school masses
Fr Bernard celebrates class masses in chapel and the sacrament of reconciliation
Formal invitation for Parish staff to join us for lunch during Catholic Education Week
Chaplaincy Leader works with parish youth ministers at St Francis of Assissi and St
Christopher parishes
 Grade 9 student retreats are held at St. Christopher Parish and begin retreat with the
parish Mass
 During Catholic Education Week grade 12 students attend daily parish mass at St
Francis Assissi parish
 Iona faith banners are loaned to parishes to display and promote our school
Staff Faith Development
These activities develop faith formation among our staff:
Teachers begin the school year with the Liturgy of the word
All PD day begins with a liturgy and activities have the faith component included
Grade 9 homeroom teachers attend retreats with their homeroom
Grade 10-12 Religion teachers attend retreats with their classes
Prayer services are led by chaplaincy leader on PA days and staff meetings
Department heads go on retreat twice yearly to Queen of Apostles Retreat Center
Planning for Independence teachers and ERWs go on retreat once a year with their
Staff assist at school Masses and prayer services
There activities support students in the area of Transitioning from Grade 8 to Grade 9, from
Grade 12 to Post Secondary as well as from one grade to another:
Grade 9 homeroom retreats take place early in September with a focus on acceptance
Grade 12 retreat theme: Where do we find God in our World?
Boys’ Night/Girls’ Night In
Grade 9 Orientation day with Link Crew
 Grade 8 Parent Information Night
 Grade 10 Parent Information Night as students transition to Senior Grades.
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 Grade 11 and 12 Parent Information Night as they prepare to transition to post
secondary education.
Vocations to religious life and pastoral ministries promoted through:
Ordananti luncheon
Seminarian visits Religion classes
 Vocation Director’s Class visits
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Signature Page
Pastor: Fr Scott Young St Christopher’s Parish
Chaplaincy Leader: Scott Gasparini
Chaplaincy Team Members: Liz Stewart, Rita Cipolla, Kathy Saya
Chair of Catholic School Council: Elizabeth Pegas – Ferreira
Vice Principal: Donald Alva
Principal: Olivia Faraone
Superintendent: David Amaral
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