Iona CSS Guidance Information for Grade 12 Students & Parents

Iona CSS Guidance Information for Grade 12 Students & Parents
We are currently in the process of meeting with all grade 12 students as part of our transition
program. We hope that all of our encounters with your child will aid them in becoming self-directed,
responsible, life-long learners. Here are key points reviewed with students during a presentation:
Iona Catholic Postsecondary Application Process Information 2015-16
September to December:
Review Credit Counselling Summary to ensure graduation prerequisites completed by June 2016.
Community Service 40 hour diploma requirement completed – *prior to postsecondary application
Check university/college guides for program’s unique prerequisites. Check course selection to
verify you are enrolled in these courses. ( or )
Research/complete interest surveys ( )
Attend Postsecondary Fair and Open Houses with parents when possible
Sign up/attend Postsecondary Liaison visits to Iona arranged by Guidance.
Register with for award/scholarship information
Check Scholarship binder in Guidance weekly for new information and deadlines
Gather information (extracurricular, awards, references) to use for supplemental application
requirements and scholarships/awards as required
Organize/gather prerequisite requirements for postsecondary choices
Post calendar of deadlines and events for postsecondary programs
Create a postsecondary potential list and continue research
Gather portfolio pieces, audition monologues, etc. if required for application
Research SAT information (U.S. entrance requirement)
If in Canada less than 5 years, schedule an English fluency test if required (
Create a list of questions and schedule appointment with guidance as needed
Apply to PSE by Iona deadline Friday, December 18 (University: OUAC College: OCAS)
Equal consideration deadlines: University – Jan. 13, 2016 and College - Feb. 1, 2016
College applications available in October, University Applications in November once PINs arrive
Save money- Application fees: University $150 for 3 choices plus $50 for each additional choice,
no maximum. College $95 for maximum 5 choices, limit 3 from one college
Study to excel academically, make every task and assignment count.
READ all communication from postsecondary institutions-both electronic and paper *Don’t miss
important deadlines/requirements
January to April:
Schedule and attend additional activities: audition, interview, orientation sessions, tests, etc.
40 hours Community Service paperwork proof submitted by April1st
Continue to do well in course work as offers of admission may be rescinded if final marks fall
below a stated expectation
Review pros and cons of PSE offers as they arrive
May to June:.
May 1st deadline to confirm acceptance of a College offer
June 1st deadline to confirm acceptance of a University offer and earliest financial commitment
June 1st possible deadline to pay deposit for residence guarantee – check due dates by school
June 15 college tuition fee deposit due date
Note: Iona CSS Graduation Mass & Ceremony is scheduled for June 28
2015 Postsecondary Application Process Parent Letter
Revised 9 October 2015
How much will it cost per year?
Every institution provides cost calculators to help you.
College - ranges approximately $5,000+ (living at home) – 14,000+ (living away)
University - ranges approximately $10,000+ (living at home) - $20 000+ (living away)
Prerequisites for PSE (Postsecondary Education) Applications
University “degree” Prerequisites:
(offered by Universities and some Colleges)
College “diploma” Prerequisites: for prerequisite info and
cutoff averages from last year (updated yearly) for prerequisite info
Minimum of 6 - 4U / 4M level courses including
ENG4U and program prerequisites (Note that
program requirements vary by institution)
ENG4C1 or ENG4U1, plus grade 11/12
Plus program specific requirements
(Supplemental application, Auditions, Portfolio,
Interview etc.)
Plus program specific requirements:
(Supplemental application, Auditions, Portfolio,
Interview etc.)
Where to start (* is important):
*Login: student’s individual ID (to reset - ionacss & OEN)
Login: Iona
Program exploration
Go to About us  Trades in Ontario
*Ontario university program prerequisites & mark ranges
*Ontario College online application and program info site
*Ontario Student Assistance Program (Loans/Grants/tuition
reduction) *apply after offer is accepted in spring 2016
*Ontario University online application site
Postsecondary exploration
Postsecondary exploration
Scholarship/Awards information
Password: Dolphins &
University Program information
“Postsecondary Application Process Information” Session for Gr. 12 Parents
October 15, 2015 (Parent Teacher night) 6–6:30 pm OR 7:30–8 pm Iona Cafeteria
2015 Postsecondary Application Process Parent Letter
Revised 9 October 2015