Name: ___________________ Fossil Fuels and Energy Quest

Name: ___________________
Fossil Fuels and Energy Quest
For each of the following categories/questions, you should be able to list, explain, or describe everything related
to the topic. Your resources for this test include, but are not limited to the following:
 Energy Webquest/Note Sheet
 Coal Notes Sheet
 Oil and Natural Gas Notes Sheet
 Fossil Fuel Comparison Chart
 Last Mountain Movie Questions Sheet
 ANWR Reading and Questions/Fracking Videos
 What is Energy? What are the 2 types?
 What are the types and examples of Potential energy?
 Understand the process that forms fossil fuels? Where and How do they form? Under what conditions?
 What are the major events in history associated with Fossil Fuels?
 What are the various uses of each of the fossil fuels?
 How do the fossil fuels compare to each other as far as abundance, use, pollution, cost, efficiency,
 What is fracking? Be able to describe the process of fracking (do not worry about specific vocab other than
what is listed below)
 Why are we fracking?
 Where are we fracking?
 What are the major concerns that fracking has caused?
 What is mountain top removal and how does it work?
 What are the 2 main sides of the argument on mountain top removal?
 What is reclamation and how does it relate to mountain top removal?
 What are the major concerns that removal has caused?
o Water Supply
o Air Pollution
o Disrupting Environment
o Coal Impoundments
 What is the region where a lot of mountain top removal is taking place?
 Why is it necessary to use Deep Sea Drilling to extract oil?
 Where was the largest oil spill from deep sea drilling and how long did it take to plug?
 Why was it so difficult to stop the leak?
 How much oil leaked into the ocean?
 How far below the surface of the ocean do we need to go to access the oil?
 Where is ANWR? Why was it originally established?
 What is the environment of ANWR currently like?
 What are the major concerns about animals that drilling has caused?
 What is the reasoning for those who want to drill in ANWR?
 What is the reasoning for those who are opposed to drilling?
 If we are successful and getting oil out of ANWR, for how long could the US last on the supply from
ANWR alone?
Study tips
* Go through all notes and highlight key phrases and terms. This will help with the completion questions
* Make up essay questions about each form of energy. Assign point values to the questions.
* Don’t was time on memorizing numbers unless it is a significant date. Instead use the numbers to make
comparisons. EX coal supplies more electricity than oil