Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students indicating that they
feel accepted within the school environment, as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate
survey results.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/7/2015: : Staff and students are fully engaged in the anti-bullying campaign "TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER". As
a result, there is a greater sense of mutual respect and feeling of acceptance. This campaign continues with a
variety of activities including multi-media, posters, t-shirts, small and large group activities, and dramatic arts
performances to promote TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER. The Virtues program continues to be implemented
across the curriculum. Prayers, reflections, and classroom activities focused on the virtue of the month throughout
the year.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of teachers who are confident
to apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities in collaboration with
others, as demonstrated by CBLP professional learning feedback.
Outcome Progress Comments
4/30/2015: Teachers continue to be engaged in our collaborative inquiry evident by their collective request for
additional sessions to share their learning. The focus of Literacy Monday's was to create collaborative/group work
whereby teachers focused on a three-task strategy, exemplars and the creation of one written product from each
student. This task for students was to be chunked over a ten week period. Students were to track their literacy
practice through a self-evaluation check. The students would check off the practice criteria and then rate their level
of concern for each literacy task.
SELF-evaluations created by each individual student enabled students to become reflective learners. This practice
encouraged collaboration and discussion between the student and teachers.
Students were to track their literacy practice through a self-evaluation check. The students would check off the
practice criteria and then rate their level of concern for each literacy task.
SELF -E created by each individual student will enable students to become reflective learners. This practice would
encourage collaboration and discussion between the student and teachers.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students, per
applicable cohort, successfully completing their respective secondary program
Outcome Progress Comments
5/22/2015: Students continue to engage and use MyBlueprint to reflect on course selection and create multiple
education plans to meet their individual needs. The school team continues to engage grade nine students in
transitions through the House System. Support Staff and Guidance as well as Prefects in the Student Leadership
programs continue to act as mentors. CPS school teams were developed to create a sustainable strategic plan to
use MyBlueprint as a tool for educational planning along with implementing other equally significant components
of pathways, as part of our plan to be inclusive of all learners.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students achieving a level 3
or 4 on the Grade 9 math EQAO assessments.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/22/2015: Students have had access to teacher-guided lessons with annotations and solutions to better support
students at home and to increase parent engagement. Mock tests are incorporated prior to the Grade 9 EQAO:
Asssessment of Mathematics to support students with challenges in time management. EQAO website exemplars
have been implemented to model and differentiate between Levels 1,2,3 and 4. Diagnostic assessments have been
incorporated in Grade 9 Academic/Applied classes to get to know our learners from a learning style/preference
perspective. They are also used to guide our teachers' instructional and assessment strategies, as well as to
support teachers with the tools that will be utilized.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of FTE students who
successfully complete the OSSLT.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/2/2015: Review, document and communication of process and procedure are in place to continue to meet needs
of all students resulting in collaborative, transparent decisions and to support all students. Flash marking to
determine focused differentiated support for all students has also been a strategy. Student engagement data to
guide review of practice in our August camp, intensive support, workshops, "I Love Literacy Week" and mock days
have been successful. Student voice surveys have been conducted by Prefects to inform next steps to support
Literacy Mondays.
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SkoVision™ Report