Advisor introductions Ethan Sykes Daniel Gonzalez

Advisor introductions
Ethan Sykes
Daniel Gonzalez
Executive board introductions (Follow link for information)
New logo
SAACURH (South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls)
o Kendra Hutslar talked about her experiences with attending sessions at
SAACURH last year and what participating in the NRHH boardroom was like this
year. Attending conferences is a great networking opportunity and you get the
chance to improve your leadership skills all while having a blast! This year’s
SAACURH was in North Carolina.
Conference Opportunity: Kentucky Association of Residence Halls Conference (KARH)
o 12 delegates can go from WKU
o NRHH will sponsor some of our members to go
o The cost in total is $100 but the final cost for members will be approximately $50
per student
o Application coming soon!
 If interested in attending email
Website (
o The website is hub for NRHH information
o Constitution
 Overhaul the constitution
 Some parts of the constitution can't change
 I.e. GPA requirement
 Constitution required for reaffirmation with national, regional, and state
o Service points
 See the service points system attached. This system is in place to
incentivize our members to attend NRHH meetings. Members of this
committee would be in charge of proposing a modified points system for
our organization.
o Social media
 NRHH has our own website and we are hoping to also establish a
presence on social media platforms. This committee will decide which
platforms to make NRHH accounts on, best practices for those accounts,
and will be in charge of updating all of the social media accounts with
current NRHH information.
o Recognition
 We are having an awesome semester in terms of Of the Month
nomination submissions and we would like to see that grow even more in
the coming semesters. This committee would be in charge of OTM
promotion as well as seeking out other ways to recognize all of the
awesome people at WKU.
o Philanthropy
 While we are a campus organization, we want to try and give back to the
Bowling Green community. This committee will be involved with
proposing and arranging service projects for our members. This group will
also help plan fundraising events for our organization.
Active members get honors cords
o Question: What happens if I don't get the service points?
 No honors cords
 Lose voting rights
 Allowed 1 inactive semester
Veterans service project (At the meeting)
o Over 2,000 veterans attend WKU
o Come visit service dog CanDoo
 Tate Page 408
o Write Veterans Day cards
o General Assembly signed a banner to be put up at veterans services on main
campus and after some time the banner will be moved to the Glasgow campus